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Teacher Candidate:

Katie McGrath

Date: 2/27/14 to 2/28/14

Cooperating Teacher: Group Size:

Mrs. Lechleitner

Coop. Initials 3rd

19 Allotted Time two days (45 mins a day) 1 hr 30 Grade Level Section 065

Subject or Topic: Review and Unit test

STANDARD: S3.D.1.2: Identify and describe the types of Earth's natural resources. 8.2.3.A: Identify the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals and groups from Pennsylvania. 6.5.3.B: Identify different occupations I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes): A. The third grade students will identify and describe different types of energy sources when reviewing for their test and when taking their test. B. The third grade students will identify cultural and economic contributions when reviewing their test and when taking their test. C. The third grade students will identify the occupation of coal mining when reviewing for their test and when taking their test. II. Instructional Materials A. Smart board game B. White boards C. Coal Unit Test

III. Subject Matter/Content(prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea) A. Prerequisite skills 1. Understanding of the Coal Unit B. Key vocabulary 1. Wind Power- An alternative fuel that uses wind to produce electricity 2. Solar Power-An alternative fuel that uses the suns power to produce electricity

3. Water Power- An alternative fuel that used water to produce electricity. 4. Black Lung- Disease caused from mining coal 5. Shaft Mining- a type of coal mining that is the deepest form of mining. 6. Profit-the money earned in a company. 7. Fossil fuel- fuel formed millions of years ago from dead animals and plants. 8. Industrial Revolution-a time period where there was a transition to new manufacturing processes. 9. Acid Mine Drainage- when water mixed with coal it becomes toxic 10. Centralia- an abandoned town where anthracite coal caught on fire and is still burning today. 11. Coal Mining- the process of mining coal 12. Patch towns- towns where miners lived. The towns were run and owned by the coal mine owners. C. Big Idea 1. To review and to take the unit test on coal.

IV. Implementation A. Introduction 1. Day 1:Go over KWL chart and write down all the new things learned throughout the unit. 2. Day 2: reread some of the things learned on the KWL chart. Do a quick review before test. B. Development 1. Day1: play Horse Race Review Game 2. Students will work in their teams to play. 3. Each team will be assigned different horse color. 4. Team members will write the answer down to the question on their white boards. 5. I will call on each team and if they get the answer correct they can move their horse. 6. The team that gets to the finish line first wins. 7. Keep playing until all questions are reviewed. 8. Put up PowerPoint Game 9. Have students get out white board and all their notes. They may use them to help answer the questions. 10. Play game. 11. Day 2: Do a quick review. 12. Pass out tests. 13. Give the students the rest of the class period to complete.

C. Closure 1. Day 1: Tell the students to study for their test tomorrow. 2. Day 2: Discuss the unit with the students ask them what their favorite part was and what they thought was most interesting. D. Accommodations/Differentiation: 1. Vision impaired student- will get larger test

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan 1. Formative:N/A 2. Summative: Coal Unit Test

V. Reflective Response A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is taught)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection

Could I change anything for next time?

Did the students understand the material during the review game?

VI. Resources


Choose 3 areas to put in brochure

Industrial Revolution

All the information on the industrial revolution is accurate and is found in the notes or provided texts. All the information on How to mine coal? is accurate and is found in notes or provided texts All the information on the coal mining families and lifestyle is accurate and found in notes or provided texts. All the information on Coal mining disaster is accurate and found in notes or provided texts. All the information on coal today and alternative fuel sources is accurate and found in notes or provided texts. All 3 paragraphs are complete paragraphs.

2 of the 3 facts on the industrial revolution is accurate and is found in the notes or provided texts. 2 of the 3 facts on How to mine coal? is accurate and is found in notes or provided texts 2 of the 3 facts on the coal mining families and lifestyle is accurate and found in notes or provided texts. 2 of the 3 facts on Coal mining disaster is accurate and found in notes or provided texts. 2 of the 3 facts on coal today and alternative fuel sources is accurate and found in notes or provided texts. 2 of the 3 paragraphs are complete

1 of the 3 facts on the industrial revolution is accurate and is found in the notes or provided texts. 1 of the 3 facts on How to mine coal? is accurate and is found in notes or provided texts 1 of the 3 facts on the coal mining families and lifestyle is accurate and found in notes or provided texts. 1 of the 3 facts on Coal mining disaster is accurate and found in notes or provided texts. 1 of the 3 facts coal today and alternative fuel sources is accurate and found in notes or provided texts. 1 of the 3 paragraphs are complete

0 of the 3 facts on the industrial revolution is accurate and is found in the notes or provided texts. 0 of the 3 facts on How to mine coal? is accurate and is found in notes or provided texts 0 of the 3 facts on the coal mining families and lifestyle is accurate and found in notes or provided texts. 0 of the 3 facts on Coal mining disaster is accurate and found in notes or provided texts. 0 of the 3 facts coal today and alternative fuel sources is accurate and found in notes or provided texts. 0 of the 3 paragraphs are complete

How to mine coal?

Coal mining families and lifestyle.

Coal mining disasters

Coal today and alternative fuel sources


(complete sentences, topic and concluding sentences)

paragraphs. (complete sentence, topic and concluding sentences)

paragraphs (complete sentences, topic and concluding sentences)

paragraphs (complete sentences, topic and concluding sentences) /10pts

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