g9 Myp Assessment Rubric General

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Grade 9 MYP Music

Assessment Rubric

Student: ___________________ Class: __________________

Teacher Assessment:
Achievement Level

MYP Descriptors: Criterion B Application

MYP Descriptors: Criterion A ! "no#led$e and %nderstandin$

MYP Descriptors: Criterion C ! Re&lection and %nderstandin$

MYP Descriptors: Criterion D ! Personal 'n$a$ement

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
There is ver( limited expression and communication of artistic intentions in the student s wor!" which may not ha#e reached a point of reali$ation. The student shows limited !nowled&e and understandin& of the art form studied in relation to societal or cultural or historical or personal contexts. The student is able to demonstrate limited !nowled&e and understandin& of the elements of the art form studied. The student is able to communicate a limited critical understandin& of the art form studied" in the context of his or her own wor!. There is limited expression and communication of artistic intentions in the student s wor!" which has reached a point of partial point of reali$ation. S!ills and techni%ues are applied at a limited level of proficiency. The student attempts to apply the artistic processes. The student is able to demonstrate satis&actor( !nowled&e and understandin& of the art form studied in relation to societal or cultural or historical or personal contexts. The student is able to demonstrate satis&actor( !nowled&e and understandin& of the elements of the art form studied The student is able to communicate satis&actor( critical understandin& of the art form studied" in the context of his or her own wor! althou&h some opportunities are not pursued. The student is able to elaborate an idea" a theme or a personal interpretation to a point of reali$ation. There is a satis&actor( expression and communication of artistic intentions. The student is able to demonstrate $ood !nowled&e and understandin& of the art form studied in relation to societal or cultural or historical or personal contexts. The student is able to demonstrate $ood !nowled&e and understandin& of the elements of the art form studied. The student reflects on his of her artistic de#elopment and process. The student carries out a satis&actor( e#aluation of his or her wor!. Some aspects of the e#aluation may be unrealistic or incomplete. The student attempts to use feedbac! in his or her artistic de#elopment and process" #ith $uidance. The student records his or her artistic de#elopment and processes with little reflection The student carries out a limited e#aluation of his or her wor!" #ith $uidance The student shows limited commitment in usin& his or her own artistic processes. The student demonstrates limited curiosity" self-moti#ation" initiati#e and a willin&ness to ta!e informed ris!s. The student wor!s with his or her peers in a positi#e way" #ith encoura$ement. The student is rarel( recepti#e to art practices and artwor!s from #arious cultures" includin& his or her own. The student shows satis&actor( commitment in usin& his or her own artistic processes. The student demonstrates satis&actor( curiosity" self-moti#ation" initiati#e and a willin&ness to ta!e informed ris!s. The student supports" encoura&es and wor!s with his or her peers in a positi#e way" #ith encoura$ement . The student is occasionall( recepti#e to art practices and artwor!s from #arious cultures" includin& his or her own. The student reflects critically on his or her artistic de#elopment and processes at di&&erent sta$es o& his or her #or). The student carries out a $ood e#aluation of his or her wor!. The e#aluation includes an appraisal of the %uality of wor! produced and an identification of some areas of impro#ement. The student shows $ood commitment in usin& his or her own artistic processes. The student $enerall( demonstrates curiosity" self-moti#ation" initiati#e and a willin&ness to ta!e informed ris!s. The student supports" encoura&es and wor!s with his or her peers in a positi#e way" #ith little encoura$ement . The student is $enerall( recepti#e to art practices and artwor!s from #arious cultures" includin& his or her own. The student shows e*cellent commitment in usin& his or her own artistic processes. The student activel( demonstrates curiosity" self-moti#ation" initiati#e and a willin&ness to ta!e informed ris!s. The student activel( supports" encoura&es and wor!s with his or her peers in a positi#e way. The student is activel( recepti#e to art practices and artwor!s from #arious cultures" includin& his or her own.


S!ills and techni%ues are applied at a ver( limited level of proficiency. The student attempts to apply the artistic processes.



S!ills and techni%ues are applied at a satis&actor( level of proficiency. The student shows a satis&actor( ability to apply the artistic processes in#ol#ed in creatin& art.

The student is able to communicate a $ood level of critical understandin& or The student uses feedbac! in his or her the art form studied" in the context of his artistic de#elopment #ith little or her own wor!. $uidance" which in&orms his or her own artistic de#elopment and processed. The student is able to demonstrate e*cellent !nowled&e and understandin& of the art form studied in relation to societal or cultural or historical or personal contexts. The student is able to demonstrate e*cellent !nowled&e and understandin& of the elements of the art form studied. The student reflects critically and in depth on his or her artistic de#elopment and process at di&&erent sta$es o& his or her #or)+ The student carries out an e*cellent e#aluation of his or her wor!. This shows a considered appraisal of the %uality of wor! produced and details of impro#ement that could be made.

The student is able to elaborate an idea" a theme or a personal interpretation to a point of reali$ation. There is e#idence of $ood expression and communication of artistic intentions. S!ills and techni%ues are applied at a $ood level of proficiency. The student shows a $ood ability to apply the artistic processes in#ol#ed in creatin& art.


The student is able to communicate a #ell developed critical understandin& or The student intentionall( uses the art form studied" in the context of his feedbac! in his or her artistic or her own wor!. de#elopment" which shows an appropriate consideration of his or her artistic processes.

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The student is able to elaborate an idea" a theme or a personal interpretation to a point of reali$ation. There is e#idence of purpose&ul expression and e&&ective communication of artistic intentions. S!ills and techni%ues are applied at a hi$h level of proficiency. The student shows an e*cellent ability to apply the artistic processes in#ol#ed in creatin& art.




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