To Know The Definition, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Medical Management, Nursing Management of Otitis Externa

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To know the definition, causes, signs and symptoms, medical management, nursing management of otitis externa

Its refers to an inflammation of external auditory canal is an infection, or irritation of the ear canal, the tube leading from the outer ear to the eardrum.

Water in the ear canal Trauma to skin air Entrance of organisms into tissue Systemic conditions such as vitamins deficiency Bacterial / Fungal infections > staphylococcus aureus > pseudomonas species > aspergillus ( fungus)

Pain Discharge from external auditory canal Aura tenderness Pruritus Hearing loss or feeling of fullness Erythematous and edematous Otalgia Fever History of exposure to or activities in water

Avoid swimming in unclean water. Thoroughly drain and dry the ear and ear canal after swimming or showering. When showering, gently place a cotton ball lightly coated with petroleum jelly into the outer ear to prevent water collection. Do not insert anything into the ear canal, including your finger or cotton swabs. Do not remove ear wax. If you are having problems hearing, see a doctor first. Avoid using ear plugs since they can irritate the lining of the ear canal and can trap water inside the ear. Consider using a tight-fitting swimming cap. Use a white vinegar/rubbing alcohol eardrop solution following swimming.

PHARMACOLOGY Analgesic medication for first 48 to 92 hrs. Antibiotics and corticosteroids agents to soothed inflamed tissue SURGERY Surgical debridement of the ear canal Incision and drainage of an abscess

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