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A Great many liquid preparations employ water as the vehicle.

In the majority of these, the water serves as a solvent for the desired flavoring or medicinal ingredients. In a few, it simply functions as a vehicle for the suspension of insoluble materials and provides a form convenient for administration or application. Its tastelessness, freedom from irritating qualities, and lack of pharmacological activity make it ideal for such purposes. A few clases of aqueous preparations requiring special treatment are not considered in this chapter. For these, reference should be made to the chapters on Parenteral Preparations and Liquids Prepared by Maceration or Percolation. See also Sprays (Page 372).\

Aqueous Solutions The category aqueous solutions includes Waters, Aqueous Acids, Solutions, Douches, Enemas, Gargles, Washes, and Juices. These groups of preparations are arranged and discussed in descending order of frequency of use. Ophthalmic Solutions are considered in a separate section at the end of this chapter, because of their unique characteristics and requirements. WATERS The official waters include Water [H2O], its several purified forms, and the Aromatic (Medicated) Waters. A detailed discussion of water appears in chapter 42. The monograph for the individual aromatic waters appear in the section of the text dealing with Diluting Agents, Page 1321. Aromatic waters, known also as medicated waters, may be defined clear, saturated aqueous solutions of volatile oils or other aromatic or volatile substances. Their odor and taste are similar to those of the drugs or volatile substances from which they are prepared, and the preparations should be free from empyreumatic (smoke - like) and other foreign odors. These preparations are used principally as flavored vehicles or perfuming agents. The volatile substances from which aromatic waters are to be made should be of the best quality and in perfect condition if the finest flavors are to be obtained. The waters of the U. S. P. and N. F. include the U. S. P. in four degrees of purity. Whenever the term water is used in assays, teste, etc., in the U. S. P. or N. F., purified water is to be used. Incompatibilites The principal difficulty experienced in the compounding of prescriptions containingaromatic waters is due to a salting out action of certain ingredients, such as very soluble salt, on the volatile principle of the aromatic water. A replacement of part, of the aromatic water with purified water is permissible when no other function is being served than that of a vehicle. Otherwise a dilution of the product with a suitable increase in dosage is indicated. Cooper and Brecht have suggested utilization of this physical method based on the determination of the amount of a standard sodium citrate solution required to produce cloudiness in the aromatic water.

Type Process for Aromatic Waters In most instances the official monographs for the aromatic waters satate simply that they are to be prepared by one of three official processes, which are: 1. Distillation The process of making aromatic water by distillation is the most satisfactory method for making this class of preparations. The U. S. P. XVI directions are as follow:
Place the odoriferous portion of the plant or drug from which the aromatic water is to be prepared in a suitable still with sufficient purified water, and distil most of the water, carefully avoiding the development of empyreumatic odors through the charring or scorching of the substances. Separate the excess of oil from the distillate, and preserve or use the clear water portion, filtering if necessary.

There is much lack of uniformity in the directions for preparing even the same water by distillation when different authorities are consulted. For fresh drugs the proportions range from one part of drug to one part of distillate. For dried drugs such as cinnamon, anise, dill, caraway, and fennel, the proportion is three parts of drug to ten parts of distillate. Metallic distillation apparatus is usually employed, sometimes using a current of steam passed through the still from the outside. The drug should be contused or coarsely ground. Most distilled aromatic waters acquire an unpleasant empyreumatic odor as soon as they are distilled. This passes off gradually upon exposure to air, if care has been taken not tu expose the drug to the actionof direct heat during distillation. If precautions are not taken to protect the drug from partial burning, the odor of the carbonized substance will be noticeable in the distilled aromatic water, rendering the product worthless. To avoid this difficulty, place the drug in a partially filled, round bottomed, copper wire eage, place this in the still and thus avoid the contact of the substance with the heated sureface. The meshes of the eage are coarse enough to permit the free passage of vapors and boiling water. In those waters, such as orange flower and rose, in which the flavor and odor are in small amount and delicate, the distillate is returned several times to the still with fresh portions of flowers, thus giving rise to the commercial terms double distilled, triple distilled, or quadruple distilled, according to the number of redistillations. This process is called cohobation. Among the official waters three are to be made only by distillation. They are Stronger Rose Water of the Pharmacopeia and Orange Flower Water and Hamamelis Water of the National Formulary. 2. Simple Solution in Cold Water The following general formula is officially recognized:
Shake 2Gm or 2ml. (if a liquid) of the vilatile substance (suitably comminuted if a solid) with 1000ml. Of purified water in a capacious bottle, and repeat the shaking several times during a period of about 15 minutes. Set the mixture aside for 12 hours or longer, filter through wetted filter paper, and add purified water through the filter to make the product measure 1000ml.

In this method an excess of a volatile substance is added, and after repeated agitation and standing for about 12 hour, the product is filtered through a paper filter which has been thoroughly wetted with purified water. The making a medicated waters by agitation with an excess of volatile oil, permitting the excess to remain and drawing off the water as required,

is not recommended on account of the liability of the oil to deteriorate through exposure to light and air. 3. Solution with the Aid of a Distributing Agent the following methode for preparing Aromatic Waters by solution is alternative with the method just prescribed (Alternate Solution Method, U. S. P. XVI):
Thoroughly incorporate the volatile oil (or the suitably comminuted volatile solid) with 15Gm. Of tale or with a sufficient quantity of purified siliceous earth or pulped filter paper. Add 1000ml of purified water, and thoroughly agitate the mixture several times during 10 minutes. Then filter the mixture, returning the first portions, if necessary, to be obtain a clear filtrate, and add purified water through the filter to make the product measure 1000ml.

This is the process most frequently employed since the water can be prepared promptly, only 10 minutes of agitation being required. The use of tale, purified siliceous earth, or pulped filter paper greatly increases the surface of the volatile substance, insuring more rapid saturation of the water. The dispersing substance also furnishes an efficient filter bed, a clear solution resulting. They are also unreactive. Magnesium carbonate was formerly used for this purpose, but its slight solubility and basic nature produced an alkaline water which precipitated alkaloids, etc. Calcium phospate, kaolin, pumice, charcoal, precipitated chalk, and similar substances have also been suggested, but these likewise are objectionable. The Ca++ ions, present in water which has dissolved a minute quantity of the very slightly soluble phosphate (or other slightly soluble Ca salts), from insoluble salts with many anions. Charcoal and other adsorbent substances tend to remove odoriferous principles. Certain Concentrated Waters, prepared with the aid of alcohol, are described in the British Pharmacopeia and the British Pharmaceutical Codex. These preparations are intended to be diluted with 39 times their own volume of distilled water to produce the corresponding Aromatic Water. It has been suggested by MonteBovi that certain aromatic water might be prepared more conveniently through the use of a solubilizing agent such as polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate (Tween 20, Atlas Powder Co.). However, Tween 20, when used in concentration higher than 2%, imparts an objectionable oily taste. Preservation of Aromatic Waters Aromatic waters should not be made in large quantitiesthan can be used within a reasonable time, as they deteriorate when kept too long, usually through the development of microorganisms, all traces of their agreeable odor disappearing. They should be protected from intense light and excessive heat. The use of recently boiled, distilled water is preferable, to avoid as far as possible the presence of microorganisms in the water used, as it is well known that ordinary distilled water is usually contaminated by the presence of such growths. The U. S. Pharmacopeia states that the odor of Stonger Rose Water is best preserved by allowing a limited access of fresh air to the container. Cotton plugs permit air to enter, thus hindering the development of certain organisms (anaerobic) and at the same time excluding dust. Waters should be protected from intense light and excessive heat, which hasten

decomposition. No preservative should be added to medicated waters. If they become cloudy or otherwise deteriorate, they should be discarded. AQUEOUS ACIDS The official inorganic acids and certain organic acids although of minor significance as therapeutic agents, are of great importance in chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing. This is especially true of the acids : acetic, hydrochloric, nitric, and sulfurie. The three latter acids, because of their relative completencess of ionization, are termed strong acids. These acids, and especially the latter two, are very caustic and corrosive. The inorganic acids are generally divided into two groups : (1) The hydracids, which contain no oxygen, e.g., hydriodie, hydrobromie, hydrochlorie, and hydrofluoric acids. (2) the oxygen containing acids, e.g., hypophosphorous, nitric, phosphoric, and sulfuric acids. Percentage Strengths of Acids Many of the more important inorganic acids are available commercially in the form of concentrated aqueous solutions, and the percentage strength varies from one acid to another depending upon various properties of the solute such as solubility, stability, ease of preparation, etc. Thus the official Hydrochloric Acid contains from 35 to 38 per cent by weight to HCL, whereas Nitric Acid contains from 67 to 71 per cent by weight of HNO3 and Sulfuric Acid contains from 94 to 98 per cent by weight of H2SO4. Because the strengths of these concentrated acids are stated in terms of per cent by weight, it is essential that specific gravities also be provided if one is to be able to calculate conveniently the amount of absolute acid contained in a unit volume of the solution as purchased. The mathematical relationship involved is given by the equation M=VxSxF, wherein M is the mass in Gm. of absolute acid contained in V ml. of solution having a specific grafity S and a fractional percentage strength F. as an example, Hydrochloric Acid containing 36.93 per cent by weight of HCL has a specific gravity of 1.1875. therefore, the amount of absolute HCL supplied by 100ml. of this hydrochloric acid solution is given by: M = 100 x 1.1875 x 0.3693 = 43.85 Gm. HCL Commercially, the specific gravities of liquids are often given on the arbitrary Baume scale. In instances where this is the only kind of specific gravity data provided, it is necessary first to calculate the true specific gravity from the Baume degree figure. Tables relating the percentage strengths of acids to specific gravity and to the Baume degree are usually provided in commercial handbooks of chemistry and physic. Incompatibilities Although many of the reactions characteristic of acids offer opportunities for incompatibilities, only a few are of sufficient importance to require more than casual mention. Acids and acid salts decompose carbonates with the liberation of gaseous carbon dioxide and, in a closed container, sufficient pressure may be developed to produce an explosion. Inorganic acids react with salts of organic acids to produce the free organic acid and a salt of the inorganic acid. If insoluble, the organic acid will be precipitated. Thus, salicylic acid and benzoic acid are precipitated from solutions of

salicylates and benzoates. Boric acid is likewise precipitated from concentrated solutions of borates. By a similar reaction, certain soluble organic compounds are converted into an insoluble form. Phenobarbital sodium, for example, is converted into phenobarbital which, in aqueous solution, will be precipitated. The ability of acids to combine with alkaloids and other organic compounds containing a basic nitrogen atom is utilized in preparing soluble salts of these substances. It should be borne in mind that certain fluidextracts, syrup, tinctures, and other pharmaceutical preparations contain free acid which causes these preparations to exhibit the incompatibilities of the acid. Acids also possess the incompatibilities of the anions which they contain and, in the case of organic acids, these are frequently of prime importance. These are discussed under the specific anions. Diluted Acid The diluted acids are aqueous solutions of acids, of a strength suitable for internal administration or for the manufacture of other preparations. The U. S. P. does not recognize any diluted acids. (except as reagents). Diluted acids official in the N. F. are 10 per cent w/v in strength except Diluted Acetic Acid which is 6 per cent w/v. The strengths of the official undiluted acids are expressed as percentages weight in weight whereas the strengths of the official diluted acids are expressed as percentages weight in volume. It therefore becomes necessary to consider the specific gravities of the concentrated acids when calculating the volume required to make a given quantity of diluted acid. The following equation will give the number of ml. required to make 1000ml. of diluted acid: Strength of diluted acid x 1000 Strength of undiluted acid x Sp. Gr. Of undiluted acid Thus, if one wishes to make 1000ml. of Diluted Hydrochloric Acid using Hydrochloric Acid which assays 36.22 per cent HCL (Sp. Gr. 1.18), the amount required is 10 x 1000 = 231 36.22 x 1.18 All official acids are listed in the following tables for ready reference, although most of these are not aqueous acids. SOLUTIONS Formerly this category included all aqueous solutions of non-volatile substances except those forming separate distinctive classes, such as the syrup, infusions, and decoctions. The solutions of ammonia, of hydrogen peroxide, and of a few other volatile substances were exceptions.

Recent revisions of the official compedia have recognized as solutions several preparations which employ solvents other than water. In addition, there are several instances, as when the product is avaliable only under a trade-marked name, or when the solution it self represents the usual commercial from, where no solvent is specified. The U. S. P. XVI definition is:
Solutions are liquid preparations that contain one or several soluble chemical substances usually dissolved in water and that do not by reason of their ingredients (e.g.sucrose) or their method of preparation (e.g.injections), fall into another group of pharmacopeial products. The solute is usually nonvolatile. Solutions are used for the specific therapeutic effect of the solute, either internally or externally. They vary widely as to composition, method of preparation, strength, potency, mode of administration, use, and dosage.

A discussion of various technical considerations and manipulative methods will be found under Solution (Page 175). Fig. 480 shows equipment for bottling solutions in operation. Methods of Preparation For most offical solutions, a specific method of preparation is provided. These procedures can be grouped into three main division: (1) simple solution (e.g. Calcium Hydroxide Solution and Boric Acid solution), (2) Solution by chemical reaction (e.g. Magnesium Citrate Solution and Nitromersol Solution), (3) extraction (e.g. Liver Solution). Some solution require special additional treatment such as sterilization, buffering, or addition of preservatives. The detailed discussions of each of the following solution are found under the individual monographs in the text. DOUCHES A douche is an aqueous solution which is directed againts a part or into a cavity of the body. It functions as a cleansing or antiseptic agents. An eye douche, used to remove foreign particles and discharges from the eyes, is directed gently at an oblique angle and is allowed to run from the inner to the outer corner of the eye. Pharyngeal douches are used to prepare the interior of the throat for an operation and to cleanse it in suppurative conditions. Similarly, these are nasal douches, vaginal douches, etc. Douches are most frequently dispensed in the form of a powder with directions for dissolving in a specified quantity of water, usully warm. However, tablets for preparing solutions may be sold, i.e., Dobells Solution Tablets, or a solution may be prepared by the pharmacist. If powders or tablets are supplied, they must be free from insoluble material, in order to produce a clear solution. Dounches are not official as a class of preparations but several compounds of the U. S. Pharmacopeia and National Formulary are frequently employed as such in weak solutions, e.g., Benzalkonium Chloride is used in various douches and Compound Sodium Borate Solution is used as a nasal or pharyngeal douche. ENEMAS Enemas are rectal injections employed to evacuate the bowel, to influence the general system by absorption, or to affect locally the seat of disease. They may possess anthelmintic,

nutritive, sedative, or stimulating properties, or they may contain radiopaque substances for roentgenographic examination of the lower bowel. Enemas are usually given at body temperature in quantities of 1 to 2 pints injected slowly with a syringe. If they are to be retained in the intestine, they should not be used in larger quantities than 6 fluidounces for an adult. Starch enema may be used either by itself or as a vehicle for other forms of medication. Sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, and soap are also used in enemas. GARGLES Gargles are aqueous solutions used for treating the pharynx and nasopharynx by forcing air from the lungs through the gargle which is held in the throat. None is official. WASHES A class of preparations under this title was introduced into the N. F. V with one representative; the title was Lavatio Ori or Mouth Wash. This preparation was not continued in the N. F. VI. Washes are mostly aqueous in nature with some alcohol or glycerin present to aid in solubility of volatile substances. Mouth washes are usually pleasantly flavored solutions and often are colored. They may be either acid or basic in reaction, and they are most often used for their deodorant, refreshing, or antiseptic effect. As represented officially this class includes chiefly mount or nasal washes. The Antiseptic Solution and Alkaline Aromatic Solution of the N. F. have also been included here as they belong to this class. JUICES The official juice are specially prepared fruit juices subsequently used in making syrups which are employed as vehicles. The freshly expressed juice is preserved with benzoic acid, and is allowed to stand at room temperature for several days, until the pectins which are naturally present are destroyed by enzymatic action, as indicated by the filtered juice yielding a clear solution with alcohol. Pectins, if allowed to remain, would cause precipitation in the final syrup. For a discussion of juices expressed from fresh plants, and known as Inspissated Juice. see Extracts (page 382). Sweet or Other Viscid Aqueous Solutions Solutions which are sweet or viscid include syrups, Honeys, Mucilages, and Jellies. All of these preparations are viscous liquids or semi-solids. The basic sweet or viscid substances giving body to these preparations are sugars, polyols, or polysaccharides (gums) SYRUPS Syrups are concentrated solutions of a sugar such as sucrose in water or other aqueous liquid. When purified water alone is used in making the solution of sucrose, the preparation is known as syrups, or simple syrup. When the aqueous liquid contains some added medicinal substance, the syrup is called a medicated syrup. A flawored syrup is one which is usually not

medicated, but which contains various aromatic or pleasantly flavored substances and is intended to be used as a vehicle or flavor for prescriptions. Flavored syrups offer unusual opportunities as vehicles in extemporaneous compounding and are readily accepted by both children and adults. Because they contain no alcohol or very little alcohol , they are preferred, particularly for children to the alcoholic vehicle elixirs. Their lack of alcohol makes them superior as solvents for water-soluble substances. They possess remarkable masking properties for saline drugs, Glycyrrhiza Syrup and Raspberry Syrup being outstanding in this respect. Acacia Syrup, because of its colloidal character, is of particular value as a vehicle for masking the disagreeable taste of many madicaments. In manufacturing syrup, the sucrose must be carefully selected, a purified water, free from foreign substances, and clean vessels and containers must be used. The operation must be conducted with care so as to avoid contamination, if the products are to be stable preparations. It is important that the concentration of sucrose approach but quite reach the saturation point. In dilute solution, sucrose provides an exellent nutrient for many microorganisms. Its concentrated solution, on the other hand, retards their growth. However, a saturated solution may lead to crystallization of a part of the sucrose under conditions of changing temperature. When heat is used in the preparation of syrups, there is almost certain to be an inversion of a slight portion of the sucrose. The speed of inversion is greatly increased by the presence of acids; the H+ ion acts as a catalyst in this hydrolytic reaction. Invert sugar is more readily fermentable than sucrose and tends to darken in color. Nevertheless the reducing sugars, dextrose and levulose, formed in the syrup as the result of inversion, are of value in retarding the oxidation of other substances. The levulose formed during inversion is sweeter than sucrose and therefore the resulting syrup is sweeter than the original syrup. The relative sweetnesses of levulose, sucrose, and dextrose are in the ratio 173:100:74. Thus invert sugar is 1/100 (173+74) = 1.23 times as sweet as sucrose. The levulose formed during the hydrolysis is also responsible for the darkening of syrup. It is sensitive to heat and darkens readily, particularly in solution. When syrup or sucrose is overheated it caramelizes. See caramel (page1297). At one time blue dyes, such as ultramarine and Prussian Blue, were added to sugar to cover up the yellow tint which resulted from certain impurities. Today the processing and quality of sugar have been so improved that dyes are not employed. The white crystalline variety, know commercially as granulated sugar, is most frequently used in making syrup. The sugar should be dry, or an allowance made for the moisturn content, to ensure proper concentration in the syrup.

Preparation of Syrups Syrup are prepared in various ways, the choice of the proper method depending on the physical and chemical characteristics of the substances entering into the preparation. Four methods which are officially employed may be summarized as follow: (1) solution with heat. (2) Agitation without heat. (3) Addition of a medicating liquid to syrup. (4) Percolating. 1. Solution with Heat This is the usual method of making syrups when the valuable constituen is neither volatile nor injured by heat, and when it is desirable to make the syrup rapidly. The sucrose is usually added to the purified water or aqueous solution and heated until solution is effected, then strained, and sufficient purified water added to make the desired weight or volume. If the syrup is made from an infusion, a decoction, or an aqueous solution containing organic matter, it is usually proper to heat the syrup to the boiling point to coagulate albuminous matter; this is separated subsequently by straining. If the albumin or other impurities were permitted to remain in the syrup, fermentation would probably be induced in warm weather. Saccharometers are very useful in making syrups by the hot process in cases where the proper specific gravity of the finished syrup is known. The saccharometer may be floated in the syrup while boiling, and thus the exact degree of concentrate it further. When taking a reading of the specific gravity of the hot syrup allowance must be made for the variation from the official temperature (specific gravities in the U. S. P. are taken at 25C. Excessive heating of syrups at the boiling temperature is undesirable since more or less inversion of the sucrose occurs with an increased tendency to ferment. Syrups cannot be sterilized in an autoclave without some caramelization. This is indicated by a yellowish or brownish color showing the presence of caramel, produced by the action of heat upon sucrose. 2. Agitation without Heat This process is used in those cases where heat would cause the loss of valuable volatile constituents. In making quantities up to 2000ml. or 2 quarts the sucrose should be added to the aqueous solution in the bottle of about twice the size required for the syrup. This permits active agitation and rapid solution. A five-pint glassstoppered tincture bottle is well adapted for the making of 1000ml. of syrup by this process. The stoppering of the bottle is importent, as it prevents contamination and loss during the process. The bottle should be allowed to lie upon its side when not being agitated. Glass-lined tanks with mechanical agitators, especially adapted to the dissolving of sucrose, are used for making syrups in the large quantities. 3. Addition of a Medicating Liquid to Syrup This method is resorted to in those cases in which fluidextracts, tinctures, or other liquids are added to syrup to medicate it. Syrups made in this way usually develope precipitates since alcohol is often an ingredient of the liquids thus used, and the resinous and oily substances dissolved by the alcohol precipitate when mixed with the syrups, producing unsigtly adopted, consists of mixing the fluidextract or tincture with the water, allowing the mixture to stand to permit the separation of insoluble constituents, filtering, and then dissolving the sucrose in the filtrate. It is obvious

that this procedure is not permissible when the precipitated ingredients are the valuable medicinal agents. 4. Percolation In this procedure, purified water or an aqueous solution is permitted to pass slowly through a bed of crystalline sucrose, thus dissolving it and forming a syrup. A pledget of cotton is placed in the neck of a percolator, the cotton is moistened with a few drops of water, the proper amount of sucrose is placed in the percolator and the water or aqueous solution added. By means of a suitable stopcock the flow is regulated so that drops appear in rapid successioan. If necessary, a portion of the liquid is repassed through the percolator to dissolve all of the sucrose. Finally, sufficient purified water is passed through the cotton to make the required volume. To be successful in using this process, care in several particulars must be exercised: (1) The percolator used should be cylindrical or semi-cylindrical, and coneshaped as it nears the lower orifice. (2) A coarse granular sugar must be used, otherwise it will form into a compact mass, which the liquid cannot permeate. (3) The purified cotton must be introduced with care. If pressed in too tightly, it will effectually stop the process; if inserted too loosely, the liquid will pass too rapidly, and will, in consequence, be weak and turbid (from imperfect filtration); it should be inserted completely within the neck of the percolator, since a protruding end, inside the percolator, up through the sucrose, will permit the last portions of water to pass out at the lower orifice without dissolving all of the sucrose. For specific directions see syrup (page1325). Percolation is permitted as an alternate method for the preparation of Syrup and Wild Cherry Syrup of the Pharmacopeia and Tolu Balsam Syrup of the National Formulary. The process of percolation is applied on a commercial scale for the making of official syrups as well as those for use at the soda fountain. Preservation of Syrups Syrups should not be made in large quantities than can be used within a few months, except in those cases where special facilities can be employed for their presevation. A low temperature is the best method of preservation for syrups. The Pharmacopeia suggests that syrups be kept at a temperature not above 25. Concentration without supersaturation is also a condition favorable to preservation. The addition of such substances as benzoates, boric acid, salicylic acid, alcohol, flourides, calcium sulfite, etc., to prevent the fermentation of syrups, is not recommended, for if used in sufficient quantity to act as preservatives they communicate their own flavor to the syrup or are otherwise objectionable. Most of these are also usually illegal. Any attempt to restore syrups which have been spoiled through fermentation by heating them and working them over is reprehensible. A simple and yet effective method of preserving syrups, especially adapted to fruit syrups, is as follows: A number of bottles are provided which hold not more than a pint each. The bottles are thoroughly cleaned and kept hot by immersion in boiling water until ready for use, and a sufficient number of good corks, which have been thoroughly soaked in hot, distilled water, and of the proper size for the bottles, should be at hand. The syrup should be

heated to the boiling point (strained, if necessary, and reheated), and poured into the hot bottles until they are filled to the brim. The corks are inserted by forcibly pressing them into the necks of the bottles, thereby displacing a small portion of the syrup, and tied down with twine or wired in place. Then, while the necks of the bottles are still hot (and before the syrup can contract in volume through cooling) they are dipped into meltedparaffin contained in a suitable vessel. By this method the organisms which produce fermentation are destroyed by the heat, and no air, carrying new contamination, can find its way to the syrup, as the bottles are hermetically sealed. The official syrups should be preserved in well-dried bottles, preferably those which have been sterilized. These bottles should nothold more than is likely to be required during four to six weeks and should be completely filled, carefully stoppered, and stored in a cool, dark place. HONEYS Honeys are thick liquid preparations somewhat allied to the syrups, differing in the use of honey, instead of syrup, as a base. They are an unimportant class of preparations today but at one time, before sugar was avaliable and honey was the most common sweetening agent, they were widely used. Under the title Oxymel, meaning acid honey, a closely related preparation containing honey and acetic acid is recognized by the British Pharmaceutical Codex. MUCILAGES The official mucilages are thick, viscid, adhesive liquids, produced by dispersing gum in water, or by extracting with water the mucilaginous principles from vegetable substances. The mucilages are all prone to decomposition, and should never be made in larger quantities than can be used immediately, unless a preservative is added. They are used primarily to aid in suspending insoluble substances in liquids, their colloidal character and viscosity helping to prevent immediate sedimentation. Examples are sulfur in lotions, resins in mixtures, and oils in emulsions. Both tragacanth and acacia are partially insoluble in alcohol. Tragacanth is precipitated from solution by alcohol, but acacia, on the other hand, is soluble in diluted alcoholic solutions. Several synthetic mucilage-like substances such as polyvinyl alcohol, methylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, and related substances, are used as mucilage substitutes. Methylcellulose (page741) is a widely used bulk laxative since it absorbs water and swells to a hydrogel in the intestine in much the same manner as psyllium or karaya gum. Mucilages are no longer official in the U. S. P., but the N. F. recognizes the following: JELLIES Jellies are somewhat similar to mucilages, in taht they are usually prepared from gums similar to those used for mucilages, but they differ from the latter in having a jelly-like consistency. A whole gum of the best quality rather than a powdered gum desirable in order

to obtain a clear preparation of uniform consistency. Tragacanth is the gum employed in the preparattion of Ephendrine Sulfate Jelly. Although, under the system of Latin nomenclature long used by the Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary, the term gelatum was used for both Gel and Jelly, these productd differ distinetly. The official Gels are closely related to the Magmas and deserve consideration as a separate class of products. See page 357. Aqueous Suspensions The aqueous suspensions considered below are Mixtures, Magmas, Gels, Suspensions, and Lotions. All consist of finely divided material suspended in a vehicle in which it is insoluble. The state of subdivision varies from particles which gradually subside on standing to particles which are colloidal in nature. MIXTURES The official mixtures are aqueous liquid preparations which contain suspended, insoluble, solidsubstances and are intended for internal use. The insoluble substance does not make the mixtures differ from magmas. This class was originally introduced to secure uniformity in the formulas of certain well-known and largely used preparations. Frequently the term mixture is applied loosely to aqueous preparations of every discription. The term shake mixture is often used for liquid preparations which contain insoluble ingredients and must, therefore, be shaken before use. The term Suspension is now used by the U. S. P. and N. F. in the titles of a number of similar preparations (see page 357). The insoluble material in mixtures must be in a very finely divided state and it must be uniformly distributed throughout the preparation. This is accomplished by the use of colloid mills, special methods of precipitation, and suspending agents. There are three main reasons for having the insoluble substances in as fine a state of subdivision as possible: (1) The more nearly the coloidal state is approached by protectives, such as kaolin, magnesium trisilicate, and magnesium phosphate, the more active they becom as adsorbents and protectives when in contact with inflamed surfaces. (2) Finely divided particles are suspended more readily and settle out much more slowly than large particles, thus enabling the patient to obtain uniform doses of suspended substances. Homogeneous mixtures are especially desirable when administering medication to form en evenly distributed, soothing, protective coating on the gastrointestinal tract. (3) The palatability of many preparations is enhanced by the use of colloidal suspending agents. For discussion of the principles involved in the production is satisfactory preparations of this type reference should be made to several chapters in the section on Physical Pharmacy, particularly those chapters on The Colloidal State (page232), Emulsification (page242), and Rheology (page257). Mixtures containing suspended material should have a Shake Well label affixed to the container in which they are dispensed.

MAGMAS Magmas are aqueous liquid preparations containing sufficient suspended insoluble substances, usually inorganic, to make the product quite viscous, differing from mixtures in this respect. In many of the magmas the insoluble substance is freshly precipitated in such a manner that there is only slight sedimentation on standing. This characteristic of magmas is sometimes enhanced by passing the product through a colloid mill. The Pharmacopeia defines magmas as suspensions of poorly soluble drugs in a water medium and states that magmas are distinguished from gels mainly in that the suspended particles are larger in the magmas. In a departure from precedent, the National Formulary XI permits the inclusion of a suspending agent, flavoring agent, and a preservative in a more recent addition to the class, Dihydroxyaluminum Aminoacetate Magma. The official descriptions of three of the four magmas recognized by the U. S. Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary indicate that some separation of fluid is to be expected. Freezing must be avoided. For the most part, magmas are intended for oral use, although Bentonite Magma is used primarily as a suspending agent for insoluble substances either for local application or for internal use. All magmas require a label directing thet they be shaken well before use. GELS Gels are suspensions, in a water medium, of insoluble drugs in hydrated form wherein the particle size approaches or attains colloidal dimensions. Magmas are almost identical in their nature except that their particle size is somewhat larger. Generally, if left undisturbed for some time, gels may become semi-solid or gelatinous. As commonly used, the term gel refers to any product of a gelatinous consistency whether it is a hydrated inorganic chemical or a colloidal solution. SUSPENSIONS The term Suspension has been adopted by the U. S. Pharmacopeia XVI and the National Formulary XI to represent a wide variety of oral, parenteral, and ophthalmic preparations having in common only the fact that they are liquid preparations containing insoluble substances. They are defined by the U. S. P. XVI as follows:
Suspensions are preparations of finely divided drugs either intended for suspension in some suitable liquid vehicle prior to use or already in suspension in a liquid vehicle. As an example of the first type, Phenoxymethyl Penicillin for Oral Suspension may be eited. This is a finely subdivided phenoxymethyl penicillin mixed with harmless suspending agents and flavors. It is intended to be diluted with the prescribed volume of water and mixed before it is dispensed by the pharmacist. It is then administered orally to the patient. The second, ready-to-use type is exemplified by the Trisulfapyrimidines Oral Suspension. In this, the three sulfapyrimidines are already suspended in a liquid, flavored vehicle in a form suitable for oral administration. Some suspensions are sterile and are intended for injection. These also may be of the two types already described, the one requiring mixture with a prescribed amount of water for injection before use by the designated parenteral route, and the other, a preparation already suspended in a suitable liquid vehicle and ready for parenteral use. An example of the secon type is Sterile Procain Penicillin G Suspension. Some sterile suspensions are intended for intramuscular use and other for subcutaneous injection, but suspensions are never given intravenously or intrathecally.

A third type of suspension is that intended for ophtalmic use. This is a sterile suspension in an aqueous medium containing a suitable bacteriostatic agent. By its very nature, the particulate matter of a suspension tends to settle slowly from the liquid vehicle in which it is dispersed, since its density is almost always greather than that of the liquid vehicle. In some cases, an added inert suspending agent is permitted to retards such sedimentation. In one, Sterile Procain Penicillin G with Aluminium Stearate Suspension, a thixotropic gel exists which retards sedimentation. It is important that suspensions be shaken well before each use to insure a uniform distribution of solid in the vehicle and, thereby, uniform and proper dosage.

The Ophthalmic Suspension was a new class of preparation recognized for the first time by the U. S. Pharmacopeia XV. For a discussion of Sterile Suspensions, a term also used for the first time by the U. S. Pharmacopeia XV and designating products intended for parenteral use, reference should be made to the chapter on Parenteral Preparations (page385) LOTIONS Lotions are liquid suspensions or dispersions intended for external application to the body. Some, like Calamine lotion, consist of finely powdered, insoluble solids held in more or less permanent suspension by the presence of suspending agents and/or surface-active agents. Others, like Benzyl Benzoate Lotion, are emulsions of the oil-in-water type stabilized by a surface-active agent. Both types of lotions tend to separate or stratify on long standing, and they require s a label directing that they be shaken well before each use. To obtain greater covering qualitiesb and o prevent undue irritation, the insoluble metter should be very finely divided. Particles approaching colloidal dimensions are more soothing to inflamed areas and are more effective in contact with infected surfaces. Lotions are usually applied without friction. Dermatologists frequently prescribe lotions containing anesthetic, antiseptics, astringents, germicides, protectives, or screening agents, to be used in treating or preventing various types of skin diseases and dermatitis. A wide variety of suspending and thickening agents may be employed as well as various surfactants and preservatives. In many instances the cosmetic aspects of the lotion are of great importance. The manufacture of fine lotions to meet the specialized needs of the dermatologist provides the pharmacist with an excellent opportunity to demonstrate his professional competence. When lotions containing suspended material are dispensed they should be labeled Shaken Well and all lotions should be labeled For External Use Only Ophthalmic Solutions (Collyria) Ophthalmic solutions are solutions of medicaments in an aqueous medium to be used in the eye. They may be used either as drops (eye drops) or as washes (lotions). The medication in solution is instilled into the eye for its anesthetic, anti-inefective, anti-inflammatory, diagnostic, miotic, mydriatic, or other specific effect. Oil as a solvent for drugs to be instelled in the eye is only very seldom used today. The only official ophthalmic solution using oil is that of Isoflurophate.

Solutions for use in the eyes should be prepared with meticulous care because the mucous membranes of the eyes are very sensitive, particularly if they already happen to be inflamed. When the eyes are traumatized by accident or surgery, the instillation of eye drops presents a problem much more serious than often realized. Records indicate that more lawsuits are instituted against pharmacists on the basis of ophthalmic solutions than on any other class of prescription. The basic requirements are sterility, clarity, and freedom from foreign particles. Other problems relating to eye solutions, to which much attention is being given, deal with the reaction of the solution in terms of its relative acidity or alkalinity, as well as the tonicity of the solutuon as compared with the tear fluid. By far the most important factor is sterility. Therefore, 5 important properties have to be considered for the preparation of an ideal ophthalmic solutions:
1. It should be chemically stable 2. It should possess optimum therapeutic activity 3. It should be non-irritating and should not be paintful 4. It should be briliantly clear 5. It should be free from microorganisms and should remain so for a reasonable length of time.

As an aid in safeguarding this class of preparation, many pharmacists are providing as special departement for use only in preparing ophthalmic products. The departement is frequently segregated from the rest of the prescription section, a special set of utensils and a separate set of ingredients being held for use in this departement only. The U. S. P. and the F. D. A. Now require the manufacturer to produce ophthalmic solutions in a sterile state. The U. S. P. states:
Ophthalmic solutions are sterile solutions, free from foreign particles and suitably compounded and dispensed for instillations into the eye. Preparation of an ophthalmic solution involves careful consideration of such factors as the inherent toxicity of the drug itself, osmotic pressure, the need for buffering agents, the need for a preservative (and, if needed, its selection), sterilization, and proper packaging. The F. D. A. Carried out thorough investigations, and the following is a resume of its finding: Investigations by pharmaceutical manufacturers, physicians and the Food and Drug Administration have revealed that liquid preparations for ophthalmic use contaminated with viable microorganisms have been responsible for serious eye injuries and, in some cases, complete loss of vision. The Food and Drug Administration has conducted a survey of medical opinion and has found that it is the consensus of informed persons that such preparations should be sterile. It is evident that liquid preparations offered or intended for ophthalmic use purpose to be of such purity and quality as to be suitable for safe use in the eye. The Federal Security Agency concludes that such preparations fall below their professed standard of purity or quality and may be unsafe for use if they are not sterile. Accordingly liquid preparations offered or intended for ophthalmic use which are not sterile may be regarded as adulterated within the meaning of section 501 (c) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and, fruther, may be misbranded within the meaning of section 502 (j) of the act. Liquid ophthalmic preparations packed in multiple-dose containers should (1) contain one or more suitable and harmless substances that will prevent the growth of microorganisms, or should (2) be so packaged as to volume and type of constainer and so labeled as to duration of use and necessary warnings as will afford adequate protection and minimize the hazard of injury resulting from contamination during use.

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