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Jobs on trial Grundtvig learning partnership

Portugal, December 2013

GIP-FCIP de Basse Normandie

Based at the Rectorat of Caen (ministry of national education) the GIP FCIP de Basse Normandie is the financial and administrative support of the DAFCO, head office of the GRETA network in Lower Normandy .

Map of the 4 GRETAs in Lower Normandy

A GRETA is a department for the ongoing training of adults located on the campuses of secondary and high schools. This department is shared by several schools, particularly technical and vocational high schools. It offers a wide range of life long training for white and blue collars, job seekers in various fields including vocational guidance.

GRETA network : a public service operating on the competitive market of adult education. Customers and fund providers: The region The state Ple emploi (job centers) OPCAs Enterprises Individuals ..

The DAFCO signed a Charter with the Region regarding education to sustainable development and eco-citizenships including disadvantaged beneficiaries It has developed a strong partnership with trade representatives and experts in the field of sustainability: particularly the construction and hospitality trades

A regional expertise : In gender equality and diversity for which it develops projects for regional stakeholders In European projects (Interreg, ESF funded local programs, Leonardo, Grundtvig )

Vocational guidance and orientation The GRETA network develops a specific support scheme for job seekers under the regional ESPOI'R programme meant to help beneficiaries conciliate their aspiration and the labour market demand as well as the ELANs programme for long term unemployed. It also undertakes prequalification and qualification schemes to train adults in various trades. It implements the ecocitizenship approach in all its training activities in keeping with our charter signed with the region

JOT Project presentation

Summary of the project Objectives of the project A three-step gradual approach Project results Key dates Mobilities and budget Seminars Documents needed in case of audit Tasks distribution

JOT Project presentation

Summary of the project
French specific approach used in social and occupational guidance for the unemployed is based on role plays meant to put specific jobs "on trial", fostering the advantages and drawbacks of a trade. It is a method , related to serious games, used to bridge the gap between the employers and the jobless through a collaborative work undertaken in common involving trade stakeholders, beneficiaries among whom the disadvantaged , people far from employment and training teams. Some adult beneficiaries play the part of the prosecution, others of the defense, stakeholders of the trade are called to the stand . It is a well appreciated playful way to discuss and discover a trade through fostering the interest of the jobs and a good way of unraveling prejudices with a focus on gender equality and equal opportunities for all in the labour market and develop beneficiaries' self esteem through a collaborative work undertaken with corporate representatives. JOT will be based on three steps : 1 focus on the European approaches through exchanges on ways partners address their environments' issues with regards to the occupational guidance and training of the unemployed in their contexts. 2 focus , analysis and adaptation of the French approach in each context taking into account new job sources 3 valorization through a European video festival of "Jobs on trial" in France as the final conference of the project. JOT will therefore provide several European regions where all partners support vulnerable adults with a specific method to bridge the gap between the jobless and trades, boosting beneficiaries' employability, taking into account the various labour market cultural approaches.


JOT Project presentation

Objectives of the project 1. 2. Exchange and benchmark on occupational guidance Transfer and adaptation of a French approach : "le tribunal des mtiers" to tackle the gap between unemployed adults and the trades, particularly the disadvantaged. Analyse jobs ignored which suffer from a poor image with job seekers and see how JOT can bring solutions. Valorize our approaches though a final event in Lower Normandy, presenting videos of "Jobs on trial" produced in each country for a wide audience.

3. 4.


JOT Project presentation

A three-step gradual approach 1. Seminar 1 (Kick off)
Analysis of the support, empowerment of job seekers including the disadvantaged and ways to develop the attractiveness of some trades and enhance their standing . Presentation of the French method for transfer provisions.


Seminars 2,3,4
Focus and adaptation and gradual concrete experimentation of the French approach in each of our contexts and its assessment


Video festival
The valorization of our work in common with trades and beneficiaries in a public venue in Lower Normandy


JOT Project presentation

Project results
1. 2. 3. 4. March 2014: 4 seminars May 2015: video festival May 2015: 9 videos presenting one job on trial in each country May 2015: Reports based on feedback of beneficiaries and trade stakeholders on the impact of JOT in adult learners' pathways


JOT Project presentation

Key dates: Project duration: 1/8/2013 to 31/7/2015 Interim report: 30/6/2014 Final report: 30/9/2015


JOT Project presentation

Mobilities and budget:


JOT Project presentation

Kick-off Seminar 2 Seminar 3 Seminar 4 Video festival Portugal Turkey ? Italy Scotland France December 2013 March 2014 October 2014 March 2015 May 2015


JOT Project presentation

Seminars/2: Kick-off in Portugal December 2013
Steering committee Reminder of commitments Exchange on methodologies to support adult learners in each region Presentation of French approach Methodology for transfer Identification of target group in each region to empower Agreement on evaluation tools Method to collect feedback from beneficiaries and analysis Workplan for JOT experimentation in each region Agreement on specifications for the blog and its use Agreement on internal and external communication Signature of commitment charter

JOT Project presentation

Seminars/3: Seminar 2 in Italy April 2014
First feed back from experimentation Agreement on video shooting Video template presented by the GRETA Discussion on technical and pedagogical issues Difficulties to overcome Presentation of pathways where JOT was introduced First feedback from beneficiaries, stakeholders, training teams Steering committee Outcome of the first project evaluation Strength weaknesses to be addressed Agreement on further workplan Feedback from the use of the blog / press conference


JOT Project presentation

Seminar 3 in Turkey October 2014

Feed back from experimentation Video shooting outcome Discussion on technical and pedagogical issues Difficulties to overcome Presentation of new pathways where JOT was introduced Feeback from beneficiaries, stakeholders, training teams Steering committee Outcome of the project evaluation: strengths, weaknesses to be addressed Agreement on in-between seminar workplan Experimetaion of JOT Outcome of dissemination process in each region Press conference Agreement on intermediary report


JOT Project presentation

Seminar 4 in Scotland March 2015

Preparation of JOT venue in France French beneficiaries attending Last difficulties to overcome Feed back from experimentation and adaptation of tools Agreement on harmonization on technical issues for the video production Agenda of the venue Contribution of each partner Specifications for communication Steering committee Evaluation



JOT Project presentation

Video festival in France May 2015

Video festival venue implementation Presentation of videos Round tables with stakeholders and beneficiaries Meeting between beneficiaries and exchanges Dissemination of project output Press conference Final steering committee Evaluation output Finalization of products Agreeement on final report Discussions over partnership networking opportunities beyond JOT in the framework of the new LLL programme or other programmes

JOT Project presentation

Documents needed in case of audit: 1. Attendance certificates: Name, role and organisation of participants Dates Name and address of hosting organisation+Signature legal representatives 2. Evidence of relation between the beneficiaries of the mobilities and the partner organisation Evidence of activities undertaken during the project


JOT Project presentation

Tasks distribution Project coordination: GIP-FCIP de Basse Normandie Transfer of the approach: GIP-FCIP Integration of French approach: all the partners Dissemination plan: ? Quality assurance: Qualitas Blog management: wisamar Seminars organisation: hosting partner + GIP-FCIP


JOT Project presentation

Tasks distribution/2 Quality assurance: Evaluation with regards to planning, implementation, assessment and review of activities Identify key strengths and address weaknesses Questionnaires will be used for collecting feedback and recommendations from partners


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