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What Is Motivation 1. Motivation is the psychological feature that arouses an individual to action toward a desired goal.

Motivation can also be the reason for an individuals action or that which gives purpose and direction to behavior. Without motivation, even the most capable person will refuse to work hard. Motivation and performance are very complex issues affected by many factors. No one factor can guarantee motivation or performance in the absence of other critical factors. In the next paragraphs we will discuss money and fear as factor for motivation. Money Motivation 2. Money is certainly important, and a personal driver, if you lack enough for a decent civilized existence, or you are striving for a day to day expenses or a house, but beyond this, money is not for the vast majority of people a sustainable motivator in itself. 3. There are many theories of motivation like Frederick Hertzberg's Dual Factor theory, Maslows Hierarchy of needs theory and recent studies by David Rock, an executive coach and Jeffery Scwartz, a neuroscientist have identified several motivators that influence behavior more than money. 4. In a much publicized study, thirty-nine studies conducted over four decades were analyzed and found that cold-hard cash motivates workers whether their jobs are exciting or mundane, in labs and real-world settings alike. But the research team acknowledges that money is not the only thing that concerns employees noting that beyond a certain point higher salaries will make employees happier, but it will not buy better performance. Employers who dole out small merit raises i.e., less than 7% of basic pay, may do more harm than good. According to study, small raises can actually be dysfunctional in terms of motivation because employees become irritated that their hard work yielded so little. 5. According to Frederick Hertzberg's Dual Factor theory, the so -called group of hygiene factors, including working conditions, pay, and job security, dont motivate employees as such. On the contrary, he puts achievement, career progression and learning in the motivation factors category, which apparently shows that the reply provided by the average employee is false in light of genuine motivation. Another proof of this is Frederick Hertzbergs division of work issues into two categories: dissatisfiers including salaries, interpersonal relationships, work conditions, company policy, supervision and security; and motivators including achievement, recognition, interesting work, challenging work, responsibility and growth. 6. Another reason why money is playing the demotivating role in the world of work is that there is subconscious perception that no matter how much you earn, youll never be completely contented, or at least your internal satisfaction in this respect will last for a fortnight at best. In this respect, research demonstrates that after a pay raise, employees' performance only improves for two weeks before returning to baseline.

Fear Motivation 7. Fear is a powerful force. Fear means youre acting on the pressure of losing something, this is what fear is: the menace of losing something: your current context, your money, your life. Its actually one of our primary survival mechanisms. If we didnt feel fear, we would walk up to the venomous snake and get bit. If we couldnt feel fear we would get into all kinds of bad situations. The point is, fear should not be the primary feeling in making decisions in the normal course of life. When you are sober and clearheaded, going back to primal fear as the determinant of your choices can really hold you back. 8. Fear is not a good motivator; fear is a predictable motivator that breeds shortterm compliance. Motivation by fear also leads to tentative performance in organizations motivation by fear works with some people, some time. But we cannot build a strong and well-functioning organization using motivation by fear because fear is an emotion and in atmosphere of fear, people would not be able to utilize their full potential and they will continuously think about the results if they are not able to achieve the goal. Conclusion 9. There is a variety of theories about motivation, which describe the above motivators in different ways but in my point of view the given statement that Money and fear are good motivators is a false statement. Finally, it is useful to keep in mind that the root of all human motivation seems to be our beliefs and expectations about what makes us successful and effective. We all value what we believe helps us and we all avoid whatever we believe prevents or does not help us achieve our personal goals.

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