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Tadena, Jesse Israel F. BSN403 Reflection Paper on Bill of Rights As a n rse, I ha!

e enco ntered responsi"ilities that #e are o"liged to gi!e to o r clients"eca se the$ are protected "$ la# %in!asion of pri!ac$& against na thori'ed release of personal clinical data, s ch as s$(pto(s, diagnoses, and treat(ents. N rses, as #ell as other health care personnel, (a$ "e held personall$ lia"le for in!asion of pri!ac$, sho ld litigation arise fro( the na thori'ed release of client data. )onfidential infor(ation, ho#e!er, (a$ "e released #ith the client*s consent.

N rses ha!e a legal and ethical responsi"ilit$ to "eco(e fa(iliar #ith their e(plo$er*s policies and proced res regarding protection of clients* infor(ation. +edical records are the ,e$ #ritten acco nt of s ch client infor(ation as signs and s$(pto(s, diagnosis, treat(ent, and responses to treat(ent. Not onl$ do these records doc (ent care gi!en to clients, " t the$ also pro!ide effecti!e (eans of co(( nication a(ong health care personnel. These records contain i(portant data for ins rance and other e-pense clai(s and are sed in co rt in the e!ent of litigation. .ealth professionals are "eco(ing (ore a#are of the i(plications of clients* rights as societ$ in general "eco(es (ore a#are of e!er$ h (an "eing*s "asic rights. Altho gh there are still gaps in the legal process, (an$ states are "eginning to grapple #ith the stat s of la#s applica"le to clients #ho are hospitali'ed. It is essential that n rses "e a#are of the partic lar state*s la#s and stat tes affecting clients and the(sel!es. N rses as #ell as ph$sicians are acco nta"le for their actions, and the threat of ci!il and cri(inal prosec tion is "eco(ing (ore pre!alent.

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