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Volume 4 No.

Bulow Village Homeowners Association Newsletter

March 2014


Kenneth Carruth


I can report that we have finally received a document to review and share with our Attorney. We have to look at all the factors in this document and its impact on all our residents, as well as any legal issues our Attorney may have! We have asked for another face-to-face Mediation session to work on a couple of issues that do not appear in the document in hand and for which we believe should be included in any LTA (Long Term Agreement). We are committed to trying to provide a three year agreement that will provide some stability to those living in our community while at the same time help those that are selling, or are considering selling, their homes here in Bulow.

I am happy to report that the membership in the Homeowners Association is continuing to increase. Thank you to those of you that have supported your HOA by paying your dues. And to those of you that have not yet joined, it is not too late to step up and support your Homeowners Association. Please consider doing so, wont you? As we get stronger we are able to get more issues resolved with management.

At our last meeting with Local Management, (Jeff Conner) we were advised that Barbra, Jeffs assistant, is keeping a ledger which includes the names of complainants (which are kept confidential), date received, subject of complaint, action taken and date, date letter sent to complainant with the resolution to the complaint. ELS is using a new form for the complaint that is easier on the eyes, so to speak, but very informative as to what action is needed and by what date, before further action is taken. NOTE: If you submit a complaint without your name and address, Barbara has no way to contact you with the resolution of the complaint. Also if you do not check the box at the bottom of the complaint form, the HOA board cannot check the status of your complaint when we meet with management, monthly. You should speak only with Jeff Conner or Barbara about complaints.


Our Saturday morning (9 to 10 AM) Coffee and Donuts program has been working out very well and it seems that every week we see more and more residents coming out to meet and greet their neighbors and enjoy some great coffee (made by our brew master, Gary) and Publix donuts. If you have not attended, please give it a try, I know you will enjoy this activity. Our Pot Luck for March is on the 4th at 6 PM. Pizza is the main dish. Please bring a salad or desert. Our hosts are Sam & Linda Rudland. If you are interested in hosting a Pot Luck, please contact Committee member Jeanne Widdis at 386-517-6759.

Check out other up-coming events in the March issue of the Bugle.


The office is getting ready to produce a new resident directory, that will include your name, address and phone number. If you would like to be listed you must complete a form (available in the office) and return it to the office before March 28, 2014. This is required even if you appeared in a previous issue of the directory. There are so many good reasons to be listed in this community directory that I hope everyone takes advantage of the opportunity to be included. NOTE: the date has been extended due to small number of respondents. If a majority of the residents do not sign up the directory will not be produced

have a guest speaker, Sergeant Mike Lutz from Flagler County Sheriffs Office who will be talking about a Neighborhood Watch Program & Senior Security issues. Dont miss this meeting, it will be informative.


The Homeowners Association yard sale is scheduled for Saturday April 12th, 2014. This will be the second year we will conduct a yard sale as a fund raiser for our legal fund here at Bulow. Last year was a great success and a lot of fun was had by all that volunteered. We are hopeful that our residents are collecting items that you know you will never use, but your neighbor might, to donate to the association for this fund raiser. We will have a hot dog stand hopefully operated by hot dog and grill master, Don Roy. We will also have a donated cake sale.

At our Annual Meeting, the subject of the Yellow stickers that we were required to be placed on the window of our vehicles came up for discussion. A resident was told at the office that ELS does not issue them anymore. After discussing this with Jeff, our park manager, our board was advised that in fact the Office has a large supply of the yellow stickers available for our residents and it is still the policy of ELS to have each resident place a sticker on each of their autos to identify that the vehicle is owned by a resident of Bulow Plantation. This sticker will assist us greatly as we move to install a town watch program here in our community. If you need a new sticker, stop in the office and Barbara will issue one for each of your vehicles. The stickers are numbered to identify a specific vehicle to which they are assigned. Speaking of Town Watch, Bulow Plantation is hosting the May FMO meeting here at our clubhouse. The date is May 5th, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. There will be coffee and pastries provided. We will

HOA Board Members:

Ken Carruth, President 386-338-0510 June Kuhns, Vice President 517-0040 Carol Giambalvo, Secy. 439-7537 Betty Pettibone, Treas. 439-7456 Jean Widdis 517-6759 Hal Mesnard 439-2756 Carol Lex 856-495-9125 Carol Marquis 439-9272

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