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e: Understand and respect varying points of view and the influence of ones own and others ethnics and values.
In group and one-on-one discussions, I have learned to listen to the varying points of views that others may have and I take them into consideration before stating my point. I also understand that my background and upbringing may affect my views and opinions while the same may be true for others and I respect how their

Subject Matter Knowledge-Base in General and Liberal Education

I chose this evidence because I believe that one of the best ways to respect someone is to show that you understand and respect their opinions, even if you do not agree with them. I think that this type of respect is rarely found these days and mediated group discussion in classrooms is an excellent way of teaching students that

Throughout the entirety of my education classes, group discussions have been pertinent to our learning, and I believe that over the years, I have become more and more adept at listening to others opinions and either agreeing or respectfully disagreeing with them, while still understanding their point of view. This, to me,

Group Discussion
background, upbringing, and cultures have influenced their opinions. I believe that this has been evident in our classroom activities and group discussions throughout the length of the course.

Critical Thinking
understanding and respecting others views and opinions is imperative in the real world.

is essential to learn on the road to becoming a professional educator. The better that you can model this for your students, the better off and more prepared they will be for the road ahead of them.

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