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Science Journal 1 Billy Saulle Professor McKenzie Todays class was not only fun, but it was very

informative and excitin for me! "s a learner, # love to do $ands on activities! # feel # learn better, and # can absorb t$e information better by actually %artici%atin in t$e activity! &$en Professor McKenzie brou $t t$e carton of e s to t$e table, # instantly t$ou $t we were oin to do an activity about wei $t! # was %artly ri $t! &e $ad to observe eac$ of t$e e s in t$e carton and determine w$ic$ e s were $ard boiled and w$ic$ e s were raw! T$e e t$at # $ad in my $and was $eavier, and # tried s$a'in it around a few times to see if # could et an idea! # t$ou $t # did at first! My first instinct referred to t$e wei $t of t$e e ! # t$ou $t because it was $eavier it $ad to be boiled! # didnt factor any ot$er c$aracteristic into my decision! (nce our %rofessor be an ivin us ideas to ma'e sure we were sure wit$ our decisions, my mind be an to wonder! # didnt factor in $ow it s%ins, or even by $oldin a bri $t li $t be$ind t$e e ! # tried eac$ of t$ese tric's, and # soon realized t$at # wasnt so sure if my e was actually boiled or raw! #t made muc$ more sense to me after tryin different ways to determine t$e e , and # was very curious to finis$ t$e ex%eriment to 'now exactly w$at ty%e of e # $ad c$osen! # ended u% bein wron wit$ my decision! "fter $avin a better idea about t$e e , and watc$in a few classmates brea' o%en two or t$ree of t$e $ard)boiled e s, we moved on to anot$er ex%eriment w$ic$ # loved! &e tried different ways to et t$e $ard)boiled e to o into t$e *ar t$at our %rofessor brou $t in! # didnt 'now $ow we would be able to et t$e e in at first! #t too' me a w$ile to understand t$at in order to et t$e e to o in t$e *ar, you must $ave somet$in warm in t$e *ar already! T$is releases t$e carbon dioxide and water va%or from t$e flames, and it suc's t$e e ri $t in because t$eres no oxy en from t$e outside of t$e *ar! T$e way # saw it done from t$e ex%eriment clic'ed in my $ead, and # understood! #t would be easy for me to ex%lain to a rou% of c$ildren $ow to do t$is! # would be in by ex%lainin t$at t$e e wont %$ysically be able to fit into t$e $ole of t$e *ar! +T$e e is *ust too wide,! #nstead you must use a source of $eat to suc' t$e e in! #t all made sense at t$e end w$en we wor'ed to et t$e e bac' out of t$e *ar! &e needed a matc$ to et t$e e in, so you must use $ot water to et t$e e to et bac' out! T$e *ar was still warm, so it too' a little w$ile to et bac' out! #t was %retty cool to see t$e e slowly o bac' in t$e second time w$en we %ut cold water on t$e outside of t$e *ar! T$is is t$e o%%osite a%%roac$! T$e one %art of t$e ex%eriment t$at # actually learned from was t$e end w$en one of our classmates breat$ed on t$e e to et t$e e bac' out! # t$ou $t it was oin to ta'e a lot lon er t$an *ust one breat$ to release t$e e ! # learned t$at because w$en you breat$e on t$e e , its warm air t$at will suc' it out bac' out! # learned somet$in new today, and # am loo'in forward to seein w$at else we will be doin in t$e u%comin wee's!

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