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Myths and Legends

Greek mythology started over 2000 years ago. The first gods were the Titans. They were before all the other gods.

The Titans were the brothers Oceanus, oeus, rius,

!y"erion, #a"etus, and ronus. $lso the sisters Thea, %hea, Themis, Mnemosye, &hobe, and Tethys.

'eus was the strongest of all the gods. !e ruled the weather
by himself, and the universe with (( other gods. 'eus was the s"iritual father of the gods. !e was usually armed with a thunderbolt. !e was also called Thunder.

!estia was the )irgin goddess of the hearth, home and

chastity. *he is a daughter of Rhea and Cronus and sister of 'eus.

!ades was the king of the underworld and the dead, and
god of the earth+s hidden wealth, both agricultural "roduce and "recious metals. !is consort is Persephone.

&oseidon was 'eus+ somewhat unruly brother. !e was god

of the sea, of earth,uakes, streams, and horses.

!era was the wife of 'eus. *he was the goddess of marriage
and childbirth. *he was also the ,ueen of heaven .

!esta was the sister of 'eus. *he was the goddess of the

$res was one of 'eus+ sons. !e was the god of war. !e loved

$"ollo was also a son of 'eus. $"ollo drove

the chariot of the sun across the skies. !e was the music maker of the gods and was the god of light, music, medicine, agriculture, and "ro"hecy. !e was also -nown as !elios, the sun god.

$thena was 'eus+ favorite daughter because she had

s"rung fully armed from his head when 'eus swallowed her mother, Metis. *he was the goddess of wisdom and war.

$"hrodite was the goddess of love, beauty, desire, and

"leasure. $lthough married to Hephaestus she had many lovers, most notably Ares, Adonis, and Anchises.

!ermes was the messenger of the gods and the

"rotector of travelers who escorted the dead down to !ades. !e was also a son of 'eus.

.emeter was goddess of grain, agriculture and the harvest,

growth and nourishment.

.ionysus was the god of wine, "arties and festivals,

madness, chaos, drunkenness, drugs, and ecstasy. These are /ust some of the gods of Greece. #*T%$T0 %#*T#1$2M#!$0L$

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