Coal Lesson 2

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Teacher Candidate: Cooperating Teacher: Group Size: 19

Katie McGrath Mrs. Lechleitner

Date: 2/20/14 to 2/21/14 Coop. Initials

Allotted Time 1hr 30 mins Grade Level 3rd How to coal mine? Section 065

Subject or Topic:

STANDARD: 8.2.3.A: Identify the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals and groups from Pennsylvania. 6.2.3.D: Define price and how prices vary for products 6.5.3.B: Identify different occupations CC.2.1.3B.1:Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic M03.A-T.1.1.2: Add two- and three-digit whole numbers (limit sums from 100 through 1,000) and/or subtract two- and three-digit numbers from three-digit whole numbers

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes): A. The third grade students will be able to identify economic contributions from Pennsylvania, when completing guided notes on coal mining. B. The third grade students will be able to identify the occupation of coal mining by completing cookie coal mining activity. C. The third grade students will add two digit numbers when completing coal mining activity. D. The third grade students will learn about price various when completing choosing a cookie to buy for the coal mining activity. II. Instructional Materials A. Student guided notes B. Teacher copy of power point C. Exit slip questions

D. Coal mining Website: E. Student Guided Notes F. Teacher copy of PowerPoint G. 2 packs of cookies H. Toothpicks I. Paperclips J. Small paper plates K. Play money L. Cookie worksheet

III. Subject Matter/Content(prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea) A. Prerequisite skills 1. Adding and subtracting two-digit numbers. B. Key vocabulary 1. Shaft Mining- a type of coal mining that is the deepest form of mining. 2. Profit-the money earned in a company. C. Big Idea 1. To understand the difficulties of coal mining. 2. To understand how profits are made through coal mining.

IV. Implementation A. Introduction 1. 2. B. Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Have up coal mining website. Read the introduction paragraph. Visit all the parts of the Colliery on the Coal mining website. Allow students to come up and choose different parts of the Colliery to explore. Read to the students the information for each part of colliery. Have students get out their guided notes. Go over the guided notes for the Colliery and the process of coal mining. See PowerPoint notes for any addition information. (stop at slide 12) Tell students that tomorrow they will be mining cookies. End day 1 Go over cookie mining activity. a. You will receive $10

7. 8.

b. With your $10 you will have to buy a cookie, tools to mine chocolate chips, and a paper plate which is the land where you can mine. c. You will have the choice to buy a cookie with lots of chocolate chips or one with not as many. d. The chocolate chip cookie that has more will cost more money. e. Once you buy your cookie you can buy your equipment. f. Then you will go back to your seat and try to mine the chocolate chips. g. When mining you cannot touch or eat the cookies. h. Once you get a chocolate chip out of the cookie put it to the side. (you will get $1.00 for each chip) i. At the end you want to see how much money you have left over. That is the profit you made from mining. j. You will lose $1.00 for any crumbs that fall off your plate. k. If your equipment breaks you will have to buy more. 9. Hand out $10.00 and cookie worksheet to each student. 10. Have a list of prices for cookie, equipment, and land on the board. 11. Tell the students to decide which cookie they want, the more expensive or less expensive cookie. 12. Have the students write down the cost of their cookie on cookie worksheet. (expensive cookie $3, less expensive $1) 13. Then tell the students to write the cost for all the different equipment they will need. (tooth pick $1, paper clip $2,) 14. Lastly, tell the students to write down the cost for the land (plate $3) 15. Have the students add up all the costs. 16. Tell the students to get out the amount of money needed to buy all the items. 17. Call up one group of students at a time to get all their items and to pay for them. Tell the students to bring their paper with and confirm that they did the math correctly. 18. Once the students get their stuff tell them to sit patiently and wait for everyone else to get theirs. 19. Once all the students have paid for their items, tell them to start mining chocolate chips. (remind students to set aside any chocolate chips) 20. Tell the students that the teacher will be walking around the room and if there are any crumbs or any hands touching the cookie they will be fined and have to pay the teacher $1) 21. If the students run out of money they are done mining.

22. If the students break any equipment they can buy more if they have any money left over. 23. Give the students 5 minutes to mine their cookies. 24. Then walk around the room and give the students $1 for every chocolate chip they mined. 25. Have the students add up their money. 26. Write on the board the amount of money each person has left over. 27. Tell the students to throw away all their mining stuff. 28. Bring the class together and discuss the process of mining. a. Did you find it difficult? b. Did you end up making a lot of money? c. Can you see how expensive it can be to coal mine, and how much time effort is put into coal mining?

C. Closure 1. Exit slip questions 2. Tell the students that tomorrow they will be learning about different coal mining families. D. Accommodations/Differentiation: 1. Vision impaired student- will get larger power point handout, cookie worksheet, and exit slip questions.

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan 1. Formative: Exit slip (S.S)- can receive a +, , or Cookie mine worksheet (math)-can receive a +, , or 2. Summative: N/A

V. Reflective Response A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is taught)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection

Could I change anything for next time?

Did the students understand the steps given?

VI. Resources

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