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Planning My Future

at Mainland Regional Allison Hoelker

Course # h4100 WI400 L3200


Sophomore Year Name of Course AP US HIsotry II Latin II

Pre-AP English II

Credits 5 5 5 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 5 40

P0020 S4125 B1060 H1020 M2015

Honors Chemistry Physcial Ed./ Health

AP Physics Level B1

Introduction into Finance Sociology Honors Algebra III Total Credits:

Course # H4150 W2350 L4300 M2030 S2190 P0030 S4100 H4400

Junior Year Name of Course Credits AP World History Honors Latin III AP English III Honors Pre-Calc Honors Biology Phsyical Ed./ Health AP Chemistry AP Psychology

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Total Credits:


Course # L4400 M4000 S4150 P0040 W2400 H4250 R1250 R1000

Senior Year Name of Course AP English IV AP Calculus Level AB AP Biology Physical Ed/ Health Honors Latin IV AP Economics Cake Decorating Living on your own Total Credits:

Where do I go from here? Credits 5 5 5 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 35 Career Interest: College to Attend: Medical Field ??? Pyschologist ??? Anesthsiaologist Oncologist

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