A Letter of Application

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Dear Mr Richard I am writing in reply to the advert for the post of camp monitors and residential summer camps.

As you will see from my CV I have been studying a degree in psychology for the past 5 years at University of Valencia. Owing to my love for children I took some official courses to have qualifications as a Free Time Monitor. I have a high level of English, as I lived in Birmingham during 1 year with a scholarship to study abroad. I currently work as a time-out animator for a leisure company during the weekends so I am used to deal with children in a large range of ages. Nowadays I am in charge of younger children (over 6) but I have worked with older children, including teenagers. The director of the company would be happy to provide a recommendation letter. I am very active, extrovert and patient. I feel that as a psychologist I can make a real difference to the lives of the children. I really enjoy when children have fun and learn something new. I feel that the post offered would be ideal for me because it give me the opportunity to use my education and skills to provide a higher level of human and specially children behaviour; something that, in short, psychology is concerned. I attach a full CV and I would be free to attend an interview on any day you require it. I hope my application will meet with your approval. Yours faithfully, Mary Richards

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