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2nd Quarterly Report Leo Club of Panadura - Alubomulla, District 306 A2

o !ection 1. Section A (Leo Club administration) 2. Section B (Partici ated Ot!er Acti"ities) Pa"e 3 #


Section C (Pro$ects)

%& '& (

Section A #eetin"s Council #eetin"


%oard #eetin"

#ont$ly #eetin"

1. &ctober 20''

Status ) NOT *EL+

Status ) NOT *EL+ (T!e club ,as re-ormed on t!is mont!) Status ) *EL+ / NOT *EL+ Partici ation (0) Leos ) (%0 Status ) *EL+ / NOT *EL+ Partici ation (0) Leos ) ''0 Partici ation (0) Leos ) 330 .

2. o(ember 20'' 3. December 20''

Status ) NOT *EL+

Partici ation (0) Leos ) 330

Status ) NOT *EL+

Section B &t$er Acti(ities Participated







12or3s!o -or 4out!5 at Lions Acti"it6 Center

3 Leos artici ated



1Platters 27115 at 2aters Ed8e

% Leos artici ated



9et to8et!er at Camila Sc!ool

# Leos artici ated



11t! Anni"ersar6 o- :alubo,ila Leo Club

# Leos artici ated



;nternational President<s =isit at :adira8amar Center

3 Leos artici ated



1Leo 2al3 27115

# Leos and 1 Leo ros ect artici ated



9o3anna Beac! =olle6ball >esti"al

1 Leo artici ated

SECT;ON C PR&.)C/! Pro0ect ame Pro0ect Cate"ory ? Toda6 a reader& Tomorro, a leader ? Ser"ice (Education)& P@

Pro0ect Date time and 1enue % PA Participation of Leos Participation of Council officers Participation of 1isitin" Leos Participation of Di"nitaries Pro0ect 1alue

? 11t! +ecember 2711& Public Librar6 . T!al itibedda& # PA ) ? # Leos and 1 Leo Pros ect ?. ?. ?. ? 177 En8lis! boo3s (No"els) P2&/&4RAP2! +onatin8 t!e boo3s to t!e T!al itibedda Librar6 Student ,!o came to t!e librar6

Leo 2ours (No o- Leos B total !ours)? # Leo *ours PR&.)C/ D)!CR3P/3& T!is ,as our -irst ro$ect. T!e boo3s ,ere 8i"en b6 Past 9o"ernor 9eor8e Bernard -rom C:. Alto8et!er t!ere ,ere 377 ) 3%7 boo3s. >irst ,e cate8oriDed t!ose boo3s into c!ildren boo3s& educational boo3s and librar6 boo3s (suc! as no"els). As t!e -irst !ase o- t!is ro$ect ,e donated t!e librar6 boo3s to T!al itibedda librar6. T!is librar6 ,as !a"in8 a s!orta8e o- En8lis! boo3s and it ,as a 8reat relie-or t!em to recei"e t!ese En8lis! readin8 boo3s. # Leos and 1 Leo rosect artici ated to t!is e"ent ,it! 2 Lions -rom t!e arent club.

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