History of The PDAM Tirtanadi

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History of the PDAM Tirtanadi The Tirtanadi Water Supply was built by the Dutch Colonial on 8 September 1905

, named Waterleiding Maatschappij NV Ajer Beresih. The development was carried out by Cornelius Hendrik Van Den Honert as the Director of Deli Maatschappij , Pieter Kolff as the Director Steenkolen Deli Maatschappij and Charles Marie Hernkenrath as the Director Spoorweg Deli Maatschappij. The Headquarters of the Water Company was in Amsterdam, Netherlands . The main intake is from the water source the springs in Sibolangit Rumah Sumbul with capacity of 3000 m3/day. And from the water reservoir, water is transmitted to a tower that has capacity of 1200 m3 which is located on Jl . Kapitan ( now the head office of Tirtanadi Water Supply North Sumatra Province ). This reservoir has a height of 42 m above the ground. The reservoir is made of steel with a diameter of 14 m . After the independence of Indonesia, the company was handed over to the Provincial Government of North Sumatra by the Indonesian Government . Based on the North Sumatera Province Regulation No. 11 in 1979, the status of the company was changed to North Sumatra Province Tirtanadi Water Supply. Since 1991 Tirtanadi Water Supply are also designated as waste water treatment system operator in the City of Medan . To increase the drinking water coverage of drinking water for the people of North Sumatra, North Sumatera Province Tirtanadi Water Supply carry out joint operations with the 9 (nine ) Water Supply Operators in several Regencies in North Sumatra , namely the Regency of Simalungun, the Regency of Deli Serdang , the Regency of Toba Samosir, the Regency of South Tapanuli, the Regency of Central Tapanuli , the Regency of Mandailing Natal, the Regency of Nias , the Regency of South Nias and the Regency of Samosir. In February 2009 , PDAM Tirtanadi Nias Branch returned to the Nias District Government, on the basis that the Nias Regency and PDAM Tirta Umbu have had the ability to management of Water Supply of Gunung Sitoli. On September 10, 2009, the North Sumatra Provincial Regulation No. 10 was signed and the Regional Water Supply Company Tirtanadi has a principal purpose to manage and deliver quality water, and improve environmental quality by providing collection services and waste water distribution piping system through in order to achieve the welfare of the whole community.

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