Year 3 Trip To The Hancock Museum, Newcastle

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25th February Dear Parents and Carers

Year 3 Trip to the Hancock Museum, Newcastle

We have planned a visit to the Hancock Museum, Newcastle, on Monday 10th March as part of our Year 3 topic Lets Rock! It will cover elements of science and history. The children will leave school at approximately 9:05 am and will return at 4.00pm. You will need to collect your child from the main entrance/reception area. If your child has a school meal they will be provided with a school packed lunch on this day. Those children who bring their own packed lunch should do so as normal. The children will be expected to wear their normal school uniform on the day of the trip. We are asking for a voluntary contribution of 1 per child to cover the costs of the planetarium. School and Friends of Ingleby Mill have covered the cost of the transport. Please could you complete the form below and return it, with the money, in a clearly marked sealed envelope, to your childs class teacher by Friday 7th March. There is gift shop which sells some pocket money priced gifts related to the museum and we allowing the children to bring a maximum of 2.50 spending money on the day of the trip in a wallet or purse. Yours sincerely

Mrs Outhwaite

Mr Carter

Mrs Williams

Hancock Museum: Monday 10th March 2014 Childs name . Class number ..

I give permission for my child to go on the trip to the Hancock Museum and I enclose 1 to cover the cost of the trip.

Signed .. (parent or guardian)

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