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How does your media product present particular social groups?

Andre Nelson

Age Youths
The age group of the characters in our film were all considerable young, 16 - 20. They were connoted as violent, reckless, disrespectful, easy going and irresponsible. This is presented in parts of the product such as the mise-en-scene where a low angle shot shows one of the characters tries to take a picture of the dead body rather than reporting it to the police. The violent representation is built by the track shot of one of the characters dragging his bat against wall which signifies hes going to do some damage with it.



The use of props to represent youths

In my Media product the biggest use of props by the youths was mobile phones and thats as I wanted to conform to the modern day belief and stereotype that society has created which is that teens are always on there phones. This also gave more definition of their age to the audience, making it easier for the audience to define how old the characters are. In the picture to the right it can be seen that both characters are using their phone at the same time which connote its a dominant feature to their relationship and both fairly socially active people.

The use of dialogue to represent youth

The dialogue is the diegetic sound which the characters say. The dialogue of which the the characters use is also relevant into building a representation of the characters and social groups as how someone speaks say a lot about them. The use of slang and informal English language indicated they are uneducated or from a rough area. But this again is another stereotype of youth and conforms with it. This is connoted when the characters say things such as chill [] the guys dead bruv

The low angle shot where the characters use the slang.

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