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Brianna Costa

6371 Printwood Way, San Diego CA 92117 619-829-3198 briannacosta93 )d"cation

Feb 2012 June 2014 Sept 2010 Feb 2012 Audeo Charter School San Diego High School San Diego, CA San Diego, CA


%b&ecti'e( Seeking position as a part-time clerk in a store.

March 2013 Dec 2013 So"nd , -ig.ts Wor/er $repared #or church %er&ice b! per#or'ing %ound chec( and chec(ing the light%) Fre*uentl! changed the %ound le&el% b! re*ue%t) Helped brea( do+n a#ter %er&ice) San Diego Center For the -lind San Diego, CA ictor! "utreach o# San Diego San Diego, CA

June 2012 ,o&e'ber 2012 0o!"nteer Wor/er

$repared #or art% and cra#t%) Clo%ed the center do+n and cleaned) Helped ta(e the blind people out #or +al(%) Micro%o#t .ord /nternet

Co$+"ter S/i!!s

Hand out to!% #or 0o!% #or 0ot% at ictor! "utreach o# San Diego e&er! Dece'ber

1e#erence% are a&ailable on re*ue%t)

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