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Missouri Western Lesson Plan Name Sarah Reed Grade Level 11 Date November 2013

Content Area Environmental Science Lesson Title Global Warming (1)

Objectives: 1. The student will be able to identify their initial understanding of Global Warming and parts they would like to learn. 2. The student will be able to prepare a video blog describing their initial opinions of Global Warming and what they can do to prevent it. Show me Content/Knowledge standards: SC-5 processes (such as plate movement, water cycle, air flow) and interactions of earths biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere Performance/Process Standards: 3.6 examine problems and proposed solutions from multiple perspectives St Joseph District curriculum: Objective #6: Global Change: Global changes will be examined, analyzed and discussed for their consequences pertaining to their first order and higher order relationships within the atmosphere, oceans and biota. Assessments: Pre-test for unit KWL for Global Warming/Climate Change Materials/Resources: Powerpoint slides and student hand out notes Addressing Learning Styles: Students are seated giving priority to special needs. ELL students are given full powerpoint notes. Para in block 4R assists IEP students. Are there any cultural contributions that you can identify in this lesson? If so, what are they? Global warming is a very controversial issue and students background information and cultural upbringing will greatly influence their understanding, interpretation, acceptance of the issue. How will you accommodate for the various cultural learning styles in your class?

Students have access to the full powerpoint slides available on my website so they can choose to study individually from those. Mixture of group and individual work to accommodate student preferences. Lessons are broken into whole class discussion and individual application of new concepts. Daily review and cumulative quizzes on Edmodo to provide continuation of lesson bridging each day in class. How will you accommodate for this lesson for students with learning disabilities or special needs? Paraprofessional April Sisk is available in block 4R to assist special needs students. In all classes these students are given preferential seating and additional time on assignments. Special needs students are also placed in a small group setting to have tests read aloud to them. The Teacher Will: 1. The teacher will initiate this unit with a pretest available on Edmodo (printed copies available for students without computers). 2. The teacher will demonstrate how to fill out a KWL Chart and then review class contributions to KWL chart. 3. The teacher will model (using iMovie) and assign start of unit video assignment that aligns with Bentons digital exhibition long term project (see What I knew before Global Warming assignment) a. Questions to be answered in video: i. What do I know about Global Warming (what is it?) ii. What causes global warming? iii. Describe predictions for the future iv. How is this going to affect me? v. Is there anything we can do to stop this? vi. Should we take action against this phenomena? How? (details) The Student Will: 1. The student will take the pretest on Edmodo and be able to immediately see test results as well as correct answers to each question. 2. The student will work in partners/groups to brainstorm answers to KWL chart and then share on a whole-class KWL Chart. 3. The student will individually work on start of unit video project 4. The student will be able to identify their initial understanding of Global Warming and parts they would would like to learn. 5. The student will be able to prepare a video blog describing their initial opinions of Global Warming and what they can do to prevent it.

Missouri Western Lesson Plan Name Sarah Reed Grade Level 11 Date November 2013

Content Area Environmental Science Lesson Title Global Warming (2)

Objectives: 1. The student will be able to describe evidence supporting the theory of Global Warming. 2. The student will be able to identify greenhouse gases and their role in Global Warming. 3. The student will be able to understand a few steps individuals can take to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases to slow Global Warming. Show me Content/Knowledge standards: SC-5 processes (such as plate movement, water cycle, air flow) and interactions of earths biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere Performance/Process Standards: 3.6 examine problems and proposed solutions from multiple perspectives St Joseph District curriculum: Objective #6: Global Change: Global changes will be examined, analyzed and discussed for their consequences pertaining to their first order and higher order relationships within the atmosphere, oceans and biota. St Joseph District curriculum: Objective #7: Environment and Society: Environmental and societal issues will be analyzed through cost benefit and cultural considerations, and by examining ethical laws and regulations. Assessments: Formative - Vocabulary Worksheet Materials/Resources: Powerpoint slides and student hand out notes Addressing Learning Styles: Students are seated giving priority to special needs. ELL students are given full powerpoint notes. Para in block 4R assists IEP students. Are there any cultural contributions that you can identify in this lesson? If so, what are they?

Global warming is a very controversial issue and students background information and cultural upbringing will greatly influence their understanding, interpretation, acceptance of the issue. How will you accommodate for the various cultural learning styles in your class? Students have access to the full powerpoint slides available on my website so they can choose to study individually from those. Mixture of group and individual work to accommodate student preferences. Lessons are broken into whole class discussion and individual application of new concepts. Daily review and cumulative quizzes on Edmodo to provide continuation of lesson bridging each day in class. How will you accommodate for this lesson for students with learning disabilities or special needs? Paraprofessional April Sisk is available in block 4R to assist special needs students. In all classes these students are given preferential seating and additional time on assignments. Special needs students are also placed in a small group setting to have tests read aloud to them. The Teacher Will: 1. The teacher will distribute student notes and then begin powerpoint presentation on Global Warming including anecdotes of personal experience. 2. The teacher will introduce few key vocabulary words. (See Global Warming Vocabulary worksheet) 3. The teacher will demonstrate navigation of this website: before entire class and then instruct students to complete Edmodo quiz based off this website The Student Will: 1. The student will individually take notes on teacher-provided handout while teacher presents the material. 2. The student will work in partners/groups to complete vocabulary sheet 3. The student will work individually on finding Edmodo quiz answers on 4. The student will examine problems and proposed solutions from multiple perspectives 5. The student will examine, analyze and discuss global changes for their consequences pertaining to their first order and higher order relationships within the atmosphere, oceans and biota. 6. The student will be able to describe evidence supporting the theory of Global Warming. 7. The student will be able to identify greenhouse gases and their role in Global Warming. 8. The student will be able to understand a few steps individuals can take to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases to slow Global Warming.

Missouri Western Lesson Plan Name Sarah Reed Grade Level 11 Date November 2013

Content Area Environmental Science Lesson Title Global Warming (3)

Objectives: 1. The student will be able to assess their progress in understanding the main principles of Global Warming. 2. The student will be able to understand the implications of Global Warming on natural systems such as sea level rise due to increasing temperatures. Show me Content/Knowledge standards: SC-5 processes (such as plate movement, water cycle, air flow) and interactions of earths biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere Performance/Process Standards: 3.6 examine problems and proposed solutions from multiple perspectives St Joseph District curriculum: Objective #6: Global Change: Global changes will be examined, analyzed and discussed for their consequences pertaining to their first order and higher order relationships within the atmosphere, oceans and biota. St Joseph District curriculum: Objective #7: Environment and Society: Environmental and societal issues will be analyzed through cost benefit and cultural considerations, and by examining ethical laws and regulations. Assessments: Formative Edmodo quiz Materials/Resources: Internet access and computers Addressing Learning Styles: Students are seated giving priority to special needs. ELL students are given full powerpoint notes. Para in block 4R assists IEP students. Are there any cultural contributions that you can identify in this lesson? If so, what are they? Global warming is a very controversial issue and students background information and cultural upbringing will greatly influence their understanding, interpretation, acceptance of the issue.

How will you accommodate for the various cultural learning styles in your class? Students have access to the full powerpoint slides available on my website so they can choose to study individually from those. Mixture of group and individual work to accommodate student preferences. Lessons are broken into whole class discussion and individual application of new concepts. Daily review and cumulative quizzes on Edmodo to provide continuation of lesson bridging each day in class. How will you accommodate for this lesson for students with learning disabilities or special needs? Paraprofessional April Sisk is available in block 4R to assist special needs students. In all classes these students are given preferential seating and additional time on assignments. Special needs students are also placed in a small group setting to have tests read aloud to them. The Teacher Will: 1. The teacher will direct students to Edmodo to complete a review quiz over powerpoint from previous lesson including vocabulary. 2. The teacher will introduce movie 6 Degrees Could Change the World 3. The teacher will lead discussion on reactions to movie The Student Will: 1. The student will individually take Edmodo review quiz 2. The student will watch the movie 6 Degrees Could Change the World and complete worksheet to go along with it. 3. The student will examine problems and proposed solutions from multiple perspectives 4. The student will understand processes (such as plate movement, water cycle, air flow) and interactions of earths biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere. 5. The student will examine, analyze and discuss global changes for their consequences pertaining to their first order and higher order relationships within the atmosphere, oceans and biota. 3. The student will be able to assess their progress in understanding the main principles of Global Warming. 4. The student will be able to understand the implications of Global Warming on natural systems such as sea level rise due to increasing temperatures.

Missouri Western Lesson Plan Name Sarah Reed Grade Level 11 Date November 2013

Content Area Environmental Science Lesson Title Global Warming (4)

Objectives: 1. The student will be able to identify sources of greenhouse gas emissions from their own activities and their effect on the environment. 2. The student will be able to research and defend different perspectives on what people should do to reduce their own carbon footprint. Show me Content/Knowledge standards: SC-5 processes (such as plate movement, water cycle, air flow) and interactions of earths biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere Performance/Process Standards: 3.6 examine problems and proposed solutions from multiple perspectives St Joseph District curriculum: Objective #6: Global Change: Global changes will be examined, analyzed and discussed for their consequences pertaining to their first order and higher order relationships within the atmosphere, oceans and biota. St Joseph District curriculum: Objective #7: Environment and Society: Environmental and societal issues will be analyzed through cost benefit and cultural considerations, and by examining ethical laws and regulations. Assessments: Formative Edmodo quiz Materials/Resources: Internet access and computers Addressing Learning Styles: Students are seated giving priority to special needs. ELL students are given full powerpoint notes. Para in block 4R assists IEP students. Are there any cultural contributions that you can identify in this lesson? If so, what are they? Global warming is a very controversial issue and students background information and cultural upbringing will greatly influence their understanding, interpretation, acceptance of the issue.

How will you accommodate for the various cultural learning styles in your class? Students have access to the full powerpoint slides available on my website so they can choose to study individually from those. Mixture of group and individual work to accommodate student preferences. Lessons are broken into whole class discussion and individual application of new concepts. Daily review and cumulative quizzes on Edmodo to provide continuation of lesson bridging each day in class. How will you accommodate for this lesson for students with learning disabilities or special needs? Paraprofessional April Sisk is available in block 4R to assist special needs students. In all classes these students are given preferential seating and additional time on assignments. Special needs students are also placed in a small group setting to have tests read aloud to them. The Teacher Will: 1. The teacher will direct students to this website where they can calculate their individual carbon footprint 2. The teacher will lead discussion on ways to decrease the carbon footprint of different populations of people. The Student Will: 1. The student will use online simulation tool to calculate individual their carbon footprint. 2. The student will work in groups to brainstorm ideas to reduce carbon footprint and emissions from the point of view of an international UN member, a top American politician, a Fortune 500 company CEO, a typical head of household consumer, and a typical American 16 year old student. Groups will then present information to class. a. Factors to be considered by each group: cost/benefit analysis, legal regulations and laws, environmental impacts, and future predictions of outcomes. 3. The student will write an individual 300 word reflection of their carbon footprint and practical solutions. 4. The student will examine problems and proposed solutions from multiple perspectives 5. The student will examine, analyze and discuss global changes for their consequences pertaining to their first order and higher order relationships within the atmosphere, oceans and biota. 6. The student will analyze environmental and societal issues through cost benefit and cultural considerations, and by examining ethical laws and regulations. 3. The student will be able to identify sources of greenhouse gas emissions from their own activities and their effect on the environment. 4. The student will be able to research and defend different perspectives on what people should do to reduce their own carbon footprint.

Missouri Western Lesson Plan Name Sarah Reed Grade Level 11 Date November 2013

Content Area Environmental Science Lesson Title Global Warming (5)

Objectives: 1. The student will be able to correlate current events and topics in the news to Global Warming and the effects on the environment. 2. The student will be able to identify how their own opinions and understanding of Global Warming has changed over the course of this unit and reflect on the new information presented. Show me Content/Knowledge standards: SC-5 processes (such as plate movement, water cycle, air flow) and interactions of earths biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere Performance/Process Standards: 3.6 examine problems and proposed solutions from multiple perspectives St Joseph District curriculum: Objective #6: Global Change: Global changes will be examined, analyzed and discussed for their consequences pertaining to their first order and higher order relationships within the atmosphere, oceans and biota. St Joseph District curriculum: Objective #7: Environment and Society: Environmental and societal issues will be analyzed through cost benefit and cultural considerations, and by examining ethical laws and regulations. Assessments: Formative Student video essay Materials/Resources: Internet access and computers Addressing Learning Styles: Students are seated giving priority to special needs. ELL students are given full powerpoint notes. Para in block 4R assists IEP students. Are there any cultural contributions that you can identify in this lesson? If so, what are they? Global warming is a very controversial issue and students background information and cultural upbringing will greatly influence their understanding, interpretation, acceptance of the issue.

How will you accommodate for the various cultural learning styles in your class? Students have access to the full powerpoint slides available on my website so they can choose to study individually from those. Mixture of group and individual work to accommodate student preferences. Lessons are broken into whole class discussion and individual application of new concepts. Daily review and cumulative quizzes on Edmodo to provide continuation of lesson bridging each day in class. How will you accommodate for this lesson for students with learning disabilities or special needs? Paraprofessional April Sisk is available in block 4R to assist special needs students. In all classes these students are given preferential seating and additional time on assignments. Special needs students are also placed in a small group setting to have tests read aloud to them. The Teacher Will: 1. The teacher will instruct students to Find Global Warming In The News students must locate an article discussing a current event and the effects of global warming and then present in small groups their findings. Each small group will then elect one person to present to class. Teacher will collect all individual essays. 2. The teacher will update class KWL chart with the L category 3. The teacher will distribute What I Learned About Global Warming video essay assignment. The Student Will: 1. The student will use online resources to find a relevant article, synthesize their own analysis of the article and then present to a small group (3-4 students). One student from each group will then present to class. 2. The student will contribute new information to the L category of the original KWL chart. 3. The student will brainstorm what they have learned from this unit and then create a 3 minute video of their opinions of global warming, what they found surprising about the topic, and what action they will take or they think others should do. 4. The student will examine problems and proposed solutions from multiple perspectives 5. The student will examine, analyze and discuss global changes for their consequences pertaining to their first order and higher order relationships within the atmosphere, oceans and biota. 6. The student will analyze environmental and societal issues through cost benefit and cultural considerations, and by examining ethical laws and regulations. 7. The student will be able to correlate current events and topics in the news to Global Warming and the effects on the environment.

8. The student will be able to identify how their own opinions and understanding of Global Warming has changed over the course of this unit and reflect on the new information presented.

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