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Daily Life of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh)

Timeline He is the role model for people His daily life

571 CE
577 579 BIRTH 6: Mother dies 8:Grandfather dies


25:Marriage w/Khadijah 40:First revelation 50:Year of sorrow-Boycott 53:Migration to Madinah

620 622 23 years 630 632 AGE: 63

Conq. of Mecca
Farewell address Death 632 CE

His Example for People

33.21. Assuredly you have in Gods

Messenger an excellent example to follow for whoever looks forward to God and the Last Day, and remembers and mentions God much.

A Day in the Life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

With the Holy Quran With supplication With prayer With his family With his companions and social life

Prophets (pbuh) Worship Life

About 1/3 of every day spent in individual or congregational prayers.
Supplication Recitation Reflection Meditation Ritual prayer Remembrance Prayers on occasions

Prophet Muhammads Daily Quran

From the time the Quran was revealed to the Messenger of Allah, they were inseparable He has many sayings that encourage reading the Quran. Just as he liked to read The Quran he also liked to listen to it.

Prophet Muhammads Daily Supplications

As the Quran also says his life was full of supplications

Examples: When he wakes up in the morning When he is dressing When he is eating When entering the mosque After the call to prayer When entering & leaving the house When entering the restroom When traveling After prayer/remembrance When it is evening time Before sleeping Night & dawn time

His Daily Prayer (pbuh)

What was his point of view on prayer?
The prayer is worship that is constantly recited by all beings through their tongues of disposition. The prayer is the pillar of religion. The prayer is the ascension of a believer. Every human has a passion, mine is prayer. To pray five times every day is to get rid of your sins.

Some Examples of His Prayer

Hadith narrated from Aisha (r.a.) And from Abdullah Bin Mesud


His Day with His Family

Prophet Muhammed was a perfect human being. Because he was a human being, he got married and had a family and had relatives as well. The Messenger of God Almighty, never forgot his family in his daily life. He would try to feed his family with all his money.

With His Companions and Social Life

He (pbuh) set aside about seven hours each day being with his companions and doing his daily work. Such as:
Trading. Giving gifts and charity. Listening to the problems of his peoples and being a judge for them. Attending weddings, funerals etc Hosting foreign guests, talking to them and answering their questions. .

Categorization of Prophets (pbuh) activities

Activity Ablution & Morning prayer Supplication and remembrance Conversation with companions Late morning prayer Category Worship Worship Community Affairs Worship Time 1 1 1 0.5

Family time (breakfast?)

Nap Noon prayer

Family time
Rest Worship

0.5 0.75

Visits to companions, daily activities, official tasks, transcription of the revelation, Community hosting guests Affairs


Activity Afternoon prayer Brief rest Family time Evening prayer Conversation with female family members, female companions Night prayer [Community/state affairs] Resting Early morning prayer

Category Worship Rest Family time Worship Family time Worship

Community Affairs

Time 0.5 0.5 1 0.75 2 1 1 3.5 3

Rest Worship

Chores such as mending shoes, dress, milking sheep, feeding cattle/scheep, cleaning Personal TOTAL

1 24

Which one do you think is mostly done in Prophet Muhammads daily life?
a -War b -Worship c -Socializing d -Traveling


Let us find out the answer later in our presentation.


A Typical Day in Prophets (pbuh) Life

Breakdown of time spent in various Activities in a typical day of Prophet Muhammed (Peace and blessings be upon him)

24 20 16 Hours 12 8 4 0 Daily life


Community Affairs Family time

8.50 4.50

Personal Rest Worship



Thank You Questions and comments are welcome Resources:

Daily life of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) [Prof. Dr. A. Hakim Yuce] The Messenger of God [M. Fethullah Gulen]


CE 577 579 596 610 620 622 630 23 years



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