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NEW YORK 13601-3350
\ (315) 785.7720
The Honorable Andrew Cuomo December 12, 2013
Governor of the State of New York
NYS Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
Subject: Cape Vincent - Title X
Dear Governor Cuomo:
BP has a proposed wind turbine farm designed for the area of Cape Vincent, NY.
For nearly a decade this has been a contentious issue for us. Recently New York legislators
passed Article Xwhich authorized the State to decide whether such a wind project would
be appropriate for a community or not. I would assume that if the project were favorable
to a community it would settle the matter, and if it were unfavorable that it would
terminate the project.
If on the other hand if Article Xstudies show a balance between favorable and
unfavorable, that you as Governor might have to make the final decision. If it comes to
that point I want to officially express my desire'and the desire of my constituency to NOT
have a wind farm in a mixed farm and tourist ar,ea such as Cape Vincent and the Thousand
Island region. My family and I are summe{residents of Cape Vincent, we vote there, we
know the area and we love it's natural beauty and historic charm.
There are only about 20 landowners that would benefit from this project, but the
majority of landowners and residents would not. YOLI undoubtedly understand the
limitations of industrial wind: they are intermittent power producers, they are noisy to the
extreme of making people unhealthy, they kill birds, they can fail with dangerous
consequences. they are a visual blight, and can diminish property values. I know this
isn't what you hear from wind lobbyists working in Albanv, however, after a decade those
of us in Cape Vincent are better educated and we know better.
r would hope that if the decision comes to you as Governor that you would vote
against having wind power in the Thousand region of New York State. The beauty
of the area is a mecca to tourists and important economic asset to the State, please help
uS preserve our heritage and not destroy it with inappropriate development.
Re:7l _
T. Urling alke
Former ayo , of

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