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Dear Resident,

Is Council Tax going to go up in Wandsworth?

Last year, Wandsworth Council put Council Tax up. Elections are coming, so they kept enough aside to freeze tax this year.

They cant go on like this. For years the Council has relied on large grants from the Government now the grant is being cut every year. Based on how the council currently manages its money, Council Tax will have to go up in future and vital services for children and old people will be cut.
Whats the alternative? As a group of local government and business experts, we were asked by Labour councillors to conduct an independent review of council finances and report directly to local people. You deserve to know the facts. Wandsworth Council used to be well run. Now it just cuts local services every year rather than change the expensive way it runs itself. The council pays out around 3 million each year in bonuses to top managers. There's no need to pay bonuses most London councils don't. Last year, the chief executive alone cost us 274,000. That's nearly twice as much as the prime minister's salary! At the same time, more than 2,000 people who work for contractors supplying services to the council are paid less than the London Living Wage. We should be ready to learn from other Councils whatever the party in charge:

Across the Thames, three councils have combined 'back office' and management functions this will save them 40 million by next year. Six west London councils club together to buy social care services, saving them over 10 million.

We pay huge sums to top managers, but we don't get these savings. This is a political decision made by those who run Wandsworth Council who say they know best. Carrying on like this will mean:

More cuts to valued local services every year Council rents, and charges for things like parking and leisure centres going up and up Further rises in council tax becoming unavoidable.

We can have the same council tax and new priorities By sharing services, buying 'in bulk' with other councils and tackling Wandsworth's high property and IT costs, money can be found to keep council tax down and ensure local people get the quality services they deserve. This is what any well-run business or council would do. But Wandsworths leadership have ruled it out. Unless this year's elections bring change, we all look set to pay the price.

Yours faithfully,

Michael Ward Chair, the Independent Commission on Wandsworth Council Tax

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Promoted by Wandsworth Labour Party on behalf of the Wandsworth Independent Commission, both at 273 Balham High Road, London, SW17 7BD. Printed by Jupiter Associates Ltd, 21 The Waldrons, Croydon, CR0 4HB.

The Independent Commission on Wandsworth Council Tax (ICWCT) was launched in December 2013. The Commissions Terms of Reference are to examine Wandsworths revenue and capital budget, to uncover fresh ways to keep council tax low in the Borough while maintaining crucial frontline services. The commission is chaired by Michael Ward, former Chief Executive of the London Development Agency, with more than 30 years experience in local government, as an officer, an elected member, and a researcher. Michael is joined on the commission by:

Stephanie Elsy, former Leader of Southwark Council Martin Pilgrim, former Chief Executive of London Councils Gareth Daniel, former Chief Executive of Brent Council George Kessler CBE, Joint Managing Director of a London manufacturing business and a member of London First, the influential business organisation representing Londons leading employers.

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