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43B, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase 3, New Delhi 110020 Phone: + 1!11!40" 4444

Data for Solar Farms Requirement Preliminary Data 'o&ation o( the )lant *nder whi&h s&he$e national+state+,E- this )lant is to %e installed .as this )ro/e&t 0ot re1uired authorit2 a))ro3al and san&tion4 Is the )ro/e&t onl2 in )lannin0 sta0e and a))ro3als are 2et to %e o%tained (ro$ the 0o3ern$ent 5ho is the owner+de3elo)er o( the )ro/e&t

5ho will %u2 the )ower

.as the PP6 7Power )ur&hase a0ree$ent8 %een si0ned 5hat is the status o( 'and a&1uisition

5hat is the status o( (inan&ial &losure o( the )ro/e&t B2 when is the )lant to %e &o$$issioned and handed o3er Is there a tenderin0 )ro&ess

5hat te&hnolo02 2ou )re(er9Pol2 -r!:i or ;hin <il$

Detailed Project Data


43B, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase 3, New Delhi 110020 Phone: + 1!11!40" 4444

'and 6rea and )eri$eter 5hether :oil testin0 has %een done Is land le3eled or le3elin0 is re1uired Power E3a&uation in => 5hether ;rans$ission o( Power is re1uired

I( trans$ission re1uired, then )lease $ention at what => and distan&e %etween Installation site to nearest su%station Is the site alread2 &o3ered4 I( no, then )lease $ention whether %oundar2 wall+(en&in0 is to %e 1uoted and the len0th o( the sa$e# 5ater a3aila%ilit2 at site4 I( no, )lease $ention whether %orewell is to %e 1uoted Is a))roa&h road to the site a3aila%le4 I( no, )lease $ention whether a))roa&h road is to %e 1uoted 5hether internal road is re1uired, and the len0th in =? to %e 1uoted Is au@illar2 li0htin0 at )lant re1uired Is --;>, se&urit2 ;ower re1uired

6n2 additional in(or$ation

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