Lateral Entry IT

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Department of CSE & IT, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore 13. !"#$" #13.

. Submitted to the Principal S%b& S%b'ect( to be (t%)ie) an) e*empte) by the +ateral Entry (t%)ent( reg.

Thi( i( to bring to yo%r ,in) notice that ba(e) on the min%te( of the -oar) of St%)ie( meeting con)%cte) on !.#$. #13 in the )epartment of Comp%ter Science & Engineering an) Information Technology, the (t%)ent( 'oine) in the Secon) year of -.Tech IT by the (cheme of +ateral Entry in the aca)emic year #13 #1/ have to (t%)y the a))itional (%b'ect( a( li(te) belo0. LIST OF LATERAL ENTRY STUDENTS II YEAR B TE!" IT S NO 1. . 3. /. 8. ?. C. $. !. 1#. NA#E RE$ NO 1234.5 1 1$+#1 <1+I53T=3. 5 1 1$+# <12T=I<1.6 1 1$+#3 <1T=125:=IDE E4.6.5.< 1 1$+#/ 4I>ET=1.D 1 1$+#? 215B1.2 1 1$+#$ S14<1214.5.1 1 1$+#! S3414D=12.S 1 1$+1# >I4:T=.S 1 1$+11 >IS=43.5 1 1$+1 !OLLE$E STUDIED 5%thayammal 6olytechnic College, 2a(ip%ram +a*minarayana 6olytechnic College, Dharmap%ri 6eriyar Centenary 6olytechnic College, Than'av%r 6et 6olytechnic College, Tir%nelveli Govt. 6olytechnic College @or Aomen, Coimbatore Dhanala,(hmi Sriniva(an 6olytechnic Coolege, 6erambal%r Govt. 6olytechnic College, Trichirappalli Shanm%ga 6olytechnic College, Than'av%r 6.1 6olytechnic College, 6ollachi Sri 2ama,ri(hna 5i((ion >i)yalaya 6olytechnic College, Coimbatore Digital Sy(tem( 71 I #89 Digital Sy(tem( 71 I #89 19 :b'ect :riente) 6rogramming 3(ing C;; 71 I #/9 LIST OF ADDITIONAL SU%E!TS TO BE STUDIED III I& SE#ESTER SE#ESTER

9 :b'ect :riente) 6rogramming +aboratory 71 I #!9


'P T O(

LIST OF LATERAL ENTRY STUDENTS TO DIPLO#A II YEAR B TE!" IT S NO NA#E RE$ NO 5321+I.2 1 1$+#8 !OLLE$E STUDIED Sri -ala'i 6olytechnic College, >an)al%r 5%thayammal 6olytechnic College, 2a(ip%ram. LIST OF ADDITIONAL SU%E!TS TO BE STUDIED III SE#ESTER III SE#ESTER 19 Digital Sy(tem( 19 Engineering 71 I #89 Graphic( 71 I #$9 9 Aor,(hop 6ractice 71 I1#C9 9 :b'ect :riente) 6rogramming 3(ing C;; 71 I #/9 39 :b'ect :riente) 6rogramming +aboratory 71 I #!9

62E51.G 1 1$+#C

Government College of Technology, Coimbatore 13. !"#$" #13. #inute) o* the Board o* Studie) #eetin+ The -oar) of St%)ie( meeting 0a( hel) on !"#$" #13 to )i(c%(( the a))itional (%b'ect( to be (t%)ie) by the (t%)ent( tran(ferre) from other college( an) 'oine) in the Secon) an) Thir) year of -.E CSE in the aca)emic year #13 #1/. 1fter going thro%gh the c%rric%l%m an) (yllabi of GCT an) the other college( 7GCE Tir%nelveli, GCE -arg%r an) 1CCET <arai,%)i9, the boar) recommen)( the (%b'ect( to be (t%)ie) a( per the table given belo0.

In a))ition, the boar) al(o recommen)( that (ince the thir) year (t%)ent( (t%)ie) the (%b'ect D51 ? 6robability an) E%e%ing TheoryF, they are e*empte) from the (%b'ect D#$S8#1 6robability, 2an)om proce(( an) E%e%ing TheoryF 0hich i( c%rrently in the fifth (eme(ter of GCT c%rric%l%m.

SL NO 1 NA#E SI>1 <3512. S !OLLE$E STUDIED G:>E245E4T C:++EGE :@ E4GI4EE2I4G. TI234E+>E+I 1+1G1661 C=ETTIB12 C:++EGE :@ E4GI4EE2I4G 14D TEC=4:+:GB, <121I<3DI LIST OF ADDITIONAL SU%E!TS DIGIT1+ SBSTE5S 71 S #89 D1T1 ST23CT32ES 14D 166+IC1TI:4S I 71 S #?9 :-GECT :2IE4TED 62:G2155I4G 3SI4G C;; 71 S #/9 :-GECT :2IE4TED 62:G2155I4G +1-:21T:2B 71 S #!9 SE#ESTER TO BE STUDIED T=I2D SE5ESTE2 @:32T= SE5ESTE2

S32B1. G

'P T O(

Government College of Technology, Coimbatore 13. !"#$" #13. #inute) o* the Board o* Studie) #eetin+ The -oar) of St%)ie( meeting 0a( hel) on !"#$" #13 to )i(c%(( the a))itional (%b'ect( to be (t%)ie) by the (t%)ent( 'oine) in the Secon) year of -.Tech IT by the (cheme of +ateral entry in the aca)emic year #13 #1/. 1fter going thro%gh the c%rric%l%m an) (yllabi of GCT the boar) recommen)( the (%b'ect( to be (t%)ie) by the lateral entry (t%)ent( a( per the table given belo0.

S. 4o. 1. . 3. /.

S%b'ect Co)e 1 I #$ 1 I1#C 1 I #8 1 I #/ 1 I #!

S%b'ect 4ame Engineering Graphic( Aor,(hop 6ractice Digital Sy(tem( :b'ect :riente) 6rogramming 3(ing C;; :b'ect :riente) 6rogramming +aboratory

=ence it i( recommen)e) that the (t%)ent( can complete the bri)ge co%r(e in t0o (eme(ter(.

III Seme(ter& S. 4o. S%b'ect Co)e 1. 1 I1#C . 1 I #8 I> Seme(ter& S. 4o. 1. . 3. S%b'ect Co)e 1 I #$ 1 I #/ 1 I #! S%b'ect 4ame Engineering Graphic( :b'ect :riente) 6rogramming 3(ing C;; :b'ect :riente) 6rogramming +aboratory S%b'ect 4ame Aor,(hop 6ractice Digital Sy(tem(

'P T O(

#ember) pre)ent Sl No 1 #ember 6rof. S.<%mare(an, Chairman 6rofe((or& =ea)"CSE Dr. 5. +. >alarmathi, 5ember 1((ociate 6rofe((or"CSE Dr. 2. Shanm%gala,(hmi, 5ember 1((ociate 6rofe((or"CSE Dr. G.C. 5iraclin Goyce 6amila, 5ember 1((i(tant 6rofe((or 7Sr. Gra)e9 "CSE Dr. S. 2athi, 5ember 1((i(tant 6rofe((or 7Sr. Gra)e9 "CSE 6rof. >. Dhanapalan, Special Invitee 1((ociate 6rofe((or & =ea)"5ath( Si+nature

3 / 8 ?

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