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By V.A.Tripathi Alok Arya


Table of Contents
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Objectives ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Primary Research Objective ....................................................................................................... 4 Secondary Research Objectives .................................................................................................. 4 Methodology ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Survey Administration .................................................................................................................... 5 Sampling ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Data Reduction .............................................................................................................................. 5 Data Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 6 Findings ............................................................................................................................................. 7 CROSS TABULATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 7 REGRESSION ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................ 15 ANOVA ........................................................................................................................................ 18 CLUSTER ANALYSIS....................................................................................................................... 19 DISCRIMINANT WITH CLUSTER ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 22 FACTOR ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................ 24 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 28 Annexures ....................................................................................................................................... 30 Annexure 1a: Agglomeration Schedule for Cluster Analysis ......................................................... 31 Annexure 1b: Correlation Matrix for Factor Analysis .................................................................... 33 Annexure 1c: ANOVA Table for Regression Analysis ..................................................................... 36 Annexure 2a: Questionnaire for Exploratory Research ................................................................. 37 Annexure 2b: Final Questionnaire ................................................................................................ 38

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Executive Summary
The project focused on finding out the Consumer Behaviour Pattern On Online Buying The Cloths. The stated objective of the study was further broken down to secondary objectives which aimed at finding information regarding the cloths purchased by student,frequency of purchases, average spending, factors affecting online buying decision process etc. The exploratory research was carried out with student studying in IITD with a set of 10 open ended questions. The exploratory findings helped us in determining the key factors which needed to be further explored for research. The secondary research was taken from sources like Indian Journal of Management Technology, Zinnov LLC, and ACNielson. The questionnaire designed had 9 questions and was administered to 106 respondents. Each of the questions was designed to satisfy at least one of the secondary objectives of the research. The response format was of a mixed variety which also helped in better determination of outcomes. Post data reduction, Cross tabulation was used for analyzing the causal relationship between different pairs of factors. ANOVA was also applied to a pair of factors.
The Regression Analysis between the dependent variable Average Amount spent per purchase of cloths online and the independent variables of Frequency of Purchase of products and services online, owning a Credit Card, Marital Status, Education and Age, was done. The regression model

did not give any significant correlation between the factors and the Dependent Variable. Although there is a strong interdependence between a few variables yet when taken collectively they do not show high correlation. Then, Cluster Analysis was done on the data and based on the responses; we could divide the
respondents in three clearly distinct groups. We named them: Confident Online Buyer, Unsure surfer and Mall Shopper. We also performed Discriminant with Cluster Analysis to predict cluster membership of consumers based on their attitude towards online shopping.

We performed Factor Analysis to find the major factors. We could identify six factors: Value
for Money, Trust, Connected and Up to date, Problems Faced, and Traditionalism.

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India has the worlds 4th largest Internet user base, which crossed the 100 million mark recently. Better connectivity, booming economy and higher spending power helped the Indian e-commerce market revenues to cross $500 million with a CAGR of 103% over last 4 years. This may not be a significant number, averaging to only around $5 per user per year. With the above background in mind, this research has been conducted to gain an insight into the online buying behaviour of consumers. The objective is to explore the factors which influence online purchase, the psychographic profile of the consumer groups and understanding the buying decision process. Our findings should help an Internet Marketer to determine the product/service categories to be introduced or to be used for marketing for a specific segment of consumers. This would also allow them to add or remove services/features which are important in the buying decision process. This study however does not aim to identify newer areas to introduce new services, nor should it be used to predict the success or failure of internet ventures.

Primary Research Objective
To determine the factors and attributes which influence online buying behavior of consumers between the age group of 18-30 years.

Secondary Research Objectives

1. To determine the psychographic profile of consumers who purchase over the Internet. 2. To determine the key product or service categories opted for, by consumers depending on their profile. 3. To determine the factors which influence the buying decision process of a consumer. 4. To determine the average spending and frequency of purchase over the internet by a consumer. The exploratory research, conducted on over 12 respondents (Annexure I), focused on further analysing the research objectives and also determining various factors which would impact the primary research objective. Through a set of 12 open-ended questions, we could finally conclude on some of the key factors to be further explored in the research, these included frequency of purchase, safety issues, amount per purchase, payment methods etc

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Secondary Research was based on researches done by Zinnov LLC on Internet Penetration in India, Changing Consumer Perceptions towards Online shopping in India IJMT. Both of the researches stressed on the consumer profiles, popular services and payments methods as important factors.

The research was administered both online and in person during a 5 day period in February 2008. The location of in-person administration was SIC Campus, Pune. Over 81 responses are from the online survey and the rest 24 from in-person survey conducted.

Survey Administration
The questionnaire comprised of 9 questions (Annexure II) which measured responses for different factors of frequency of purchase, payment methods, preferred products, average spending, hours spent on the internet etc The questions measuring respondent attitudes used Likert Scale (1-5), 18 statements were given to respondents to measure their attitudes towards online buying, and a few factual questions had dichotomous responses. The methods used for survey was questionnaire administration with respondents filling out the responses themselves and online survey on

The survey was conducted on 105 respondents; sample was based on affordability criteria especially on time constraints. Email invitations were sent to invite respondents on the Internet, and students in SIC Campus were contacted for responses.



35% Male Female 65% 60%

40% Student Working Professional

Data Reduction
The key steps of data processing which were implemented were Editing, Coding, Transcribing, and Summarizing statistical calculations. Online Buying Behavior Page 5

EDITING: For some of the item non-response errors like frequency of purchase, product category or websites. The data was interpreted and assigned to the known categories wherever possible. CODING: For questions involving qualitative values the responses were codified using numerical categories or values. For example; Online shopping is more convenient, the response of strongly agree was coded as 1 and strongly disagree was coded as 5. TRANSCRIBING: The data collected from all 105 questionnaires was edited, codified and finally transferred on MS Excel on computer.

Data Analysis
Post Data Reduction, the data was further used for analyzing the impact of various factors on each other as well the correlation amongst them using SPSS. The factors as well as their correlation were studied with the help of the following techniques: CROSS-TABS WITH CHI-SQUARE: The factors were grouped into 5 pairs based on the responses from the questionnaire. These were studied using Chi-Square as that would help us to know the interdependency between them. Chi-square in general studies causal relationship and thus the hypotheses were created for each of them was done at 95% significance level. By conducting the test and interpreting the results through the p-value, we can either accept or not accept the null hypothesis. REGRESSION ANALYSIS: In regression analysis, we create a model wherein we determine the correlation between the dependent variable and multiple independent variables. By conducting the tests and interpreting the results, we can determine the adjusted R2 value which tells us how good the regression model fits to the data. If the value is high, then the model fits well to the data and that there is a high correlation between the variables. On the other hand, if the value is low, then the model does not fit very well to the data and there is no significant correlation between the variables. ANOVA: Analysis of variance, better known as ANOVA, helps us to group the data into various population samples and then check their relationship with an independent variable, which we consider to be significant depending on the responses from the questionnaire. The null hypothesis for this is also created at a 95% significant variable and then depending on the significant value from the results, the hypothesis is accepted or not accepted. CLUSTER ANALYSIS: This technique is used for segmentation of consumers on the basis of similarities between them. The similarities could be of demographics, buying habits, or psychographics. Hierarchical clustering is used to find the initial cluster solution, and K Means is later used to determine cluster membership of respondents, cluster labelling is also done. DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS WITH CLUSTERS: A combination of Discriminant Analysis with clusters to create a model which helps in predicting cluster membership of a consumer on the basis of the input factors.

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FACTOR ANALYSIS: This is a technique to reduce data complexity by reducing the number of variables being studies. It helps identify latent or underlying factors from an array of seemingly important variables. This procedure helps gaining insight into psychographic variables.

a) Credit Card- Frequency of Purchase Null Hypothesis: At 95% significance level, owning a credit card does not have any impact on the frequency of purchase. Alternate Hypothesis: At 95% significance level, owning a credit card has an impact on the frequency of purchase. OwnCreditCard * FreqofPurchase Crosstabulation Count FreqofPurchase Total

2 -3 Once Once in Once in Once Times Never a 3 6 a a Tried Month Months Months Month Month Yes 23 OwnCreditCard No 3 Total 26 2 16 11 39 10 21 5 6 31 108 14 28 11 1 77

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Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Case Processing Summary Value df Cases Valid Missing Total Percent

Pearson ChiSquare Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases

18.222(a) 4


Percent N Percent N



OwnCreditCard * 108 100.0% 0 .0% FreqofPurchase

108 100.0%




a 3 cells (30.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.72.

As the p-value from the table is lesser than 0.05, which is our assumed level of significance, we do not accept the null hypothesis, that is, for the sample population, owning a credit card has an impact on the frequency of purchase.

b) E-banking-Frequency of Purchase

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Null Hypothesis: At 95% significance level, e-banking does not have any impact on the frequency of purchase. Alternate Hypothesis: At 95% significance level, e-banking has an impact on the frequency of purchase.

E_banking * FreqofPurchase Crosstabulation Count FreqofPurchase Total

2-3 Once Once in Once in Once times Never a 3 6 a a tried month months months month month Yes 22 E_banking No 3 Total Chi-Square Tests Asymp. df Sig. (2sided) 25 1 16 6 38 10 21 7 7 27 107 15 32 11 0 80


Pearson ChiSquare

33.492(a) 4 .000

Likelihood Ratio 32.845 Linear-by-Linear 20.737 Association N of Valid Cases 107

4 .000

1 .000

a 2 cells (20.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.77. Case Processing Summary

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Cases Valid N Missing Total Percent As the p-value from the table is lesser than 0.05, which is our assumed level of significance, we do not accept the null hypothesis, that is, for the sample population, E-banking has an impact on the frequency of purchase.

Percent N Percent N

E_banking * 107 100.0% 0 .0% FreqofPurchase

107 100.0%

c) Gender-Amount Spent Null Hypothesis: At 95% significance level, gender does not have any impact on the average amount spent per purchase made online. Alternate Hypothesis: At 95% significance level, e-banking has an impact on the average amount spent per purchase made online.

Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .594 .590

Gender * AmountSpent Crosstabulation Count Value df AmountSpent Total

Pearson Chi-Square 2.789(a) 4 Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 2.811 4

Less 500 1000 2000 Greater Less than than than 500 1000 2000 5000 5000 500 Male 11 13 4 17 9 6 15 27 9 36 12 8 20 72 34 106



Gender Female 7




a 1 cells (10.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4.81.

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Case Processing Summary Cases Valid Missing Total Perc ent 100. 0% As the p-value from the table is greater than 0.05, which is our assumed level of significance, we accept the null hypothesis, that is, for the sample population; gender does not have any impact on the average amount spent per purchase made online.


N Percent

Gender * AmountSpent

106 100.0%

0 .0%


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d) Gender-Frequency of Purchase Null Hypothesis: At 95% significance level, gender does not have any impact on the frequency of purchase of online products and services. Alternate Hypothesis: At 95% significance level, gender has an impact on the frequency of purchase of online products and services. Chi-Square Tests Asymp. df Sig. (2sided) Gender * FreqofPurchase Crosstabulation Count FreqofPurchase Total


Pearson Chi-Square 11.278(a) 4 .024 Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 11.499 4 .021

2-3 Once Once in Once in Once Times Never a 3 6 a a Tried Month Months Months Month Month Male Gender 20 14 2 16 27 13 40 9 11 20 3 3 6 73 33 106


1 .003

106 Total

Female 4 24

a 3 cells (30.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.87.

Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N Missing Total Percent

Percent N Percent N

Gender * 106 100.0% 0 .0% FreqofPurchase

106 100.0%

As the p-value from the table is lesser than 0.05, which is our assumed level of significance, we do not accept the null hypothesis, that is, for the sample population; gender has an impact on the frequency of purchase of online products and services.

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e) Income-Frequency of Purchase Null Hypothesis: At 95% significance level, income of respondents does not have any impact on the frequency of purchase of online products and services. Alternate Hypothesis: At 95% significance level, income of respondents has an impact on the frequency of purchase of online products and services.

Income * FreqofPurchase Crosstabulation Count FreqofPurchase 2-3 Times a Month Total

Once a Month

Once in 3 Once in 6 Never Months Months Tried

Once a Month

Less than 2 10000 1000020000 2000030000 Income 3000050000 50000100000 Greater than 100000 Total






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Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2sided)



Case Processing Summary Cases Valid Missing Total

Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases

28.966(a) 29.758

20 .088 20 .074



N Percent N Percent N Percent Income * 46 100.0% 0 .0% FreqofPurchase


46 100.0%

a 29 cells (96.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .07.

As the p-value from the table is greater than 0.05, which is our assumed level of significance, we do not accept the null hypothesis, that is, for the sample population; income does not have an impact on the frequency of purchase of online products and services.

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The Regression Analysis between the dependent variable Average Amount spent per purchase made online and the independent variables of Frequency of Purchase of products and services online, owning a Credit Card, Marital Status, Education and Age, was done using SPSS. The details are as below:

Variables Entered/Removed(b) Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method

MaritalStatus, FreqofPurchase, Education, CreditCard, Age(a)



Backward (criterion: Probability of F-to-remove >= .100). Backward (criterion: Probability of F-to-remove >= .100). Backward (criterion: Probability of F-to-remove >= .100).



a All requested variables entered. b Dependent Variable: AmtSpent

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Coefficients(a) Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Model B (Constant) 1.696 Std. Error 1.954 .122 .078 .318 .202 .464 .912 .121 .305 .199 .409 .762 .120 .303 .406 .496 .120 .294 .335 -.297 .341 -.259 .140 .331 -.254 -.067 .134 .330 .083 -.234 -.076 .096 Beta B .868 Std. Error .388 Sig.

FreqofPurchase .402 Age 1 CreditCard Education MaritalStatus (Constant) -.695 -.152 .384 2.897 .054

3.305 .001 .696 .489

-2.186 .032 -.753 .828 .454 .410

3.178 .002 3.323 .001 -2.477 .015 -.671 .504

FreqofPurchase .403 2 CreditCard Education MaritalStatus (Constant) -.755 -.134 .534 2.564

1.304 .196 3.364 .001 3.467 .001 -2.547 .013 1.380 .171 6.781 .000 3.393 .001 -3.005 .003

FreqofPurchase .415 3 CreditCard MaritalStatus (Constant) 4 -.772 .561 3.366

FreqofPurchase .408 CreditCard -.882

a Dependent Variable: AmtSpent

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Excluded Variables(d) Beta In Model Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance 2 Age Age 3 Education Age 4 Education -.067(b) .122(c) -.080(c) -.671 1.164 -.798 1.380 .504 .248 .427 .171 -.074 .127 -.087 .150 .962 .874 .971 .926 .083(a) .071(b) .696 .606 .489 .546 .077 .067 Tolerance .682 .694 t Sig. Partial Correlation Collinearity Statistics

MaritalStatus .140(c)

a Predictors in the Model: (Constant), MaritalStatus, FreqofPurchase, Education, CreditCard b Predictors in the Model: (Constant), MaritalStatus, FreqofPurchase, CreditCard c Predictors in the Model: (Constant), FreqofPurchase, CreditCard d Dependent Variable: AmtSpent

As can be seen from the above table, the independent variables can be gradually removed in the regression model as they dont have any significant impact on the value of R2. The value of R2 is quite low and so it can be said that the regression model does not fit into the data very well. Also, the sum of squares of regression is lesser than the sum of squares of residuals and this reiterates the findings of R2. This is because if the sum of squares of regression is lesser than the sum of squares of residuals, then the independent variables do not explain the variation in the dependent variable well. While cross tabs suggest a positive relationship between multiple pairs of factors, the linear correlation model, with all factors together, does not fit in with the outcomes.

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Null hypothesis: At 95% confidence interval for the population taken, income does not have any impact on the frequency of purchase of online products and services. Alternate Hypothesis: At 95% confidence interval for the population taken, income has an impact on the frequency of purchase of online products and services. 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Std. Deviation 1.29560 .57735 1.46385 .85635 .75593 1.22474 1.27242 1.19696 Std. Error .16195 .33333 .55328 .21409 .28571 .54772 .48093 .11465 Lower Bound 1.9889 .8991 1.5033 2.2937 2.0152 .4793 1.2518 2.2039 Upper Bound 2.6361 3.7676 4.2110 3.2063 3.4134 3.5207 3.6054 2.6584 Minim um .00 2.00 .00 1.00 2.00 1.00 .00 .00 Maxim um 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00

N .00 Less than 10000 10000-20000 20000-30000 30000-50000 50000-100000 Greater than 100000 Total 64 3 7 16 7 5 7 109

Mean 2.3125 2.3333 2.8571 2.7500 2.7143 2.0000 2.4286 2.4312

ANOVA Frequency Sum of Squares Between Groups Within Groups Total 5.317 149.417 154.734 Mean Square .886 1.465

df 6 102 108

F .605

Sig. .726

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Means Plots



Mean of Frequency




2.00 .00 Less than 10000 10000-20000 20000-30000 30000-50000 50000100000 Greater than 100000


The p-value from the ANOVA table is greater than the significance value of 0.05 assumed by us. Thus, at this significance level we accept the null hypothesis. So we can conclude that income does not have an impact on the frequency of purchase of online products and services for these respondents. Do remember that the same conclusion was arrived at when Cross tabulation of location and usage rate was performed earlier.

The cluster analysis was run where people were surveyed about their attitudes towards internet shopping. The preferences indicated by respondents were used to find out the consumer segments that react differently to different parameters related to online shopping. The segments obtained would give an understanding as to how the consumers are placed in terms of their attitudes. Hierarchical clustering was done to determine the initial cluster solution. While the initial cluster solution by SPSS gives us 2 clusters, we take a difference of coefficients greater than or equal to 2.72 form another cluster. Now we execute the K-Mean cluster to get the final cluster solution and through ANOVA table we get that all the variables bear significance at 95% confidence level.

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ANOVA Cluster Mean Square 27.190 1.744 6.364 27.439 7.485 2.935 3.441 6.393 4.378 9.581 8.649 1.011 5.585 .866 6.682 5.330 df 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Error Mean Square .515 .341 .536 .367 .608 .559 .619 .553 .469 .710 .691 .791 .838 .730 .823 .728 Df 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 F Mean Square 52.814 5.116 11.874 74.819 12.312 5.255 5.562 11.554 9.334 13.500 12.518 1.278 6.668 1.186 8.121 7.320 Sig. df .000 .008 .000 .000 .000 .007 .005 .000 .000 .000 .000 .283 .002 .309 .001 .001

InternetvsMall LatestInfo Accesibility Convenience Savetime AnywhereAnytime CreditCardSafe SpecificDateTime GuaranteedQuality Discounts Hasslefree CashonDelivery EasyFind FacedProblems Continue TouchandFeel DeliveryProcess

8.284 2 .499 103 16.612 .000 NoCreditCard 12.382 2 .950 103 13.035 .000 The F tests should be used only for descriptive purposes because the clusters have been chosen to maximize the differences among cases in different clusters. The observed significance levels are not corrected for this and thus cannot be interpreted as tests of the hypothesis that the cluster means are equal.

Final Cluster Centers Cluster 1 InternetvsMall LatestInfo Accesibility Convenience Savetime AnywhereAnytime CreditCardSafe SpecificDateTime GuaranteedQuality Discounts Hasslefree CashonDelivery EasyFind FacedProblems Continue TouchandFeel DeliveryProcess NoCreditCard 3.38 1.58 1.37 2.62 2.33 1.88 2.52 2.10 2.98 2.15 2.54 2.15 2.00 2.52 2.40 1.81 2.42 4.08 2 2.09 1.78 1.94 1.81 1.59 2.09 2.78 2.28 3.56 2.72 2.03 2.34 2.63 2.81 2.94 2.53 2.66 3.81 3 4.00 2.05 2.18 3.86 2.55 2.50 3.18 3.00 3.55 3.23 3.18 2.50 2.68 2.59 3.27 1.95 3.45 2.82

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Variable Description I prefer making a purchase from internet than using local malls or stores I can get the latest information from the Internet regarding different products/services that is not available in the market. I have sufficient internet accessibility to shop online. Online shopping is more convenient than in-store shopping. Online shopping saves time over in-store shopping. Online shopping allows me to shop anywhere and at anytime. It is safe to use a credit card while shopping on the Internet. Online shopping provides me with the opportunity to get the products delivered on specific date and time anywhere as required. Products purchased through the Internet are with guaranteed quality. Internet provides regular discounts and promotional offers to me. Internet helps me avoid hassles of shopping in stores. Cash on Delivery is a better way to pay while shopping on the Internet. Sometimes, I can find products online which I may not find in-stores. I have faced problems while shopping online. I continue shopping online despite facing problems on some occasions. It is important for me to touch and feel certain products before I purchase them. So I cannot buy them online. I trust the delivery process of the shopping websites. I do not shop online only because I do not own a credit card.

Cluster 1 (52) Disagree Strongly Agree

Cluster 2(32) Strongly Agree NAND

Cluster 3(22) Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree

Mildly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Mildly Agree NAND Moderately Agree

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Agree

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree NAND Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree NAND Strongly Agree NAND Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree

Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

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On the basis of the above scales, obtained by rating the relative results, we can name our clusters as: Cluster 1 : Confident Online Buyer Cluster 2 : Unsure surfer Cluster 3 : Mall Shopper


By combining cluster analysis with Discriminant analysis, we could derive a model which could predict cluster membership of the respondents on the basis of the variables analysed. The cluster solution is changed with K Means cluster>Save option selected for Cluster Membership. This gives a new column in the Data Sheet, showing the cluster membership of the responses. Using this data sheet, Discriminant analysis is done over the cluster membership column as the dependent variables.
Functio n 1 2 Eigenvalu e 3.009(a) 2.464(a) % of Variance 55.0 45.0 Cumulative % 55.0 100.0 Canonical Correlation .866 .843 Function 1 InternetvsMall LatestInfo Accesibility Convenience Savetime AnywhereAnytime CreditCardSafe SpecificDateTime GuaranteedQuality Discounts Hasslefree CashonDelivery EasyFind FacedProblems Continue Unstandardized coefficients TouchandFeel DeliveryProcess NoCreditCard (Constant) .901 -.090 -.122 .989 .370 -.228 -.080 .028 -.621 .045 .097 .193 -.038 .029 -.198 -.447 .308 .008 -3.372 2 -.372 .216 .346 .750 -.747 .185 .241 .510 .543 .232 .180 .262 .162 .272 .179 .623 .262 -.609 -7.122

Eigenvalues a First 2 canonical discriminant functions were used in the analysis. Wilks' Lambda Test of Function(s) 1 through 2 2 Wilks' Lambda .072 .289 Chisquare 248.627 117.402

df 36 17

Sig. .000 .000

Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients

The Eigenvalues are greater than 1, and the Wilks Lamba is below 0.5, this indicates that the Discriminant Model is able to explain the data fairly well.

The Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients table contains Group-1 number of functions; the equations as derived from above are: F1= .901(InternetvsMall) - .090 LatestInfo - .122 Accesibility -.989 Convenience +.370 Savetime - .228 AnywhereAnytime 0.080 CreditCardSafe + .028 SpecificDateTime - .621 GuarenteeQuality + .045 Discounts - .097 Hasslefree + .193 CoD - .038 EasyFind + 0.029 FacedProblems - .198 Continue - .447 TouchandFeel + .308 DeliveryProcess + .008 NoCreditCard 3.372 Online Buying Behavior Page 22

F2= -.372 InternetvsMall +.216 LatestInfo + .346 Accesibility + .750 Convenience - .747 Savetime + .185 AnywhereAnytime + .241 CreditCardSafe + .510 SpecificDateTime + .543 GuarenteeQuality .232 Discounts + .180 HassleFree + .262 CoD + .162 EasyFind + .272 FacedProblems + .179 Continue + .623 TouchnFeel + .262 DeliveryProcess - .609 NoCreditCard 7.122
Classification Function Coefficients Cluster Number of Case InternetvsMall LatestInfo Accesibility Convenience Savetime AnywhereAnytime CreditCardSafe SpecificDateTime GuaranteedQuality Discounts Hasslefree CashonDelivery EasyFind FacedProblems Continue TouchandFeel DeliveryProcess NoCreditCard (Constant) 1 6.099 10.113 -4.203 5.202 .077 1.323 5.904 4.090 4.190 1.330 2.116 8.338 1.519 5.910 -.681 6.076 2.462 2 2.479 10.871 -3.056 3.798 -2.731 2.440 6.687 5.135 7.322 1.707 2.215 8.321 1.999 6.424 .331 8.846 2.087 3 5.961 10.813 -3.047 9.499 -2.261 1.705 6.715 6.087 5.385 2.285 2.944 9.619 2.087 6.994 -.279 7.825 3.909 1.551 -116.575

3.878 2.501 -79.869 -87.731 Fisher's linear discriminant functions

The above table provides the linear Discriminant function which can be used to judge the membership of each data set by putting the value in each of them, and choosing the one which provides the highest value. Classification Results(a) Predicted Group Membership Original Count Cluster Number of Case 1 2 3 % 1 2 3 1 51 0 1 98.1 .0 2 1 32 0 1.9 100.0 3 0 0 21 .0 .0 95.5 Total 1 52 32 22 100.0 100.0 100.0

4.5 .0 a 98.1% of original grouped cases correctly classified.

Our Discriminant Model is able to explain 98.1% of the data set correctly, which is significantly high, and indicates that this is a dependable Discriminant Model for prediction.

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The responses are put into SPSS for data reduction through Factor Analysis. The details of the above are provided below:
Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3.854 2.175 1.652 1.514 1.277 1.098 1.066 .875 .771 .737 .545 .529 .384 .377 .358 .293 .278 .217 21.410 12.082 9.175 8.413 7.096 6.101 5.924 4.859 4.283 4.095 3.030 2.939 2.134 2.092 1.988 1.626 1.546 1.207

Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Variance Cumulative % 21.410 12.082 9.175 8.413 7.096 6.101 5.924

Total % of Variance Cumulative % 14.219 12.879 11.997 9.593 7.901 6.903 6.708 14.219 27.098 39.095 48.688 56.589 63.492 70.200

21.410 3.854 33.491 2.175 42.666 1.652 51.080 1.514 58.176 1.277 64.276 1.098 70.200 1.066 75.059 79.342 83.438 86.467 89.407 91.541 93.633 95.621 97.247 98.793 100.000

21.410 2.559 33.491 2.318 42.666 2.160 51.080 1.727 58.176 1.422 64.276 1.243 70.200 1.207

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

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We see from the Cumulative Percentage column that there have been seven components or factors extracted which explain 70.2% of the total variance (information contained in the original 18 variables). This is an acceptable solution as generally, 70% of the total variance should be explained by the factors for the solution to be accepted.
Rotated Component Matrix(a) Component 1 InternetvsMall LatestInfo Accesibility Convenience Savetime AnywhereAnytime CreditCardSafe SpecificDateTime GuaranteedQuality Discounts Hasslefree CashonDelivery EasyFind FacedProblems Continue TouchandFeel DeliveryProcess NoCreditCard .714 .099 -.043 .796 .726 .314 .023 .272 .023 .069 .694 -.121 .013 -.203 .071 -.351 .112 -.142 2 -.279 .322 .157 .045 .270 .571 -.046 -.198 .412 .714 .225 -.024 .869 .020 .379 -.060 .135 -.130 3 .149 -.146 .158 .202 -.040 .153 .657 .466 .647 .208 -.022 -.022 .018 -.091 .518 -.006 .796 -.047 4 .056 .804 .859 .206 -.015 .109 -.047 .404 .016 .233 -.153 .008 .143 .084 -.040 .079 .065 -.053 5 .046 -.072 .105 .030 .017 .251 .090 -.197 .071 .095 -.129 .123 -.043 .788 .555 -.546 -.101 .084 6 -.197 -.125 .084 -.078 -.120 .025 -.271 .321 -.124 -.095 .320 .882 .055 -.025 .015 -.193 .126 -.147 7 -.241 -.105 .020 -.109 .065 -.034 -.416 .107 .309 -.158 -.017 -.126 .012 .049 -.077 -.065 -.059 .885

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a Rotation converged in 8 iterations.

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Looking at the rotated component matrix, we see that the loadings of variables-Internet preferred over mall, Convenience and Saves Time, on factor 1 are high (greater than 0.7) and thus factor 1 is made up of these variables. Similarly, we can interpret for the other factors as well and a table for the same has been provided at the end of this section.

Factor 1

Variables Internet over Mall Convenience Saves Time Discounts Easy Find Delivery Process Credit Card Safe to Use Guaranteed Quality Latest Information Accessibility Faced Problems Cash on Delivery Dont Own a credit card Dont Own a credit card

Label for the Factor Time-bound and comfort seeking

2 3

Value for Money Trust

4 5 6 7

Connected and Up to date Problems Faced Traditionalism N/A

We have combined the sixth and the seventh factor as they go hand-in-hand. A person who does not own a credit card but shops online would invariably prefer to pay by cash on delivery.


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We found a strong inter-dependence between a few variables affecting online buying behaviour. For example, we found that owning a credit card has a significant impact on the frequency of online purchases as credit card is the most popular mode of payment on the Internet. Apart from the credit card, E-Banking is also slowly becoming a popular mode of payment and we found a relationship between people who use E-Banking and their frequency of online purchases too. Interestingly, we found that gender does not have any major impact on the average amount spent over the Internet in a month, but it does have a relationship with the frequency of purchases. Also, the income of an individual does not have show any significant relationship with the frequency of purchases. These findings are starkly similar to the findings of Changing Consumer Perceptions towards Online shopping in India IJMT, which was a part of our secondary data. Based on the responses, we could divide the respondents in three clearly distinct groups. We named them: Confident Online Buyer, Unsure surfer and Mall Shopper. We were also able to successfully able to create a discriminant model which could predict cluster membership of users. We could also arrive at six factors which can explain the data with 70% significance, these factors could be categorised into Time-bound and comfort seeking Value for Money, Trust, Connected and Up to date, Problems Faced, and Traditionalism. We also found that the most popular product category sold online is Air/Rail Tickets. This forms a major chunk of the average amount spent by our respondents on the internet, Books come a close second. It must be noted that both the above products have a relatively low touch-and-feel need. Online Buying Behavior Page 28

These findings depict almost the same ranking as found by ACNielson on popular services on the Internet. The most popular websites for these were found to be and Apart from Air Tickets, Books, Gifts and Electronic Products are also very popular with the Online Shoppers and they are spending, on an average, Rs2000-Rs5000 per month on online purchases.

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Annexure 1a: Agglomeration Schedule for Cluster Analysis

Agglomeration Schedule Cluster Stage Cluster Combined First Appears Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Cluster 1 105 16 103 16 101 16 99 16 97 16 19 1 84 31 92 6 25 43 21 24 52 45 27 70 39 6 42 26 2 15 19 21 30 73 34 19 6 4 54 12 5 7 76 31 5 Cluster 2 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 85 91 86 49 94 93 89 81 65 92 90 46 44 87 82 69 64 58 37 33 47 84 83 74 70 25 88 78 55 53 41 20 79 45 43 Coefficients 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 5.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 7.000 7.000 7.000 7.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.500 9.000 9.000 9.000 9.000 9.333 9.667 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 11.000 11.000 11.000 Cluster 2 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 11 19 0 0 0 31 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 41 Cluster 1 0 1 0 3 0 5 0 7 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 24 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 18 Next Stage 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 72 31 53 32 44 20 26 36 45 32 55 48 44 49 35 46 37 70 57 49 61 36 54 64 63 54 55 50 53 67 68 45 65 83 52 73

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46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

22 3 52 2 6 18 31 1 21 19 17 26 6 50 35 15 2 52 26 7 36 1 12 15 35 2 16 5 2 28 29 5 1 3 11 7 1 7 16 1 9 7 1 1 3 14 1 3 14 1 1 1 1 8 1

39 23 60 27 32 71 61 4 34 24 67 56 22 63 48 21 31 73 30 59 50 54 19 38 42 12 52 6 26 75 40 15 2 72 57 62 5 76 51 35 36 17 29 16 80 96 9 7 18 28 14 3 10 68 11

11.000 11.000 11.500 11.500 11.750 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.250 12.333 13.000 13.000 13.933 14.000 14.000 14.286 14.450 14.500 14.500 15.000 15.000 15.250 15.250 15.889 16.000 16.522 17.200 17.375 17.653 18.000 18.000 18.017 18.458 18.500 19.000 19.333 20.361 20.750 21.750 22.029 22.333 22.667 23.786 24.603 24.667 26.000 27.223 27.250 28.000 29.506 30.753 32.106 34.825 36.000 37.082

0 0 21 29 37 0 44 12 32 36 0 28 50 0 0 30 49 48 57 42 0 53 40 61 60 62 10 45 71 0 0 73 67 47 0 65 78 81 72 82 0 83 85 88 79 0 89 90 91 92 95 96 97 0 98

25 0 0 23 0 0 0 38 35 20 0 0 46 0 0 54 52 34 33 0 59 39 55 0 27 68 63 58 64 0 0 69 74 0 0 0 77 43 0 70 66 56 76 84 0 0 86 87 51 75 94 93 0 0 80

58 79 63 62 58 94 62 67 61 68 87 64 73 66 70 69 71 72 74 81 86 78 71 77 85 74 84 77 78 95 88 82 82 90 100 83 85 87 89 88 92 93 89 92 93 94 95 97 96 96 97 98 100 103 101

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101 102 103 104 105

1 1 1 1 1

95 13 8 77 66

38.550 43.089 43.637 48.423 66.914

100 101 102 103 104

0 0 99 0 0

102 103 104 105 0

Annexure 1b: Correlation Matrix for Factor Analysis

Correlation Matrix Guara Face Co Inter Lat Acc Con Sav Anywh Credi Specif Dis Has Cash Ea Touc Deliv NoCr nteed dPro nti netvs estI esib veni eti ereAn tCard icDate cou slef onDe syF hand eryPr edit Qualit blem nu Mall nfo ility ence me ytime Safe Time nts ree livery ind Feel ocess Card y s e Intern etvsM all LatestI nfo .34 .02 -.020 .00 -.176 .14 -.111 -.174 1 3 1 9 .37 .02 .37 .03 -.089 -.047 -.025 4 6 9 0 .27 .06 7 3


.05 .28 .569 3 .049 5




.208 -.205


1.0 .13 .602 .212 00 2

.164 -.046



.016 -.151

Accesi bility


.60 1.00 .05 .159 2 0 1






.23 6


.12 -.003 4

.161 -.057

Conve nience Saveti Cor me rela tion Anywh ereAny time Credit CardSa fe Specifi cDateT ime Guara nteed Qualit y


.21 1.00 .54 .159 2 0 1 .13 1.0 .051 .541 2 00





.25 .43 .09 .18 -.091 -.115 -.200 2 3 3 9 .16 .44 .18 .17 -.118 -.103 -.158 8 3 1 3

.297 -.190






.023 -.080


.16 .32 .234 .260 4 5





.41 .21 .47 -.031 3 2 5


.40 -.210 6

.142 -.135

.09 .189 .04 .113 .182 8 6

.136 1.000



.10 .33 .03 -.092 .03 -.062 -.005 3 5 1 3 .13 .063 .04 -.142 5 7

.373 -.241

.12 .08 .192 .255 .264 5 9




.02 .17 .113 9 0


.342 -.103


.07 .13 .233 .133 8 0





.33 .09 .31 -.119 3 8 4


.44 -.109 6

.425 .104

Online Buying Behavior

Page 33

Discou nts Hasslef ree Casho nDeliv ery EasyFi nd


.37 .16 .277 .252 4 8 .02 .44 .433 6 .063 3





1.0 .14 .53 -.073 00 3 6 .14 1.0 3 00


.39 -.048 7

.341 -.185


.212 -.031




.14 .06 -.112 -.139 9 5

.104 -.187

-.176 .08 .116 .11 .091 9 8 .37 .18 .236 .093 9 1

-.031 -.092


.12 .01 -.119 .07 1.000 1 2 3 .53 .14 6 9 .12 .11 9 2 .39 .06 7 5 1.0 00


.02 -.115 9

.050 -.119


.475 -.033





.28 -.076 5

.187 -.098

FacedP roblem -.111 .04 .101 .10 .115 s 7 3 Contin ue .03 .17 .124 .189 0 3

.086 -.062




.01 .30 1.000 -.071 4 9

-.107 .118







.28 5


1.0 -.267 00

.344 -.120

Toucha -.174 .02 .15 ndFeel .003 .200 5 8 Deliver yProce ss NoCre ditCar d Intern etvsM all LatestI nfo Sig. Accesi (1- bility tail ed) Conve nience Saveti me Anywh ereAny

-.210 -.005


-.109 .04 .13 -.115 .07 -.071 .26 8 9 6 7

1.00 0

-.069 .015


.01 .02 .161 .297 6 3





.34 .10 1 4


.18 .34 -.107 -.069 1.000 -.123 7 4

-.205 .15 .08 .057 .190 1 0

-.135 -.241


.104 .18 .18 -.119 .09 5 7 8

.118 .12 0



1.00 0

.29 .00 .308 .000 4 2





.49 .00 5 0


.06 3


.40 9


.016 .017


.000 .014

.08 9 .30 3 .00 0





.00 .39 0 5 .00 .25 2 9 .00 .00 5 0 .04 .00 2 0


.00 0 .00 7 .17 0 .03 2


.37 9 .10 3 .02 6 .03 8


.436 .061


.00 0 .01 .052 4









.050 .281









.001 .025


.08 .303 .000 9 .008 .004








.407 .208







.00 .01






.073 .084

Online Buying Behavior

Page 34

time Credit CardSa fe Specifi cDateT ime Guara nteed Qualit y Discou nts Hasslef ree Casho nDeliv ery EasyFi nd FacedP roblem s Contin ue Toucha ndFeel Deliver yProce ss NoCre ditCar d


.32 .16 .125 .031 0 0




.14 .37 6 5


.36 8


.00 0


.000 .006


.10 .18 .004 .003 0 1




.38 .04 5 1


.31 6


.08 4


.000 .148


.21 .09 .008 .087 3 3




.00 .15 0 9


.00 1


.00 0


.000 .145


.00 .04 .002 .005 0 2 .39 .00 .259 .000 5 0





.07 2 .07 2


.00 0 .06 4


.00 0 .25 6


.000 .029









.144 .027


.18 .11 .117 .178 1 3





.22 .10 8 8

.45 1


.38 3


.305 .112


.00 .03 .007 .170 0 2





.00 .06 0 4



.00 2


.027 .158


.31 .14 .151 .120 6 7





.09 .12 3 6


.44 4

.00 1


.139 .115


.37 .03 .103 .026 9 8 .40 .05 .487 .020 1 3





.00 .25 0 6 .31 .07 2 7


.00 2 .21 8



.000 .111








.00 3

.242 .437


.43 .40 .050 .001 6 7





.00 .14 0 4


.02 7


.00 0




.06 .20 .281 .025 1 8





.02 .02 9 7


.15 8


.11 1



Online Buying Behavior

Page 35

Annexure 1c: ANOVA Table for Regression Analysis

ANOVA(e) Model Regression 1 Residual Total Regression 2 Residual Total Regression 3 Residual Total Regression 4 Residual Total Sum of Squares 35.202 129.717 164.920 34.427 130.493 164.920 33.711 131.209 164.920 30.700 134.219 164.920 df 5 81 86 4 82 86 3 83 86 2 84 86 15.350 1.598 9.607 .000(d) 11.237 1.581 7.108 .000(c) 8.607 1.591 5.408 .001(b) Mean Square 7.040 1.601 F 4.396 Sig. .001(a)

a Predictors: (Constant), MaritalStatus, FreqofPurchase, Education, CreditCard, Age b Predictors: (Constant), MaritalStatus, FreqofPurchase, Education, CreditCard c Predictors: (Constant), MaritalStatus, FreqofPurchase, CreditCard d Predictors: (Constant), FreqofPurchase, CreditCard e Dependent Variable: AmtSpent

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Annexure 2a: Questionnaire for Exploratory Research

Hi, We are conducting a research on consumer behavior on the internet. As a part of our exploratory research we request you to spare a few minutes in answering the questions below. Do feel free to ask us for any clarifications or doubts. Your responses would serve as a base to our research; and would guide us in discovering important facts about the buying process. Thanks.

1. What are the online services that you generally use while surfing the net (answer as many)?

2. Which are the websites that you visit frequently for the following purposes: a. E-mail: b. Chat: c. Shopping: d. Job Search: e. Social Networking: f. Banking and other Financial Services(Stock Trading): g. Education: h. General Browsing: 2. How frequently do you shop online?

3. If you do not shop online, then what are the reasons behind not shopping online?

4. What are the occasions when you buy online?

5. While purchasing online, what are the goods and services that you generally buy?

6. What are the payment methods you generally use for online purchases?

7. What are the different types of payment options that you have come across?

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8. Do you feel it is safe to buy online?

9. What are the features that make a website more attractive than the others while buying online?

10. On an average, how much do you spend while buying online?

11. What is your general experience of buying online as compared to conventional shopping?

12. What additional features, do you feel, would enhance your buying experience on the internet?

Any additional insights:

Name: Profession: Years since you started using the Internet: Do you own a credit card? Y/N Do you use Internet Banking? Y/N

Age: Sex: M/F

Annexure 2b: Final Questionnaire


We would be thankful for your cooperation if you spare a few minutes to answer the following questions:

1. Do you like to purchase clothes via E-Shopping? Yes No

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2. On an average, how much time (per week) do you spend while surfing the Net? a) 0-2 hours b) 2-6 hours c) 6-10 hours d) 10-15 hours e) Greater than 15 hours 3. I am more comfortable for purchasing clothes via Offline clothes purchasing Online Clothes Purchasing 4. How much you spend money for purchasing clothes on monthly basis? Yes No 5. I am/would not comfortable buying clothes online because a) have no trust b) Qaulity issue c) fitting issue d) Fake Any other product, please specify 6. If you already buying cloths online How frequently do you purchase cloths online? a) Once a month b) 2-3 times a month c) Once in 3 months d) Once in 6 months Any other, please specify 7. What is the average amount that you spend per purchase while shopping online? a) < Rs 500 b) Rs 500-1000 c) Rs 1000-Rs 2000 d) Rs 2000-Rs 5000 e) > Rs 5000 8. Which of the following web sites do you shop at? a) Any other, please specify 9. Recall your earlier online buying/shopping experience and please indicate you degree of agreement with the following statements: Strongly Agree I prefer making a purchase from internet than using local malls or stores I can get the latest information from the Internet regarding different products/services that is not available in the market. I have sufficient internet accessibility to shop online. Online shopping is more
Online Buying Behavior Page 39

Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly Disagree

convenient than in-store shopping. Online shopping saves time over in-store shopping. Online shopping allows me to shop anywhere and at anytime. It is safe to use a credit card while shopping on the Internet. Online shopping provides me with the opportunity to get the products delivered on specific date and time anywhere as required. Products purchased through the Internet are with guaranteed quality. Internet provides regular discounts and promotional offers to me. Internet helps me avoid hassles of shopping in stores. Cash on Delivery is a better way to pay while shopping on the Internet. Sometimes, I can find products online which I may not find instores. I have faced problems while shopping online. I continue shopping online despite facing problems on some occasions. It is important for me to touch and feel certain products before I purchase them. So I cannot buy them online. I trust the delivery process of the shopping websites. I do not shop online only because I do not own a credit card.

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Monthly Income:


Marital Status:

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