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lor baslc expenses (accommodaLlon, food, elecLrlclLy, LransporL, eLc.).
AvL8ACL MCn1L? 8uuCL1 (8Ln1lnC A 8CCM noL an aparLmenL):

2 bedroom aparLmenL ln Lhe mlddle zone 60-90 t (per day)
8ooms ln a shared flaL 330-600 t (per monLh)
LlecLrlclLy and oLher cosLs 130 - 200 (per monLh)
8ed & 8reakfasL Slngle: t30-90 - uouble t60-120 (per day)
Movles 6 - 8 t
MeLro Slngle rlde 1,3 t
MeLrebus for 7 days 24 t
MonLhly 1ransporL ass 33 t
ConcerL 23 - 100 t
ually menu or meal aL a resLauranL 13 - 30 t
nlghLclub / dlsco 8 - 13 t
urlnk aL a nlghLclub 3-8 t
8eer ln a bar 3 t
Can of Coca Cola aL Lhe supermarkeL 0,80 - 1t
Loaf of bread 0,70- 0,80 t
Small Lrolley of food (a week's grocerles) 10 - 13 t
Coffee ln a cafe 0,63 - 2 t
newspaper 1-1,3 t
Magazlne 2,30 t
looLball maLch (Serle A) 13 - 200 t

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