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Mark St.

Jean Primary 617 771-7561 CURRENT ADDRESS 50 Raymond St. Tewksbury, MA 01876

Wentworth In titute o! Techno"o#y$ %o ton$ MA Bachelor of Science in (Business Management) Au!ust "01#

Cour ework
$inan%ia& A%%ountin! 'rou( )ro%esses and Team *ui&din! ,ntro to )roje%t )&annin! and S%-edu&in! Mana!ement o. +ontem(orary /r!ani0ations Strate!i% Mana!ement *usiness +ommuni%ations 1e%ision Ana&ysis .or *usiness Te%-no&o!y A%2uisition )roje%t

3an!ua!e Ski&&s - Stron! %om(uter ski&&s and we&& 4ersed in Mi%roso.t 5ord )ower)oint 67%e& A%%ess )roje%t and 8isio. 67tensi4e work wit- 9ui%k*ooks by ,ntuit

Work E&'erience
MIT (inco"n (a)oratory 3e7in!ton MA Au!ust "01: to 1e%ember "01: +ontra%tin! Ser4i%es +o-o( ; Su((&y +-ain Mana!ement )ro%essin! )ur%-ase orders 5ebsite su((ort +ommuni%ation wit- 8endors +ommuni%ations wit- %ustomers data ana&ysis *ide"ity In+e tment Merrima%k <= >anuary "01: to May "01: )ri%in! Ana&yst +o-o( ; Asset Mana!ement )a(erwork $i&in! 8endor +om(arisons +ommuni%ation witTraders 1ai&y )roje%t 5ork Centauro C*, 'roton MA May "01" to Au!ust "01" ,ntern?+o-o( ; )ro%ess ,n4oi%es?67(ense Re(orts .or )ayment 'enerate +ustomer ,n4oi%es +ommuni%ate +ustomer *i&&in! (a%ka!es *ank A%%ount Re%on%i&iation Re%ord +ustomer )ayments %rand Ado'tion Marketin# )-oeni7 A@ >une "011 to Au!ust "011 *rand Ambassador .or *oston MA ; Ad4ertise Market =and out sam(&es o. $RS 6ner!y 1rink TD %ank -uman Re ource %ranch Ando4er MA /..i%e Assistant ; +&eri%a& work .i&in! mai&in! and (a%ka!in! Mc.a!!i#an Paintin# Man%-ester <= 3aborer? )ainter May "010 to Au!ust "010 >une "008 to Au!ust "008

Intere t

Marketin! and Sa&es 1e%ision Ana&ysis $inan%e and A%%ountin!, )roje%t 3eaders-i(?Mana!ement

A4ai&ab&e u(on re2uest

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