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BIO-DATA Name Address %onta&t No ,mail Career Objective: To /uild a &hallen.in. &arrier in presti.ious or.

ani0ation those utili0es m1 te&hni&al as 2ell as personal skills and .ive me pro3essional .ro2th. 4 look 3or2ard to asso&iate m1sel3 2ith an or.ani0ation 2here there is an opportunit1 to share, &ontri/ute and up.rade m1 kno2led.e 3or the development o3 sel3 and or.ani0ation served. Education Qualification Name o3 ,5am ;atri&ulation 4ntermediate 4.T.4. Board 6 7niversit1 8ear o3 Passin. Patna Board "(( Patna 7niversit1 !''' >u&kno2 !'''-!''! Su/9e&ts Arts < S&ien&e Arts ?itter Division =rd !nd @r-A : o3 ;arks #!: *): ": : : : : Santosh Kumar Thakur vill- Post+P.S. - Bishrampur, Dist Palamau, Pin !!"!#, $harkhand '(( "'')'!', ())'* !( + thakur.santosh !-.mail.&om

Total Experience: * 8,AAS ,5perien&e as a maintenan&e in %aptive Po2er Plant. Pre ent E!plo"er: Presentl1 2orkin. as a ?itter in ;SP ST,,> < PBC,A >TD, $am.aon Aai.arh in %aptive Po2er Plant ;e&hani&al ;aintenan&e Dept 3rom '"-'"!''+ to till date havin. #$%&D"!5=;C <"5" ;CE &aptive po2er plant. Co!pan" Profile: ;SP @roup is one o3 the leadin. steel produ&ers in the state o3 &hhattis.arh under se&ondar1 se&tor 2ith its parti&ipation in manu3a&turin. a&tivities spon.e 4ron, S;S and ?erro Allo1s.?late Produ&t, %onstru&tion Bar 2ith the most moderate < latest te&hnolo.1 2ith permutation set up < means 2ith the Annual Turnover o3 As )*' %rores. Detail of Experience 'ite: ;.S.P. Steel < Po2er >td., $am.aon, Aai.arh D%.@.E =5"! ;C, "5" ;C. 3rom '"6'"6!''+ to till date, Tur/ine is o3 Triveni =F"! ;C Tur/ine is o3 siemens "5" ;C A?B% /oiler is o3 %GP> havin. steamin. &apa&it1 o3 "F*" tph and "5=+ tph CHAB o3 TSP> o3 steamin. &apa&it1 o3 =F =(.! tph . A?B% /oiler is o3 vesons havin. steamin. &apa&it1 o3 *' tph. (ob Profile: &ommissionin. as A?B% /oiler is o3 vesons havin. steamin. &apa&it1 o3 *' tph. CHAB o3 TSP> o3 steamin. &apa&it1 o3 "F =(.! tph .;aintenan&e as all t1pes o3 rotar1 eIuipments et&. %oal Handlin. S1stem and Ash Handlin. S1stem Experience )if An"* ". Hindal&o 4ndustries >td. Aenu Sa.ar D7.P.E Po2er Division 3rom ;ar. !''# to ;ar. !''*.

!. ;S.P. Steel < Po2er >td. ?rom $an. !''+ to till date. Per onal Detail : ?atherJs Name : Date o3 Birth : Native Pla&e : Nationalit1 : Se5 : ;arital Status : >an.ua.e Kno2led.e: DEC+A,ATIO4 do here/1 de&laration that the a/ove statements are true. Date... Pla&e... Appli&ant (Santosh Kumar Thakur) Shri ;utur Thakur !"-'!-"( ! Bishrampur, Palamau, $harkhand, 4ndian ;ale 7nmarried Hindi and ,n.lish

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