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Signal Analyzers


Wave Analyzers Distortion Analyzers Spectrum Analyzers Audio Analyzers Modulation Analyzers

Wave Analyzers

Periodic Waveform = DC + Sinusoidal Harmonics Analysis of Waveform Graphical and Mathematical methods Band pass filter Narrow band freq and high degree of attenuation


An Instrument, designed to measure relative amplitude of signal frequency components in a complex waveform Two Types
Freq. Selective Wave Analyzer Heterodyne Wave Analyzer

Frequency Selective Analyzer

Frequency Selective Analyzer

Heterodyne Wave Analyzer


Electrical Measurement Sound Measurement Vibration Measurement

Harmonic Distortion Analyzers

Non linear behavior of circuit elements introduces harmonics in the o/p waveform Types of distortion
Frequency distortion Phase distortion Amplitude distortion Intermodulation distortion Crossover distortion

Crossover Distortion

Total Harmonic Distortion

Spectrum Analyzers
Study of energy distribution across freq. spectrum of electrical signal Gives
Band width Effects of modulation Spurious signal generation

Above quantities and Phenomenon is used in design and testing of RF and pulse circuitry

Spectrum Analyzers

Divided into two categories

Audio Freq. Analysis (20Hz to 20KHz) Radio Freq. Analysis (10MHz to 40 GHz)

Basic Spectrum Analyzer

Spectral Displays

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