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I am familiar with WAS installation in silent mode on Network deployment architecture.

Knows about all the basic day to day operations regarding Nodes, Node agents and Deployment manager profiles.

Familiar with the different types of clustering in WAS and configurations in clustering. In Global security configurations, I am familiar with the JAAS alias creation/password entry. In case of resources i am familiar with creation and configuration of JDBC and Datasource .

Have troubleshoot HTTP Server in case of issues, have analyzed the plug-in file and have performed any changes that are required in the configuration files(plugincfg.xml and httpd.conf) as a part of change tickets. I am familiar with scheduling cron jobs and certificate renewal (SSL)

I am familiar with the different types of websphere logs (system logs, native logs) of Dmgr,node agent,app server in case there is any issues with any application server of application

I have installed/uninstalled/update EAR and WAR files and have troubleshoot in case of any issues. map module to servers,provide JNDI to beans, map virtual hosts to web module/security roles to user and groups/context root to web modules/map shared libraries

I am quite familiar with all the general housekeeping command that are required for basic operations .e.g. vi,cat,tail,du,df,chmod,scp,zip,unzip,ls,rm,mv,cp,mkdir,touch,echo,kill,ps......etc

Timestamp,thread id,short name,event type,class name,method name,message id

Context root is used to separate the webmodules from one another so that specific web request can be handled by web container

Scp r t64141a@hostname:tmp\Soumya . * Scp filename

I have used scripting in performing daily operations. For e.g to start/stop or status of the server.. I have copied scripts from one location to other. I did not got chance to modify the scripts, but I have worked on the scripts for facilitating the accuracy of daily activites

Systemout- systemoutput stream,system error stream Log in to the operating system by root. Umask 022 and then untar the file tar cd was r

./install options response file name silent


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