Week 6 - Oct 14, Oct 16

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Wednesday, October 14th 2009 (60 min)

Warm Up 5min – stretch

Pre – Set – easy – focus on technique (300)

• 2x 75 - 25 kick, 25 drill, 25 swim, mix up the strokes, 10-15 sec. rest

Main Set (1500)

• Go through the following 3 times:

○ 150 free, medium speed, 30 sec. rest

○ 125 BOTF, fast speed, 40 sec. rest
○ 100 I.M. cruise (fairly easy), 20 sec. rest, drill for fly is optional
○ 75 free, medium speed, 20 sec. rest
○ 50 choice, fast speed, at least 1 minute rest before beginning

Cool Down (200)

• 200 EZ

Total: 2300 + warm up

Friday, October 16th 2009 (90 min)

Warm Up 5min – stretch

Pre – Set – easy – focus on technique (400)

• 100 swim, choice

• 100 free kick with flippers
• 100 free pull
• 100 swim, choice

Main Set (1800) or (900)

• 9 x 200 free OR 9 x 100 choice

○ 3 long and smooth 40 sec. rest

○ 3 descending 1-3 30 sec. rest
○ 3 strong, holding stroke 15 sec. rest

The last three will be tough and you may feel like your arms are about to
fall off! If you feel like you are losing your stroke, alternate 50 swim with 50
long, smooth drill, and take the rest provided, rather than going on the pace
times. As always, keeping good technique for this set outweighs just trying
to make pace. If you need to switch off from free due to shoulder problems,
do a stroke that is easier for you.

• 100 easy double arm back recommended

• 4 x 50 kick with flippers

• 8 x 25 choice odds easy, evens fast!

Cool Down
• 200 EZ choice

Total: 2900 + warm up or 2000 + warm up

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