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JOT - Jobs on Trial Vila Nova de Famalic!

o, Portugal Kick-Off Meeting

Anna Ziemecka-Poteraj 36,6 Competence Centre

Vila Nova de Famalic!o, December 2013 Polish Partner Presentation JOT Partners Meeting

36,6 Competence Centre in Lodz, Poland (36,6 CC) an umbrella institution gathering professionals from many fields establishing interdisciplinary Experts Zone for the local development through international experience exchange in EU projects since 1999 Coffee Club for Seniors, Youth, Women, non-formal educational centre Certificate of Reliability awarded by KRD BIG SA supervised by the Ministry of Economy
Vila Nova de Famalic!o, December 2013 Polish Partner Presentation JOT Partners Meeting

Technical University of Lodz & University of Lodz / education at tertiary level, research & development; SmartLy, Anagram Film, TrendyArt, Momint/ film recording and production new media included; Nolens-Volens & Vangallen & Sua Sponte/ financial, legal tools and administration service provider; lawyers association Mydesign & GRAPH / graphic design, printing office; Team Coaching Comprehensive/ coaching, training

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JOT Partners Meeting

BAZA/ employment agency; interactive agency; Doskomp, Done/ on-line tools, e-learning Euro-Konsultacje/ translations, ESF assessment, language teaching; Lodz Trekking Club/ recreation association; School4Child/ pre-school & primary school with licence of Dalton Association Alteredukacja/ alternative methods in education; Connectionpoint/ clusters development;

Vila Nova de Famalic!o, December 2013 Polish Partner Presentation

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Vila Nova de Famalic!o, December 2013 Polish Partner Presentation

JOT Partners Meeting


COoperation Network for European CiTizenship based in Brussels 36,6 CC CEO in the Board of Directors of CO.N.E.CT

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36,6 C means balance
Balance understood as local society quality of life increase through competencies development with support of experts conducting educational, research, cultural and vocational guidance-based activities within international projects. Work-life balance achieved through: e-mployment, e-ducation, e-ntertainment/ private sphere e-nvironment/ eco-awareness
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Local society members regardless their age, gender, nationality, cultural background, religion belief, level of education, marital or material status requiring further development so to acquire knowledge and skills adjusted to the changeable situation on the labour market on one hand and so to be included to the local society on the other

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! Developing e-learning solutions ! Vocational guidance ! Trainings ! Organization of events ! Research and analysis ! Evaluation of projects ! Project management

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Vila Nova de Famalic!o, December 2013 Polish Partner Presentation

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Vila Nova de Famalic!o, December 2013 Polish Partner Presentation

JOT Partners Meeting


Vila Nova de Famalic!o, December 2013 Polish Partner Presentation

JOT Partners Meeting


Vila Nova de Famalic!o, December 2013 Polish Partner Presentation

JOT Partners Meeting

within European Union Lifelong Learning Programme: ! AGORA (LdV, ToI, LLP): ! EVAT (Grundtvig, GLP): ! ECOLAV (LdV, LP): ! E_EPSOL (LdV, ToI, LLP): ! E-CUISINE (LdV, ToI, LLP): ! EPM (LdV mobility/ hosting interns) ! CHEMICAL MOVETECH (LdV, ToI, LLP): new project ! JOBS ON TRIAL (Grundtvig, GLP): new project ! AMORES (Commenius Multilateral): new project ! GO ERUDIO (KA4 Multilateral Projects) new project ! SHAREIT (Grundtvig Multilateral): new project
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36,6 exemplary activities undertook last year:

! Research activity (little scale urban trade in Poland, situation of migrants in Poland) ! VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) co-development covering: training content development and adaptation, educational films production, e-learning tools provision; ! Vocational guidance provision (skills audit toolkit development and testing) ! Methodology development on beneficiaries outcomes tracking ! Conducting eco-awareness campaign in VET sector
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JOT Dissemination Activities by 36,6 CC

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JOT Partners Meeting

36,6 Competence Centre:

Vila Nova de Famalic!o, December 2013 Polish Partner Presentation

JOT Partners Meeting

Trainings, seminars, events

Inauguration Meeting of Grundtvig Partnerships, FRSE (Grundtvig NA in Poland), Warsaw, 05.08.2013

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JOT Partners Meeting

Trainings, seminars, events

5th Forum of European Funds of Lodzkie Region, European Institute, Lodz, 24.10.2013

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JOT Partners Meeting

Trainings, seminars, events

Training for representatives of Ukrainian HEI, Lodz, 14.11.2013 JOT as best practice example to be

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JOT Partners Meeting

Trainings, seminars, events

Diverse Chances at Regional Labour Market conference, WUP - Regional Labour Office of Lodzkie, 04.12.2013

Vila Nova de Famalic!o, December 2013 Polish Partner Presentation

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Trainings, seminars, events

Job for the Youth Conference on the situation of Polish labour market, University of Lodz, 06.12.2013

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JOT in context of regional labour market in Lodzkie and 36,6 CC activities

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Economic activity of the population in Poland and in Lodzkie Region (2012)

Activity rate (%)
Total Working age

Employment rate (%)

Total Working age

Lodzkie region
Total Males Females 56,6 65,6 48,7 75,6 78,9 71,8 50,3 58,5 43,2 67,0 70,3 63,5

Total Males Females

55,9 64,3 48,1

72,9 76,9 68,5

50,2 58,2 42,9

65,4 69,6 60,8

* Source: Central Statistical Office of Poland. Working age: 18-64 for men, 18-59 for women
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Economic activity of the population in Lodzkie region

! In 2012 there were 1,3 mln economically active people in the lodzkie region (89% employed persons, 11% unemployed). Similar to the rates for Poland. ! Among economically active persons 54% are men ! Among economically inactive 63% are women. ! 20% of economically active men are aged 40-49, whereas the rate is 25% among women aged 40-49 caused by two factors: (1) the population of men decreases with age faster than women, (2) women return on labour market after upbringing children
* Source: Central Statistical Office of Poland.
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Unemployment rate in Poland

Unemployment rate in Poland (October 2013): 13%* Total number of the unemployed: 2, 075 mln Unemployment rate in Lodzkie Region (October 2013): 13,7%*

* Source: Central Statistical Office of Poland. According to EUROSTAT: 10,2%

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Age of the unemployed in Poland in 2012

Age group

* Source: Central Statistical Office of Poland.

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Percentage of unemployed males and females in age groups in 2012

Total 24 and less 49 51 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and more 66 34

Lodzkie region
Males Females 50 50 45 55 48 52 50 50

Males Females

49 51

48 52

42 58

45 55

50 50

67 33

* Source: Central Statistical Office of Poland.

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Education of the unemployed in Poland in 2012

* Source: Central Statistical Office of Poland.

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Partnership with trade and job centres

36,6 Competence Centre established close relations to: -!Regional Labour Office of Lodzkie Region (WUP) -!Baza employment agency -!Academic Career Office of University of Lodz -!Regional Observatory of the Labour Market of Lodz Centre for Teachers Training and Practical Education

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JOT Partners Meeting

Thank you for attention! 36,6 Competence Centre Eugeniusza 19-6 93-487 !d", Poland

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