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I suggest focusing first on the 22 Paths which connect the 10 Sephiroth.

There a re many ways of doing this; I will give you one of them. If you have fifteen or thirty minutes a day for 22 weeks, you may find out just how little effort is required to produce exceptional, transformative results. Six days of each week you will be meditating on one of the Paths. On the seventh you will rest, and the next week you will move on to the next Pat h, beginning with Aleph and ending with Tav. 1. Get a copy of Crowley's The Heart of the Master. In it you will find The Two and Twenty Secret Instructions of the Master. This is one of your texts. 2. Get a copy of the Tarot. I recommend the Thoth deck, but there are two or thr ee others that have some value. This is your other text. 3. Sit in your preferred posture and relax. When you are relaxed, place the corr esponding Tarot card in front of you, e.g. The Fool for 0/Aleph, The Magus for I/Beth, etc. Read the verse from The He art of the Master corresponding to the Path. Meditate on it for a time. When ready, place your attention on the Tarot card an d just look, be receptive but do not try to sort out its many symbols your subconsciousness will take care of that for you, as the pictorial imagery of the Tarot is written in the language of subconsciousness and communicates with it directly. Don't spend more than five minutes meditating on the card. 4. Record any results in your journal. 5. Optional practice: envision yourself within a sphere of light the color of th e corresponding Path during the entire practice. 6. Optional text: Paul Foster Case, The Book of Tokens. This would serve well as dessert, after your Tarot meditation and journal entry. There is value in certain kinds of chants, as you aver, and there is value in ce rtain forms of related ritual practice, but these 22 weeks will be a powerful preliminary to anything else you may choose to do. In L.V.X.

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