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Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice NATIONAL PROSECUTION SERVICE Office of the City Prosecutor City JUANA DE LA CRUZ,

Complainant, NPS Docket No. FOR: ESTAFA -versusMARIA MERCEDES, ANDRES BONIFACIO, AND ANDRES BONIFACIO, JR. Respondents. x-------------------------------------------------x


le!al a!es, Filipinos, an" #ith resi"ence an" postal a""ress at Parana$ue City, after ha%in! been "uly s#orn to in accor"ance #ith la#, "o hereby state un"er oath, that:

&' As respon"ents in the instant case, #e ha%e been in receipt of the Reply "ate" &( Au!ust )*&+ on &, Au!ust )*&+'


e "eny the alle!ations un"er para!raph + of the Reply that - the alleged

APECO projects did not exist at all as they did not materialize ., for lac/ of /no#le"!e to form a sufficient belief as to the truthfulness of the same' The fact that there #as a -Contract for Deli%ery An" Payment Of 0oney. e1ecute"

bet#een the parties, #hich e%en pro%i"e" for onerous interest therein, only sho#s that in"ee", both parties belie%e" of the e1istence of the APECO pro2ect' Parties #oul" not ha%e entere" into the sai" contract, if they "i" not belie%e in such pro2ect'


e specifically "eny the alle!ations in para!raph 3 of the Reply, the fact

bein! that it is state" in their Contract for Deli%ery an" Payment of 0oney & that the amount borro#e" shall be use" e1clusi%ely for the facilitation of the APECO pro2ect' Complainant is %ery much a#are of the nee" of the respon"ents in borro#in! the sai" amount from her' Parties met se%eral times before the a!reement #as e1ecute"'


e "eny the alle!ations in para!raphs ( an" , of the Reply, the fact

bein! that the pro2ect is locate" in Aurora, #oul" only mean that the transportation an" representation e1penses nee"e" #oul" be substantial, if not, #oul" eat a portion of the amount borro#e"' Respon"ents #ere e1pectin! to !et a notice of a#ar" in one of the APECO pro2ect, that4s #hy se%eral trips #ere ma"e to the pro2ect site itself' An" it ne%er occurre" to them that there #oul" be an accountin!, as herein complainant is no# "eman"in!, on ho# the amount #as use"' To stress, the money #as use" for this purpose only an" not for any other use'

b' On the basis of the representations of the F5RST PART6 that they #ill secure notice7s of a#ar" for the pro2ect7s #ithin &( #or/in! "ays from "ate of e1ecution hereof, they sh"## use the $ri%ci$"# su& e'c#usi(e#y to f"ci#it"te the o%-)oi%) $ro*ect+s i% APECO , #ith the further a!reement that upon issuance of the necessary notice of a#ar" to the F5RST PART64s contractor of choice, they shall return the principal amount of P+**,***'** plus interest e$ui%alent to &8 of the total cost of the pro2ect7s #hich the F5RST PART6 an" their contractor7s ha%e secure", but in no case later than *& 0arch )*&+ 9fifteen #or/in! "ays from *: February )*&+;<



e "eny the alle!ations in para!raphs = an" : of the Reply, the fact

bein! that it #as beyon" the control of the herein respon"ents #hen they #ere tol" to #ait for further a"%ice by the APECO people' 5t is for this reason that #e returne" the P)**,***'** to the complainant, #hile a#aitin! for the sai" a"%ice'

,' 5t bears stressin! at this point that respon"ents are still see/in! the compassion of the complainant to !i%e them more time to sort their finances an" settle this problem on a more easier an" reasonable terms'


e are e1ecutin! this Affi"a%it to attest to the truth of our fore!oin!

statements, in support of our Joint Counter Affi"a%it an" to rebut the alle!ations a!ainst us in the Complaint an" Reply'




e ha%e hereunto set our han"s this +* th "ay of

Au!ust )*&+ at Parana$ue City'



SU SCRI ED AND S,ORN to before me this +*th "ay of Au!ust )*&+ in Parana$ue City, Philippines'

CERTIFICATION 5 hereby certify that 5 ha%e personally e1amine" the affiants an" 5 am fully con%ince" that they %oluntarily an" freely e1ecute" the fore!oin! Joint Re2oin"er@ Affi"a%it an" they un"erstoo" the contents thereof'


Copy furnishe": Complainant

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