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MORNING REPORT October, 21 2013

Dr. Rahmilna

1. Jawanis , female, 73 yo, HCU

CC: fever since 1 day ago Present Illness History:
Fever since 1 day ago, high fever, no chill, no sweat Pale since 1 month ago Fatique since 1 month ago Cough since 4 days ago, dry cough, blood (-)

Patient has been known anemia aplasia and got

methylprednisolon 12-12-12 mg Red spot on skin since 1 month ago Bleeding history (-)

Nausea and vomite (-) Mixturation normal Black stool (-), defecation normal

Physical Examination
GA:moderate Consc:cmc BP:110/60 Pulse:

130x/m RR 28x/m T: 39,5C Skin: ptechie (+) Eyes: anemic (+), icteric (-) Lung: bronchivesiculer, Rh+/+ wet smooth high pitch on both basal lung, Wh-/Cor: normal Abd: normal Ext: Rf +/+, Rp -/-, oedem (-/-)


Hb: 4,8 g/dl Leu: 900/mm3 Ht: 14% Tromb: 2.000/mm3 Na/K/Cl: 129/3,2/98 mmol/L Ur/Cr: 35/0,7 mg/dl

Septic ec bronchopneumonia (CAP) Pansitopenia ec anemia aplasia

Therapy: rest/ soft diet/ O2 5L/mnt IVFD NaCl 0,9% 6 hour/kolf Ceftazidine 2x1 gr IV Levofloxacin 1x500 mg IV Methylprednisolon 2x62,5 mg IV Paracetamol 3x500 mg PRC and trombocyte transfussion

Planning: culture sputum Culture blood

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