Windshield Survery

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Manistee Windshield Survey Lisa N. Dust Ferris State University

MANISTEE WINDSHIELD SURVERY Manistee Windshield Survey On September 7, 2013 a windshield survey was conducted in the town of Manistee, Michigan, where subjected data was collected for an assessment of the community. The boundaries that were used to establish an area to be assessed were the channel that separates north Manistee from south Manistee, as the northern boundary and the Blarney Castle gas station, as the southern border. The eastern border is the Manistee River and the western border is Lake Michigan. This snapshot of the town provided an insight into what is available to the people that live there and make up the community. According to MacQueen (2001), a community is a group of people with diverse characteristics who are linked by social ties, share

common perspectives, and engage in joint action in geographical locations or settings (p. 1929). The resources available to that community compile activities and education that is readily accessible to its members and influence their lifestyle actions and decisions. Community health nursing is the systematic processes to deliver care to individual people, families, and community groups with a focus on promotion, preserving, protecting, and maintaining health (Harkness & DeMarko, 2012). By incorporating community health throughout the community, a multitude of factors create awareness, prevention, and assistance which can then be assessed, determined, planned, implemented, and evaluated for success. In a community it is important to understand that everyone plays a role in how everything comes together and many of the help and assistance is how the community is portrayed. A community can be compared to a pack of wolves, alone one wolf cannot feed itself, but a pack can hunt together and succeed together. Each person would be considered a wolf, the whole community would be the pack, and the health care issue or concern would be the prey. A mutual bonding allows a community to work together and to become a coalition and work together to solve the healthcare problems (Haithcox-Dennis,

MANISTEE WINDSHIELD SURVERY DeWeese, & Goodman, 2013). Working together establishes support and that support system will allow communities to solve their own problems using mobilized resources (Haithcox Dennis, et al., 2013, p. 110).

Healthy People 2020 (2013) states their vision as a society in which all people live long, healthy lives (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 2013). The community of Manistee has many wonderful outdoor areas that were empty including sidewalks, beaches, and parks (see Appendix A). Physical activity would be identified as the health indicator for the community. Ensuring that all Americans participated in regular physical activity is critical to improving the health of Americans at every age (U.S. Department of HHS, 2013). Due to the lack of community members outside using the resources that are available to them, that lack of physical activity proves to be a major component in other health conditions and usually worsens those illnesses or diseases. A nurses role never stops, rather their input and decisions are always considered by members within the community. Relationships are made through the interactions that the nurse has with members of the community, therefore influencing the choices that those people made, because they value and respect that nurse. If the nurse is participating in particular activities then it must be okay for them to do it as well. Hence, a nurse must always be aware of his or her actions and the implications, influences, and impact that it can have on the entire community. After reviewing the windshield survey results, four possible health risks of this community that have been noted. The first aspect is the deteriorating sidewalks, which prevents individuals from using them do to risk of injury and can promotes more harm because some individuals may walk on the street to avoid getting hurt. According to U.S Department of Health and Human Services (2013), Healthy People 2020 states that unintentional injuries can be

MANISTEE WINDSHIELD SURVERY caused by a number of events... and can occur virtually anywhere. No matter what the circumstances of the event are, injuries can have serious, painful, and debilitating physical and emotional health consequences The second would be adequate outdoor lighting which decreases physical activity and safety. This may lead to obesity or other major health conditions and it also may prevent those community resources from being used throughout the day and evening time. Third health risk was that numerous bars were located throughout the town and this may promote and lead to alcohol and substance abuse. And the fourth health risk would be access to health care services, because most of the services located within town are not open twenty-four-seven. The hospital is about ten miles north of town and that may decrease the probability that a community member in need would go and get assisted or treated (U.S. Department of HHS, 2013). In conclusion, what a community has readily available to them plays a major role in the

amount of health care that they will receive and put forth. If the resources are there but not being used then promoting those areas to get people out and moving and making it safe for families, teenagers, and elderly adults to be involved in would greatly improve the overall health of the community.

MANISTEE WINDSHIELD SURVERY Appendix A: Windshield Survey Table Housing and zoning Victorian houses Mainly residential areas Most of the homes are older with some remodeling done. Well-kept detached houses No junk noted in yards

Transportation Race and ethnicity Skateboards Majority Caucasian Bikes Small amount African American Rollerblades Private school Vehicle types within the town included: Dial-a A Chinese restaurant ride busses, (buffet) Motorcycles, school No specialized food busses, cars, SUVs, a stores limo and a taxi Multiple individuals walking on street Major highway separates town (US-31) Open Space Service Centers Religion and politics Open space is located Massage therapist Churches include: outside of the main Catholic, Lutheran, Dentists town district towards Methodist, Doctors offices & the East and West. Episcopal, Baptist clinics Large public beach Political yard signs Health department with a coastline that School signs Centra wellness extends south for miles (mascot) City Hall There is a couple of Township hall parks for children to Legions (VFS, Elks) play at including Library playground equipment Public school (Manistee behind a school. High School, Kennedy Most of the lost sizes in Elementary) town are small with Private school (Manistee kept up older homes. Catholic Central Majority of homes Schools) have flowers and lawns Secretary of state that are maintained. Work out Places Trees located along the Laundry mat sides of the street and Parks (not in use) sidewalks too. Roads were paved, majority had potholes and the alleys were unpaved. Boundaries Stores and street people Health and morbidity

MANISTEE WINDSHIELD SURVERY Condos located by the lake have own subdivision. The West side of US31 has maintained older homes The East side of US-31 appears to be more impoverished with homes in need of repair and improvement. Stores are in the Victorian buildings lining the street downtown Stores include many options from dollar stores, convenience stores variety stores, to clothing, a meat store, jewelry store, and a kitchen store. Main downtown had street lights. Not many street lights noted on streets. (dark at night) Signs of Decay Falling down houses Trash Roads crumbling Dead flowers, trees, lawns Animal carcass on roads Sidewalks uneven and broken Dilapidated buildings Vacant store fronts and buildings Rusty vehicles Unfinished building projects (homes, garages)

6 Nearest hospital was outside of the main town area by at least 10 minutes Numerous bars located in area Not many people outside and if they were, they were sitting on porch

Commons Vogue theater Playgrounds Beach Riverwalk that follows the channel Food establishments include: Goodies, Dairy Queen, Wendys, McDonalds, A&W, Taco Bell/ KFC, Subway, American Legion, Elks, Boathouse Grille Bars include: Hi-way, McManagals, River Street, TJs Pubs, Boathouse Grille Basketball Court Schools (PrivateCatholic school and Public high school, elementary) Football Fields Teen center Downtown

Media Billboards Sides of buildings School spirit yard signs Local newspaper Visitor Center

MANISTEE WINDSHIELD SURVERY References Haithcox-Dennis, M., DeWeese, A., & Goodman, J. (2013). Rethinking the Factors of Success: Social Support and Community Coalitions. American Journal of Health Education 44(2), 110118. Retrieved from AONE&sw=w&asid=daf9085e192fdb7b3b6d0a362d2a7741. Harkness, G. & De Marco, R. (2012). Community and public health nursing: Evidence for practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

MacQueen, K. M., McLellan, E., & Metzger, D. S., Kegeles, S., Strauss, R. P., Scotti, R., Blanchard, L., Trotter II, R. T. (2001). What is community? An evidence-based definition for participatory public health. American Journal of Public Health, 91(12), 1929-1938. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS]. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Healthy People 2020. Washington, DC. Retrieved from

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