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Luis Efren Hernandez

1404 Ronstan Dr Killeen Tx 76549 Tel: 254 251 1!6!

I am a musician, with a huge passion for sound. I came from Puerto Rico about six years ago. It was the first time out of my country, but I have learned so much since then! I like to create sound with musical instruments, for various purposes ! I play in many bands around austin as well as in worship teams in churches. I just graduated with a achelor !egree in "udio Production from #he "rt Institute of "ustin. I love working with Protools, $ogic, "bleton, gear, mics, electronics, and the lists goes on and on. I like layering sounds to create uni%ue effects and ambient noises. I am also a hard worker, organi&ed and very goal'oriented person.

Work Experience
"udio (ngineer, )ultitracks *+,-'Precent

Special Skills
)usician #en years of live performer musician. #hree years of studio musician #hree years of )arching and ilingual

Recording Skills
Protools, $ogic, "bleton, Reason, )". softwares. (xperienced with //$ consoles. )I!I (diting. 0oley "rtist. /ound !esigner. "!R. 1omposer.

Mixing Skills
/ound to picture, )ixing music, )ixing on stereo 2 3., surround sound.

Resident "dvisor ,#he "rt Institute of "ustin *+,+'*+,* 1hasing $ions, !rummer *+,+'Present !rum Instructor *++4'*+,+ /uper Rad /hows, /ound engineer (ngineer at ) *+,-'precent


"rt Institute of "ustin, "udio Production Program5 "ustin #exas. (llison 6igh /chool, 7illeen #exas (scuela $ibre !e ellas "rtes, "recibo Perto Rico 8)usic /chool9 *+,+'*+,*++4'*+,+ *++3'*++4

Intern "t )ulti#racks *+,-

$ive Performance. 8#hree years of !rumming at 3:th; /treet 1hapel, 0orth 6ood #exas. Played "t 1oncordia <niversity "ustin 8!rummer9 /tudio )usician.

(xtreme #our, =ith 1hasing $ions 8drumming9

6onor Roll "rt Institute >f "ustin *+,+ *++:'*++? 2 *++?'*+,+ (agle Pride, 8 est Percussionist9 /ummer /ection, est Percussionist *++4

Played With
ootsy 1ollins, the (ducational @ohn $ennon #our uss "nd many other )usicians "nd 1hurches Site uishernnd!"wee#ly"co$

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