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This software is pro ided !"S IS! and may #e used "T $O%R O&N RIS'. There is no warranty (e)pressed or implied* as to the +uality of this software. Li,ense T-E &OR' ("S .E/INE. BELO&* IS PRO0I.E. %N.ER T-E TER1S O/ T-IS 2RE"TI0E 2O11ONS P%BLI2 LI2ENSE (!22PL! OR !LI2ENSE!*. T-E &OR' IS PROTE2TE. B$ 2OP$RI3-T "N.4OR OT-ER "PPLI2"BLE L"&. "N$ %SE O/ T-E &OR' OT-ER T-"N "S "%T-ORI5E. %N.ER T-IS LI2ENSE OR 2OP$RI3-T L"& IS PRO-IBITE.. B$ E6ER2ISIN3 "N$ RI3-TS TO T-E &OR' PRO0I.E. -ERE7 $O% "22EPT "N. "3REE TO BE BO%N. B$ T-E TER1S O/ T-IS LI2ENSE. TO T-E E6TENT T-IS LI2ENSE 1"$ BE 2ONSI.ERE. TO BE " 2ONTR"2T7 T-E LI2ENSOR 3R"NTS $O% T-E RI3-TS 2ONT"INE. -ERE IN 2ONSI.ER"TION O/ $O%R "22EPT"N2E O/ S%2TER1S "N. 2ON.ITIONS. 8. .efinitions a. !"daptation! means a work #ased upon the &ork7 or upon the &ork and other pre9e)isting works7 su,h as a translation7 adaptation7 deri ati e work7 arrangement of musi, or other alterations of a literary or artisti, work7 or phonogram or performan,e and in,ludes ,inematographi, adaptations or any other form in whi,h the &ork may #e re,ast7 transformed7 or adapted in,luding in any form re,ogni:a#ly deri ed from the original7 e),ept that a work that ,onstitutes a 2olle,tion will not #e ,onsidered an "daptation for the purpose of this Li,ense. /or the a oidan,e of dou#t7 where the &ork is a musi,al work7 performan,e or phonogram7 the syn,hroni:ation of the &ork in timed9relation with a mo ing image (!syn,hing!* will #e ,onsidered an "daptation for the purpose of this Li,ense. #. !2olle,tion! means a ,olle,tion of literary or artisti, works7 su,h as en,y,lopedias and anthologies7 or performan,es7 phonograms or #road,asts7 or other works or su#;e,t matter other than works listed in Se,tion 8(g* #elow7 whi,h7 #y reason of the sele,tion and arrangement of their ,ontents7 ,onstitute intelle,tual ,reations7 in whi,h the &ork is in,luded in its entirety in unmodified form along with one or more other ,ontri#utions7 ea,h ,onstituting separate and independent works in themsel es7 whi,h together are assem#led into a ,olle,ti e whole. " work that ,onstitutes a 2olle,tion will not #e ,onsidered an "daptation (as defined a#o e* for the purposes of this Li,ense. ,. !.istri#ute! means to make a aila#le to the pu#li, the original and ,opies of the &ork or "daptation7 as appropriate7 through sale or other transfer of ownership. d. !Li,ense Elements! means the following high9le el li,ense attri#utes as sele,ted #y Li,ensor and indi,ated in the title of this Li,ense< "ttri#ution7 Non,ommer,ial7 Share"like. e. !Li,ensor! means the indi idual7 indi iduals7 entity or entities that offer(s* the &ork under the terms of this Li,ense. f. !Original "uthor! means7 in the ,ase of a literary or artisti, work7 the indi idual7 indi iduals7 entity or entities who ,reated the &ork or if no indi idual or entity ,an #e identified7 the pu#lisher= and in addition (i* in the ,ase of a performan,e the a,tors7 singers7 musi,ians7 dan,ers7 and other persons who a,t7 sing7 deli er7 de,laim7 play in7 interpret or otherwise perform literary or artisti, works or e)pressions of folklore= (ii* in the ,ase of a phonogram the produ,er #eing the person or legal entity who first fi)es the sounds of a performan,e or other sounds= and7 (iii* in the ,ase of #road,asts7 the organi:ation that transmits the #road,ast. g. !&ork! means the literary and4or artisti, work offered under the terms of this Li,ense in,luding without limitation any produ,tion in the literary7 s,ientifi, and artisti, domain7 whate er may #e the mode or form of its e)pression in,luding digital form7 su,h as a #ook7 pamphlet and other writing= a le,ture7 address7 sermon or other work of the same nature= a dramati, or dramati,o9musi,al work= a ,horeographi, work or entertainment in dum# show= a musi,al ,omposition with or without words= a ,inematographi, work to whi,h are assimilated works e)pressed #y a pro,ess analogous to ,inematography= a work of drawing7 painting7 ar,hite,ture7 s,ulpture7 engra ing or lithography= a photographi, work to whi,h are assimilated works e)pressed #y a pro,ess analogous to photography= a work of applied art= an illustration7 map7 plan7 sket,h or three9dimensional work relati e to geography7 topography7 ar,hite,ture or s,ien,e= a performan,e= a #road,ast= a phonogram= a ,ompilation of data to the e)tent it is prote,ted as a ,opyrighta#le work= or a work performed #y a ariety or ,ir,us performer to the e)tent it is not otherwise ,onsidered a literary or artisti, work. h. !$ou! means an indi idual or entity e)er,ising rights under this Li,ense who has not pre iously iolated the terms of this Li,ense with respe,t to the &ork7 or who has re,ei ed e)press permission from the Li,ensor to e)er,ise rights under this Li,ense despite a pre ious iolation. i. !Pu#li,ly Perform! means to perform pu#li, re,itations of the &ork and to ,ommuni,ate to the pu#li, those pu#li, re,itations7 #y any means or pro,ess7 in,luding #y wire or wireless means or pu#li, digital performan,es= to make a aila#le to the pu#li, &orks in su,h a way that mem#ers of the pu#li, may a,,ess these &orks from a pla,e and at a pla,e indi idually ,hosen #y them= to perform the &ork to the pu#li, #y any means or pro,ess and the ,ommuni,ation to the pu#li, of the performan,es of the &ork7 in,luding #y pu#li, digital performan,e= to #road,ast and re#road,ast the &ork #y any means in,luding signs7 sounds or images. ;. !Reprodu,e! means to make ,opies of the &ork #y any means in,luding without limitation #y sound or isual re,ordings and the right of fi)ation and reprodu,ing fi)ations of the &ork7 in,luding storage of a prote,ted performan,e or phonogram in digital form or other ele,troni, medium. >. /air .ealing Rights. Nothing in this Li,ense is intended to redu,e7 limit7 or restri,t any uses free from ,opyright or rights arising from limitations or e),eptions that are pro ided for in ,onne,tion with the ,opyright prote,tion under ,opyright law

or other appli,a#le laws. ?. Li,ense 3rant. Su#;e,t to the terms and ,onditions of this Li,ense7 Li,ensor here#y grants $ou a worldwide7 royalty9 free7 non9e),lusi e7 perpetual (for the duration of the appli,a#le ,opyright* li,ense to e)er,ise the rights in the &ork as stated #elow< a. to Reprodu,e the &ork7 to in,orporate the &ork into one or more 2olle,tions7 and to Reprodu,e the &ork as in,orporated in the 2olle,tions= #. to ,reate and Reprodu,e "daptations pro ided that any su,h "daptation7 in,luding any translation in any medium7 takes reasona#le steps to ,learly la#el7 demar,ate or otherwise identify that ,hanges were made to the original &ork. /or e)ample7 a translation ,ould #e marked !The original work was translated from English to Spanish7! or a modifi,ation ,ould indi,ate !The original work has #een modified.!= ,. to .istri#ute and Pu#li,ly Perform the &ork in,luding as in,orporated in 2olle,tions= and7 d. to .istri#ute and Pu#li,ly Perform "daptations. The a#o e rights may #e e)er,ised in all media and formats whether now known or hereafter de ised. The a#o e rights in,lude the right to make su,h modifi,ations as are te,hni,ally ne,essary to e)er,ise the rights in other media and formats. Su#;e,t to Se,tion @(f*7 all rights not e)pressly granted #y Li,ensor are here#y reser ed7 in,luding #ut not limited to the rights des,ri#ed in Se,tion A(e*. A. Restri,tions. The li,ense granted in Se,tion ? a#o e is e)pressly made su#;e,t to and limited #y the following restri,tions< a. $ou may .istri#ute or Pu#li,ly Perform the &ork only under the terms of this Li,ense. $ou must in,lude a ,opy of7 or the %niform Resour,e Identifier (%RI* for7 this Li,ense with e ery ,opy of the &ork $ou .istri#ute or Pu#li,ly Perform. $ou may not offer or impose any terms on the &ork that restri,t the terms of this Li,ense or the a#ility of the re,ipient of the &ork to e)er,ise the rights granted to that re,ipient under the terms of the Li,ense. $ou may not su#li,ense the &ork. $ou must keep inta,t all noti,es that refer to this Li,ense and to the dis,laimer of warranties with e ery ,opy of the &ork $ou .istri#ute or Pu#li,ly Perform. &hen $ou .istri#ute or Pu#li,ly Perform the &ork7 $ou may not impose any effe,ti e te,hnologi,al measures on the &ork that restri,t the a#ility of a re,ipient of the &ork from $ou to e)er,ise the rights granted to that re,ipient under the terms of the Li,ense. This Se,tion A(a* applies to the &ork as in,orporated in a 2olle,tion7 #ut this does not re+uire the 2olle,tion apart from the &ork itself to #e made su#;e,t to the terms of this Li,ense. If $ou ,reate a 2olle,tion7 upon noti,e from any Li,ensor $ou must7 to the e)tent pra,ti,a#le7 remo e from the 2olle,tion any ,redit as re+uired #y Se,tion A(d*7 as re+uested. If $ou ,reate an "daptation7 upon noti,e from any Li,ensor $ou must7 to the e)tent pra,ti,a#le7 remo e from the "daptation any ,redit as re+uired #y Se,tion A(d*7 as re+uested. #. $ou may .istri#ute or Pu#li,ly Perform an "daptation only under< (i* the terms of this Li,ense= (ii* a later ersion of this Li,ense with the same Li,ense Elements as this Li,ense= (iii* a 2reati e 2ommons ;urisdi,tion li,ense (either this or a later li,ense ersion* that ,ontains the same Li,ense Elements as this Li,ense (e.g.7 "ttri#ution9Non2ommer,ial9 Share"like ?.B %S* (!"ppli,a#le Li,ense!*. $ou must in,lude a ,opy of7 or the %RI7 for "ppli,a#le Li,ense with e ery ,opy of ea,h "daptation $ou .istri#ute or Pu#li,ly Perform. $ou may not offer or impose any terms on the "daptation that restri,t the terms of the "ppli,a#le Li,ense or the a#ility of the re,ipient of the "daptation to e)er,ise the rights granted to that re,ipient under the terms of the "ppli,a#le Li,ense. $ou must keep inta,t all noti,es that refer to the "ppli,a#le Li,ense and to the dis,laimer of warranties with e ery ,opy of the &ork as in,luded in the "daptation $ou .istri#ute or Pu#li,ly Perform. &hen $ou .istri#ute or Pu#li,ly Perform the "daptation7 $ou may not impose any effe,ti e te,hnologi,al measures on the "daptation that restri,t the a#ility of a re,ipient of the "daptation from $ou to e)er,ise the rights granted to that re,ipient under the terms of the "ppli,a#le Li,ense. This Se,tion A(#* applies to the "daptation as in,orporated in a 2olle,tion7 #ut this does not re+uire the 2olle,tion apart from the "daptation itself to #e made su#;e,t to the terms of the "ppli,a#le Li,ense. ,. $ou may not e)er,ise any of the rights granted to $ou in Se,tion ? a#o e in any manner that is primarily intended for or dire,ted toward ,ommer,ial ad antage or pri ate monetary ,ompensation. The e),hange of the &ork for other ,opyrighted works #y means of digital file9sharing or otherwise shall not #e ,onsidered to #e intended for or dire,ted toward ,ommer,ial ad antage or pri ate monetary ,ompensation7 pro ided there is no payment of any monetary ,ompensation in ,on9ne,tion with the e),hange of ,opyrighted works. d. If $ou .istri#ute7 or Pu#li,ly Perform the &ork or any "daptations or 2olle,tions7 $ou must7 unless a re+uest has #een made pursuant to Se,tion A(a*7 keep inta,t all ,opyright noti,es for the &ork and pro ide7 reasona#le to the medium or means $ou are utili:ing< (i* the name of the Original "uthor (or pseudonym7 if appli,a#le* if supplied7 and4or if the Original "uthor and4or Li,ensor designate another party or parties (e.g.7 a sponsor institute7 pu#lishing entity7 ;ournal* for attri#ution (!"ttri#ution Parties!* in Li,ensorCs ,opyright noti,e7 terms of ser i,e or #y other reasona#le means7 the name of su,h party or parties= (ii* the title of the &ork if supplied= (iii* to the e)tent reasona#ly pra,ti,a#le7 the %RI7 if any7 that Li,ensor spe,ifies to #e asso,iated with the &ork7 unless su,h %RI does not refer to the ,opyright noti,e or li,ensing information for the &ork= and7 (i * ,onsistent with Se,tion ?(#*7 in the ,ase of an "daptation7 a ,redit identifying the use of the &ork in the "daptation (e.g.7 !/ren,h translation of the &ork #y Original "uthor7! or !S,reenplay #ased on original &ork #y Original "uthor!*. The ,redit re+uired #y this Se,tion A(d* may #e implemented in any reasona#le manner= pro ided7 howe er7 that in the ,ase of a "daptation or 2olle,tion7 at a minimum su,h ,redit will appear7 if a ,redit for all ,ontri#uting authors of the "daptation or 2olle,tion appears7 then as part of these ,redits and in a manner at least as prominent as the ,redits for the other ,ontri#uting authors. /or the a oidan,e of dou#t7 $ou may only use the ,redit

re+uired #y this Se,tion for the purpose of attri#ution in the manner set out a#o e and7 #y e)er,ising $our rights under this Li,ense7 $ou may not impli,itly or e)pli,itly assert or imply any ,onne,tion with7 sponsorship or endorsement #y the Original "uthor7 Li,ensor and4or "ttri#ution Parties7 as appropriate7 of $ou or $our use of the &ork7 without the separate7 e)press prior written permission of the Original "uthor7 Li,ensor and4or "ttri#ution Parties. e. /or the a oidan,e of dou#t< i. Non9wai a#le 2ompulsory Li,ense S,hemes. In those ;urisdi,tions in whi,h the right to ,olle,t royalties through any statutory or ,ompulsory li,ensing s,heme ,annot #e wai ed7 the Li,ensor reser es the e),lusi e right to ,olle,t su,h royalties for any e)er,ise #y $ou of the rights granted under this Li,ense= ii. &ai a#le 2ompulsory Li,ense S,hemes. In those ;urisdi,tions in whi,h the right to ,olle,t royalties through any statutory or ,ompulsory li,ensing s,heme ,an #e wai ed7 the Li,ensor reser es the e),lusi e right to ,olle,t su,h royalties for any e)er,ise #y $ou of the rights granted under this Li,ense if $our e)er,ise of su,h rights is for a purpose or use whi,h is otherwise than non,ommer,ial as permitted under Se,tion A(,* and otherwise wai es the right to ,olle,t royalties through any statutory or ,ompulsory li,ensing s,heme= and7 iii. 0oluntary Li,ense S,hemes. The Li,ensor reser es the right to ,olle,t royalties7 whether indi idually or7 in the e ent that the Li,ensor is a mem#er of a ,olle,ting so,iety that administers oluntary li,ensing s,hemes7 ia that so,iety7 from any e)er,ise #y $ou of the rights granted under this Li,ense that is for a purpose or use whi,h is otherwise than non,ommer,ial as permitted under Se,tion A(,*. f. E),ept as otherwise agreed in writing #y the Li,ensor or as may #e otherwise permitted #y appli,a#le law7 if $ou Reprodu,e7 .istri#ute or Pu#li,ly Perform the &ork either #y itself or as part of any "daptations or 2olle,tions7 $ou must not distort7 mutilate7 modify or take other derogatory a,tion in relation to the &ork whi,h would #e pre;udi,ial to the Original "uthorCs honor or reputation. Li,ensor agrees that in those ;urisdi,tions (e.g. Dapan*7 in whi,h any e)er,ise of the right granted in Se,tion ?(#* of this Li,ense (the right to make "daptations* would #e deemed to #e a distortion7 mutilation7 modifi,ation or other derogatory a,tion pre;udi,ial to the Original "uthorCs honor and reputation7 the Li,ensor will wai e or not assert7 as appropriate7 this Se,tion7 to the fullest e)tent permitted #y the appli,a#le national law7 to ena#le $ou to reasona#ly e)er,ise $our right under Se,tion ?(#* of this Li,ense (right to make "daptations* #ut not otherwise. E. Representations7 &arranties and .is,laimer %NLESS OT-ER&ISE 1%T%"LL$ "3REE. TO B$ T-E P"RTIES IN &RITIN3 "N. TO T-E /%LLEST E6TENT PER1ITTE. B$ "PPLI2"BLE L"&7 LI2ENSOR O//ERS T-E &OR' "S9IS "N. 1"'ES NO REPRESENT"TIONS OR &"RR"NTIES O/ "N$ 'IN. 2ON2ERNIN3 T-E &OR'7 E6PRESS7 I1PLIE.7 ST"T%TOR$ OR OT-ER&ISE7 IN2L%.IN37 &IT-O%T LI1IT"TION7 &"RR"NTIES O/ TITLE7 1ER2-"NT"BILIT$7 /ITNESS /OR " P"RTI2%L"R P%RPOSE7 NONIN/RIN3E1ENT7 OR T-E "BSEN2E O/ L"TENT OR OT-ER .E/E2TS7 "22%R"2$7 OR T-E PRESEN2E O/ "BSEN2E O/ ERRORS7 &-ET-ER OR NOT .IS2O0ER"BLE. SO1E D%RIS.I2TIONS .O NOT "LLO& T-E E62L%SION O/ I1PLIE. &"RR"NTIES7 SO T-IS E62L%SION 1"$ NOT "PPL$ TO $O%. F. Limitation on Lia#ility. E62EPT TO T-E E6TENT REG%IRE. B$ "PPLI2"BLE L"&7 IN NO E0ENT &ILL LI2ENSOR BE LI"BLE TO $O% ON "N$ LE3"L T-EOR$ /OR "N$ SPE2I"L7 IN2I.ENT"L7 2ONSEG%ENTI"L7 P%NITI0E OR E6E1PL"R$ ."1"3ES "RISIN3 O%T O/ T-IS LI2ENSE OR T-E %SE O/ T-E &OR'7 E0EN I/ LI2ENSOR -"S BEEN ".0ISE. O/ T-E POSSIBILIT$ O/ S%2- ."1"3ES. H. Termination a. This Li,ense and the rights granted hereunder will terminate automati,ally upon any #rea,h #y $ou of the terms of this Li,ense. Indi iduals or entities who ha e re,ei ed "daptations or 2olle,tions from $ou under this Li,ense7 howe er7 will not ha e their li,enses terminated pro ided su,h indi iduals or entities remain in full ,omplian,e with those li,enses. Se,tions 87 >7 E7 F7 H7 and @ will sur i e any termination of this Li,ense. #. Su#;e,t to the a#o e terms and ,onditions7 the li,ense granted here is perpetual (for the duration of the appli,a#le ,opyright in the &ork*. Notwithstanding the a#o e7 Li,ensor reser es the right to release the &ork under different li,ense terms or to stop distri#uting the &ork at any time= pro ided7 howe er that any su,h ele,tion will not ser e to withdraw this Li,ense (or any other li,ense that has #een7 or is re+uired to #e7 granted under the terms of this Li,ense*7 and this Li,ense will ,ontinue in full for,e and effe,t unless terminated as stated a#o e. @. 1is,ellaneous a. Ea,h time $ou .istri#ute or Pu#li,ly Perform the &ork or a 2olle,tion7 the Li,ensor offers to the re,ipient a li,ense to the &ork on the same terms and ,onditions as the li,ense granted to $ou under this Li,ense. #. Ea,h time $ou .istri#ute or Pu#li,ly Perform an "daptation7 Li,ensor offers to the re,ipient a li,ense to the original &ork on the same terms and ,onditions as the li,ense granted to $ou under this Li,ense. ,. If any pro ision of this Li,ense is in alid or unenfor,ea#le under appli,a#le law7 it shall not affe,t the alidity or enfor,ea#ility of the remainder of the terms of this Li,ense7 and without further a,tion #y the parties to this agreement7 su,h pro ision shall #e reformed to the minimum e)tent ne,essary to make su,h pro ision alid and enfor,ea#le. d. No term or pro ision of this Li,ense shall #e deemed wai ed and no #rea,h ,onsented to unless su,h wai er or ,onsent shall #e in writing and signed #y the party to #e ,harged with su,h wai er or ,onsent.

e. This Li,ense ,onstitutes the entire agreement #etween the parties with respe,t to the &ork li,ensed here. There are no understandings7 agreements or representations with respe,t to the &ork not spe,ified here. Li,ensor shall not #e #ound #y any additional pro isions that may appear in any ,ommuni,ation from $ou. This Li,ense may not #e modified without the mutual written agreement of the Li,ensor and $ou. f. The rights granted under7 and the su#;e,t matter referen,ed7 in this Li,ense were drafted utili:ing the terminology of the Berne 2on ention for the Prote,tion of Literary and "rtisti, &orks (as amended on Septem#er >@7 8IHI*7 the Rome 2on ention of 8IF87 the &IPO 2opyright Treaty of 8IIF7 the &IPO Performan,es and Phonograms Treaty of 8IIF and the %ni ersal 2opyright 2on ention (as re ised on Duly >A7 8IH8*. These rights and su#;e,t matter take effe,t in the rele ant ;urisdi,tion in whi,h the Li,ense terms are sought to #e enfor,ed a,,ording to the ,orresponding pro isions of the implementation of those treaty pro isions in the appli,a#le national law. If the standard suite of rights granted under appli,a#le ,opyright law in,ludes additional rights not granted under this Li,ense7 su,h additional rights are deemed to #e in,luded in the Li,ense= this Li,ense is not intended to restri,t the li,ense of any rights under appli,a#le law.

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