Songs of Our Holy Masters

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Songs of our Holy Masters

In English

An unprecedented collection of devotional songs by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Srila Narottama dasa Thakura. and other Gaudiya Vaishnava Acharyas

Songs of our Holy Masters

In English An unprecedented collection of devotional songs By Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura, Srila Narottama dasa Thakura and other Gaudiya Vaishnava Acaryas

Composed under the instruction of

r rmad Bhaktivednta Nryaa Gosvami Mahrja First limited edition 2009


To contact publisher write to: Nitai-Gaura Gadadhara publications P.O. Box 1134 Kurtistown Hi, 97670

We thank the following for the use of images BBTI Vidagda Madhava prabhu Krsna Karuna prabhu Shyamarani didi And

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By the mercy of my divine spiritual master r Nityall Pravia O Viupd paramahasa parivrjaka aottaraata r rmad A.C. Bhaktivedhanta Swami Prabhupada, I met r rmad Bhaktivednta Nryaa Gosvami Mahrj in 97 at a festival in Badger California. I offered him respects, and heard his talks, receiving Lord Krishnas greatest gift - sadhusanga- association of a pure Vaishnava! Later at a 98 program in Maui, Srila Nryaa Gosvami Mahrj, mercifully gave me this English song project, for my purification. Whatever has been done nicely here is by his divine mercy, inspiration, and guidance. This service was a team effort. We have been very fortunate to have Gaursundar das brahmacharis most important help correcting hundreds of words, sentences, and verses for more accurate meanings than we had before. Chandrakanta dasi looked up the Bengali words in the Bengali dictionary and typed the Bengali/Sanskrit and also helped with corrections and Suchandra and Radhika helped so much as well. Sikandi didi helped with design ideas, Kanupriya didi with photography, Syamarani didi and Brajanath prabhu, with some editing work. Many exalted Vaishnavas moved this book along by their preaching and encouragement like the most merciful Srila Bhaktiballava Tirtha Gosvami Maharaj, also Srila Bodhaya Maharaj with his continuous flow of divine instructions, and many traveling preachers like Srila Sadhu Maharaj, Sripad Paramadwaiti Maharaj, B.V. Tridandi Maharaj, B.V. Ashram Maharaj, B.V. Padmanava Maharaj, and Vishaka didi who gave encouragement to begin and so many others. Special appreciation is to my many dear friends and god-sisters who love singing the songs, like Nilachala didi and especially Mulaprakriti didi! One of her favorite song toward the end of her life was- Oh You Are the God of Gods. She is greatly missed. By the beautiful singing efforts and encouraging words of the devotees here at New Godruma, Hawaii sanga the songs have evolved, and moved forward to finally become this first English songbook! Aspiring for the service of Sri Guru -Vaishnavas, Mangala dasi
Nrsimha Caturdasi ~ Appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva-May 7, 2009



v of my glorious Holy Master, His Divine Grace Srila A.C Bhaktivedhanta Swami Prabhupad,

Dedicated to the lotus feet

Also to the lotus feet of my merciful Siksha Gurudeva, r rmad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaj, Who ordered and greatly inspired this publication



Songs of our Holy Masters

in English Contents Foreword....................................................................ix Table of songs............................................................xiii Introduction...............................................................xix The songs......................................................................1 Guide to pronunciation...........................................191 Glossary....................................................................192 Singing the songs.....................................................198 Index........................................................................199

viii So you can sing any song of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Srila Narottama Thakura, Sri Premananda dasa or Srila Govinda dasa. Absorbed in chanting, you can sing and can remember these Vaisnavas. They will give you transcendental power. This is the process, weeping and chanting. But we have so many desires, and our hearts have become very hard, More hard than even iron and stone. But if you are following this process, Quickly everything will come! .... Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaj

Foreword This book is a collection of divine songs, written by some of the personal associates and foremost leaders of the great movement of our Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu! They have been collected for hundreds of years and carefully passed down to this present time. In the days before computers, copy machines, and even printing presses, which wasnt so long ago, these songs could only be obtained through the association of the Vashnavas who sang them. To learn them one would need to memorize them, or write the songs down by hand. Communication in ancient India was the oral & aural systems. Writing was done on palm leaves, and the written documents were considered sacred and not often touched or used by ordinary classes. How rare it must have been to have a copy of even one song! The first paper mill in India was set up at Sreerampur, West Bengal, in the year 1812. It was based on grasses and jute as raw material. Large scale mechanized technology of paper making was introduced in India in early 1905. In 1951, there were 17 paper mills. Included herein are some historical dates worth noting.

In the month of Magha, (Jan-Feb) on the full moon day 1531 AD, Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura appeared out of great compassion for the souls of this world. About threehundred years later in 1838 September 2, Srila Sachinandana Bhaktivinode Thakur appeared in this world having great compassion for all humanity. He is the divine personality who re-inaugurated the propagation of pure devotion for the present times. The songs of these two divine personalities and many others in this book, have become a bright and sacred shelter for all devotees. Nitya lila pravista astotara sata Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Gosvami Prabhupada, who appeared Feb. 6, 1874 was considered to be the spiritual teacher of teachers. He was called Srila Prabhupada - That master at whos feet sit many mastersfor he was indeed the spiritual master of many exalted swan-like Vaishnavas! Throughout the 1930s, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada expanded and increased the missionary work many-fold and the Gaudiya maths of India grew. He called the printing press the Brihat Mridanga, or the big mridanga, and urged his disciples to spread the wonderful Gaudiya news! His many exalted disciples wasted no time putting the big mridanga to use, busily printing many transcendental books and preaching everywhere throughout India. The Vaishnava songs were gradually collected but song books were still rare and one song book often had to be shared by many math devotees.

In 1957 r Gauya Gti Guccha- was printed in Bengali language to the delight of so many devotees in India by the mercy r rmd Bhakti Prajanana Keshava Gosvami Majaraja. This is the same personality who was the godbrother and bosom friend of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj (our Srila Prabhupada) and who gave him sannyas initiation. vairagya-vidya-nija-bhakti-yogam apayayan mam anabhipsum andham sri-kesava-bhakti-prajnana-nama krpambudhir yas tam aham prapadye * ( see footnote p.196 for translation) These times were very eventful! After taking sannyas, our Srila Prabhupada set sail to America with only seven dollars worth of rupees, arriving in America in September 1965. On the order of his beloved Gurudev, he spread Lord Sri Krishna Caitanyas mercy all over the world. The first song book for English readers appeared in 1974 as Songs of our Vaishnava Acaryas by his grace. It had about fifty songs and we were very excited! In 1996 - nearly twenty years after the disappearance of our beloved Srila Prabhupada, Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaj, a very dear disciple of Srila Bhakti Prajanana Keshava Gosvami Majaraja, came to America, honoring our Srila Prabhupadas earnest request to him-- that he should teach and uplift all devotees. Taking that order upon his head he came, and like a rain cloud of mercy, has brought life again for thousands of thirsty devotees! With him came the unprecedented r Gauya Gti Guccha having hundreds of songs with English translations. He has greatly enthused devotees world wide, especially the youth, to begin regularly singing the wonderful Vaishnava songs for morning and evening bhajans. How fortunate we are to have these songs coming from the Vaishnavas own hearts. Most were composed in Bengali (also some Sanskrit and Hindi) and are filled with uncommon terminology called sdhubh or the language of sdhus, similar to Sanskrit poetry. Making them to English songs- The first consideration to turn these divine songs into English is to keep the original meaning of the songs in tact. Other considerations follow, such as keeping the original meter, the rhythm of words, rhyme, ease of flow, commonly used terms etc. We have also tried our best to keep the English words close to the same placement as they are in the Bengali songs. Weve begun singing these songs at regular devotee programs -usually around two or so in English and the rest in their original form. They are easy to memorize, which helps in remembering the meaning when singing them in Bengali etc. rla Gurudev tells us that the songs all have deep and even deeper meanings. Sometimes we find different explanations of the songs in writings of the Vaishnavas. We have kept (to the best of our ability) the basic translation in hopes that by relishing the songs under the shelter of r-Guru and Vaiavas, deeper understandings will arise in our hearts.
*(which could not even be traded for American dollars!)

This book begins with the two first songs of rla Bhaktivinoda hkuras Kalynakalpataru -the Auspicious Invocation and Praam to r Guru. This pranam is to the diksha and especially ika-guru. All Vaishnavas humbly seek guidance and instruction (siksha) of the most advanced Vaishnavas throughout all stages of life, following the example of Mahaprabhu, who Himself took siksha from Sri Rai Ramananda. This principle of shisha-guru is most important and therefore Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur has begun the book with this pranam. The initiating and instructing spiritual masters are equal and identical manifestations of Krsna CC Adi 1.34 Purport by Srila Prabhupada ika-guruke ta jni kera svarpa antarymi, bhakta- reha- ei dui rpa [One should know the instructing spiritual master to be the Personality of Ka. Lord Ka mani-fests Himself as the Supersoul and as the greatest devotee of the Lord. (Caitanyacaritamta, di-ll 1.47)]

What manner of other duty may possibly exist for me that is making me run after it by giving up the service of the lotus feet of Sri Guru? Is the evil fortune of triple misery, which is afflicting the innumerable individual souls of the world, ever acceptable to me? No sooner does vulgar talk come to prevail then it produces addiction to this world as a result. . Sri Guru tells of the holy name, then he tells of the divine form as worldly desire begins to subside, of the quality of the divinity on further diminution of such appetite, and he draws us fully to the lotus feet of Sri Ka by telling us of His activities (ll) and the distinctive nature of individual service when the aptitude for worldliness is still further attenuated. After that we serve the son of Nanda, the highest personality of divine activities, by entering into His pastime! Is this service obtainable by the physical body derived from parents, by the second birth by means of gyatri, by admitting to the study of the scriptures or by subsisting on my mental function? It is from Sri Guru alone that this function may be gained. His lotus feet are eternal. May I never undergo an interruption of relationship with his lotus feet, even for a single moment. May I be never loosened, even for a moment, from the bond that unites me to his lotus feet. May I never for a moment quit my hold of his lotus feet by being tempted by any fascination of this world. May I never be deprived of His lotus feet by listening to the advice of any other, worthless person.
A portion of a lecture by Sri rmad Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvati Prabhupda-- given in Mypur, February 12, 1930

The songs are in a general order of first Sri Guru and Vaiava songs- then the Niti Gaurga and Holy-name songs- then many prayers and finally Rdh Ka songs- the usual order in which songs are sung for bhajans. There are many instruction songs to the mind- which remove anarthas- or unwanted moods from ones own mind and heart, many exalted songs of rla Narottam ds hkura, two songs by His Divine Grace rla Bhaktivednta Swmi Prabhupda composed just as he sailed across the ocean on the historic Jaladua to rescue the drowning souls of the world. Also the very rare song Where is She by Mah-bhgavata rla Gaurakiora ds Bbji Mahraj, as well as the merciful song Wicked Mind by his Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada. This song convinces the mind of what it must give up, and what it should accept to engage in true kirtan. Auspicious rati is also here by r rmad Bhakti Prajna Keava Gosvm Mahrja. This important song is sung in its original Bengali all over the world during Mangala aroti. A favorite song which we wanted to add -The nectarean glories of Vrindavan-(Jai Radhe Jai Krishna Jai Vrindavan).....was going to be a difficult one to make into English so we were going to leave it out of the book for later time. Then we somehow found it had been all-ready done in back in 1960..... by our own Srila Prabhupada! Inspired by his translation, we used it as a basis for a revised version and were able to add this auspicious song. We have referred to many different translations, and are most grateful to devotees who ever did English song translations- especially word-for-word like Daaratha Suta prabhu, Ivara ds prabhu, and his crew for Prrthan also Bhumipati dasa and the good translations of Vichitras crew for r Gauya Gti Guccha We pray for Srila Gurudevs (and all our Guruvargas) causeless mercy, and hope to increase this book with more beautiful and rare songs of our Holy Masters. Please excuse our faults and mistakes . All glories to ri Guru and Gauranga! ......The editors


Table of Songs
153..........Alone in my cottage........ nirjana kure, 101..........As I Surrender My Soul...................tma-samarpane 136..........At Jamunas river bank.............. yamun-puline, 121..........Auspicious rati ..............Magal rati 1..............Auspicious Invocation .........jaya jaya r-caitanya patita-pvana 117...........Beautiful Auspicious Song ...............r Magala-Gtam-65.............Beautiful Sacis Son ..............r ac-Tanayakam-.....ujjvala-varaa52.............Best of Avatras. ................avatra-sra 165...........Birth is Fruitful ..........Janama Saphala Tra 155...........Branches of Kadamba Trees............... kadamba tarura la, 82.............Brother Why Is Beauty Your Glory ...........rpera gaurava kena bhi, 59.............Chant Everyone Chant................ Rdh-Ka Bal Bal 148............Cintmai .............cintmai-maya, 125...........Company of Friends............... bandhu-sage 93.............Dedicating my soul ..........tma-nivedana 111............Eight Prayers to Damodhara..........nammvara sac-cid-nanda129...........Eight Prayers to the Divine Couple.............(yugalakam) 184...........Firm Faith In Sri Radha ...............r rdh nih 89.............Forgetting You Lord............ bhuliy tomre

51.......Gaura My Lord ...........gor pahu 55.......Gaurga Give Mercy.................gaurga karu kara, 54.......Gaurga Please Dont Forsake Your Mercy.............. gaurga tumi More 75.......Gaurgas Two Lotus Feet ...........gaurgera du-pada, 40.......Gem quality is my Nitai.................niti gua-mai mra 21.......Give Your Mercy Vaisnava kara vaiava hkura 127......Giving Joy....................... vraja-jana-mana-sukhakr 99.......Gopinath 10........Gurudev-Bestowing Great Mercy.............Gurudeva! Baa Kp Kari 11.......Gurudev Give One Drop of Mercy...............Gurudeva! Kp-Bindu Diy 19.......Gurudev When will This Day Become Mine?....gurudev! kabe mora sei dina habe 102.....Hari Hari Have Mercy and Keep Me ....hari hari! kp kari rkha nija pade 145......Hari Hari How long?............hari hari! ra ki emana dsa haba 185.....Hari Hari Oh When will My Day of Fortune Come?.hari hari!kabe mora haibe sudine 137......Hari Hari Oh When will this become my condition?..hari hari! ra kabe plaib da 161......Hari Hari Only Great Pain in My Heart Remains!.. hari hari! baa ela marame rahila 177......Hari Hari Uselessly My Life Passes By!.............. hari hari! viphale janama goinu 12........Hari Hari When For Me............... Hari Hari kabe mora habe hena dina 126......Hari Hari When In Vndvan Will I Reside?...hari hari! kabe haba vndvana-vs 183......Hari Hari When Will such a Bright Day Become Mine.hari hari, kabe mora haibe 162......Hari Hari When Will such a Day Belong To Me?.....hari hari! hena dina haibe mra

67.......Hari Nam................ Harinma, Tuw Aneka Svarpa91.......Having slipped in Natures Ocean!........... bhavrnave pae 18........How Will I obtain Your Service piba sev

164.......Hundred Million Gopis .....................ata-koi gop151.......I Bow My Head To Nandas Son ......................r Nanda-Nandanakam 70........If Gaura Had Not Come...........(yadi) gaurga nahita, 175......If Just at This Moment I See ............ ei-bra pile dekh 179.......Ill Carry A Water Pot .............karaga kaupna lai 60.........In A Sweet Voice Gaura Sings............gya gor madhura svare 116.......In the Temple of my Heart............ mama mana mandire 163.......In Vndvans Forest........... varaja-vipine 27.........Ive Not Taken Saints Association .........sdhu-saga n haila hya 169........Jaya Jaya Beautiful Nanda Kumar ...........jaya jaya sundara nanda-kumra 61.........Jaya Jaya Hari Nma..........jaya jaya harinma 47.........Jaya Jaya r Ka Caitanya Nitynanda! ...jaya jaya r-ka-caitanya 50.........Jaya Jaya To the Son Of Jaganntha and ac ...jaya jaya jaganntha acra 140.......Ka Deva I Now Offer This Prayer (Ka) Deva! Bhavanta Vande 113.......Ka will Be Your Virtue! ..........ka tava puya habe bhi 29.........Ka Youve shown Such Great Mercy!........mrkine bhgavat dharma 92.........Mind, Body, Home and Family.............Mnasa, Deha, Geha 85.........Mind Im Telling You This Information!............. mana tore boli e vrat 46.........My Faith!...........dhana mora nitynanda 87.........My Life!...............mra Jvana37........ Nm Sakrtana............. hari haraye nama ka 72.........Nrada Muni! ..............nrada muni, bjya v, 44.........Never Angry, Ever Blissful!........... akrodha paramnanda 39..........Nitis Divine Lotus Feet..............niti-pada-kamala


17..........Oh All Vaiava hkurs ............hkura vaiava-gaa

145.......Oh Beautiful Crown Jewel ....................rama-iromai,

62..........Oh Hare Because I Forgot You............. Hare he... tomre bhuliy 20.........Oh Hari -Eagerness For Worship.............. hari he! bhajane utsha 96.........Oh Lord, At Your Pair Of Feet!.........prabhu tava pada-yuge 92.........(Oh Lord) Wretched As I am .............(prabhu he!) emana durmati, 83..........Oh Mind Pride In Wealth.............. mana re dhana-mada 81..........Oh Mind What Rubbish Are You Learning?....mana, tumi paile ki chra 119........Oh Mind Why Are You So Fond Of Playing......... mana tumi bhlabsa 84..........Oh Mind Why Are You so Proud?....mana re, kena ra vara abhimna 77..........Oh Mind Why do You Have This Suspicion?..mana tava, kena e-sasaya 120........Oh Mind Why This Useless Worship..........mana rekena miche bhajicha 28.........Oh Mind You are Very Fickle .....................mana tumi baai cacala 78......... Oh Mind You Are Very Wicked ............mana, tumi baai pmara, 79...........Oh Mind You So Greatly Doubt..........mana re,tumi baa sandigdha-antara 13..........Oh Most Honorable Vaiava ...........ohe! vaiava hkura, dayra sgara 76.......... Oh My Dearest Gaurakisora!..........h h mora gaura kiora, 176.........Oh My Dear Lord Madana Gopal ............mora prabhu madana gopla, 109.........Oh My Dear Mind Worship!...........bhajah re mana 147.........Oh My Lord Now At This Time............prabhu he! 25...........Oh When Will I recognize Vaishnavas....kabe mui vaiava ciniba hari hari 133.........Oh When Will My Foolish Mind Quit? ...........kabe mora mudha mana 23...........Oh When Will the Blessed Day Come ...................mra emana bhgya 95...........Oh You Are The God Of Gods!.........................tumi sarvevarevara, 178.........Only For Happiness................ Sukhera Lgiy

143............Original Lord Of Sweetness............. r Madhurakam 14..............Please Give Me Your Mercy This Time .........ei-bra karu kara 4................Pranam to Sri Guru ............dik-guru kp kari 7................Prayers to the Divine Vaishnavas............vndvana-vs jata 97..............Prayer to Yogamaya............ mra samna hna 107............Pure Devotion ..............uddha-bhakata149............Radha Krishna Aroti ...........r Yugala rati186............Radha Krishna My Life and Soul ..........rdh-ka pra mora 174............Radha Kishna This is a Prayer ... rdh-ka!nivedana ei jana kare 170............Radhes Victory ............r r Rdhik Pda-Padme Vijapti 172............Rain Of Love.............. aji rase badara nisi 69..............Saranagati!..........r ka-caitanya prabhu jve day kari 36..............Separation nila prema-dhana 131............Six Goswami Astakam............. r a-Gosvmyaakam22..............Six Ways of Association ...............hari he! Dna pratigraha 86..............Soul Why Are You Falling?............ ra kena my-jle 154............Spring Pastimes ............vndvana ramya-sthna 51..............r Gaura rati 9................r Gurus Lotus Feet................. r Guru-Caraa-Padma.5................r Gurvaakam ....sasra-dvnala-lha-loka45..............r Krsna Caitanya My Lord! ............. r ka-caitanya prabhu 41..............r Nityananda Astakama!............. arac-candra-bhrnti sphurad amala 167............r Radha Krishnas Lotus Feet............ r Rdh-Ke Vijapti 157............r Radhas Glance Of Mercy..............r Rdh-Kp-Kaka-Stava-Rja 171............r Radhas Worship ........r Rdh-Bhajana Mahim



182.........r Rupa Manjaris Feet ..........r Rpa-Majar-Pada 150.........r Tulasi Kirtan..........namo nama tulas ka-preyas 16...........The Feet of Vaishnava Thakur! ............ hkura vaiava-pada 88..........The Fruits Of My Timeless Karma............ andi karama phale 128........The Glories of Following Sri Rupa....... uniychi sdhu mukhe

189.......The Nectarean Glories of Vraja-Dhma Vraja-Dhma-Mahimmta

123..........The Night is Ending! ........Vibhvar-ea 48............The Supreme Compassion! .........parama karua, pahu dui-jana 173..........Vrishabhanus Daughter..........Vabhnu-Sut 64............Wake up Soul! jgo, jva jgo 181..........When I Receive Precious Krishna........... kabe ka dhana-pbo, 73............When In Gauras Forest.........kabe gaura-vane, 74............When Oh My Dear Gaura Nitai! ..........h h Kabe Gaura niti! 57............When Oh Tell Me When!............ kabe habe bolo 56............When While Chanting Gauranga! .........gaurga balite habe 71............When Will I Call Out Oh Gauranga ........... kabe h gaurga baliy 15............When Will Sri Caitanya Bestow....... kabe r caitanya more karibena day 187..........Where is She?........kothya go 49............Who will Go? ............ Ke Jbi Ke Jbi Bhi 68............Why?........ keno 33............Wicked Mind ...........Dua mana! 90............Without Devotion To Krsna .........ka-bhakti vin kabhu 63............With The Red Sun...............Aruodaya-Krtana-105...........Worship One Who Loves His Devotees .............. Bhaja Bhakata139..........Yasomatis Darling Son ..............Yaomat-Nandana-


The crya and establisher of r Gauya Vednta Samiti r Nityall Pravia O Viupd paramahasa parivrjaka aottaraata r rmad Bhaktiprajna Keava Goswami Mahrja, brought forth by his causeless mercy and kindness, the r Gauya Gti Guccha- a collection of songs and prayers in Bengali language! Later on this was again done in the Hindi language. Then translated into the English editions. Now many of those same songs are presented here, for the first time in song form in the English language! By hearing, chanting, and remembering r Bhagavns names, forms, and pastimes, we attain Prema for Him! Especially in Kali Yuga, by Hari- nma sakrtan(singing in congregation the praises and names of the Supreme Lord Hari) all perfection is attained! All stras (scriptures) proclaim this in one voice! The root inaugurator of r Ka Sakrtan, and purifier of this Kaliyuga (age of quarrel and hypocrisy) and Supreme Lord Himself- r Caitanya Mahprabhu , has given the instruction -Krtanya sad Hari (Sing the praises of God always) rmad Bhgavatam has also statedkte yad dhyyato viu trety yajato makhai dvpare paricaryy kalau tad dhari ktant Whatever result was obtained in Satya Yuga by meditation on Viu, in Tret yuga by performing sacrifices, and in Dvpara yuga by serving the Lords lotus feet, can be obtained in Kali-yuga simply by chanting the Hare Ka mah mantra!
12 canto 3rd chapter, verse 53

r rmad Bhaktivednta Naryna Gosvami Mahrj


Here the mahjans have themselves compiled and sung these songs in Krtan! Among them are the famous r Jayadeva Gosvmi, Vidypati, Sri Candidsa, rla Rpa Gosvmi, rla Rghuntha ds Gosvmi, rla Jva Gosvmi, rla Vndvan ds hkura, rla Locan ds hkur, rla Vsudev Ghoa prabhu, rla Nrahari prabhu, rla Vivanth Cakravrti hkur, rla Ka ds Kavirj Gosvmi, rla Sarvabhauma Bhacrya, rla Ballavcrya, rla rnivs crya, and most especially rla Narottama ds hkura and rla Bhakativinoda hkura!

We also have the kirtans of Mahbhgavata rla Gaurakiora ds Bbji Maharaja, r rmad Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvati Gosvmi Prabhupda, rla Bhaktiprajna Keava Gosvami Mahrj, rla A.C. Bhaktivednta Svmi Mahrj, and other Vaiava krtans. None of these poets are material personalities. They should never be compared to ordinary mundane poets. To do so would be a grave mistake! r Hari Krtan and performances of singing for the mind's pleasure are like the difference between the sky and the ground! One should understand this very well! Our Paramardhya rla Gurudeva O Viupda aottaraata r rmad Bhakti Prajna Keava Gosvmi Mahrja manifest the first edition of r Gta Guccha in 1957. After his divine disappearance, Nityall pravia Tridai Bhaktivednta Vmana Gosvami Mahrja also did many additions to the book. By the inspiration and enthusiasm of rla Vmana Mahrja I was inspired to do the Hindi language Sri Gauya Gti Guccha due to the request of the Hindi speaking people, so we completed that book. It was so enlivening making that book that we soon did another with more added songs- so helpful for sdhana bhajana like rati songs, krtan songs and prayers etc. We gave Hindi as well as Sanskrit explanations to the songs. We thank all the devotees who have helped to work on all these books. Now for this new English song book we thank Magal ds, working diligently for many years now, also my very dear rman Gaurasundar dsa Brahmacri for working on the corrections, his three sisters- especially Candraknt ds, and Sucandra dasi and Radhika dasi for all their various endeavors and services to make this book! Sri Guru-Gauraga Gandhrvika Giridharis mercy should be upon them- this is my prayer! In the making of this book we had to proceed quickly and therefore could have made some mistakes. We would be happy if the intellectual readers can correct or advise anything of these. I request those faithful persons who desire their supreme welfare to read and sing these songs in krtan, and thus attain all success in spiritual life!

r rmad Bhaktivednta Nryaa Goswami Mahrja

His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupda

r rmad Bhakti Prajna Keava Gosvm Mahrja

rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat Prabhupda

rla Gaura-Kiora dsa Bbji Mahrja

rla Bhaktivinoda hkur

Sri Jagannatha Dasa Babaji Maharaja

rla Vishvanath Chakrvarthi hkura

Srinivas Acharya

rla Narottama dsa hkura

Srila Jiva Goswami

Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami

rla Raghunatha das Goswami

Srila Rupa Goswami

Srila Rupa and Srila Sanatana Goswami

rmad Vallabhcrya

Sri Jayadeva Goswami

Sri Adwaita, Lord Nityananda, Lord Shree Krishna Caitanya, Sri Gadadhara, Sri Srivas

r Veda Vyas

Auspicious Invocation rla Bhaktivinoda hkur- (kalyna kalpataru) (1) Jaya Jaya r Caitanya cleanser of the lowly! Jaya Nitynanda Prabhu savior of the needy! (2) Jaya Jaydwaita Candra ocean of compassion, Jaya Rpa, Santana, Jaya Gaddhara! (3) r Jva, Gopl Bhaa, both the Raghunthas, Jaya Vraja Dhms residing groups of Vaiavas! (4) Jaya jaya Navadwpas resident devotees All of you together kindly shower down your mercy (5) All Vaiavas of the world please manifest your mercy Pull me to the lotus feet of r Jhnav devi (6) I cant recognize Vaiavas so unfortunate I am Oh Vaiava you yourself please bestow your compassion (7) Please give me devotion to r Gurus lotus feet, The strength of those feet will give divine truth unto me! (8) All the brhmans please become, merciful to me, Give me firm determination to Vaiavas feet (9) At the feet of high and low souls I have taken shelter, For Im just a low and fallen destitute beggar (10) All of you be merciful and give one benediction, That Vaiavas kindly receive this book with affection (11) Through this book Ill then receive the grace of Vaiavas, And by the Vaiavas mercy- brothers Ill get Ka!

Jaya Jaya r Caitanya!

(12) Whoever ignores Vaiavas their life has been wasted, Know this fact for sure my brothers its a well known statement! (13) r Vaikunha dhma, has a transcendental forest, Uncountable wish trees grow there at that lovely place. (14) In the middle is the King called Most Auspicious Wish-tree Spread out in that timeless realm eternally existing. (15) From its three-fold trunk there is a most wonderful vision, First advice, then realization then flowing emotions! (16) Blossoms of pure bhakti make this tree so beautiful, The sweet fruits are called kalyna and are plentiful! (17) Taking shelter at that tree is a fortunate person, Whose very auspicious fruits are service to r Ka! (18) By the grace of r Gurus feet I received ability, To bring down this wonderful tree that I am now giving (19) Pulling hard to bring this tree down through my harsh mentality, Listen saintly people this diminished its beauty. (20) Now all of you please become the gardeners of this tree, Water it with all your faith to revive all its beauty (21) Those auspicious fruits will come as service to the Couple, We shall greatly relish this fruit all of us together! (22) Dancing and chanting Hari well taste fruits of serving, (And) Give up heated arguments, on the strength of Bhakti

(1) Jaya Jaya Sri Caitanya patita pavana jaya nitynanda prabhu, antha- traa (2) jaya jaydvaitacandra, kpra sgara, jaya rpa-santana, jaya gaddhara (3) r-jva gopla-bhaa, raghuntha-dvaya, jaya vraja-dhma-vsi, vaiava-nicaya (4) jaya jaya navadvpa- vsi bhakta-gaa, sabe mili kp more kara bitaraa (5) nikhila-vaiava-jana day prakiy, r-jhnav-pade more, rkhaha tniy (6) mi ta durbhg ati, vaiava n cini, more kp karibena ava pani (7) r-guru-carae more, bhakti kara dna, ye caraa-bale pi tattvera sandhna (8) brhmaa sakale kari kp mora prati, vaiava-carae more, deha dha-mati (9) uccha nca sarva-jva carae araa, lailma mi dna hna akicana (10) sakale kariy kp, deha more vara, vaiave karuna ei granhera dara (11) granha-dvr vaiava -janera kp pi, vaiava-kpya ka- lbha haya bhi (12) vaiava-bimukha jre trha jvana, nirarthaka jna bhi prasiddha vacana (13) r vaikunha dhme che, nireyas vana, the obh pya kalpataru agaana (14) th mjhe e-kalya -kalpa-taru-rja, nitya-kla nitya-dhme karena virja (15) skandha-traya che tra aprva darana, upadea upalabdhi ucchvsa gaana (16) su-bhakti-prasna the ati obha pya, kalya nmaka phala agaana tya (17) ye sjana e-biap karena raya, ka-sev-su-kalya- phala tra haya (18) r-guru-caraa-kp- smarhya labhiy, e-hena aprva vka dilma niy (19) tniy ni ta vka e karkaa mana, naila ihra obh una sdhu-jana (20) tomr sakale hao e vkera ml, raddh-bri diy puna kara rpal (21) phalibe kalya-phala yugala-sevana, kariba sakalemili th svdana (22) ntya kari hari bala kho seva-phala, bhakti-bala kara dra kutarka-anala

rla Bhaktivinoda hkur- -(kalya kalpataru)- seed song-

Praam to r Guru

(1) Dik guru kindly gives Instructions of the mantra, Doing this he shows the way Toward the truths of Ka! (2) All the ik gurus show Unlimited mercy, Teaching the practitioner Essential limbs of Bhakti! (3) To my ik gurus feet I offer Praam, Speaking to my own mind This garland of instructions!

(1) dik-guru kp kari mantra-upadea, kariy dekhna ka tattvera nirdea (2) ik-guru-vnda kp kariy apra, sdhake ikhna sdhanera aga-sra (3) ik-guru-gaa-pde kariy praati, upadea-ml bali nija-mana prati

rla Vivantha Cakravart hkura

r Gurvakam

(1) In worldly forest fires we are burning, To save us you pour down thick rains of mercy, From an ocean of auspicious qualities, Praise to our masters divine lotus feet! (2) (In) Mahprabhus kirtan dancing and singing, Maddened within by the moods you are tasting, Hairs standing on end, shivering and crying, Praise to our masters divine lotus feet! (3) The Lords divine forms you worship always, You adorn Them and cleanse the temple brightly, In this same service you engage devotees, Praise to our masters divine lotus feet! (4) By four types of r Bhgavat prasdam, The Lord's devotees feel great satisfaction, When they are fulfilled, You take satisfaction, Praise to our masters divine lotus feet!

(1) sasra-dvnala-lha-lokatrya kruya-ghanghanatvam prptasya kalya-guravasya vande guro r cararavindam (2) mahprabho krtana-ntya-gtavditra-mdyan-manaso rasena romca-kampru-taraga-bhjo vande guro r cararavindam (3) r-vigrahrdhana-nitya-nngra-tan-mandira-mrjandau yuktasya bhakt ca niyujato pi vande guro r cararavindam (4) catur-vidha-r-bhagavat-prasdasvdv-anna-tptn hari-bhakta-saghn ktvaiva tpti bhajata sadaiva vande guro r cararavindam

(5) Sri Rdhik Mdhavas endless beauty, Their sweet pastimes, forms, names and qualities, You have a greed to relish these each moment, Praise to our masters divine lotus feet! (6) In secret groves the Couple are delighting, By perfect plans you have made with the sakhis You are so cherished by your great expertise, Praise to our masters divine lotus feet! (7) All scriptures state that youre directly Hari And saintly persons accept this indeed, But You are truly the Lords own dearest, Praise to our masters divine lotus feet! (8) By your divine grace We obtain the Lords grace, Without this grace We can never reach our goal Recalling your glories Morning, noon, and evening, Praise to our masters divine lotus feet! (9) By loudly singing, r Guru Aakam, Each morning with care just before the dawn, Well surely attain, our eternal service, Directly to the Lord of Vndvan! (5) r-rdhik-mdhavayor apra mdhurya-ll-gua-rpa-nmnm prati-kasvdana-lolupasya vande guro r cararavindam (6) nikuja-yno rati-keli-siddhyai y ylibhir yuktir apekany tatrti-dkd ati-vallabhasya vande guro r cararavindam (7) skd-dharitvena samasta-strair uktas tath bhvyata eva sadbhi kintu prabhor ya priya eva tasya vande guro r cararavindam (8) yasya prasdd bhagavat-prasdo yasyprasdn na gati kuto pi dhyya stuvas tasya yaas tri-sandhya vande guro r cararavindam (9) rmad-guror aakam etad uccair brhme muhrte pahati prayatnt yas tena vndvana-ntha-sktsevaiva labhy januo nta eva

Prayers to the Divine Vaiavas

(1) First to all the Vaiavas, living in Vndvan, I offer unto their feet, this glorification! (2) To Mahprabhus servants living in Pur Dhm, Praying unto all their feet I prostrate on the ground! (3) To Mahprabhus bhaktas living in Navadvp, I pray for loving attachment unto all their feet! (4) To Mahprabhus bhaktas residing in Bengal, At their feet with folded palms I pray unto them all! (5) To Gaurgas devotees from many different lands, Unto all their feet I pray, raising up my hands! (6) To all the Lords servants who have been or who will be, I pray unto all their feet with straw between my teeth. (7) Everywhere they have the power to save many persons, Hear their glories sung in all the Vedas and Puraas. (8) Mahaprabhus devotees are all friends of the fallen, With great eagerness this sinner takes shelter of them. (9) How much power do I have to glorify Vaiavas, Only due to ignorance and pride I have attempted. (10) Yet my mouth feels fortunate and my heart feels excitement, Please forgive this sinners faults and make me your own servant. (11) All wishes will be reach perfection- Yamas ropes wont hold, For they pass out gifts of love, so rare in this world! (13) All our heartfelt hopes can be fulfilled without delay, For this Devaknandana ds, most eagerly prays.
r Vaiava Vandana--Devaknandana ds

(1) vndvana-vs jata vaiavera gaa prathame vandan kari sabra caraa (2) nlcala-vs jata mahprabhura gaa bhmite poiy vando sabra caraa (3) navadvpa vs jata mahprabhura bhakta sabra caraa vando haiy anurakta (4) mahprabhura bhakta jata gaua dee sthiti sabra caraa vando kariy praati (5) je-dee je-dee baise gaurgera gaa rdhva-bhu kari vando sabra caraa (6) haiychena haibena prabhura jata dsa sabra caraa vando dante kari ghsa (7) brahma trite akti dhare jane jane e veda purae gua gya jev une (8) mahprabhura gaa saba patita-pvana ti lobhe mui ppi lainu araa (9) vandan karite mui kata akti dhari tamo-budhi-doe mui dambha mtra kari (10) tathpi mkera bhghya manera ullsa doa kami mo-adhame kara nija-dsa (11) sarva-vch siddhi haya yama-bandha chue jagate durlabha haiy prema-dhana lue (12) manera vsan pra acirte haya devaknandana dsa ei lobhe kaya

r Guru-Caraa-Padma.--rla Narottama dsa hkura

r Gurudevs Lotus Feet

(1) r Gurus divine lotus feet, Exclusive abode of Bhakti, I glorify them most carefully, Brothers by his divine grace, We are crossing over this place, Attaining Krishna (also) by his mercy! (2) Words from gurus lotus mouthMake them unified with your heart And not the desires of your mind. Attachment to r Gurus feet, Is the supreme goal and means, By his grace all (our) hopes are realized! (3) One who gives the gift of sight, Is my master life after life, Revealing divine knowledge in my heart, Prema bhakti he bestows, Whereby ignorance is destroyed, All the Vedas sing his character! (4) r guru ocean of mercy, Oh friend of the fallen people, Lokanth, life of all the world! Oh my master, (please) have mercy Give to me the shade of your feet Now your fame is proclaimed In the three worlds! (At Your two feet I am taking shelter)

(1) r guru-caraa-padma, kevala bhakati-sadma, vando mui svadhna-mate jhra prasde bhi, e bhava tariy ji, ka-prpti haya jh hate (2) guru-mukha-padma-vkya, cittete kariy aikya, ra n kariha mane r guru-carae rati, ei se uttam gati, je prasde pre sarva (3) caku-dna dil jei, janme janme prabhu sei, divya-jna hde prakita prema-bhakti jh haite, avidy vina jte, vede gya jhra carita (4) r guru karu-sindhu, adhama janra bandhu, lokantha lokera jvana h h prabhu! kara day, deha more pada-chy, ebe yaa ghuuka tribhuvana (tuw pade lainu araa)

10 Gurudev, Bestowing Great Mercy

aragati--42--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Gurudev, bestowing great mercy, In the Gaua forest, A place at Godrum you gave me Giving me the order, To sit in this Vraja, And to sing the Names of Hari! (2) But master when will you, Give this servant mercy, So that I can become worthy Then my heart will be calm Tolerating all things And one -pointed worship Hari! (3) In my youth I indulged In mundane pleasures, Cultivating such bad habits, By my own wrong actions, This body has become, A great obstacle in worship. (4) Now old and finished, By the five diseases, How can I do worship-tell me? Weeping and weeping, At you lotus feet, Overwhelmed -there Im falling!

(1) gurudeva! baa kp kari, gaua-vana mjhe, godrume diycha sthna j dil more, ei vraje basi, harinma kara gna (2) kintu kabe prabhu, yogyat arpibe, e dsere day kari citta sthira habe, sakala sahiba, eknte bhajiba hari (3) aiava-yauvane, jaa-sukha-sage, abhysa haila manda nija-karma-doe, e deha haila, bhajanera pratibandha (4) vrdhakye ekhana, paca-roge hata, kemane bhajiba bala kdiy kdiy, tomra carae, paiychi suvihvala

aragati--42 --rla Bhaktivinoda hkura (1) Gurudev! Give one drop of mercy, Making this servant, Lower than the grass- so humble, Make me strong so I can, Tolerate all trials, Without wanting my own honor. (2) Please give me the power, To respect all beings, In the proper way oh master, Then I can sing the, Holy Names with joy, My offenses will be over! (3) When will such mercy, Come to one like me, How fulfilled I would be, (Oh) lord! Im completely fallen, Without strength or judgment, (Please) Make my heart and soul with yours. (4) Looking at my own worth, I cannot find one thing, Your kindness is essential, Without your compassion, I will cry and cry, I will keep my life no longer!

Gurudev, Give One Drop of Mercy

(1) gurudeva!kp-bindu diy, kara ei dse, tpek ati hna sakala sahane, bala diy kara, nija-mne sph-hna (2) sakale sammna, karite akati, deha ntha! yathyatha tabe ta giba, harinma sukhe, apardha habe hata (3) kabe hena kp, labhiy e jana, ktrtha haibe ntha! akti-buddhi-hna, mi ati dna, kara more tma-stha (4) yogyat-vicre, kichu nhi pi, tomra karu sra karu n haile, kdiy kdiy, pra n rkhiba ra

kalyna kalpataru- 44 -rla Bhaktivinoda hkur

Hari Hari -When for me?

(1) (1) Hari Hari Hari Hari kabe mora habe hena dina When for me will there come such a day? vimala vaiave, Having deep attachment rati upajibe, For the pure Vaiavas vsan haibe ka Other wants fading away! (2) (2) antara-bhire, sama vyavahra, (Both) Inward and outward, Ill behave the same way, amn mnada haba Whether honored or dishonored. ka-sakrtane, r-ka-smarae, During sankrtan Ill remember (Sri) Ka satata majiy raba And remain always absorbed. (3) (3) e dehera kriy, abhyse kariba, Workings of this body, will go on by habit, jvana jpana lgi In this way my life will go on, r-ka-bhajane, anukla jh, All which is conducive, for r Ka's worship, the haba anurg For this I will have affection. (4) (4) bhajanera jh, pratikla th, That which is disruptive, to the sacred worship dha-bhve teygiba With a firm mood I will leave bhajite bhajite, samaya sile, Serving and serving, until the time comes deha chiy diba When I must give up this body. (5) (5) bhakativinoda, ei kari, Bhakativinoda, has this great hope, basiy godruma-vane In Godruma forest waiting, prabhu-kp lgi, vykula antare, To get Prabhus mercy, I am deeply anxious, sad knde sagopane Always secretly crying.

aragati-- 39- -rla Bhaktivinoda hkura *

Oh Most Honorable Vaiava

(1) Oh most honorable Vaiava, Ocean of kindness! Please give this servant your mercy, Give me your foot shade, Oh purify me! Im taking hold of your lotus feet! (2) * Control my six urges, cleanse me from six faults, And give this servant six qualities. Give me six types of pure association, I sit in hopes of your company! (3) By myself alone, I have no strength for, Hari nma sakrtana. Giving your mercy, bestow a drop of faith, And give the treasure of Ka's name! (4) Ka is yours so, You can give Ka! This is your power, your aktiIm just a beggar, calling Ka Ka, And follow behind you, running!

(1) ohe! vaiava hkura, dayra sgara, e dse karu kari diy pada-chy, odha he mre, tomra caraa dhari (2) chaya vega dami, chaya doa odhi, chaya gua deha dse chaya sat-saga, deha he mre, bosechi sagera e (3) ekk mra, nhi pya bala, harinma-sakrtane tumi kp kari, raddh-bindu diy, deha ka-nma-dhane (4) ka se tomra, ka dite pra, tomra akati che mi ta kgla, ka ka bali, dhi tava pche pche

*Six urges: speech, mind, anger, tongue, stomach, genitals. *Six faults: over-eating or over collecting, over endeavor, Idle chatting, following rules and regulations mechanically with too much attachment, overly neglecting rules and regulations, association with materialistic people, mundane greed. *Six qualities: enthusiasm, faith, patience, accepting activities which are favorable to bhakti, giving up mundane association, following good vaisnava practices. *Six ways of association: giving gifts, accepting gifts, hearing, confiding, Giving food offerings, and accepting maha-prasad

14 Please Give me Your Mercy This Time

Prrthan 45--rla Narottama dsa hkura

(1) Please give me your mercy, this time, Vaiava Gosi, Oh friend of the fallen without you, There is no one! (2) Where can I go by whose presence, All sins go away! Where can such a kind masterBe found in this way? (3) In due course the touch of Gag, Purifies all beings, But seeing you purifies one, This is your quality. (4) Offenses unto Lord Hari, His Name can remove, But offenses made to you, He will not excuse. (5) Within your own heart Govinda, Forever resides, And Govinda says my devoteeIs my very life! (6) The dust of your feet I pray for, Each and every birth, Give mercy to Narottama , And call me yours!

(1) ei-bra karu kara vaiava gosi patita-pvana tom vine keha ni (2) khra nikae gele ppa dre jya emana dayla prabhu kev kath pya? (3) gagra paraa haile pacte pvana darane pavitra kara ei tomra gua (4) hari-sthne apardhe tre harinma tom sthne apardhe nahika ehna (5) tomra hdaye sad govinda virma govinda kahena, mama vaiava para (6) prati-janme kari caraera dhli narottame kara day panra bali

15 When will r Caitanya bestow His Grace?

Kalyna--kalpataru 34- -rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) When will r Caitanya bestow, His mercy to me, When will I obtain the shade of Vaiava's feet? (2) When will I completely renounce, worldly egotism, When will I give the Lords servants, proper veneration? (3) With neck cloth and folded palms, close to the devotee, With straw in between my teeth, I will stand sincerely. !(4) Crying and crying I know, the village of grief, From the scorching flames of this world, I beg for relief. (5) Upon hearing all my sorrows, that revered devotee, Will profusely pray to Ka, for that which I need. (6) By the prayers of that Vaiava, tender-hearted Ka, Will bestow His great compassion, to this wicked one! (7) Vinod makes this offering, at the Vaiavs feet, Give mercy and take me with you, This one with nothing. (1) kabe r caitanya more karibena day---kabe mi paiba vai-ava-pada-chy (2) kabe mi chiya e viaybhimna---kabe viu-jane mi kariba sammna -(3) gala-vastra ktjali vaiava-nikae---dante ta kari d-iba nikapae (4) kdiy kdiy jn-iba dukha-grma---sasra-anala haite mgiba virma (5) uniy mra dukha vaiava hkura---m lgi ke ve-dibena pracura (6) vaiavera vedane ka daymaya---e hena pmara prati habena sa-daya (7) vinodera nivedana vaiava-carae---kp kari sage laha ei akicane

Prrthanam--43--rla Narottama dsa hkura-

The Feet of Vaiava hkura

(1) The feet of Vaiava hkura, Are the true wealth of this world Listen brothers --fix this in your mindOne who takes shelter and serves Him, Ka never leaves that person (But) Without purpose all others die. (2) Water washing Vaiavas feet, Give all strength for Prema-bhakti Nothing has such power which is equal! The dust where Vaiavas stepped, Become ornaments for our head, In the end no others will be useful. (3) The glories of holy rivers, Are written in sacred scriptures, *And in all (the) devotional proverbs, Yet water from Vaiav foot bath, Cannot be compared with that, Which is the fulfillment of desires! (4) Choosing Vaiava company, Makes us joyful constantly, Always in high Ka conversations, This poor Narrotama weeps, My heart cant wait patiently, Why was there a break in my condition?
*See pravacana in glossary

(1) hkura vaiava-pada, avanra su-sampada, una bhi, hai eka mana raya laiy bhaje, tre ka nhi tyaje, ra saba mare akraa (2) vaiava-caraa-jala, prema-bhakti dite bala, ra keha nahe balavanta vaiava-caraa-reu, mastake bhaa vinu, ra nhi bhaera anta (3) trtha-jala pavitra gue, likhiyche pure, se-saba bhaktira *pravacana vaiavera pdodaka, sama nahe ei saba, jte haya vchita-praa (4) vaiava-sagete mana, nandita anukana, sad haya ka-parasaga dna narottama knde, hiy dhairya nhi bndhe, more da kena haila bhaga

Prrthan--44--rla Narottama Dsa hkura

Oh All Vaiava hkuras

(1) Oh all Vaiava hkuras, I offer this prayer to you. Im so greatly fallen and lowly, This terrible mundane sea, By higher law now drowns me, Holding my hair please take and lift me! (2) Providence is powerful, Duty and knowledge it ignores. By ropes of my karma Im bound always! I see no way of escaping I only see suffering, Im so sad and helpless I am crying! (3) Lust, illusion , greed and anger, Along with pride and false ego, Here and there pulling me along. They are covering my mind, Wandering like one whos blind, I dont know, which way is right or wrong! (4) Not taking the highest truth, Fills my mind with falsehood, I did not aspire for Your feet. This Narottam dsa says, Fearing what Ive heard and seen, Please keep me at Your feet and save me!

(1) hkura vaiava-gaa, kari ei nivedana, mo baa adhama durcra, dra-sasra-nidhi, tte ubilo vidhi, kee dhari mare kara pra (2) vidhi baa balavn, n une dharama-jn, sadi karama-pe bdhe n dekhi traa lea, jata dekhi saba klea, antha ktare tei knde (3) kma, krodha, lobha, moha, mada, abhimna saha, pana pana sthne ne, aichana mra mana, phire jena andha-jana, supatha-vipatha nhi jne, 4) n lainu sat mata, asate majila citta, tuw pye n karinu a narottama-dse kaya, dekhi uni lge bhaya, tariy laha nija-pa

Prarthanam-46--rla Narottama dsa hkura

How will I obtain your service?

(1) How will I obtain Your service, When I am so fallen? r Guru- Vaiava attachment, Has not become mine. (2) With my mind always absorbed in, Countless scenes of Maya, One speck of affection has not, Come for the Vaiavas! (3) Sensual absorption makes me, Blind both day and night Maya always returns just to, Pull my neck-rope tight. (4) To conquer a thing which is so, Difficult to do, Theres no other way except theMercy of a Sdhu! (5) You never see faults Oh master, Savior of the fallen , At this time please rescue, This Narottama.

(1) ki-rpe piba sev mui durcra r-guru-vaiave rati n haila mra (2) aea myte mana magana haila vaiavete lea-mtra rati n janmila (3) viaye bhuliy andha hainu div-nii gale phsa dite phire my se pic (4) ihre kariy jaya chna n jya sdhu-kp vin ra nahika upya (5) adoa-darai prabho! patita uddhra ei-bra narottame karaha nistra

19 Gurudev When will this Day Become Mine?

aragati- 44---rla Bhaktivinoda hkur-

(1) Gurudev ! When will this day become mine?, Making my mind calm, sitting all alone, Ka's names I will be singing, All the worlds loud roaring, my ears are not hearing, disease of the body leaving. (2) Chanting Hare Ka, singing and singing, from my eyes tears will be flowing, Goose bumps arising, throughout my body, overwhelmed by pure loves feeling. (3) Faltering words will, issue from my mouth and, my whole body will be trembling, Waves of perspiration, changing of complexion, stunned and unconsciously falling. (4) When this has become my, genuine condition, singing the Name without ending, Completely absorbed, though still in this body, I am receiving your mercy! (1) gurudev! kabe mora sei dina habe mana sthira kari, nirjane basiya, ka-nma gba yabe sasra-phukra, kne n paibe, deha-roga dre rabe (2) hare ka bali, ghite ghite, nayane bahibe lora deheta pulaka, udita haibe, premete karibe bhora (3) gada-gada vn, mukhe bhiribe, kapibe arra mama gharma muhur muhu, virvarna haibe, stambhita pralaya sama (4) nikapae hena, da kabe habe, nirantara nma gba vee rahiy, deha-ytr kari, tomra karun pba

20 Oh Hari- Eagerness For Worship

aragati--35---rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Oh Hari -Eagerness for worship, Firm faith in Bhakti, Having patience to reach Prem, Engaging in actions- favorable for Bhakti, Leaving bad association! (2) Keeping rules of bhakti, all these six features, Have not become mine Oh Master. How will I then worship, Your lotus feet. Giving up the side of My? (3) All my vile conduct, has kept me drowning, Never seeking sdhu saga, In a guise of sdhu, I instruct others, This is one big joke of Maya! (4) In this sad condition, Your causeless mercy, I must receive Oh Hari, In r Gurus shelter, calling out to YouWhen will I pray this sincerely?

(1) hari he! bhajane utsha, bhaktite vivsa, prema-lbhe dhairya dhana bhakti-anukla, karma-pravartana, asat-saga-visarjana (2) bhakti-sadcra, ei chaya guna, nhilo mra ntha! kemone bhajiba, tomra caraa, chiya myra stha (3) garhita cre, rahilma maji, n korinu sdhu-saga loye sdhu-vea, ne upadei, e baa myra raga (4) e heno daya, ahaituk kp, tomra piba, hari! r-guru-raye, kiba tomya, kabe v minati kori

21 Give Your Mercy Vaisnava Thakur

kalyna-kalpataru-46 rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Give your mercy Vaiava hkur, To know my Relation- in His constant worship, Casting arrogance afar! (2) Im a real devotee If this is my thinking Ill expect respect from others Wanting fame and honor, my heart will be impure Hell will be my certain future! (3) May I always know my-self to be your servant, Renouncing ego as guru, Honoring your remnants, foot dust and water, Always serving pure and true (4) Feeling so advanced, that I give my remnants, I will be filled up with ego! Always I must uphold, that Im a disciple, Not taking worship from others! (5) Respect all - expect none, I can then do krtan, For you give qualification, At your lotus feet, without deceit- ImRolling on the earth -crying!

(1) kp kara vaiava hkura sambandha jniy, bhajite bhajite, abhimna hau dra (2) mi ta vaiava, e buddhi haile, amn n haba mi pratih si, hdaya dibe, haiba niraya-gm (3) tomra kikara, pane jniba, guru-abhimna tyaji tomra ucchiha, pada-jala-reu, sad nikapae bhaji (4) nije reha jni, ucchihdi dne, habe abhimna-bhra ti iya tava, thkiy sarvad, n laiba pj kra (5) amn mnada, haile krtane, adhikra dibe tumi tomra carae, nikapae mi, kdiy luiba bhmi

22 Six Ways Of Association

aragati--36---rla Bhaktivinoda hkura-

(1) Oh Hari! To give and receive gifts, Hear and tell deep topics, Offer food gifts and receive them, These are the six ways, of association, The very life of devotion! (2) Unclear of this truth, knowing or unknowing, I do these with non devotees, Robbed of all bhakti, Ive become worldly, (And) Far away from Lord Hari! (3) Cherishing all these with Krsna's devotees, Will have this following symptomBhakti the great goddess, will find within my heart, A place to come and sit down! (4) Immoral company, Non-Ka devotees, Avoid their association, Always keep company, with the devotees, Oh Hari, when will this happen?

(1) hari he! Dna pratigraha, mitho gupta-kath, bhakana, bhojana-dna sagera lakana, ei chaya haya, ihte bhaktira prna (2) tattva n bujhiye, jne v ajne, asate e saba kari bhakti hrinu, sasri hainu, sudre rahile hari (3) ka bhakta-jane e saga-lakane, dara kariba yabe bhakti-mahdev, mra hdaya-, sane basibe tabe (4) yoit-sagi-jana, ka bhakta ra, duhu-saga parihari tava bhaktajan- saga anukana, kabe v hoibe hari

23 O When Will The Blessed Day Come?

Kalyna-Kalpataru--41 --rla Bhaktivinoda hkura-

(1) Oh when will the blessed day come, Of my greatest fortuneVaiavas knowing and calling, Me their very own! (2) r Gurudevas foot-bath water, I honor that honey, Maddened I then sing of Ka's Vndvana glories! (3) Fruitive workers, speculators, Turn their heads away, Those who envy Ka hate this Beggar and reject me! (4) Fruitive ritualistic priests will Come to this conclusionThat I'm an extremely restless, And uncultured person! (5) The proud scholars will call outMadman! unto me, Knowers of Brahman willRenounce my company!

(1) mra emana bhgya kata dine habe, mre pana bal jnibe vaiave (2) r guru caramta mdhvika sevane, matta haye ka gun gba vndvane (3) karmi jni ka dve bahira mukha jana, ghn kari akicane karibe varjana (4) karma jaa smrta gana karibe siddhnta, cra rahita ra nitanta anta (5) batula baiy more panditbhimn, tyajibe mra saga myvdi jni

(6) Seeing I am not with them, The virtuous devotee, Will bestow divine compassion, By embracing me! (7) When I touch the Vaiavas' body, This rejected person, Will blissfully attain an, Ecstatic transformation! (6) ku saga rahita dekhi vaiava sujana, kp kari mre dibena lingana (7) spariy vaiava deha e-durjana chra, nande labhibe kabe stvika-vikra

25 Oh When Will I Recognize Vaiavas ?

Kalyna-Kalpataru--45 --rla Bhaktivinoda hkura-

(1) Oh when will I recognize Vaiavas? Hari Hari ! The feet VaiavasMines of good fortune, Ill hold them in my heart madly!

(1) kabe mui vaiava ciniba hari hari vaiava caraa, kalynera khani, mtiba hdaye dhari


(2) Vaiav Thkur is, always transcendental, Without fault and fully blissful, Gladdened by Ka's names, Callous to the mundane, Showing compassion to all souls. (3) Devoid of false ego, seasoned in worship, Unattached to sense enjoyments, Inward and outwardly, theres no duplicity, Fond of eternal engagements. (nitya ll) (4) There are three different, grades of VaiavasBeginner, middle and topmost, Be kind to beginners, bow to the middle class, Serve and listen to the highest! (5) When I recognize the, Vaiavas as they are, Giving proper veneration, Then certainly by the Vaiavas mercy, I will receive all perfection! (6) Vaiavas character, always remains pure, One who finds fault does violence, Bhakativinoda, does not converse with them, But remains completely silent.

(2) vaiava hkura, aprkta sad, nirdoa nandamaya, ka nme prta jae udsna, jvete daydra haya (3) abhimna hna, bhajane prava, viayete ansakta, antara bhire, niskapata sad, nitya ll anurakta (4) kanitha madhyama, uttama prabhede, vaiava trividha gai, kanithe dara, madhyame praati, uttame urua uni (5) ye yena vaiava, ciniy laiy, adara kariba yabe vaiavera kp, yhe sarva siddhi, avaya piba tabe (6) vaiava caritra, sarvad pavitra, yei ninde his kari, bhakativinoda, n sambhse tre, thke sad mauna dhari

Kalyna-Kalpataru--21 ---rla Bhaktivinoda hkura-

Ive not taken Saints association!

(1) Ive not taken saints association! Spending my days uselessly, Attempting to make more money, Where is my supreme treasure staying? (2) Throwing precious gold away, Attachment for lumps of clay, These are surely symptoms of misfortune, Company excluding Ka, Renouncement of saintly persons, Ive spent life in (this) mad self- absorption! (3) Seeing signs of devotion, I would simply laugh within, Calling it completely insane, That advanced association, Now I've lost this touch-stone gem, Where have they (all) gone off to remain? (4) So proud of my education, I neglected that devotion, Forgetting my highest aspirations, Cruel shelters of mundane knowledge, Over time have all but vanished, Keeping me here to enjoy my karma!

(1) sdhu-saga n haila hya gela dina akraa, kari artha uprjana, paramrtha rahila kothya (2) suvara kariy tyga tuccha lore anurga, durbhgra ei ta lakaa ketara saga kari sdhu-jane parihari mada-garbe knu jvana (3) bhakti-mdr-daraane hsya karitma mane btulat baliya thya ye sabhyat reha gai harinu cintmai ee th rahila kothya (4) jnera garim bale bhakti-rpa su-sambale upekinu svrtha psariy dua jarita-jna ebe hala antardhna karma-bhoge mke rkhiy

(5) If just now that saintly person, Showing grace to one so fallen, Grants one drop of that sea of devotion, Then so very easily, From these ropes I'd be set free, And cross far beyond this worldly ocean! (5 ) ebe yadi sdhu-jane kp kari e-durjane dena bhakti-samudrera bindu t haile anyse, mukta haye bhava-pe pra hai e-sasra sindhu

Kalyna-Kalpataru--16 --rla Bhaktivinoda hkura-

Oh Mind You are Very Fickle!

(1) Oh mind you are very fickle! You have no affection for, Devotees so straight and simple, Due to strong attachments for sly people! (2) One who knows word juggling, You consider to be saintly, In his company you are dancing, One who has a cruel appearance, Is the object of you reverence, With devotion to his feet youre falling! (3) Devotees association, Bears the fruit of devotion, Keep their peaceful moods of non-deception, Give up fickleness of mind, Worship Ka's feet so divine, Far from devious association!

(1) mana tumi baai cacala eknta sarala bhakta, jane nahe anurakta dhrta-jane sakti prabala 2) bujrug jne yei tava sdhu-jana sei tra saga tomre ncya krra-vea dekha yra raddhspada se tomra bhakta kari paa tra pya 3) bhakta-saga haya yra bhakti-phala phale tra akaitava nta-bhva dhara, cacalal chi mana , bhaja ka-r caraa dhrta-saga dre parihara!


(mrkine bhgavat dharma) rla A.C. .Bhaktivednta Swmi Mahrj

Ka Youve shown such Great Mercy!

(1) Ka Youve shown such great mercy To this fallen soul, But for some need Youve brought me here Now show me the goal. 2) There must be some work to do here I can only guess, If not then why bring me to This terrible place? (3) Modes of ignorance and passion Cover them inside Without taste for talks of Ka They are satisfied! (4) If You show Your causeless mercy Upon everyone, It will become possibleFor You this would be fun! (5) What could help them understand this Rasa deep and full, Show mercy and Ill place them Lord, Under Your control. (6) By Your own desire my Controls everyone, And Your mere wish could destroy Mayas illusion!

(1) boro-kp koile ka adhamera prati ki lgi nile heth koro ebe gati (2) che kichu krya tava ei anumne nhe keno niben ei ugra-sthne (3) rajas tamo gue er sabi cchanna vsudeva-kath ruci nahe se prasanna (4) tabe jadi tava kp hay ahaituk sakala-i sambhava hoy tumi se kautuk (5) ki bhve bujhle tr bujhe sei rasa eto kp koro prabhu kori nija-baa (6) tomra icchya saba hoy my-baa tomr icchya na myr paraa

(7) If it is Your desire to Rescue all of them, They will surely hear Your message And will understand! 8) These talks of the Bhgavata Are Your Avatar, If one listens undisturbed With ears - over and over!

(7) tava icch hoy jadi tdera uddhr bujhibe nicaya-i tabe kath se tomr (8) bhgavater kath se tava avatr dhra hoiya une jadi kne br br

.B.1.2.17-21 (9-17) Those who hear the talks of Ka Gather virtues within their heart. Rotten desires are cleansed away From the soul of a truthful devotee! (9-18) With all bad things nearly destroyed Always serve the *devotee of GodWhos glorified with exalted versesThen devotion is firmly established! (9-19) Passion and ignorance leave the heart Along with lust as well as greed So fixed up in pure goodness One becomes completely happy! (9-20) That mind fully enlivened in Union with God through devotion Realizes all the Truths of the Lord And victorious freedom! (9-21) All the knots which pierce our heart And misgivings are cut apart All our karma is terminated Having seen the Lord of our heart! (10) They will finally attain freedom From lust and ignorance, Inauspicious things in their hearts Will then become banished!
*bhagavat-the devotee and the book

(9-17) vat sva-kath ka puya ravaa-krtaa hdya anta-stho hy adhadri vidhunoti suht sat (9-18) naa-pryev abhadreu nitya bhgavata-sevay bhagavaty uttama-loke bhaktir bhavati naihiki (9-19) tad rajas-tamo bhva kma-lobhdaya ca ye ceta etair anviddha shita sattve prasdati (9-20) eva prasanna-manaso bhagavad-bhakti-yogata bhagavat-tattva-vijna mukta-sagasya jyate (9-21) bhidyate hdaya-granthi chidyante sarva-saay kyante csya karmi da evtmanvare (10) rajas tamo hate tabe pibe nistr hdoyer abhadra saba ghucibe thr

(11) Oh how will they understand Your greatly urgent topics, I am very small, and fallen With no power to do this. (12) But Youve brought me here Oh Lord Your message to tell Since this is Your wish Oh Lord, Please then do this now. (13) Lord You are Jagat guru Master of the world You have the ability To decorate my words! (14) Showering me with Your mercy My talks will be pure, The sadness of all who listen Will then be removed! (15) If Youve brought me here Oh Lord Just to make me dance I will dance and dance Lord I will dance this way Like a wooden puppet oh Lord Im dancing Your way! (16) No bhakti or knowledge have I Yet my name is big With this name Bhaktivendnta, Kindly now fulfill it. (11) ki kore bujhbo kath bara sei chi kudra mi dna hna kono akti nhi (12) athaca enecho prabhu kath bolibre je tomr icch prabhu koro ei-bre (13) akhila jagat guru! vacana se mr alakta koribr, kamat tomr (14) tava kp hale mor katha uddha habe uniy sabra okadukha je ghucibe (15) niycho jadi prabhu mre ncte nco nco prabhu nco se-mate khera putula jath nco se-mate (16) bhakti ni veda ni nme khub boro bhaktivednta nm ebe srthak koro


Dua Man---By rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat Prabhupda

Wicked Mind

(1) Wicked mind, Which kind, of Vaiava are you? For the sake of prestige, all alone youre dwelling, But your Harinm is completely deceiving! (2) All this mundane prestige, is hog stool only, Don't you know it's maya's mystic potency? For money and sex life, you plan day, and night, What to do to get these temporary things! (3) Since your money is the source of your enjoymentOffer it in service to Lord Mdhava, Lusting after women, is not your position, The Master of all is only Ydava! (4) The wish tree of fame, was a desert mirage, It could not be reached When Rva fought Rghava. Vaiava's position, in this have conviction, Without this our worship surely goes to hell! (5) Wanting fame so badly, You hate the devotee, Why do you endeavor so hard for that glory? Behind the Vaiavas, wanting this position, That type of great wealth is never temporary! (6) Relations with Hari, have no scent of My, They are not the cheating of this mundane realm, The butcher -pratih, The trap- living alone, Know that both of these are illusions of hell!

(1) Dua mana! Tumi kisera vaiava? Pratihra tare, nirjanera ghare, tava hari nma kevala kaitava (2) jaera pratih, ukarer vih jno n ki th myra vaibhava kanaka kmin, divasa ymin bhviy ki kja anitya se sava (3) tomra kanaka, bhogera janaka kanakera dvre sevaho mdhava kmanra kma, nahe tava dhma thra mlika kevala ydava (4) pratih taru jada my maru, n pela rvaa yujhiy rghava vaiav pratih, tte kara nih th n bhajile labhibe raurava (5) harijana dvea pratih klea kara kena tabe thra gaurava vaiavera pche, pratih che t'te kabhu nhe anitya vaibhava (6) se hari sambandha, unya my gandha th kabhu nay jaera kaitava pratih cal, nirjanat jli ubhaye jniho myika raurava

(7) I will leave the krtan, Ill spread my distinction Is this what you do to seek out some great splendor? Mdhavendra pur- Store house of deep feelings, Would never rob himself- this always remember! (8) All your fame and glory, is pig stool only, His is not like any mortal human being, Under jealousy, you relish dull things, So absorbed you leave the krtan of great beauty! (9) Oh my wicked mind that solitary bhajan, Is the tricky preaching of the pretend yogi. The Lord gave Santana, supreme instructions, Very carefully please contemplate all these! (10) There are two topics that you should not forget, While you always loudly sing Lord Hari's namesLost and connected', 'Bound and liberated' Never think of these as all one and the same! (11) Wealth, lusty desires, and pratia tigers, One who gives up these is truly a vaiava, Unattached to these, such a pure devotee, Crosses over this world very easily! (12) Bare necessities, are not the disease, This is non-attachment, what more can I speak of, Without attachment, one employs sense objects, That are in relation to Lord Mdhava! (13) True renunciation, surely is great fortune, It is the Lords divine grace within this world, One whos doing krtan for some recognition, Its great opulence, is purely deceitful!

(7) krtana chibo, pratih mkhibo ki kja huiy tda gaurava mdhavendra pur, bhva ghari curi, n karila kabhu sadi jnabo (8) tomra pratih, ukarera vih tra saha sama kabhu n mnava matsarat vae tumi jaa rase majecho chiy krtana sauava (9) ti dua man, 'nirjana bhajan,' pracricho chale 'kuyog-vaibhava' prabhu santane, parama jatane, ik dilo yth cinto sei saba (10) sei du'i kath, bhulo' n sarvath uccai-svare kara 'hari-nma rava' 'phalgu ra 'yukta' baddha ra mukta' kabhu n bhviha ekkr saba (11) kanaka-kmin, pratih bhgin' chiyche jre sie to'vaiava sei ansakta, sei uddha-bhakta sasra tath pya parbhava (12) yath-yogya bhoga, nhi tath roga ansakta sei ki ra kahaba sakti-rohita sambandha sahita' viaya-samuha sakali 'mdhava' (13) se yukta vairgya, th to saubhgya th-i jaete harir vaibhava krtane jhra, pratih-sambhr thr sampatti kevala kaitava


(14) Worldly abnegators, and worldly-enjoyers, Oh mind reject both of these two non-Vaiava, That which links to Ka, this is transcendental , It is never coming from the mundane world! (15) Mayavadi's proudly think they're liberated, So opposed to Ka they slander Vaiavas, Oh Vaishnava servant, Bhakti is you true wish, Why then call a challenge to be on your own? (16) A pretend renouncer, calls himself a master, But he cannot ever be a true vaiava! Leaving Hari's feet for solitary livingWhat fruit is obtained by such pretense of grandeur? (17) Stay as Rdh's servant- Leave the bhoga snake pit, Wanting fame is not the true glory of krtan, Oh mind you leave Rdh's, eternal companions, And so you do cheating solitary bhajan! (18) Vraja's divine dwellers, are the treasured preachers, They are not like dead things collecting pratia, There is life in them, therefore they are preaching, Without wanting prestige, they sing songs of Ka! (19) r Dayita dsa , has a krtan wishSing the holy names as loudly as you can, By the power of krtan, Divine remembrance comes, Only then one can do solitary bhajan! (14) viaya-mumuku' 'bhogera bubhuku' du'ye tyajo mana, dui 'avaiava' kera sambandha,' aprkta skandha kabhu nhe th jaera sambhava (15) 'myvdi jana', ketara mana, mukta abhimne se ninde vaiava's vaiavera dsa, tava bhakti a keno v kicho nirjana-hava (16) je 'phalgu vairg', kahe n ije 'tyg,' se n pre kabhu hoite 'vaiava' hari pada chi, nirjanat bi, labhiy ki phala, 'phalgu' se viabhava (17) rdh-dsya rohi', chi 'bhoga-ahi,' 'pratih nahe 'krtana-gaurava' rdh-nitya-jana,' th chi' mana, keno v nilrjana-bhajana kaitava (18) vraja-vs gaa, pracraka-dhana pratih-bhikuka t'r nahe 'ava' pra che t'ra, se-hetu pracra pratih-hna- 'ka-gth' saba (19) r-dayita dsa, krtanete a kara uccai-svare 'hari-nma-rava' krtana-prabhve, smaraa hoibe (svabhve) se kle bhajana-nirjana sambhava

36 Separation-

(saprada-bhagavad-viraha janita vilpa)-- prathana- 40--rla Narottama Dsa hkura

(1) One who brought the treasure of love, Out of great concern, Where has such a master gonecrya hkura? (2) Where is my Svarp, and Rpa, Where is Santana? Where is Dsa Raghuntha, Friend of the fallen? (3) Where's my Raghu, Gopla Bhaa, Where is Kavirja? All at once where have they gone off, With Gaura-naarja? (4) On the stones I'll break my head, In the fire I'll burn, To find Gauras wealth of virtues, Oh where should I turn? (5) All of His associates had, Sweet pastimes with Him, Narottama ds is weeping, Without all of them!

(1) je nila prema-dhana karu pracura hena prabhu koth gel crya hkura (2) kh mora svarpa rpa kh santana, kh dsa raghuntha patita-pvana (3) kh mora bhaa-juga kh kavirja eka-kle koth gela gor naarja (4) pe kuibo mth anale paiba gaurga guera nidhi koth gele pba (5) se-saba sagra sage je kaila vilsa se-saga n paiya knde narottama dsa

rla Narottama dsa hkura


(1) Hari Haraye nama Ka Ydavya nama Ydavya Mdhavya Keavya nama (2) Gopla Govinda Rma Sr Madhusdana Giridhr Gopntha Madana-mohana (3) Sr Caitanya, Nitynanda, Sr Advaita Gopt (St) Hari, Guru, Vaiava, Bhgavata-gt (4) Sr Rpa, Sr Santana, bhaa-Raghuntha Sr Jiva, Gopla-bhaa, Dsa Raghuntha

(5) I offer prayers at the feet, Of the six Gosvms, They vanquish all obstacles And fulfill all our dreams! (6) Im the servitor of them, Serving these six Gosvms, My five kinds of foodstuff Is the dust from all their feet! (7) To live with those devoteesServing their lotus feet, Birth after birth this is The wish I always keep! (8) When the six Gosvms, Lived in Vraja Dhm They revealed eternal pastimes Of Rdh Ka! (9) Chant Hari in ecstasy And worship Vndvan r Guru, Vaiavas feetAbsorb your mind in them! (10) Hoping for Sri Guru and Vaiavas lotus feet, Hari Nma Sakrtana Narottam ds sings.

(5) ei chaya gosira kari caraa vandana jh haite vighna-na abha-praa (6) ei chaya gosi jra, mui tra dsa t sabra pada-reu mora paca-grsa (7) tdera caraa sevi bhakta-sane vsa janame janame haya ei abhila (8) ei chaya gosi jabe vraje kail vsa rdh-ka-nitya-ll karil praka (9) nande bala hari bhaja vndvana r-guru-vaiava-pade majiy mana (10) r-guru-vaiava-pdapadma kari a nma-sakrtana kahe narottama-dsa

Prarthanam-36- r Nitynande Nih--rla Narottama dsa hkura

Nitais Divine Lotus Feet!

(1) Niti's divine lotus feet, More soothing than million of moons, Their shade causes universal peace. Oh brothers without Niti, Rdh Ka can not be reached, So hold very tight to Niti's feet! (2) One who has no bond with Him, Passes this life uselessly, A loose animal that behaves bad. His mouth never utters Niti Too absorbed in worldly joy High learning and birth, what good was that? (3) Drunk by false identity, One diverts from Niti's feet, Thinking something false -is something true. But by Niti's great mercy, One gets Rdh Ka in Vraj, So hold Niti's two feet close to you! (4) Nitais lotus feet are real, And His servants are eternal, Always hope and pray for Niti's feet. Narottam is very sad, Oh Niti, please make me glad, Keep me near Your reddish lotus feet!

(1) niti-pada-kamala, ko-candra-sutala, je chyya jagat juya hena niti vine bhi, rdh-ka pite ni, dha kari dhara nitiyera pya (1) se sambandha nhi jra, vth janma gela tra, sei pau baa durcra niti n balila mukhe, majila sasra sukhe, vidykule ki karibe tra (2) ahakre matta haiy, niti-pada psariy, asatyere satya kari mni nitiyera karu habe, vraje rdh-ka pbe, dhara nitiyera caraa dukhni (3) nitiyera caraa satya, thra sevaka nitya, niti-pada sad kara a narottama baa dukh, niti more kara sukh, rkha rg-caraera pa

40 Gem Quality is My Nitai

-rla Locana dsa hkura

(1) Gem quality is my Niti, Niti's gem-like qualities, Bringing waves of divine love, All the world submerging! (2) Niti brought to all of Bengal, A great flood of love, Drowning the devotees deeply, Even sinners floated! (3) Those wretched and fallen sinners, Did not want His gift, That gift which is rare for Brahma, Still He gave (to) them this! (4) Though this sea of mercy was sealed He plowed a great river, House to house He wanders with Love, Splashing all with nectar! (5) Locan says whoever has not, Worshiped my Lord Niti, Having heard and known all this. Let's his own soul die!

(1) niti gua-mai mra niti gua-mai niy premera vany bhsila avan (2) premer vany laiy niti ila gaua-dee ubila bhakata-gaa dna hna bhse (3) dna hna patita pmara nhi bche brahmra durlabha prema sabkre yce (4) baddha karu-sindhu kiy muhna ghare ghare bule premaamiyra vna (5) locana bale mora niti jev n bhajila jniy uniy sei tma-ght haila

41 r Nitynandakam
rla Vndvana dsa hkura

(1) Autumn moon mocking, Pure complexion Shining, Elephant-walking, Loving God so madly, Pure goodness personified, Face smiling brightly, His eyes always rolling, Staff in His hands glowing, Kali- yuga piercing, Worship Nitynanda, Root of the bhajan tree, without ending! (1) arac-candra-bhrnti sphurad amala-knti gaja-gati hari-premonmatta dhta-parama-sattva smita-mukham sad ghran netra kara-kalita-vetra kali-bhida bhaje nitynanda bhajana-taru-kanda niravadhi (2) He carries all rasas, for His dear devotees, Hes incomparable, His every breath counting, Vasud and Jhnavs, beloved husband, Always mad with pure love, The Supreme whos unknown, to minds of weak substance, Worship Nitynanda, Root of the bhajan tree, without ending! (2) rasnm gra svajana-gaa-sarvasvam atula tadyaika-pra-pratima-vasudh-jnav-patim sad premon mda parama viditama da-manas bhaje nity nanda bhajana-taru-kanda niravadhi (3) Son of acs dearest, Served by all the universe, Made of happiness. He rescues all jvas, drowning in this dark age, by His great kindness, Chanting Hare Ka, removing our swelling pride, from waves of existence, Worship Nitynanda, Root of the bhajan tree, without ending! (3) ac-snu-preha nikhila-jaad-ia sukhamaya kalau majjaj-jvoddharaa-karaoddma-karuam harer-khynd v bhava jaladhi-garvonnati hara bhaje nitynanda bhajana-taru-kandaniravadhi


(4) Oh brother these people in, Kali are so sinful, and more are coming, Please devise some method, where You could redeem them, which would be easy, In this way You go and, counsel with Gaura, out of great mercy; Worship Nitynanda, Root of the bhajan tree, Without ending! (4) aye bhrtar n kali-kaliki nu bhavit tath pryacita racaya yad anysata ime vrajanti tvm-ittha saha bhagavat mantrayati yo bhaje nitynanda bhajana-taru-kanda niravadhi (5) Dont be shy Oh brothers, Just say Hari Hari, Chanting this always, Doing this I promise, to pull you from the ocean, of mundane existence; With His upraised arms, He walks to every household, shouting so loudly, Worship Nitynanda, Root of the bhajan tree, without ending! (5) yathea re bhrta! kuru hari-hari-dhvnam ania tato va sasrmbudhi-taraa-dyo mayi laget ida bhu-sphoair aati raayan ya pratigha bhaje nitynanda bhajana-taru-kanda niravadhi (6) Like Agastya Muni, forcefully You swallow, this ocean of darkness, Oh friend of the lotus, rising and increasing, our oceans of fortune, Like the sun Youve come, removing the darkness, made by the miscreants, Worship Nitynanda, Root of the bhajan tree, without ending! (6) balt sasrmbhonidhi-haraa-kumbhodbhavam ahos at reya-sindhnnati-kumuda-bandhu samuditam khala-re-sphrjat-timira-hara-srya-prabham aha bhaje nitynanda bhajana-taru-kanda niravadhi

(7) Dancing and singing, calling out- Hari, on every pathway, While He wanders He sees, even the mean people, as brothers and sisters, From the corner of His eyes, He glance kindly, at sincere devotees, Worship Nitynanda, Root of the bhajan tree, without ending! (7) naanta gyanta harim anuvadantapathi pathi vrajanta payanta svam api na dayanta jana-gaam prakurvanta santa sakarua-dganta prakaland bhaje nitynanda bhajana-taru-kanda niravadhi (8) Nicely holding lotus, hands with His brother, so soft and lovely, Each others face gazing, in Their hearts arising, highest ecstasy, Wandering with sweet moods, Oh how Theyre delighting, all the towns people, Worship Nitynanda, Root of the bhajan tree, without ending! (8) suvibhra bhrtu kara-sarasija komalatara mitho vaktrlokocchalita-paramnanda-hdayam bhramanta mdhuryair ahaha! madayanta pura-jann bhaje nitynanda bhajana-taru-kanda niravadhi (9) Reservoir of rasa, most exalted rasika, Vaiava Treasure, Essence of all flavors, fallen souls remember, Him and He saves them, Reciting these verses, Of the supreme glories, of r Nitynanda, May His two lotus feet, constantly manifest, within Your (own) heart! (9) rasnm dhra rasika-vara-sad-vaiava-dhana rasgra sra patita-tati-tra smaraata para nitynandakam idam aprva pahati yas tad-aghri-dvandvbja sphuratu nitar tasya hdaye

44 Never Angry Ever Blissful

-rla Locana dsa hkura

(1) Never angry, ever blissful, Nitynanda Ry Wandering throughout the village, Is the pride-less Niti! (2) To the low and fallen souls Door to door He visits, With Harinm Mah Mantra, And He gives (to) them this! (3) He says to all those He sees, With straw in his teeth, To just take and purchase MeWorship Gaurahari! (4) Saying this r Nitynanda, Rolls upon the earth, Looking like a golden mountain, Tumbling in the dirt! (5) One whose love has not yet come, For such Avatar as He, Locana says that sinful person, Comes and goes repeatedly.

(1) akrodha paramnanda nitynanda rya abhimna nya niti nagare beya (2) adhama patita jvera dvre dvre giy harinma mah-mantra dicchena biliy (3) jre dekhe tre kahe dante ta dhari mre kiniy laha bhaja gaurahari (4) eta bali nitynanda bhme gai jya sonra parvata jena dhlte loya (5) hena avatre jra rati n janmila locana bale sei pp ela ra gela

Prrthan--39--rla Narottama dsa hkura

r Ka Caitanya my Lord!

(1) r Ka Caitanya my Lord, Bestow Your compassion, Who else has such kindness as You, In all the creation? (2) For saving the fallen people, Youre the Avatra, But someone as fallen as me Lord, Youll not find another! (3) Oh my dear Lord Nitynanda, Filled with loving ecstasy, Cast Your glance of mercy on me, For Im so unhappy! (4) Give mercy husband of St, Advaita Gosi, The strength of Your mercy gave us, Caitanya-Niti! (5) Oh dear Svarp, Santana, Rpa, Raghuntha, Bhaa yuga oh r Jva, Prabhu Lokanth! (6) Give mercy Oh r crya, Prabhu rnivs, For Rm-candras company begs, Narottama ds!

(1) r ka-caitanya prabhu day kara more tom vin ke daylu jagat-sasre (2) patita-pvana-hetu tava avatra mo sama patita prabhu n pibe ra (3) h h prabhu nitynanda premnanda-sukh kpvalokana kara mi baa dukh (4) day kara st-pati advaita gosi tava kp-bale pi caitanya-niti (5) h h svarpa, santana, rpa, raghuntha bhaa-yuga, r jva, h prabhu lokantha (6) day kara r crya prabhu rnivsa rmacandra-saga mge narottama dsa

(Please give mercy Prabhupada, Sree Dayita dasa, This most fallen servant begs for, mercy from Vaishnavas! Please Have mercy Gurudeva, oh friend of the fallen, Begging to serve your divine feet, is this fallen person!)
(day kara prabhupda r dayita dsa vaiavera kp mge e adhama dsa day kara gurudeva patita-pvana r carae sev mge e patita jana)

Prrthan-35- la Narottama dsa hkura

My faith!

(1) My treasure is Nitynanda, My master is Gauracandra, The young Couple are my very life, My strength is Advaita crya, My family is Gaddhara, Narahari is my great delight. (2) The dust from Vaiavas feet, Is the bath I frolic in, My oblations are- the Vaiavas names, My mind has concluded always, To relish sweet moods of Bhakti, (By) Going within rmad Bhgavatvam. (3) The Vaiavas food remnants, Keeps my mind so firmly fixed, Chanting their names- brings such happiness, A courtyard in Vindvan, This is where my mind surrounds, Says this lowly Narottama ds!

(1) dhana mora nitynanda, pati mora gauracandra, pra mora yugala kiora advaita crya bala, gaddhara mora kula, narahari vilasai mora. (2) vaiavera pada-dhli, the mora snna-keli, tarpaa mora vaiavera nma, vicra kariy mane bhakti-rasa svdane, madhyastha r-bhgavata pura. (3) vaiavera ucchia, the mora mana-niha, vaiavera nmete ullsa, vndvane cautr, the mora mana-gher, kahe dna narottama dsa

47 Jaya Jaya r Ka Caitanya Nitynanda!

Prrthan--24--la Narottama dsa hkura

(1) Jaya Jaya r Ka Caitanya Nitynanda Jaya Advaitcandra, Jaya Gaura Bhakta Vnda! (2) Show compassion all of You, (And) Give to me Your mercy, Im a low and fallen person, Please do not detest me! (3) Within the entire three worlds, Your feet are essential, My mind has concluded this fact, Theres no other shelter! (4) To attain such lotus feet, My mind is lamenting, And my heart is overwhelmed so, Constantly Im crying! (5) How will I receive this rare thing, I have not discovered? The feet of my holy master, I do not remember! (6) Oh Lord, You of great compassion, Look this way just once, In the heart of this Narottama, And destroy the darkness!

(1) jaya jaya sri-krsnacaitanya nitynanda jaydvaitacandra jaya gaura-bhakta-vnda (2) kp kari sabe meli karaha karu adhama patita-jane n kariha gha (3) e tina-sasra-mjhe tuy pada sra bhviy dekhin mane gati nhi ra (4) se pada pbra e kheda uhe mane bykla hdaya sad kariye krandane (5) ki--rpe piba kichu n pi sandhna prabhu-lokantha pada nhika smaraa (6) tmi ta daylu prabhu! cha eka-bra narottama hdayera ghuc-o andhakra

48 The Supreme Compassion!

r Gaura-Nitynandera Day-rla Locana dsa hkura

(1) The Supreme compassion, The Supreme two persons, Niti, Gauracandra! Topmost gems and essence, Of all incarnations, Undiluted pure nanda! (2) Worship brothers worship, Caitanya-Niti, With firm faith and believing, Cast off worldly pleasures, Taking in sweet flavors, Your mouth singing Hari Hari! (3 ) Just see oh brothers, None in all three worlds, Has given such great mercy, Animals and birds weep, Even stones are melting, Hearing of Their divine glories! (4) Absorbed in this domain, I fell and remain, Not aspiring for Their feet, By my own karma Im punished by Yama This Locana Dsa speaks!

(1) parama karua, pahu dui-jana, niti gauracandra saba avatrasra iromai, kevala nanda-kanda (2) bhaja bhaja bhi, caitanya-niti, sudha vivsa kari viaya chiy, se rase majiy, mukhe bala hari hari (3) dekha ore bhi, tri-bhuvane ni, emana dayla-dt pau pkh jhure, pa vidare, uni jra gua-gth (4) sasre majiy, rahili paiy, se pade nahila a pana karama, bhujye amana, kahaye locana-dsa

49 Who will go?

rla Locana dsa hkura

(1) Who will go, who will go brothers? -(Sisters) Cross this worldly ocean? Fortune comes this age of Kali, Caitanya Avatra! (2) At the ghat of my Lord Gaurga, A free ferrys sailing! (A free ferrys sailing) The lame, blind and afflicted, All- aboard for crossing! (3) Harinma is the ferry boat, r Guru is steering! (r Guru is steering), Sakrtana moves it along, With upraised arms rowing! (4) All the souls are crossing over, With the breezes of prem! (With the breezes of prem) Falling behind is this Locana , With my own self to blame!

(1) ke jbi ke jbi bhi bhava-sindhu-pra dhanya kali-yugera caitanya-avatra (2) mra gaurgera ghe adna-khey vaya (adna-khey vaya) jada, andha, tura avadhi pra haya (3) harinmera naukkhni r guru kr (r guru kr) sakrtana kheroyla dubhu pasri (4) saba jva haila pra premera vtse (premera vtse) paiy rahila locana panra doe

50 Jaya Jaya To The Son of Jaganntha and ac!

Vsudeva Ghoa Prabhu

(1) Jaya Jaya to the Son Of Jaganntha and ac, All the three worlds offer praises To His lotus feet! (2) In Puri He holds a conch, disc, Club and lotus flower, In Nadia town He holds A staff and pot of water! (3) They say that in ancient times, Rvana He killed, Later splendorous Goloka Pastimes were revealed! (4) In r Rdhs mood He has now Descended as Gaura, Everywhere this Gaura spreads The names of Hare Ka! (5) Vsudeva Ghoa says, With his palms folded, He is Gaura, He is Ka, He is Jaganntha!

(1) jaya jaya jaganntha acra nandan tribhuvane kare jra caraa vandana (2) nlcale akha-cakra gad-padma-dhara nady nagare daa -kamaalu-kara (3) keho bole prabe rvaa badhil golokera vaibhava ll praka karila (4) r-rdhra bhve ebe gor avatra hare ka nma gaura karil pracra (5) vsudeva ghoa bole kari joa hta jei gaura sei ka sei jaganntha

givavali-4-rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

r Gaura rati

(1) Glories to the beautiful Aroti, of moon-like Gaura, On the forest banks of Jhnav, enchanting the hearts of all! (2) On His right is moon-like Niti, on His left- Gaddhar, Nearby Advaita and rni-vsa hold an umbrella! (3) Seated there is Gaurcndra, on a jewel covered throne, The rati begins with Brahm, and the group of devas! (4) Narahari is beginning, to swing the cmara, Sajaya, Mukunda, and Vsu- Ghoa lead the krtana! (5) Conch-shells blow and bells are ringing, and kartls are playing, The mdaga resounds sweetly, nectarine melodies! (6) Many million moons are vanquished, from His bright face glowing, Round His neck a forest garland, is so brightly showing! (7) iva, uka, Nrada, Choked up with the Lords love, Bhakativinod beholding, the glories of Gaura! (1) jaya jaya gorcdera ratika obh jhnav-taa-vane jaga-mano-lobh (2) dakie niti-cda vme gaddharanikate advaita rni vsa chatra-dhara (3) basiyche gorcda ratna-sihsane rati karena brahm- di deva-gae (4) narahari-di kari cmara hulya sajaya-mukunda-vsu- ghoa-di gya (5) bje, gha bje,,bje karatla madhura mdaga bje parama rasla (6) bahu-koi candra jini vadana ujjvala gala-dee vana-ml kare jhalamala (7) iva-uka-nrada preme gada-gada bhakativinoda dekhegorra sampada

Avatra-Sra--rla Locana dsa hkura

Best of Avataras!

(1) ( Oh mind) Best of Avataras-(is) Gaura-avataraWhy arent you worshiping Him? Though you live with water, You are always thirsty, This is due to your own actions! (2) You are always serving some thorny palm tree, Hoping sweet nectar will come. But the wish-tree of Love, our r Gaurga, You are giving up like poison! (3) To enjoy fragrance, you smell some flowers, Bugs are sucked into your nostrils! Chewing on dry wood, thinking it's sugarcane, How will sweet taste come at all? (4) You say a garland is around your neck, It's a serpent-slave of death! You said it feels cool, to enter fire, Scorching heat burns you instead! (5) Worshiping mundane life, Forgetting (Sri) Gaurga, Never hearing talks of SdhusThis world and hereafter, both will be wasted, Consuming good sense He gave you!

(1) avatra-sra, gor-avatra, kena n bhajili tre kari nre vsa, gela n piysa, pana karama phere (2) kaakera taru, sadi sevili (mana), amta pibra e prema-kalpataru, r gaurga mra, thre bhvili vie (3) saurabhera e, pala kili (mana), nte paila kai kudaa bhvi, kha cuili kemane pibi miha (4) hra baliy, galya parili (mana), amana kikara-spa tala baliy, guna pohli, pili vajara tpa (5) sasra bhajili, r gaurga bhulili, n sunili sdhura kath iha parakla, dukla khoyli, khili pana mth

53 Gaura My Lord!

kepa --rla Narottama dsa hkura

(1) Gaura my Lord, Ive not worshiped You. Neglecting this rare divine love, Ive lost a precious jewel! (2) Caring for things of no value, True wealth I toss aside! By my own wrong actions I am, Sinking my own life! (3) Saintly company Ive forsaken, To sport with materialists. My reactions have now tied me, Up in knots for this! (4) The strong poison of sense objects, I constantly drink, Sweet nectar of Gauras krtana, In this I never sink! (5) What happiness do I get, To maintain this life of mine? Narottama dsa says, Why havent I died?

(1) gor pahu n bhajiy mainu prema-ratana-dhana helya hrinu (2) adhane yatana kari dhana teyginu pana karama-doe pani ubin (3) sat-saga chi kainu asate vilsa te-krae lgila je karama-bandha phsa (4) viaya viama via satata khinu gaura-krtana-rase magana n hainu (5) kena v chaye pra ki sukha piy narottama dsa kena n gela mariy


Gauranga Please Dont Forsake..!

Gaurga Tumi More --r Vsudeva Ghoa

(1) Gauranga please dont forsake, Your mercy to me, Make me Yours and please keep me, At Your reddish feet! (2) For connecting with Your feet, Ive given up everything! Having reached Your soothing feet, This shelter Im taking! (3) This family or that family line, My duties to them are done, Keep me near Your lotus feet, And call me Your own! (4) Vasudeva Ghosa says, Now Your lotus feet I hold, Give mercy and keep me here, In the shade Your feet bestow!

(1) gaurga tumi more day n chiha pana kariy rg carae rkhiha (1) tomra caraa lgi saba teyginu tala caraa py araa lainu (2) e kule o kule mui dilu tiljali rkhiho carae more panra bali (3) vsudeva ghoe bale carae dhariy kp kari rkha more pada-chy diy

55 Gaurga Give Mercy!

rla Narottam Dsa hkura

(1) Gaurga give mercy to this, Low and wretched soul, Theres not one as fallen as me Lord, In all the three worlds! (2) With straw in my teeth, Oh Gaura, I call out to You, Give mercy, Oh come into the, Temple of my heart! (3) If You cannot give Your mercy, Seeing Im so fallen, What then is the reason Youre namedPatita Pvana? (Friend of the fallen) (4) I fell within natures whirlpool, There is no release, Let Your servant cross with the boat, Of Your beautiful feet! (5) Sri Ka Caitanya prabhu, (This) servant of Your servants, Praying for this always is, Narottama Dsa!

(1) gaurga karu kara, dna hna jane mo-sama patita prabhu, nhi tri-bhuvane (2) dante ta dhari gaura, ki he tomra kp kari eso mra, hdaya mandire (3) jadi day n karibe, patita dekhiy patita pvana nme, kisera lgiy (4) poeci bhava tuphne, nhika nistr r caraa tara dne, dse kara pra (5) r ka caitanya prabhu, dsera anudsa prrthan karaye sad, narottama dsa

prarthana- 1----rla Narottama dsa hkura (1) When while chanting Gaurga, Will my body shiver, And while chanting Hari Hari, Tears fall from my eyes? (2) When will moon-like Nitis mercy, Shine upon my soul, And my worldly desires be, Meaningless and small? (3) When will I quit sense indulgence, And my mind be pure? When will I behold the realm, Sri Vrndavana? (4) Eagerness to follow steps of, Rpa Raghuntha, When will I then understand, Rdh Kas love? (5) Fixing my hopes at the feet of, Rpa Raghuntha, This is the constant prayer of, Narottama Dsa!
*** * Oh and when will Moon like Nitai Be so merciful, And when will my worldly desiresBe worthless and trifle?
(*to repeat 2nd verse at the end)

When While Chanting Gaurga

(1) gaurga balite habe pulaka arra hari hari balite nayane vabe nra (2) *ra kabe niti-cdera karu haibe sasra-vsan mora kabe tuccha habe (3) viaya chiy kabe uddha habe mana kabe hma heraba r vndvana (4) rpa-raghuntha-pade haibe kuti kabe hma bujhaba se yugala-priti (5) rpa-raghuntha-pade rahu mora a prrthan karaye sad narottama dsa
**** ra kabe niti-cdera karu haibe sasra-vsan mora kabe tuccha habe

saranagati- 46-kabe habe bolo -rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

When Oh Tell Me When?

(1) When Oh tell me when- will that day be mine? My offenses cease and, taste for the pure name By the power of grace, in my heart will shine! (2) When I feel more low, than a blade of grass and Qualities like tolerance, come into my heart, When I respect all, without seeking honor, Then I will taste the, names nectar sublime! (3) Wealth and admiration, intellect and beauty, I dont want these pleasures, simply for this body. Birth after birth give, oh Gaurahari, Selfless devotion, to Your feet divine! (4) When upon uttering, r Kas names, Will my body be thrilled, in ecstatic rapture, Choked with emotions, color change and trembling, Never-ending streams, flowing from my eyes! (5) When in Navadvpa- on the banks of Gag, Will I truly call out, Gaura! Nitynanda!? Innocently dancing, running about singing. In joy and madness, no worries of mind! (6) When will Nitynanda, show me His compassion, Releasing me from all, sensual illusions, Giving me the shade, of His lotus feet. And to the Name market, giving me the right!

(7) There Ill buy or plunder, Haris sweet Name nectar, And drinking the names be-come inebriated, Stunned by touching feet of, great nectar enjoyers, I will drown in this sweet nectar for all time! (8) When will my compassion, awaken for all souls, And with a good heart, forget my own joys? Bhaktivinod sets out- with humble entreaty, The Lords sacred order- I will publicize!

(1) kabe habe bolo se-dina mra (mra) apardha ghuci, uddha-nme ruci, kpa-bale habe hdaye sacra (2) tdhika hna, kabe nija mni, sahiut-gua hdayete ni sakale mnada, pani amn, haye svdiba nma-rasa-sra (3) dhana jana ra, kavit-sundar, baliba n chi deha-sukha-kr janme-janme do, ohe gaurahari! ahaituk bhakti carae tomra (4) (kabe) karite r-ka-nma uccraa, pulakita deha gadgada vacana vaivarya-vepathu, habe saghaana, nirantara netre vabe aru-dhra

(5) kabe navadvpe, suradhun-tae, gaura-nitynanda bali nikapae nciy giy, beiba chue, btulera prya chiy vicra (6) kabe nitynanda, more kari day, chibe mora viayera my diy more nija-caraera chy nmera hete dibe adhikra (7) kiniba, luiba, hari-nma-rasa, nma-rase mti hoibo vivaa rasera rasika-caraa paraa, kariy majiba rase anibra (8) kabe jve day, haibe udaya, nija-sukha bhuli sudna-hdaya bhakativinoda, kariy vinaya, r-j-ahala karibe pracra


gtvali-15 ---rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Chant Everyone Chant!

(1) Chant everyone chant- Oh chant Rdh-Ka! (Sing everyone sing- Oh sing Rdh-Ka!) (2) Giving this teaching throughout Nadia, Gaur -Nitai danced and wandered, In mayas false waves, youre carried far away, Bobbing and sinking oh brothers! (sisters!) (3) Have faith your soul is Ka's servitor, (And) there will be no more misery! When you say Ka goose-bumps will come And from your eyes -tears flowing! (4) Chant Radha Krsna- with Vaiavas! Only for this Im begging, All dangers fly away, singing these holy names, Bhaktivinoda is saying!

(1) rdh-ka bal bal bala re sabi (rdh-ka bal bal bala re sabi) (2) (ei) ik diy, saba nady, phirche nece gaura-niti (miche) myra vae, jccha bhese, khccha hbuubu, bhi (3) (jva) ka-dsa, e vivsa, karle tora dukha ni (ka) balbe jabe, pulaka habe, jharbe khi, bali ti (4) (rdh) ka bala, sage cala, ei-mtra bhik ci (jya) sakala vipada, bhaktivinoda balena, jakhana o-nma gi


In a Sweet Voice Gaura Sings!

gitvali -13--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) In a sweet voice Gaura sings (Such a sweet voice Gaura sings) Hare Ka Hare Ka Ka Ka Hare Hare Hare Rma Hare Rma Rma Rma Hare Hare (2) In household or forest dwelling, Always call out the names of Hari, Happy or sad, never forget, Upon your lips-Lord Haris names! (3) Caught by nets in Mayas ocean, Accepting hard labor in vainHuman consciousness youve attained, So just chant Rdh Mdhavas names! (4) This life-time will be finished, Without serving Hikea, Bhaktivinod prescribes thisJust once go mad From the names sweet taste!

(1) gya gor madhura svare (gya gor madhura svare) hare ka hare ka ka ka hare hare hare rma hare rma rma rma hare hare (2) ghe thka, vane thka, sad hari bale ka, sukhe dukhe bhula nka, vadane harinma kara re (3) my-jle baddha haye, cha miche kja laye, ekhana-o cetana peye, rdh-mdhava nma bala re (4) jvana haila ea, n bhajile hkea bhaktivinodopadea, ekabra nmarase mta re

gitavli-43-- rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Jaya Jaya Harinma

(1) Jaya jaya Harinma, Supreme blissful nectar dham, Highest truth made of sacred syllables, Giving mercy to His dear ones, In the name form He has come, Showing His vast kindness to all Jvas! (2) Jaya Hari, Ka Rma, Sublime shelter for all persons, Filling all our minds with pure enjoyment. Great sages in joyful reverence, Keep the Names upon their lips, Singing of Their praises every moment! (3) Oh Ka Your form of letters, Carry all Your wondrous powers, Bestowing great fortune to all persons, In this worldly sea without You. Theres no friend to call for rescue, To deliver all souls You have come! (4) All souls suffer miseries, But You destroy all of these, Though ignoring You-- if just one timeSomeone calls to You so humbly, Feeling low and very empty, With no other remedy in sight!

(1) jaya jaya harinma, cid-nandmta-dhma, para-tattva akara-kra nija-jane kp kari, nma-rpe avatari, jve day karile apra (2) jaya hari-ka-rma, jaga-jana-suvirma, sarva-jana-mnasa rajana, muni-vnda nirantara, je nmera samdara, kari gya bhariy vadana (3) ohe ka-nmkara, tumi sarva-akti-dhara, jvera kalya-vitarae tom vin bhava-sindhu, uddhrite nhi bandhu, siycha jva-uddhrae (4) che tpa jve jata, tumi saba kara hata, helya tomre eka-bra ke yadi kona jana, haye dna akicana, nhi dekhi anya pratikra

(5) Getting Your slight revelation, Vanquishes great suffering,, Breaking from the subtle body easily, Bhakativinoda says, Jaya Hari Nma Jaya! Wanting Your two feet- there Im staying!

(5) tava svalpa-sphrti pya, ugra-tpa dre jya, liga-bhaga haya anyse bhakativinoda kaya, jaya harinma jaya, pae thki tuw pada e


(aragati- 40---rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Oh Hare Because I forgot You

(1) Oh Hare, Because I forgot You , the disease of ignorance, Inflict a taste thats bitter, The pure name of Ka, does not taste good to me, Occupied by sensual pleasures. (2) If I take each day, with love and honor, Your holy name in kirtan, Like candy medicine, cures disease at the root, Gradually Hari- sweet taste comes, (3) By my own misfortune, I have no affection, For Your Name Oh Lord of kindness! The ten offenses, are my misfortune, How can I get rid of this? (4) Each and every day, if I sing Your names, Gradually then by Your kindness, My offenses will go, taste for Your names will grow, And the sweet Name-drink Ill relish!

(1) Hare he... tomre bhuliy, avidy-piya, pita rasan mora ka-nma-sudh, bhlo nhi lge, viaya-sukhate bhora (2) prati-dina yadi, dara koriy se nme krtana kari sitapala yeno ni' roga-mla, krame svdu haya, hari! (3) durdaiva mra, se nme dara n haila, daymoya! daa apardha, mra durdaiva, kemane haibe kaya (4) anudina yena, tava nama gi, kramete kpya tava apardha ybe nme ruci habe, svdiba nmsava

gitavali--1---Aruodaya-Krtana--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

With the red sun

(1) With the red sun on the eastern horizon, The jewel of twice born- Gaura has arisen, Taking devotees with Him on a journey, Throughout the towns and villages! Tthai Tthai resounds the drums, Large metal cymbals chime to the rhythm, With Love He danced and swayed His golden limbs, On His feet ankle bells jingled! Mukunda, Mdhava, Ydava, Hari, Fill up your mouths and sing, oh singYou waste the night-time attached to sleeping, And the day decking your body. (4) This human form youve attained is so rare, Have you pondered over this or care? If you dont now serve the son of Yaod, Youll end in shame and sorrow! (5) With every rising and setting sun, Another day slips away and is gone, Why do you (now) remain slothful, And not serve the king of your heart? (6) This life will not last long, know this for sure, And it is filled with suffering and sorrow, Take shelter of His names carefully, While you engage in your duties.
(3) (2)

(1) udila arua prava bhge, dvija-mai gor amani jge, bhakata-samha laiy sthe, gel nagara-vrje (2) tthai tthai bjala khola, ghana ghana the jhjera rola, preme hala hala sonra aga, carae npura bje (3) mukunda mdhava ydava hari, bolo re bolo re vadana bhari, miche nida-vae gela re rti, divasa arra-sje (4) emana durlabha mnava-deha, piy ki kara bhvan keha, ebe n bhajile yaod-suta, carame paibe lje (5) udita tapana haile asta, dina gela bali haibe vyasta, tabe kena ebe alasa hoi n bhaja hdaya-rje (6) jvana anitya jnaha sra, the nn-vidha vipada bhra, nmraya kari yatane tumi, thkaha pana kje

(7) Drinking the pure nectar names of Ka, Pacifies the soul of Bhaktivinoda, Without the name there is nothing more, In all the fourteen worlds! (8) Wishing great fortune upon every soul, The sweetest name descends into this world, Like the sun rising in ignorance so dark, To shine in the sky of our heart!

(7) ka-nma-sudh kariy pna, juo bhakativinoda-pra, nma vin kichu nhika ra, caudda-bhuvana-mjhe, (8) jvera kalya-sdhana-kma, jagate si e madhura nma, avidy-timira-tapana-rpe hd-gagane virje,


gitvali--2-- rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Wake up soul -

(1) Wake up soul, wake up soul,Calls Gauracndra! How long will you sleep upon, the ghostly lap of Maya? (2) I will worship the Lord you said, coming to (this) existence, But you have now forgotten, and remain in ignorance. (3) To reclaim you Ive descended, as the Avatra, Other than a friend like Me, who else here is yours? (4) I have brought the medicine, to destroy illusion, Harinama Maha Mantra- You take this Im begging! (5) Bhakativinod is falling, at the Lords lotus feet, This Harinm Mah Mantra, he took by that begging. (1) jva jgo, jva jgo, gorcda bale kata nidr jo my-picra kole (2) )bhajiba baliy ese sasra-bhtare bhuliy rahile tumi avidyra bhare (3) )tomre laite mi hainu avatrami vin bandhu ra ke che tomra (4) enechi auadhi my nibra lgiharinma-mah-mantra lao tumi mgi (5) bhakativinoda prabhu-carae paiysei harinma-mantra laila mgiy


r ac-Tanayakam--rla Srvabhauma Bhacrya

Beautiful acs Son!

(1) Brilliant as molten gold Is Gauras divine form, Overwhelmed with Rdh's moods, Performing rapturous pastimes, All three worlds are purified withA speck of His mercy, I offer my life to beautiful ac's son! (2) His voice always falters From the Waves of His sweet feelings, Its thunderous roar strikes terror, In the atheist misguiders, His mercy breaks all fear of, Material existence, I offer my life to beautiful ac's son! (3) The cloth Hes wearing is the color, Of the rising sun, Captivating are His cheeks And nails shining like moons, So greatly blissful in the krtan, Of His names and virtues, I offer my life to beautiful ac's son! (4) From His lotus eyes a stream, Of tears are always flowing, Drops of fresh pure goodness, Always decorate His body, Slowly He steps while delightfully dancing, I offer my life to beautiful ac's son!

(1) ujjvala-varaagaura-vara-deha vilasita-niravadhibhva-videham tri-bhuvana-pvana -kpy lea ta praammi ca r ac-tanayam (2) gadagada-antarabhva-vikra durjana-tarjana -nda-vilam bhava-bhaya-bhajana -kraa-karua ta praammi ca r ac-tanayam (3) arumbaradharacru-kapola indu-vininditanakha-caya-ruciram jalpita-nija-guanma-vinoda ta praammi ca r ac-tanayam (4) vigalita-nayanakamala-jaladhra bhaa-nava-rasabhva-vikram gati-ati-manthara-ntya-vilsa ta praammi ca r ac-tanayam

(5) His lotus-like feet are always Moving and dancing, Decked with ankle bells which are Immensely enchanting, His sweet moon-like face Is more cooling than the moon, I offer my life to beautiful acs son! (6) A tie wraps around His waist His head so lovely shaven, One hand holds a water pot The other holds a daa, With that staff He vanquishes The sins of the wicked, I offer my life to beautiful acs son! (7) Decorated with the dust That rises while Hes dancing, Bimb fruit-red lips Beautifully Quiver while Hes singing, Adorned brightly with tilak Of malayan chandan, I offer my life to beautiful acs son! (8) Colored like the sun rise are His, Bright bouquet-like lotus eyes, Reaching to His knees are His wonderful long arms, His form is nicely dressed up As a charming young dancer I offer my life to beautiful acs son! (5) cacala-cru caraa -gati-ruciram majra-rajita-padayuga-madhuram candra-vininditatala-vadana ta praammi ca r ac-tanayam (6) dhta-kai-ora -kamaalu-daa divya kalevara -muita-muam durjana-kalmaakhaana-daa ta praammi ca r ac-tanayam (6) bhaa-bhrajaalak-valita kampita-bimbdhara vara-ruciram malayaja-viracitaujjvala-tilaka ta praammi ca r ac-tanayam (7) nindita-arua -kamala-dala-nayana jnu-lambitar-bhuja-yugalam kalevara-kaioranartaka-vea ta praammi ca r ac-tanayam

Harinma, Tuw Aneka Svarpa--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Harinam You have Unlimited Forms!

(1) Hari Nma You have, unlimited forms! Yaods youngster, happiness increaser, Nandas son and deep well of rasa! (2) Ptans slayer, Tvartas remover, akaas breaker- Gopla, Murri-flutes player, Agha and Bakas thrasher, Govardhans lifter the Cowherd! (3) Keis subduer, Brahmas bewilderer, The king of heavens pride smasher, Aristas finisher, The Gopis enchanter, Jamunas riverbank frolicker! (4) Radhikas delighter, rasa rejuvenator, Rdh-kus kuja enjoyer, Rma Ka Hari, Mdhava, Narahari, Matsya and all the Avatras! (5) Govinda Vmana, r Madhusdana, Ydavas moon in forest flowers, Klyas punisher, Gokulas delighter, Worship of Rdh rejoicer! (6) Oh Name by Your own wish, Your forms are manifest, Let my attachment for them grow, At Rpa, Swarpas feet, I know my own treasure, Bhaktivinoda begs to hold! (1) harinma, tuw aneka svarpa yaod-nandana, nanda-vardhana, nanda-tanaya rasa-kpa (2) ptan-ghtana, tvarta-hana, akaa-bhajana gopla, mural-vadana, agha-baka-mardana,govardhana-dhr rkhla (3) ke-mardana, brahma-vimohana, surapati-darpa-vin, aria-tana, gop-vimohana, ymuna-pulina-vils (4) rdhik-rajana, rsa-rasyana, rdh-kua-kuja-vihr rma, ka, hari, mdhava, narahari,matsydi-gae avatr (5) govinda, vmana, r madhusdana, ydava-candra, vanaml klya-tana, gokula-rajana, rdh-bhajana-sukha-l (6) ity dika nma, svarpe prakma, buka mora rati rge, rpa-svarpa-pada, jni nija sampada, bhaktivinoda dhari mge

68 Why?

rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Why when chanting the Lords names Hare Ka, My life inside - does not cry? Oh bird not knowing (of) certain offenses, Our mouth does not sing the Names- Hare Ka! (2) Forest bird I have kept, In the temple of my heart, Honey dripping names of HariBird if youre taught you could learn these! (3) Birds can sing all names, very easy, (So) Why dont you sing the names- Hare Krishna? Why when chanting the Lords name- Hare Ka My life inside, does not cry! (4) Fly bird to that beautiful abode, That place where imaginary men dont come and go! (5) Oh bird, soon , your time for death will come, On a stretcher they will lay you down! Four men will place this on their shoulders, Then off to the cremation ground. (6) Oh my, in your mouth a fire burns your tongue, What now, you cannot speak a sound!

(1) keno hare Ka nm hari bole, mano pra kde n pakhi n jni kon apardhe, mukhe hare Ka nm bolo n (2) baner pakhi re dhare rklm hday mandire, madhu mkh ei hari nm pakhi re ikhile ikhe 3) pakhi sakal nm bolte pro, keno hare Ka nm bolo n keno hare Ka nm hari bole mano pr kde n 4 chalo pakhi ruper dee ji, je deete maner mnu joy ni 5) pakhi re tor maraa klete, carabi vser dolte ore cr janete kandhe kore, loye jbe smaan ghete 6) ore o tor mukhe guna jihve tule, ki korobi ti bolo n

69 Saranagati ! -The six-fold path of Taking Shelter!

a-Aga aragati --rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(!) r Ka Caitanya our Lord, With kindness for all souls, Descended with His companions, And His own abode! (2) That extremely rarest love, To bestow this freely, He taught this aragati, The life of devotees! (3) Humility, soul surrender, Knowing He maintains You, Having faith that Krsna surely, Will guide and protect You! (4) To only accept engagements, Conducive for Bhakti, Rejecting whats not conduciveFor ones mood of Bhakti. (5) One whos on this six-fold path of, Taking complete shelter, Will have their prayers always heard by, r Nanda-kumra! (6) At Rpa, Santanas feet, With straw in his teeth, Dropping down Bhaktivinoda, Holds onto their feet.

(1) r ka-caitanya prabhu jve day kari sva-prada svya dhma saha avatari (2) atyanta durlabha prema karibre dna ikhya aragati bhakatera pra (3) dainya, tma-nivedana, gopttve varaa avaya rakibe ka vivsa-plana (4) bhakti-anukla-mtra kryera svkra bhakti-pratikla-bhvavarjangkra (5) a-aga aragati haibe jhra thra prrthan une r nanda-kumra (6) rpa-santana-pade dante ta kari bhakativinoda pae duh pada dhari

(7) Weeping and weeping I call out, Oh I am the lowest! Teach me this aragati, Rise me to the highest! (7) kdiy kdiy bale mi to adhama ikhye aragati kara he uttama

Yadi Gaurga Nahita---r Narahari dsa

If Gaura had Not Come

(1) If Gaura had not come, What would have we become, How could we manage to live? r Rdh greatness, love at its highest, Who in the world would know this? (2) Conjugal sweetness in Vndvanas forests, Who could find entrance to this? The Vraja maidens moods of devotionWho has the power to get? (3) Over and over sing Gaurgas qualities, With a pure simple mind, Within all nature, His great compassion, Has not been seen in mankind! (4) Chanting Gaurga, my hearts not melting How does my body survive? For Naraharis heart stone was given, How do I remain alive?

(1) (yadi) gaurga nahita, tabe ki haita, kemane dharita de? rdhra mahim, prema-rasa-sm, jagate jnta ke (2) madhura vnd-vipina-mdhurpravea ctur sra varaja-yuvati-bhvera bhakati, akati haita kra (3) go puna puna, gaurgera gua, sarala haiy mana e bhava-sgare, emana dayla, n dekhi je eka-jana (4) gaurga baliy, n genu galiy, kemane dharinu de narahari-hiy, pa diy, kemane gaiyche

71 When will I call out- Oh Gaurga!

kalya-kalpataru-50---rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) When will I call out Oh Gaurga! Eating and sleeping, caring for the body, Giving up these with detachment. (2) In Navadwp dham, from village to village, Putting aside my false ego, At homes of Dhmvsis, Ill take food by begging, Only eating till I am full. (3) On the banks of Ganga, palm after palm-full, Ill drink water from the Lords feet, Falling under a tree, I will give up fatigue, And revive strength in my body. (4) Urgently I call out- Gaura-Gaddharar Rdh-Mdhavas names, Crying and crying, calling Them loudly, Throughout the whole dhm Im traveling. (5) Seeing a Vaiava - unto his feet I fall, Knowing hes my hearts best friend, Vaiava hkur, accepting this servant, Will then reveal the Lords Krtan!

(1) kabe h gaurga baliy bhojana-ayane, dehera yatana, chiba virakta haiy (2) navadvpa dhme, nagare nagare, abhimna parihari dhma-vs-ghare, mdhukar laba, khiba udara bhari (3) nad-tae giy, ajali ajali, piba prabhu-pada-jala taru-tale pai, lasya tyajiba, piba arre bala (4) kkuti kariy, gaura-gaddhara, r-rdh-mdhava nma kdiy kdiy, ki ucca-rave, bhramiba sakala dhma (5) vaiava dekhiy, paiba carae, hdayera bandhu jni vaiava hkura, prabhura krtana, dekhibe dsa mni

gitvali--49-- Nrada Muni---Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur

Nrada Muni Playing the V

(1) Nrada Muni playing the v toRdhik Ramaa holy names, (Just) Then and there They arise in Their names, Within the devotees singing! (2) Cascades of nectar , thickly rain down, Into the ears by hearing, All the devotees are ceaselessly dancing, Their hearts fully expanding! (3) Streams of this sweet wine, are penetrating, All the worlds people are charmed, Someone is weeping, others are dancing, Some go deep inside their heart! (4) Five-faced Shiva embraces Nrada, In divine love loudly roaring, Lotus born Brahma, calls out while dancingChant and sing the names of Hari! (5) Thousand faced Ananta, in supreme bliss, Singing Hari Hari Bol, By the names power the whole world is maddened, Everyone tastes the names nectar! (6) r Kas names manifest on the tongue, Has fulfilled all my desires, Begging for this at r Rpas feet, Is Bhakativinoda Dsa!

(1) nrada muni, bjya v, rdhik-ramaa nme nma amani, udita haya, bhakata-gta-sme (2) amiya-dhr, varie ghana, ravaa-yugale giy bhakata-jana, saghane nce, bhariy pana hiy (3) mdhur-pura, sava pai mtya jagata-jane keha v kde, keha v nce, keha mte mane mane (4) paca-vadana, nrade dhari, premera saghana rola kamalsana, nciy bale, bola bola hari bola (5) sahasrnana, parama-sukhe, hari hari bali gya nma-prabhve, mtila viva, nma-rasa sabe pya (6) r-ka-nma, rasane sphuri, prla mra a r-rpa-pade, jcaye ih, bhakativinoda dsa


gitmala-59-- Kabe Gaura-Vane---rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

When In Gauras Forest?

(1) When in Gauras forest, on the banks of Gag, Chanting Oh Rdhe Oh Ka, Leaving mortal pleasures, I will weep and wander, In the shade of trees and creepers? (2) At the homes of outcasts, I would eat by begging, Drinking from the Sarasvat, Along both river banks, Ill roll on the ground, Singing Ka's names so loudly! (3) Bowing down to people, from that holy land, Begging for some of their mercy, Smearing on my body, Vaiava foot dust, I will dress so very humbly! (4) Seeing no difference in, Vraj and Gauda's people, Ill become a Vrajavsi, The dhms own form will, manifest to my eyes, And Ill become Rdhs dsi!

(1) kabe gaura-vane, suradhun-tae, h rdhe h ka bole kdiy beba, deha sukha chi, nn lat-taru-tale (2) vapaca-ghete, mgiy khaiba, piba sarasvat-jala puline puline, gagai diba, kari ka-kolhala (3) dhma-vs-jane, praati kariy, mgiba kpra lea vaiava-caraa-reu gya mkhi, dhari avadhta vea (4) gaua-vraja-jane, bheda n dekhiba, haiba varaja-vs dhmera svarpa, sphuribe nayane, haiba rdhra ds


Kalya-kalpataru--49---rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

When Oh My Dear Gaura Niti?

(1) When Oh my dear Gaura NitiHaving great compassion- to this fallen person, Will the two Brothers give sight? (2) The strength of Their mercy , in Navadvp dhm, Is revealing Brajas beauty, nanda Sukhada, a grove so enchanting, Eagerly my eyes are gazing! (3) Just nearby to this is, r Lalit kuda, Having thousands of jeweled stagings, There r Rdh-Ka, expand Their pastimes, By Their continuous sporting! (4) There the group of sakhs, assisting the pastimes, Receive joy by different duties, This maidservant is there, on the sakhs orders, Busy here and there running! (5) I will string some garlands, of Mlat flowers, In the sakhs hands Im placing, The sakis place around, Rdh-Ka's shoulders, And in great joy I am dancing!

(1) h h kabe gaura niti! e-patita jane uru kp kari dekha dibe duti bhi (2) duhu kp bale navadwpa dhme dekhiba brajera obh nanda sukhada, kuja monohara heriba nayana lobh (3) tahara nikate, r lalit kuda ratna vedi kata ata yath rdh ka, ll vistriy biharena abirata (4) sakh gaa yath, llra sahya nn seva sukha pya e-ds tathaya , sakhra ajte krye iti uti dhya (5) mlatira ml gthiy niba diba tabe sakh kare rdh ka gale sakh paribe nciba nanda bhare

Prrthan --38- --rla Narottama dsa hkura

Gaurga's Two Lotus Feet

(1) Gaurga's two lotus feet, One whose precious treasure are these, Knows the very best of bhakti's flavors! When Gaurga's sweet pastimes, Enter into someones earsThe heart of that person becomes pure! (2) One who takes Gaurga's name, That person becomes filled with Prem, I say Victory, this is well done! When Gaurs nature brings forth tears, Eternal pastimes are revealed, Giving one entrance to devotion! (3) Gaurga's associates, Eternally perfected beings, One who knows goes near Vrajendras son! r Gaua-His abode on earth, One who knows its Cintmai, Becomes Brajabhumis denizen! (4) Gauras love the richest sea, One who dives in these waves deeply, Enter's Rdh Mdhavas family! In a forest or at home, One who calls out , Oh Gaurga! Narottam begs for his company!

(1) gaurgera du-pada, jra dhana sampada, se jne bhakati-rasa sra gaurgera madhura ll, jra kare praveil, hdaya nirmala bhela tra (2) je gaurgera nma laya, tra haya premodaya, tre mui ji balihri gaurga guete-jhure, nitya-ll tre sphure, se jana bhakati-adhikr (3) gaurgera sagi gae, nitya-siddha kari mne, se jya vrajendra-suta-pa r gaua-maala-bhmi, jev jne cintmai, tra haya vraja-bhme vsa (4) gaura-prema-rasrave, se tarage jev be, se rdh-mdhava-antaraga ghe v vanete thke, h gaurga bale ke, narottama mge tra saga

76 Oh My Dearest Gaurakiora!

Kalyna-Kalpataru-48--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Oh my dearest Gaurakiora, When will You show kindness, In r Godruma forest, Stealing my heart by Your vision! (2) Here within the grove of, nanda Sukhada, At your left is r Gaddhara, With golden complexions, And hair so curly, Beautifully dressed up like dancers! (3) Just as Im gazingr Rdh Mdhava, Manifest Their forms so dazzling! With the group of sakhis, They are nicely dancing, Garlands on Their necks so charming! (4) Anaga Majari, Very graciously, Catches the hand of this dsi, To Them both she offers, And both of Their sweetness, Saturates my eyes completely!

(1) h h mora gaura kiora, kabe day kari, r godruma vane, dekha dibe mana cora (2) nanda sukhada, kujera bhitare, gaddhare bme kari kcana varaa, ccara cikra, natana suvea dhari (3) dekhite dekhite, r rdh-mdhava, rpete karibe l, sakhgana sage, karibe natana, galete mohanaml (4) anaga majari, sadaya haiy, e-dsi karete dhari duhe nivedibe, duhara mdhuri, heriba nayana-bhari


Oh Mind Why Do You Have This Suspicion?

Kalyna-Kalpataru-5--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Oh mind, why do you have this suspicion? With aversion toward matter, That loving worship to Hari, Makes you fear to look upon His form! (2) If you meditate on form, Youll go to a mundane realm! This fear is essence of void-ism. Without shape, impersonal, All pervading, and eternal, Formlessness has become your conclusion! (3) Swayed by lack of real religion, Your hearts nature has not come, Therefore lacks the souls blissful love, Throw off ropes of argument, Supreme bliss will manifest, Taking shelter of Ka Chandra! (4) Ka's form is made of, Sat, Cit, nanda, Reservoir of all blissful sweetness, His form is the complete whole, Surely this is wonderful, All pervading Brahman is not this! (5) His effulgence is Brahman, And expands from His divine limbs, Therefore His form has no limitation, Brahman called Supreme Brahman, His own form is r Ka, To whom Vinoda has great affection!

(1) mana tava, kena e-sasaya jaa, prati gh kari, bhajite premera hari, svarpa lakite kara bhaya (2) svarpa karite dhyana, pche jaa pya sthna, ei bhaye bhva brahma-maya nirkra nirajana, sarva-vypi santana, a-svarpa karicha nicaya (3) abhva-dharmera vae, svabhva n citte pse, bhvera abhva the haya, tyaja ei tarka-pa, parnanda-paraka, kacandre karaha raya (4) sat-cit-nanda-maya, kera svarpa haya, sarvnanda-mdhurya nilaya sarvatra sampra-rpa, ei eka aparpa, sarva-vyp brahme th naya (5) ata eva brahma tnra, aga-knti su-vistra, bhat baliy tnre kaya brahma para-brahma yei, r-ka-svarpa sei, vinodera yhte praaya

Kalyna-Kalpataru-4--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Oh mind, You are Very Wicked!

(1) Oh mind, you are very wickedHari is your Supreme Lord, Why abandon Him just for, Lusty paths of demigod worship? (2) The Supreme whole is One Truth, Whom we dedicate our lives to, Honor Him with faith and conviction, Unlimited groups of gods, Are all mixed with different natures, Each controls the work of their own station. (3) Treat them all respectfully (but), Exclusively worship Hari, He controls the gods who are controlling, Maya is His shadow shakti, To Him do one pointed bhakti, Spending time and effort without stopping. (4) Pouring water on the roots, Gives strength to the leaves and fruits, Watering the tips- have no effectOne who has Hari devotion, All the gods become his friend, All treat Gods devotees with respect. (5) To the mind Vinoda speaks, At Sri Rdh Kas feet, Worship, worship, worship, without ending!

(1) mana, tumi baai pmara, tomra vara hari, take kena parihari, kma-mrge bhaja devntara (2) para-brahma eka-tattva, thate sapiy sattva, nih-gue karaha dara ra jata deva-gaa, mira-sattva agaana, nija nija krjera vara (3) se sabe sammna kari, bhaja eka-mtra hari, jini sarva-vara-vara my jra chy-akti, tte aikntiki bhakti, sdhi kla ka nirantara (4) mlete sicile jala, kh-pallavera bala, ire bri nhe krjakara, hari-bhakti che yra, sarva-deva bandhu tra, bhakte sabe karena dara (5) vinoda kahiche mana, rdh-ka-r-caraa, bhaja bhaja bhaja nirantara

79 Oh Mind You so Greatly Doubt Your Inner Being!

Kalyna-Kalpataru-3--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Oh mind You so greatly doubt Your Inner Being! To this existence you came, Locked up in this mortal frame, Your mundane attachments are unending! (2) Forgetting your own true home, Serving lust in this dull world, Beyond matter you cannot perceive, The true you as spirit soul, Has become covered over, As if lost inside of your body! (3) Youre knowledge of mundane things, Keeps you always meditating, On creations lifeless or moving, Who can I tell all my sorrows, Leaving my eternal master, Upon worthless truths Ive been depending! (4) Not seeing the souls true science, Giving up on pure goodness, From the soul, you have taken absenceDoes the soul exist or not? You always maintain this doubt, Gradually youve grown fond of this process!

(1) mana re, tumi baa sandigdha-antara siycha e-sasre, baddha haye jadhre, jasakta hale nirantara (2) bhuliy svakya dhma, sevi jaa-gata kma, jaa bin n dekha apara tomra tumitva jini cchdita haye tini, lupta-prya dehera bhitara (3) tumi ta jaiya jna, sad karitecha dhyna. the si kara carcara, e-dukha kariba kre, nitya-pati parihre tuccha-tattve karile nibhara (4) nhi dekha tma-tattva, chi dile uddha-sattva, tma hate nile avasara tm che ki n che, sandeha tomra kche, krme krme pila dara

(5) In this way gradually, Into mundane errs youre falling, And you have become a different person, Take my good advice please, Do not be your own souls cheat, From now on take saints association! (6) The strength of Vaiava's grace, Will make all doubts go away, And you will become yourself once more! Youll attain Vndvan dhm, And serving r Rdh yma, Your body will shiver and tears pour! (7) Bhaktivinodas treasure Rdh Kas divine feet, I will stay attached there forever! (5) ei rpe krame krame, paiy jaera bhrame, pan pani hale para ebe kath rkha mora, nhe hao tma-cora, sdhu-saga kara ata para (6) vaiavera kp-bale sandeha yibe cale tumi puna haibe tomra pbe vndvana-dhma sevibe r-rdhe-yma pulakru-maya kalevara (7) bhaktivinodera dhana rdh-kra r caraa th rati rahu nirantara

81 Oh Mind What Rubbish Are You Learning?

Kalyna-Kalpataru-6--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Oh mind, what rubbish are you learning? Study at a Navadvp school, Hold a title Logic jewel Still your long debates sound like frogs croaking! (2) Knowing root word meanings, Is your pretense for defeating, Comparing a combined mass of subjects, End results are arguments, And like strong intoxicants, Are extremely difficult to check! (3) Your heart became hard so, Bhakti seed could not grow, How will you now cross this sea of matter? To guess the Supreme Controller, Is the wheel-turning potterHow is this His method or endeavor ? (4) Natural loving moods you reject, Your bhajan is evidence, With the firm debates of your heart, In this heart the Ka-treasure, Cannot find a happy seat, Shame on all your rubbish words of logic! (5) Argumentative temperaments, Always keep at a distance, Worship Kacndra the Quintessence !

(1) mana, tumi paile ki chra navadvpe pha kari, nyya-ratna nma dhari bhekera kach kachi kaile sra (2) drabydi padrth-jna, chaldi nigraha-sthna sambaya karile vicra tarkera carama phala, bhayakara halhala nhi vicrile durivra (3) hdaya kathia hala, bhakti-bja n bila kise habe bhava-sindhu-pra anumile ye vara, se kulla-cakrdhra sdhana kemane habe tra (4) sahaja-samdhi tyaji, anumiti mna bhaji tarka-niha hdaya tomra se hdaye ka-dhana, nhi pna suksana aho dhik sei tarka chra (5) anyya nyyera mata, dra kara abirata bhaja kacandra srt-sra

Kalyna-Kalpataru-11--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Brother Why is Beauty Your Glory!

(1) Brother (sister)- why is beauty Your glory? This body is not eternal, And it isnt very stable, When death comes nothing is remaining, All these limbs will become cold, These unblinking eyes wont fold, They will become ashes at the burning! (2) That beauty at which you stare, Constantly within the mirror, Will become the food for dogs and jackals, All the clothes that you adore, All the jewelry which you wear, Where will you put all these thereafter? (3) All your friends, spouse and children, Will take you to the cremation, And return back home after the burning, Who is yours and you are whose? Try to understand this truth, These bodies will surely have an ending! (4) If you want eternal rescue, Always sing Lord Haris virtues, And always do Harinm japa! Oh mind give up arguments, Be engaged in Kas service, This shelter alone is Vinodas!

(1) rpera gaurava kena bhi, anitya e-kalevara, kabhu nhi sthiratara, amana ile kichu ni e-aga itala habe, akhi spanda-hna rabe, citra gune habe chi (2) ye mukha saundarya hera, darpaete nirantara, va-ivra haibe bhojana ye vastre dara kara, yeb bharaa para, koth saba rahibe takhana (3) dr suta bandhu sabe, mane tomre labe, dagdha kari ghete sibe tumi kra ke tomra, ebe bujhi dekha sra, deha-nsa avaya ghaibe (4) su-nitya-sambala co, hari-gua sad go, hari-nma japaha sadi ku-tarka chiy mana, kara ka rdhana, vinodera raya thi

83 Oh Mind, Pride in Wealth is Very Superficial!

Kalyna-Kalpataru-12--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Oh mind, Pride in wealth is very superficial! Your wealth, friends and properties, Are related to your body, When the body dies all are futile! (2) All your learning endeavors, All prescriptions from the doctor, Will not keep the body here forever, When the breathing finally ends, Only this body remains, The soul will not stay in that container. (3) If riches could give us life, The rich kings would never die, Rva would still be on earth immortal, Wealth cannot protect this body, When it dies, youll own nothing, What is all this wealth then good for? (4) (This)- If you have abundant wealth, The Vaiavas you should help, And yourself become a humble beggar, Always be kind to all souls, Worship r r Rdh Ka, With high standards and ideal behavior!

1) mana re dhana-mada nitnta asra, dhana jana vitta yata, e-dehera anugata, deha gele se sakala chra (2) vidyra yateka cea, cikitsaka upadea, keha deha rkhivre nre ajap haile ea, deha-mtra avaea, jva nhi thkena dhre (3) dhane jadi pra dita, dhani rj n marita, dharmara haita rvaa dhane nhi rkhe deha, deha gele nahe keha, ata ava ki karibe dhana (4) yadi thke bahu dhana, nije habe akicana, vaiavera kara upakra jve day anukaa, rdh-ka-ardhana, kara sad haye sadcra

84 Oh mind, Why Are You So Proud of Your Position?

Kalyna-Kalpataru-9--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Oh mind, why are you so proud of your position? If you die a sinful person, Yamas servants turn you in, They dont honor social situations! (2) If you do good deeds in life, You will enjoy paradise, Whether Youre an out-cast or a Brhmin, If both persons go to hell, Both get punished just as well, Every birth will have this same ruling. (3) Why then are you so conceited, Regarding your paltry status, Honor only lasts up until death comes, If you keep your high position, While despising other persons, Youre not giving hell consideration! (4) Social honor can remain, But dear brother as a Brhmin, Please do not insult the Vaiavas, A trader of ginger root, Quarreling with the ships crew, Would never be done by a wise person. (5) Cultivating Ka Bhakti, To your best ability, Will be just like cleansing gold so brightly, Your thread will be glorious, You will achieve all success, And Vinoda will sing of your glories!

(1) mana re, kena ra vara abhimna marile ptak haye, yamadte ybe laye, n karibe jtira sammna (2) jadi bhla karma kara, svarga-bhoga ata para, tte vipra cla samna narake-o dui jane, daa pbe eka sane, janmntare samna vidhna (3) tabe kena abhimna, laye tuccha vara-mna, maraa avadhi yra mna uccha vara-pada dhari, varntare gh kari, narakera n kara sandhna (4) smjika mna laye, thka bhi vipra haye, vaiave n kara apamna dra vypri haye, vivda jhja laye, kabhu nhi kare buddhimna (5) tabe jadi ka-bhakti, sdha tumi yath-akti, sonya sohg pbe sthna srthaka haibe stra, sarva-lbha ih mtra, binoda karibe stuti-gna

85 Mind Im Telling You This Information!

Kalyna-Kalpataru-17--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Mind- Im telling you this informationAt an age so immature, You were cheated by a cheater, The result was you sold your own freedom! (2) The whole samprdaya is flawed, You must purify Your soul! Thinking this- so careful youve become, Not wearing tilak or neck beads, The burning of diksha you leave, To invent your own new rules and system! (3) Locking up ancient opinions, Broadcasting your own concoctions, Thinking you must be an incarnation, Proper vows you do not care for, You throw old ways in the gutter, The mahjans have mistaken vision! (4) Tilk, sacred thread and neck beads, Cheaters wear so cunningly They are all the cause of your detachment, The mahjans path is faulty, By this vision you are angry, To follow their path- theres no attachment! (5) Now just look, my dear brother, Youve dropped gold to grab some ashes, Both the present and future are gone, (By) Calling Cheat to everyone, When has pure devotion come? And after your death- what will happen?

(1) mana tore boli e vrat apakka bayase hya, vacita vacaka pya, bikile nija svatantrat (2) samprdaya doa-buddhi, jni tumi tma-udhi, karibre haile svadhna n nile tilaka-ml, tyajile dkra jvla, nije kaile navna-bidhna (3) prva-mate tli diy, nija -mata pracriy, nije avatra buddhi dhari vratcra n mnile, prva-patha jale dile, mahjane bhrama-di kari (4) pho dk ml dhari, dhrta kari su-ctur, ti the tomra virga mahjana-pathe doa, dekhiy tomra roa, patha prati cha anurga (5) ekhana dekhaha bhi, svara chi laile chi, iha-kla para-kla yya kapaa balila sabe, bhakati b pele kabe, dehnte v ki habe upya

Gtvl--36-- ra Kena My-Jle--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Soul- Why are You falling-?

(1) Soul why like a fish are you falling, For the nets of my again, Dont you know that when you get caught, For a long time you will remain! (2) Your longing for petty pleasures, Binds you up in Mayas strong net, There you stay with your changed nature, A captive in strict punishment! (3) Now by the strength of devotion, In the ocean of Kas love. Play freely within those waters, Staying under Lord r Ka!

(3) ra kena my-jle paitecha, jva-mna nhi jna baddha haye rabe tumi cira-dina (1) ati tuccha bhoga-e, band haye my-pe rahile vikta-bhve daya yath pardhna (2) .ekhana bhakati-bale, ka-prema-sindhu-jale krd kari anyse thka tumi kdhna

saranagati -5--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

My Life

(1) (1) mra jvana, sad ppe rata, In my life Ive been, addicted to sin, nhika puyera lea Not a speck of piety, parere udvega, diychi je kata, Ive caused so much worry and distress to others, diychi jvere klea Ive caused trouble for all beings. (1) (2) nija sukha lgi, ppe nhi dari, For my own well-being, Ive had no fear sinning, day-hna svrtha-para I am selfish without caring, para sukhe dukh, sad mithy-bh, Sad by others joys, always telling lies, para-dukha sukha kara Others sorrows make me happy. (2) (3) aea kman, hdi mjhe mora, Never-ending longings, hide inside my heart, krodh dambha-paryaa I am angry and love bragging, mada-matta sad, viaye mohita, Always madly puffed up, dazzled by sense objects, his-garva vibhaa Pride and envy decorate me. (3) (4) nidrlasya-hata, sukrye virata, Abstaining from good deeds, but enthused by bad deeds, akrye udyog mi Laziness and sleep defeat me, pratih lgiy, hya-caraa, For honor and prestige, I behave with deceit, lobha-hata sad km Caught by greed and always lusty. (4) (5) e hena durjana, sajjana-varjita, Saintly persons shun, this most wicked person, apardh nirantara Due to my constant offenses, ubha-krya-nya, sadnartha-man, My good deeds are hollow, all my thoughts are futile, nn dukhe jara jara Miseries have made me wasted. (5) (6) vrdhakye ekhana, upya vihna, Now Im feeling old, without any resource, tte dna akicana Fallen and completely worthless, bhakativinoda, prabhura carae, This Bhaktivinoda, at the feet of the Lord, kare dukha nivedana Makes this offering of sadness!

88 The Fruits of my Timeless Karma...

Gtval--63--rla Bhaktivinoda hkur

(1) The fruits of my timeless karma, Fell in natures ocean waters, A way to be saved I can not see, This poison of sensual life, Burns my body day and night, And my heart can never become happy. (2) Bound up by a thousand longings, Gives constant anxiety, Within greatly swelling waves Im playing, Lust, anger, pride, envy, greed, Are a gang of fearsome street thieves. Very soon my end will be coming! (3) Knowledge and karma were two thieves, That came to mislead and cheat me, And they finally tossed me in deep waters, This time Youre my only friend, Ka ocean of compassion, Give mercy and lift me by Your powers! (4) Keeping this most fallen servant, In Your lotus-foot dust, Give shelter to this Bhaktivinoda, I am Your eternal servant, Forgetting in Mayas net, Ive become bound up merciful Lord.

(1) andi karama phale, poi bhavrnava-jale, taribre n dekhi upya e-viaya-halhale, div-nii hiy jvale, mana kabhu sukha nhi pya (2) -pa-ata-ata, klea deya avirata pravtti-rmira the khel kma-krodha-di choy, bape deya bhoya, avasna haila si bel (3) jna-karma-haga dui, more pratrya lai, avaee phele sindhu-jale e hena samaye, bandhu, tumi ka kp-sindhu,, kp kari tola more bale (4) patita-kikare dhari, pda-padma-dhuli kari, deho bhaktivinoda raya mi tava nitya-ds, bhuliy myra pa, baddha haye chi daymay


aragati -2-- rla Bhaktivinoda hkur

Forgetting You Lord

(1) Forgetting You Lord, coming to this world, Getting many types of trouble. At your lotus feet, I have come to tell You, Of the story of my sorrow. (2) In my mothers womb where I stayed before, Harshly bound-up in confinement, One moment Oh Lord, You gave me sight, Then You left this lowly servant! (3) At that time I swore, after I am born, I will surely worship you Lord, But on taking birth I, fell in mys trap, Not getting a drop of knowledge! (4) As a pampered child, in my parents lap, I would laugh the time away, Ma and Pas affection, helped me to forget, And I liked the world in this way. (5) Day by passing day, I grew up so big, Sporting with the other children, And then later on my intellect expanded, As I studied all my lessons. (6)

(1) bhuliy tomre, sasre siy, peye nn-vidha byath, tomra carae, siychi mi, baliba dukhera kath (2) janan jahare, chilma jakhana, biama bandhana-pe eka-bra prabhu! dekh diy more, vacile e dna dse (3) takhana bhvinu, janama piy, kariba bhajana tava janama hoilo, pai my-jle, n haila jna-lava (4) darera chele, swa-janera kole, hsiya knu kla janaka -janan, snehete bhuliy sasra lgila bhla (5) krame dina dina, blaka hoiy, khelinu blaka-saha ra kichu dine, jna upajila, paha pai ahar-aha

(6) Proudly educated, traveling place to place, Always engaged earning money, Maintaining my family with one pointed mind, I forgot you oh Lord Hari! (7) Now that Ive grown old, Bhakativinoda, Is aggrieved with lamentation, Not worshiping you Lord, my days passed in vain, What will be my destination? (6) vidyra gaurave, bhrami dee dee, dhana uparjana kari sva-jana plana, kori eka-mane, bhulinu tomre, har (7) vrdhakye ekhana, bhakativinoda, kndiya ktara ati, n bhajiy tare, dina vth gela, ekhona ki habe gati?

gtval--35---rla Bhaktivinoda hkur

Without Devotion To Ka

(1) Without devotion to Ka, Fruits wont come at all, Religious or worldly titles, Are not useful for the soul! (2) *Yoga, *penance, *meditation, *Yagyas, * sannyas,* dry knowledge, All these different paths and ways, Keep the soul in bondage! (3) Take Bhaktivinodas advice, From these different ways depart, Beyond all is Kas pure loveShelter this within your heart!
*without the aim of devotion to Krishna

(1) ka-bhakti vin kabhu nhi phalodaya miche sab dharmdharma jiver updhimaya (2) yoga-yga-tapo-dhyna, sannysdi brahma-jna, nn-kda-rpe jivera bandhana-kraa haya (3) vinodera vkya dhara, nn kna tyga kara, nirupdhi ka-prema hdaye deha raya

Kalyna-kalpataru--36- rla Bhaktivinoda hkur

Having slipped in Natures Ocean

(1) Having slipped in natures ocean, My life is uncertain, Oh how will I reach the shore, Without information. (2) I havent got strength from good deeds, Ive no strength from learning, No sacrifice, no principles, Penance or communing. (3) Ive become extremely weak and, Dont know how to swim, Who can rescue me in this most, Dangerous condition? (4) The senses like crocodiles, Are a dreadful vision Always making waves of lust and, Causing agitation! (5) The urges from past impressions, I cant supervise,

How my anxious heart is crying, No rescue in sight! (6) Oh dear Sri Jhnav Dev, Give mercy today, To this servant -by Your virtues, Take my pain away! (7) Ill take shelter of that boat, Of Your lotus feet, I will cross this worldly ocean, Surely this will be! (8) Youre the Ka Bhakti GuruNitynandas akti, Benedict this servant with Your wishing-tree-feet! (9) Many, many sinful persons You have all delivered, Begging at Your feet today, Is this wretched sinner!

(1) bhavrnave pae mora kula paraa, kise kla pba tra n pi sandhna (2) n che karama bala nhi jna bala, yga yoga tpo dharma n che sambala (3) nitnta durbala mi n jni sntra, e-vipade ke mre karibe uddhra (4) viaya kumbhira the bhaa darana, kmera taraga sad kare uttejan (5) prktan vyura vega sahite n pri, kndiy asthira mana n dekhi kadari (6) ogo r jhnav dev e-dse karun, kara ji nija gune ghuco yantran (7)tomra caraa tar kariy raya, bhavrnava pra haba karechi nicaya (8) tumi nitynanda akti ka bhakti guru, e-dse karaha dna pada kalpa taru (9) kata kata pmarera karecha uddhra, tomra carae ja e-kgla chra

Saranagati--8--rla Bhaktivinoda hkua

Oh Lord Wretched As I Am!

(1) Oh Lord, Wretched as I am, I had fallen down, Into this life so worldly, And yet you have sent, Your own pure devotee, Such a great soul You gave to me! (2) Taking pity on me, seeing my condition, He came and said this to meOh distressed one, listen to this good news, It will make your heart feel happy! (3) To deliver you, r Ka Caitanya, Appeared in Navadvp dhm, Many just like you- sad and fallen people, He has taken cross this ocean! (4) To fulfill the promise, written in the Vedas, Of a brhmans son -gold colored, Mahprabhus His name, Nadiya He maddens, With His avadhta Brother! (5) Nandas son is He- Caitanya Gosi, He is giving His own names! He has saved the whole world, You also go to Him, And Your own deliverance claim! (6) Having heard these words, I have come to You Lord, At the soles of Your feet, Bhaktivinod is , weeping and weeping, Upon telling his own story!

(1) (prabhu he!) emana durmati, sasra-bhitare, paiy chinu mi tava nija-jana, kona mahjane, phiy dile tumi (2) day kari more, patita dekhiy, kahila mre giy ohe dna-jana, una bhla kath, ullasita habe hiy (3) tomre trite, r ka caitanya, navadvpe avatra tom hena kata, dna hna jane, karilena bhava-pra (4) vedera pratij, rkhibra tare, rukma-vara vipra-suta mahprabhu nme, nady mtya, sage bhi avadhta (5) nanda-suta jini, caitanya gsi, nija-nma kari dna trila jagat, tumi-o jiy, laha nija-paritra (6) se kath uniy, siychi, ntha! tomra caraa-tale bhakativinoda, kdiy kdiy, apana-kahini bale

aragati--16---rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Dedicating my Soul!

(1) Dedicating my soul, unto Your two feet, Ive become supremely happy, Sufferings have gone away, worries have left my mind, I see great bliss all around me! (2) There is no fear or grief at Your two lotus feet, Vessels of immortal nectar! I have now finally found peace and rest, Giving up fear of existence! (3) In Your own household, I do this service, Not to get remuneration, All for Your pleasure, I engage carefully, Unto Your feet with affection! (4) Whatever troubles may come in Your service, These also give supreme bliss, Service in joy or grief are supreme treasures, Both destroy sufferings of ignorance! (5) Now my past history is all forgotten, My heart feels joyful to serve You, Certainly I am Yours, and You mine for sure, What other work has such value? (6) Bhaktivinoda submerges in bliss, Due to Your service Oh Lord, All my endeavors abide by Your will, As I remain in Your household!

(1) tma-nivedana, tuw pade kari, hainu parama sukh dukha dre gela, cint n rahila, caudike nanda dekhi (1) aoka-abhaya, amta-dhra, tomra caraa-dvaya thte ekhana, virma labhiy, chinu bhavera bhaya (2) tomra sasre, kariba sevana, nahiba phalera bhg tava sukha jhe, kariba yatana, haye pade anurg (3) tomra sevya, dukha haya jata, seo to parama sukha sev-sukha-dukha, parama sampada, naye avidy-dukha (4) prva itihsa, bhulinu sakala, sev-sukha peye mane mi to tomra, tumi to mra, ki kja apara dhane (5) bhakativinoda, nande ubiy, tomra sevra tare saba cea kare, tava icch-mata, thkiy tomra ghare

94 Mind, Body ,Home, and Family!

aragati11--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Mind, body, home and family, whatever is mine Oh Lord, I offer to Your feet - Nanda Kiora! (2) In good or bad fortune, in life or death its sure, All my problems disappear, when I take those feet of Yours! (3) Slay me or protect me, however You wish, Im Your eternal servant, so its Your prerogative. (4) If it is Your will that, I should take birth again, Then please let me be born, in Your devotees home. (5) It could be a worms birth, so long I remain Your servant, Ignoring You even a Brahmas birth I do not wish. (6) Free from the desires for, liberation and enjoyment, That devotees company, is my great attachment! (7) My Father, my Mother, my Child, my Darling, Master, Teacher, Husband, You are my everything! (8) This Bhaktivinoda says, Listen Kna! Lord of Rdh, You are my life and soul!

(1) mnasa, deha, geha, jo kichu mora -arpilu tuw pade, nanda-kiora! (2) sampade vipade, jvane-marae---dya mama gel, tuw o-pada varae (3) mrabi, rkhabi jo icch tohr--nitya-dsa prati tuw adhikr (4) janmobi moe icch yadi tora---bhakta-ghe jani janma hau mora (5) ka-janma hau yath tuw dsa--bahir-mukha brahma-janme nhi a (6) bhukti-mukti-sph-vihna je-bhakta--labhaite tka saga anurakta (7) janaka, janan, dayita, tanaya prabhu, guru, pati tuhu sarva-maya (8) bhakativinoda kahe, suna kna! rdh-ntha! tuh hmra para

95 Oh You Are The God Of All Gods

aragati-20--rla Bhaktivinoda hkur

(1) Oh You are the God of all Gods, Vrajendra Kumar, To create or destroy this world, Is all by Your will. (2) It is by Your supreme will, Brahma is creating, It is also by Your wish, Viu is maintaining. (3) Only by Your divine will, iva makes destruction. And by Your will Maya has built, This world as a prison. (4) By Your wish the living beings are, Taking birth and dying, They flourish or meet with ruin, Theyre happy or crying.

(5) Caught in ropes of false desires, Maya binds all beings, And without Your sanction they, Cannot do a thing! (6) You are my protector Lord, My only support, And without Your lotus feet, I have no hope! (7) Ive lost confidence in my strength, And in my endeavors, I depend solely upon, Your supreme desire! (8) This Bhaktivinoda is humbled, For nothing is mine, It is only by Your will Lord, That I live or die!

(1) tumi sarvevarevara,brajendra-kumra (5) miche my-baddha jiva -pe phire, tomra icchya vive sjana sahra tava icch vin kichu karite n pre (2) tava icch-mata brahm karena sjana, (6) tumi to rkaka ra palaka mra, tava iccha-mata viu karena plana tomra caraa vin nhi ra (3) tava icch-mate iva karena sahra, (7) nija-bala-ce-prati bharas chiy, tava iccha-mate my sje krgra tomra icchy chi nirbhara kariy (4) tava icch-mate jivera janama-maraa (8) bhakativinoda ati dna akican, samddhi-nipte dukha sukha-saghaa na tomra icchy t ra jivana maraa

Gtval--62-- rla Bhaktivinoda hkur

Oh Lord at Your Pair of Feet

(1) Oh Lord, at Your pair of feet, I offer this prayer, Not to beg for physical joy, knowledge, wealth or followers. (2) I dont wish to go to heaven, or get liberation, I dont want to pray for any, mystical perfections. (3) By my karma good or bad - whatever my birth brings, Birth after birth please let me, sing Your names and glories! (4) I have just this one desire, to Your lotus feet, Natural devotion in my heart, constantly arising! (5) That affection I now have, for things of this world, May that same affection be placed, at these feet of Yours! (6) And through good or bad fortune, let it be the same, Day by day increasing by the, power of Your name! (7) Whether Im a bird or beast, in hell or in heaven, In this Bhaktivinodas heart, let there be devotion! (1) prabhu tava pada-yuge mora nivedana---- nhi mgi deha-sukha vidy, dhana, jana (2) nhi mgi svarga ra moka nhi mgi ---n kari prrthan kona vibhtira lgi (3) nija-karma-gua-doe je je janma pi---janme janme jena tava nma-gua gi (4) ei mtra mama tomr carae---ahaituk bhakti hde jge anukane (5) viaye ye prti ebe chaye mra--sei-mata prti hauk carae tomra (6) vipade sampade th thkuk sama-bhve---dine dine vddhi hauka nmera prabhve (7) pau-pakhi haye thki svarge v niraye---tava bhakti rahu bhakti- vinoda-hdaye

Kalyana Kalpataru-38-rla Bhaktivinoda hkur (1) Theres no one as lowly as me, Within the creation, I have become restless upon, Falling to this ocean! (2) Family Goddess, Yogamaya, Please give me Your mercy, When will this veil be removed, Mother Vishvodhari! (3) I have heard Your greatness from the Vedic literature, Those who turn away from (Sri) Krsna You bind to this world! (4) Those who turn toward Sri Krishna, Their great fortune comes, Freeing them from fear and sorrow, You grant liberation! (5) Give this servant Oh Mother, Your causeless compassion, Please arrange Oh Yogamaya, My place in Vrindavan! (6) By skipping You where have any Souls obtained Lord Krishna? Manifested by Your grace are Krishnas divine Lilas!

Prayer to Yogamaya

(1) mra samna hna nhi e-sasre asthira hayechi pae bhava rvre (2) kuladev yogamy morekp kari varaa sambaribe kabe vivodari (3) unechi game vede mahim tomra r ka vimukhe bdhi karo sasara (4) r ka smukhya yra bhgyakrame haya tre mukti diy kara aoka abhaya (5) e-dse janani kari akaitava day vndvane deha sthna tumi yogamy (6) tomke laghiy koth jve ka pya ka rsa prakatila tomra kpya


(7) You are Krishnas own companion, Mother of the world, Youve arranged to show to me the Krishna touchstone Jewel! (8) Oh mother I want to have, Without duplicity, Strong faith in the Vaishnavas, At all times increasing! (9) Bhakativinoda says, We can never reach, To the other side of this world, Without (the) Vaishnavas feet!

(7) tumi ka sahacar jagata janani tumi dekhile more ka cintmani (8) nikapata haye mt co mora pne vaiave vivsa vriddhi haka pratikane (9) vaiava caraa bin bhava prvra bhakti vinod nre haibre pra


Gopntha (Song One) Kalyana-kalpataru- 51 rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Gopntha Please listen to my prayer LordIm a sensual rascal, obsessed with desires, I dont have one speck of virtue! (2) Gopntha, My only hope is You Lord, At Your lotus feet, I have taken shelter, I am Your eternal servant! (3) Gopntha, How can I be rectifed Lord? Not knowing real Bhakti, I'm a dull head karmi, Having fallen in this dark world! (4) Gopntha, Everything here is Your maya! I have no strength or, pure and perfect knowledge, And this body has no freedom! (5) Gopntha, Give to me a place at Your feet, This sinner begs, weeping and weeping, Give the treasure of Your mercy! (6) Gopntha, You can certainly do all things! To save the wicked, You have the power, Who else is there for such sinners? (7) Gopntha! Youre a reservoir of mercy! For the sake of all souls, You have come to this world, Extending Your divine pastimes! (8) Gopntha, Which fault have I been blamed for? Though all the demons, attained Your feet, This Vinoda sits here, waiting! (1) gopntha, mama nivedana una viay durjana, sad kma-rata, kichu nhi mora gua (2) gopntha, mra bharas tumi tomra carae, lainu araa, tomra kikara mi (3) gopntha, kemane odhibe more n jni bhakati, karme jaa-mati, paechi sasra-ghore (4) gopntha, sakali tomra my nhi mama bala, jna sunirmala, svdhna nahe e ky (5) gopntha, niyata carae sthna mge e pmara, kdiy kdiy, karahe karu dna (6) gopntha, tumi to sakali pra durjane trite, tomra akati, ke che ppra ra (7) gopntha, tumi kp-prvra jvera krae, siy prapace, ll kaile su-vistra (8) gopntha, mi ki doe do asura sakala, pila caraa, vinoda thkila basi

(1) Gopntha! Please dispel this worldly fever! Ignorant endeavors, I can bear no longer, These chains of birth and death. (2) Gopntha! Surely Im the slave of lust Lord, These sensual longings, rising in my heart, Pull the knots of karma tightly (3) Gopntha! When will I truly wake up, Lord? Leaving far behind this, enemy of lust, As You manifest in my heart. (4) Gopntha! I am actually Your own, Lord! Deserting You to, worship this false world, I've forgotten my real treasure! (5) Gopntha! You certainly know all things, I belong to you so, punish me now and, Give a place at Your divine feet! (6) Gopntha! Will this be Your final judgement? Seeing my bad face, Will You drop Your servant, And not give a speck of mercy! (7) Gopntha! Surely I'm the biggest fool Lord! What is truly good, I've not understood, This is why I am this way, Lord! (8) Gopntha! Surely You're the wisest teacher! To make fools blessed, You find a way, Dont consider me (this servant) a stranger.
(Song Two)

(1) gopntha, ghuco sasra-jvl avidy-ytan, ra nhi sahe, janama-maraa-ml (2) gopntha, mi to kmera dsa viaya-vsan, jgiche hdaye, phdiche karama phse (3) gopntha, kabe v jgiba mi kma-rpa ari, dre teygibo, hdaye sphuribe tumi (4) gopntha, mi to tomra jana tomre chiy, sasra bhajinu, bhuliy pana-dhana (5) gopntha, tumi to sakali jna panra jane, daiy ekhana, r carae deha sthna (6) gopntha, ei ki vicra tava vimukha dekhiy, cha nija-jane, n kara karu lava (7) gopntha, mi to mrakha ati kise bhla haya, kabhu n bujhinu, ti hena mama gati (8) gopntha, tumi to paita vara mhera magala, tumi anveibe, e dse n bhva para


(1) Gopntha! I have no means of deliverance! Giving Your mercy, please lift me up and, Rescue me from this existence! (2) Gopntha! I fell in a trap of maya! Wealth, spouse, and children, completely surround me, Lust has made me sick and tired! (3) Gopntha! Now my mind has become crazy! It won't take orders, always unconscious, In this worldly pit I'm staying! (4) Gopntha! I have accepted defeat, Lord! All of my endeavors, were completely useless, Now my only hope is You, Lord! (5) Gopntha! How will I attain my true goal? Powerful senses, overwhelm my mind, I don't quit sensual attachments! (6) Gopntha! Please sit within my heart Lord! Subdue my mind, divert it to You, Save me from imminent danger! (7) Gopntha! Now You see how I am helpless! You are Hkea! Please control my senses, Oh please take me from this dark world! (8) Gopntha! Round my neck a rope is tied, Lord! By Your sword of mercy, Sever my bondage, Making Vinoda Your servant!

(Song Three)

(1) gopntha, mra upya ni tumi kp kari, mre laile, sasre uddhra pi (2) gopntha, paechi myra phere dhana-dr-suta, ghireche mre, kmete rekheche jere (3) gopntha, mana je pgala mora n mne sana, sad acetana, viaye rayeche ghora (4) gopntha, hra je menechi mi aneka yatana, haila viphala, ekhana bharas tumi (5) gopntha, kemane haibe gati prabala indriya, vabhta mana, n che viaya-rati (6) gopntha, hdaye basiy mora manake amiy, laha nija pne, ghucibe vipada ghora (7) gopntha, antha dekhiy more tumi hkea, hka damiy, tra he sasrti-ghore (8) gopntha, galya legeche phsa kp-asi dhari, bandhana chediy, vinoda karaha dsa

102 Hari Hari Have Mercy!

Prarthanam--6--Srila Narottama Das Thakur

(1) Hari Hari! (Govinda Gopintha) Have mercy and keep me at Your feet! Lust, pride, anger, envy, greed, Many places theyve taken me, To enjoy my many sensual schemes (2) Being Mayas faithful servant, Many different things I wanted, Away went remembrance of Your feet, Wanting wealth with so much greed, Disguised like Kas devotee, House to house I wandered for my needs (3) After so much suffering, You brought me to Vraja puri, Binding my neck with the rope of kindness, But by Mayas strong attack, That rope became very slack, So I fell in natures well of darkness. (4) Please just once again give care, Grabbing this one by my hair, Pulling me up to Vraja dhma, Then Ill see my great fortune, Otherwise my life shall end, Says this lowly servant Narottama

(1) hari hari! (govinda gopinath) kp kari rkha nija pade kma krodha chaya jane, la phire nn-sthne, viaya-bhujya nn-mate (2) haiy myra dsa, kari nn abhila, tomra smaraa gelo dre artha-lbha ei e, kapaa vaiava vee bhramiy bulaye ghare-ghare (3) aneka dukhera pare, loyechile vraja-pre, kp-ora galya badhiy daiva-my balt-kre, khasiya sei ore, bhava-kpe dileka ariya (4) puna yadi kp-kari, e janra kee dhari, tniy tulaha vraja-dhme tabe se dekhiya bhla, natub para gela, kahe dna dsa narottame


aragati--23--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

As I surrender my soul

(1) As I surrender my soul, You lift my vanity, No longer will I plan, my own security, Like Your own treasure Lord I know You will guard me too, Knowing how You tend Your herd, Keeping them close to You! (2) Graze me Mdhava, nearby Yamun, Playing upon Your flute, gently you call us, Slaying Agha and Baka, protecting everyone, You are always doing this, Gokula Kna! (3) You always take care of me, I know this for sure, So Ill drink the waters of Yamun river. I will see Kliya, and how You subdue that snake, Cleansing the river water, Enhancing our love and faith! (4) You'll drink the forest fire, and Ill be saved, Gopla Govinda, You have been named! To ruin the evil plan, of the god of heaven, Youll shield us from the rain, Lifting the great mountain!

(1) tma-samarpane gel abhimna, nhi karobu nija rak-vidhna tuw dhana jni tuhu rkhobi, ntha! plya godhana jna korituw stha (2) carobi mdhava! ymuna-tre, vas bjoto kabi dhre agha-baka mrato rak-vidhna, karabi sad tuhu gokula-kna! (3) rak karabi tuhu nicaya jni, pna karabu hma ymuna-pni kliya-dokha karabi vin, odhabi nad-jala, bobi (4) piyata dvnala rkhabi moya, gopla-govinda nma tava haya sura-pati-durmati-na vicri', rkhavi varsae, giri-vara-dhri!


(5) When four -faced Brahma Kidnaps all the calves and boys, Youll rescue me as well, Oh Gokula Hari! Bhakativinoda is, Your cowherd treasure, Protect him Keava, By Your kind endeavor!

(5) catur-nana karaba yaba cori, rak karabi mujhe, gokula-hari bhakativinoda tuw gokula-dhan, rkhabi keava! karata yatana


Gtval---6---Bhoga rati--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Worship One who Loves His Devotees!

(1) Worship one who loves His devotees r Gaurahari, r Gaurahari- is the boy who plays in pastures, The same one who stole the hearts of Nanda and Yaod, Worship Govinda Govinda Gopla! (2) Mt says Its very late, oh Dmodar come here, Go sit down and take your lunch inside the dining mandir. (3) He who lifted Govrdhan sits down when Nanda orders, Baladev and all the friends sit down in many rows. (4) Curry, spinach, fried samosa,pumpkin, and salad, Fruits, squash, milk, yogurt, and banana flowers. (5) Fried mung and urad dhl patties, flat bread, rice and ghee, Rice pancakes, condensed milk, sweet rice rolls and sesame. (6) Sweet rice with camphor, bananas and cheese, Sweet mangoes, sour dishes,pomegranates tangerines. (7) Puris with sugar, puris filled with cream, Laus and sweet dhl patties, Ka eats so eagerly! (8) Rdhik cooked special rice vegetables and sweets, With the highest blissfulness Lord r Ka eats! (9) By hook or crook laus are snatched by r Madhumagala, Then he pops his armpit shouting Give more. Hari bol! (10) From the corners of His eyes, Ka looks at Rdh, Being greatly satisfied He eats at Yaods! (Rdhe govinda govinda gopla!) (11) After lunch Ka drinks, sweet rose-scented water, All His friends then wash their mouths, one after another.

(12) After all the cowherd boys wash their hands and faces, In great bliss they take a nap along with Baladeva. (13) Jmbla and Rasla bring betel nuts with spices, After eating Kacandra falls asleep delighted. (14) Vilka waves a cooling fan of peacock feathers, While Ka sleeps upona lovely bed with pleasure. (15) Dhanih receives Kas remnants from Yaod, She brings them to Rdhik, Who takes with supreme pleasure! (16) Lalit and all the sakhs then receive Her remnants, From their deepest joyous hearts They sing of Rdh Ka! (17) That person whose sole delight is r Hari Lila, Singing Boga-Aroti is Thakur Bhaktivinoda! (1) bhaja bhakata-vatsala r gaurahari r gaurahari so hi goha-vihr nanda-yaomat-cittahr --bhaja govinda govinda gopala (2) bel halo, dmodara! isa ekhana----hoga-mandire basi karaha bhojana (3) nandera nirdee baise giri-vara-dhr----baladeva-saha sakh baise sri sri (4) ukt-kdi bhji nlit kuma----dhli ln dugdha-tumb dadhi moc-khaa (5 )mudga-va ma-va roik ghtnna----akul piaka kra puli pyasnna (6) karpra amta-keli rambh kra-sra----mta rasl, amla dvdaa prakra (7) luci cini sarapur lu rasval----hojana karena ka haye kuthal (8) rdhikra pakka anna vividha vyajana-----arama nande ka karena bhojana (9 )chale-bale lu khya r madhumagala-----bagala bjya ra deya hari-bola (10 )rdhikdi gae heri nayanera koe----pta haye khya ka yaod-bhavane (Rdhe govinda govinda gopla!) (11) bhojannte piye ka suvsita vriabe mukha praklaya haye sri sri (12) hasta-mukha prakliy jata sakh-gae---nande virma kare baladeva sane (13) jmbla rasla ne tmbla-masl----h kheye kacandra sukhe nidr gel (14) vilka ikhi-puccha-cmara hulya---prva ayyya ka sukhe nidr jya (15) yaomat-j peye dhanih-nta----sr-ka-prasda-----rdh bhuje haye prta (16) lalitdi sakh-gaa avaea pya---ane mane sukhe rdh----ka-gua gya (17) hari-ll eka-mtra jhra pramoda------hograti gya hkura bhakativinoda

(saranagati- 31---rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Pure Devotion!

(1) Foot-dust from the pure devotees, Is so conducive for (the Lords) worship, Service to them is the highest perfection, Root of the seedling of (divine) love! (2) Madhava's days are the Mother of Bhakti, And with great care I observe them, The home of Ka, is what I call home, And I embrace with affection! (3) My Lord Gaura, at many places, Traveled about- very joyously, All of those places I shall behold them, With His intimate devotees! (4) My mind is always, asking for a chance, To hear the mdaga playing, Hearing the krtan prescribed by Gaura, My heart is blissfully dancing!

(1) uddha-bhakata-caraa-reu, bhajana-anukla bhakata-sev, parama-siddhi, prema-latikra-mla (2) mdhava-tithi, bhakti-janan, yatane pl-ana kari ka-vasati, vasati bali, parama -dare vari 3) gaura mra, je-saba sthne, karala bhra-maa rage se-saba sthna, heriba mi, praayi-bhakata-sage (4) mdaga vdya, sunite mana, avasara sad yce, gaura-vihita, krtana uni, nande hdaya nce

(5) When Im beholding, The Couples mrtis, I become supremely blissful! To serve and honor, Their prasd remnants, All five senses are successful! (6) The day in my home (when) I see Their worship, My home transforms to Goloka! When I see Gag, Flow from Their lotus feet, My happiness has no limit! (7) When I see Tulas, My soul is pacified, Knowing Mdhavas delighted! I honor that sak, So dear to Gaura, Feeling my life is perfected! (8) For Krsnas worship, Bhaktivinoda, Obtains whatever is favorable, And every single day, Making this his claim, He feels supremely joyful! (5) yugala-mrti, dekhiy mora, parama-nanda haya prasda-sev, karite haya, sakala prapaca jaya (6) je-dina ghe, bhajana dekhi, ghete goloka bhya caraa-sdhu, dekhiy gag, sukha n sm pya (7) tulas dekhi, juya pra, mdhava-toa jni, gaura-priya, ka-sevane, jvana srthaka mni (8) bhakativinoda, ka-bhajane, anukla pya jh, prati-divase, parama-sukhe, svkra karaye th

109 Oh My Dear Mind, Worship!

rla Govinda dsaKavirja

(1) Oh my dear mind, worship, Beautiful Nandas son, (Sr Nanda-nandana) And by His lotus feet, Fearlessness comes! With this rare human birth, In saintly company, We can cross over this- worldly sea! (2) In both cold and heat, In wind and rain, I go on without sleep both night and day, Uselessly serving, Wicked and greedy thieves, For just a flickering speck of- happiness! (3) This wealth and youthfulness, These sons and families, Oh what is to become of all these? Like drops on lotus leaves, Our lives are tottering, Oh we must always worship- Haris feet! (4) Hearing and chanting, Always remembering, Praying and serving His lotus feet, Service, worship and friendship, Giving your life and soul, Govinda Ds reveals his- dearmost goal!

(1) bhajah re mana, r nanda-nandana, abhaya-carara vinda re durlabha mnavajanama sat-sage, taraha e bhava-sindhu re (2) ta tapa, vta variaa, e dina ymin jgi re viphale sevinu, kpaa durajana, capala sukha-lava lgi re (3) e dhana, yauvana, putra, parijana, ithe ki che paratti re kamala-dala-jala, jvana alamala, bhajah hari-pada niti re (4) ravaa, krtana, smaraa, vandana, pda-sevana, dsya re pjana, sakh-jana, tma-nivedana, govinda-dsa-abhilsa re


r Dmodarakam--Satyavrata Muni

Eight Prayers To Dmodara

(1) I bow to the Lord whose form is Sacidananda, Whose earrings swing while He plays in Gokula Vraja, Jumping down He runs fast in fear of Yaod, Chasing just behind Him and caught by that Gopya! (2) Crying He rubs His two eyes again and again, Peaking out with fear from His lotus-like hands, Sobbing, His three-lined neck is shaking in motion, With the pearls on Dmodar, bound by devotion! (3) His own pastimes like these, bring shower pools of joy, Immersing the cow herders and making it known, That His majesty is conquered by Devotion. With this love I offer praise forever unto Him! (4) God of boons, I dont pray for any salvation I dont ask for any other benediction, Lord may Your own form as cowherd boy Gopla, Always appear in my heart, this and no other! (5) May this lotus face of Yours a dark bluish gem, Framed by Your soft curly locks reddish color tinged, Kissing with Your smiling bimba fruit reddish lipsManifest in my heart other boons are useless! (6) I bow to Lord Dmodar, Limitless Viu, Be pleased Master Im sunk in oceans of sorrow, Rain You glance of mercy upon this fallen fool, Accept me Lord as I am, come let me see You!

(7) Kuveras two sons saw Your form bound to the mortar, You granted them liberation and pure devotion, Please give me this devotion of pure divine love, Liberation I dont crave, just (this) Dmodara! (8) I bow to Your waist- rope and to Your bright abode, Unto Your divine belly, shelter for the world, I bow unto Rdhik, Your most beloved, I bow to Your endless pastimes, and to You (my) Lord!

(1) nammvara sac-cid-nanda-rpa lasat-kuala gokule bhrjamnam yaod-bhiyolkhald dhvamna parmam atya tato drutya gopy (2) rudanta muhur netra-yugma mjata karmbhoja-yugmena staka-netram muhu vsa-kampa-tri-rekhka-kahasthita-graiva-dmodara bhakti-baddham (3) itdk sva-llbhir nanda-kue sva-ghoa nimajjantam khypayantam tadyeita-jeu bhaktair jitatva puna prematas ta atvtti vande (4) vara deva! moka na mokvadhi v na cnya ve ha vared apha ida te vapur ntha! gopla-bla sad me manasy virst kim anyai

(5) ida te mukhmbhojam avyakta-nlair vta kuntalai snigdha-raktai ca gopy muhu cumbita bimba-raktdhara me manasy virstm ala laka-lbhai (5) (6) namo deva! dmodarnanta vio! prasda prabho! dukha-jlbdhi-magnam kp-di-vyti-dna batnu ghea! mm ajam edhy aki-dya (7) kuvertmajau baddha-mrtyaiva yadvat tvay mocitau bhakti-bhjau ktau ca tath prema-bhakti svak me prayaccha na moke graho me sti dmodareha (8) namas te stu dmne sphurad dpti-dhmne tvadyodarytha vivasya dhmne namo rdhikyai tvadya priyyai namo nanta-llya devya tubhyam

113 Ka will Be Your Virtue!

rla A.C. Bhaktivednta Swmi Prabhupda

Brothers- Ka will be your virtueThis virtue will come to be, When Rdhrni is pleased, Surely I declare this to be true! (1) r Siddhnta Sarasvat, So dear to the son of ac, Whose service to Ka cant compare, This person-the greatest master, Within all the universe, Bestows Ka Bhakti here and there! (2) By the power of his will, Everywhere throughout the world, Coming through the name of Gaurga, Every place on earth to be, From the rivers to the sea, All can take the holy name of Ka! (3) And with this great joy will come, Victory in all directions, By the flowing mercy of Caitanya, Once in Mayas misery, Now the world can become happy, Fulfilling the wish of the Vaiavas!

ka tava puya habe bhi e puya karibe jabe, rdhrni khu habe, druva ati boli tom ti 1) r-siddhnta saraswat, ac-suta priya ati, ka-sevya jra tula ni sei se mohnta-guru jagatera madhye uru, ka-bhakti deya hi hi (2) tra icch balavn, pactyete hn hn, haya jte gaurgera nma pthivte nagardi, samudra nada-nad, sakale-i laya ka nma (3) thale nanda haya, tabe haya divijaya caitanyera kp atiaya my dua jata dukh, jagate sabi sukh, vaiavera icch pra haya

(4) If the task he ordered, Was given to me, Im unworthy, wretched and fallen, But just so Your mercy comes, At this time for everyone, Youve arranged all this by Your wisdom! (5) That power which comes from You, Gives real service to the guru, And this is lifes greatest perfection, Obtaining Sri Guru service, Fulfills one with happiness, And one meets with You, by great fortune! (6) Following the fallen people In this worldly life, I fell in the snake pit of Material desires, Your servant accepted me, And purified my soul, How can I give up serving Your servants- Oh my Lord? (7) Though Youre my eternal friend, I forgot by Mayas kicking Suffering birth after birth in pain, Today if this rare occasion, Comes again to bring our union, Surely I could meet with You then!

(4) se krya je karibre, j jadi dile more, jogya nahi ati dna hna ti se tomra kp, jagiteche anurp, ji tumi sabra prava (5) tomra se akti pele, guru-sev vastu mile, jvana srthaka jadi hoya sei se sev pele thale sukh hale, tava saga bhgyete miloya (6)
eva jana nipatita prabhavhi-kpe, kmbhikmam anu ya prapatam prasagt, ktvtmast surari bhgavan ghta, so ha katha nu visje tava bhtya-sevm

rmad Bhgavatam 7.9.28) Pralad Maharaj

(7) tumi mora cira-sth, bhuliy myralthi, khiychi janma-janmntare ji puna e sujoga, jadi hoya jogjoga, tabe pri tuhe milibre

(8) In Your meeting, oh brothers, Ill get happiness once more, Herding cows and strolling for some time, In forests joking around, Rolling on the forest ground, Oh when will this day become mine? (9) In a very nice way, Your remembrance come today, With great longing I called out to You, I am Your eternal servantTherefore I keep this wish, Ive no other shelter but You! (8) tomra milane bhi, bra se sukha pi, gocrae ghuri dina bhora, koto bane chuchui, bane khi lupui, sei dina kabe habe mora 9) ji se suvidhne, tomra smaraa bhela, boro kilma ti, mi tomra nity-dsa, ti kari eto a, tumi bin anya gati ni

116 In The Temple of My Heart!

Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur

(1) In the temple of my heart, Please stay day and night, Krsna Murari Sri Krsna Murari! (2) Devotion, love, Flower garlands, sandal, You accept Oh please accept, Delight my soul! (3) In life or in death -Your worship, For this I now pray, Beautiful one, Oh You steal my mind away! (4) Please come Nanda Kumar, Oh Nanda Kumar, Your arati will be, With a fire lamp of my love! (5) From my eyes Jamuna, Flows in never ending streams, In Your separation Giridhari! (6) Absorbed in songs of Your praise, I shall pass my life this way, Krsna Murari Sri Krsna Murari!

(1) mama mana mandire raha nisi dina, krsna murari sri krsna murari (2) bhakti priti mala candan, tumi nio he nio citta nandan (3) jivana marana tava puja nivedana, sundara he mana-hari (4) eso nanda kumar ara nanda kumar, habe prema pradipe arati tomara (5) nayana jamuna jhare anibara, tomara virahe giridhari (6) vadane gane tava bajuka jivana, krsna murari sri krsna murari

from Gt-Govinda - r Magala-Gtam-----r Jayadeva Gosvm

Beautiful Auspicious Song

(1) Rdha Ka Govinda Gopla Nandas darling, Yaods dear, Jaya Jaya Deva Hare! (2) At the Goddesss full abode You rest, Oh with earrings bedecked, Wearing charming forest flower garlands, Jaya Jaya Deva Hare! (3 Like the Suns ornaments shining through space, Cutting through this dark place, Gliding like a swan through great minds, Jaya Jaya Deva Hare! (4) Kicking out Klia serpents poisonous pride, To the peoples delight, Oh Sun to the blooming lotus Yadus, Jaya Jaya Deva Hare! (5) Madhu, Mura, Narak demons You defeat, On Garuas back seat, Oh You make the demigods so happy, Jaya Jaya Deva Hare! (6) Oh Lord with large lotus petal-like eyes, Far beyond earth and skies, Treasure house of all three worlds and heavens, Jaya Jaya Deva Hare!

(1) rdhe ka govinda gopla nanda-dulla yaod-dulla jaya jaya deva! hare (2) rita-kamalkuca-maala! dhta-kuala! e kalita-lalita-vanaml! jaya jaya deva! hare (3) dina-mai-maala-maana! bhava-khaana! e muni-jana-mnasa-hasa! jaya jaya deva! hare (4) klya-via-dhara-gajana! jana-rajana! e yadu-kula-nalina-dinea! jaya jaya deva! hare (5) madhu-mura-naraka-vinana! garusana! e sura-kula-keli-nidna! jaya jaya deva! hare (6) amala-kamala-dala-locana! bhava-mocana! e tri-bhuvana-bhavana-nidhna! jaya jaya deva! hare

(7) You became the ornament Of Janakas daughter, And ridder of evil, Piercing the ten-headed one in battle, Jaya Jaya Deva Hare! (8) Like the dark rain cloud colored so beautiful, Sporting Mandara hill, Drinking moonbeams From the face of Rdh, Jaya Jaya Deva Hare! (9) At Your lotus feet we bow to the ground, Oh remember us now, Grant auspiciousness as we pray, Jaya Jaya Deva Hare! (10) This poet, r Jayadeva now gives, In great happiness, This effulgent song so auspicious, Jaya Jaya Deva Hare! (7) janaka-sut-kta-bhaa! jita-daa! e samara-amita-daakaha! jaya jaya deva! hare (8) abhinava-jaladhara-sundara! dhta-mandara! e r-mukha-candra-cakora! jaya jaya deva! hare (9) tava carae praat vayam iti bhvaya e kuru kuala praateu jaya jaya deva! hare (10) r-jayadeva-kaver ida kurute mudam magalam-ujjvala-gta jaya jaya deva! hare

119 O Mind Youre So Fond Of Playing....

kalyna-kalpataru-2- rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Oh mind youre so fond of playingIn the waves of lust! Carnal lust you should reject, And pure lust in service get, In expanding transcendental pastimes! (2) Temporary mundane lust, Without peace and very restless, Has a thirst which never will be through, Lust makes you want many things, And though you cant get all these, Whatever you do get, will leave you! (3) Though youve served this lust so long, It cant serve you in return, In distress Vinods body burns up, Renouncing the false lust, Become filled with true lust, Worshiping Vndvans sweet cupid! (4) With his flower arrows piercing, Into your eternal body, Youll become completely filled With pure love!

(1) mana tumi bhlabsa kmera taraga, jaa-kma parihari, uddha-kma-sev kari, vistraha aprkta raga (2) anitya jaiya kma, nti-hna avirma, nhi the pipsra bhaga, kmera smagr co, tabu th nhi po, pileo che taba saga (3) tumi sev kara yre, se tom bhajite nre, dukhe jvale vinodera aga, chda tabe mich kma, hao tumi satya kma, bhaja vndvanera anaga, (4) yhra kusuma are, tava nitya kalevare, vypta habe prema antaraga

120 Oh Mind -Why this Useless Worship?

Kalyna-kalpataru-1- rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) Oh mind, Why the useless worship, of false things? Earth, air, water, fire, ether, These arent worthy of the jva, In this vast inauspicious ocean! 2) The pure souls beyond all this, Are spotless and all-auspicious, Beyond Maya and vessels of prem, Your real existence is pure, Brother why are you enamored, By this dull world time and time again? (3) Envision this - one moment Your soul in pure nectars current, And by your highest understanding, Become the form of your soul, Under r Caitanyas shelter, In Vndvan always residing! (4) For all time with the sakhs, In ecstatic pastimes serving. Make the Couple's worship all in all, Such conjugal treasure chest, Only fools would give up this, I do not see any other goal!

(1) mana re kena miche bhajicha asra, bhta-maya e-sasra, jvera pakete chra, amagala-samudra apra (2) bhttta uddha-jva, nirajana sad-iva, mytta premera dhra, tava uddha-satt ti, e-jaa-jagate bhi, kena mugdha hao bra bra (3) phire dekha eka-bra, tm amtera dhra, tte buddhi ucita tomra, tumi tm-rpi haye, r-caitanya-samraye, vndvane thka anivra (4) nity-kla sakh-sage, parnanda-sev-rage, jugala-bhajana kara sra e-hena jugala-dhana, chre jei murkha jana, tra gati nhi dekhi ra

r rmad Bhakti Prajna Keava Gosvm Mahrja

Auspicious rati

(1) Glories to the auspicious forms of Sri Guru and GauraGlories to Sri Radha-Krishna, And Their sweet affection! (2) Auspicious night-ending pastimes, To auspicious dawn, Mangal rati wakes this within, The devotees hearts! (3) Your pastimes of peaceful sleeping, Holds all souls asleep, But Your merciful arising, Has all the world waking! (4) Now shower Your glance of kindness, On this world so dark, Awaken that most auspicious, Affection to my heart! (5) The parrots, peacocks, and cuckoos, Wait anxious to sing, For this most auspicious moment, Of Your sweet awakening! (6) In the trees the birds start singing, Morning melodies, Their soft, sweet echoing songs, Grace all living beings!

(1) magala r guru-gaura magala mrati magala r rdh-ka -yugala-priti (2) magala ninta-ll magala udaye magala rati jge bhakata-hdaye (3) tomra nidrya jva nidrita dharya tava jgarae viv jgarita haya (4) ubha di kara ebe jagatera prati jguka hdaye mora sumagal rati (5) mayra ukdi sri kata pikarja magala jgara-hetu kariche virja (6) sumadhura dhvani kare jata kh-gaa magala ravae bje madhura kjana

(7) From rhythmic waves in the ponds, Lotuses are swaying, Such auspicious fragrant breezes, Flow about so pleasing! (8) Cymbals, gongs, and bells are ringing, With conch-shells and karatals, Auspicious mdagas playing, Sounds of supreme nectar! (9) At this most auspicious rati, With the group of Bhaktas, Unfortunate Keava sings, Nma Sakrtana! (Sri Kesava dasa sings, Nama sankirtan!) (7) kusumita sarovare kamala-hillola magala saurabha vahe pavana kallola (8) jhjhara ksara gha akha karatla magala mdaga bje parama rasla (9) magala rati kare bhakatera gaa abhg keava kare nma-sakrtana (r keavera dsa kahe nma-sakrtana )


Kalyna-kalpataru 54-Vibhvar-ea--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

The Night is Ending!

(1) The night is ending, the light is entering, Give up your sleep and arise spirit soul, Chant Hari Hari, Mukunda Murri, Rma Ka Hayagrva! (2) Nsiha Vmana, r Madhusdana, Vrajendras dear son yma, Killer of Ptan, slayer of Kaiabha, Jaya Darathis Rma! (3) Darling of Yaod, Govinda Gopla, Heavenly king of Vndvan, The Gops dearest one, Delight of Rdhik, The worlds most beautiful person! (4) Rvaas life-taker, butter and cream taker, Robber of young gops clothing, Vrajas protector, Cowherd boys keeper, He steals all hearts holding Vasi! (5) Great yogis praise Him, beautiful Nandas son, He removes fear (of the people) in Vndvan, Like dark fresh clouds of rain, Whos form steals hearts away, With His enchanting flute playing! (6) Yaods tender son, Kasas destruction, He enjoys playing in gardens, Under Kadamba trees, dancing so ardently, Within the groves of Vndvan!

(1) vibhvar-ea, loka-pravea, nidr chi uha jva bala hari hari, mukunda murri, rma ka hayagrva (2) nsiha vmana, r madhusdana, vrajendra-nandana yma ptan-ghtana, kaiabha-tana, jaya darathi-rma (3) yaod-dulla, govinda gopla, vndvana-purandara gop-priya-jana, rdhik-ramaa, bhuvana-sundara-vara (4) rvantakara, mkhana-taskara, gop-jana-vastra-hr vrajera rkhla, gopa-vnda-pla, citta-hr va-dhr (5) yogndra-vandana, r nanda-nandana, vraja-jana-bhaya-hr navna-nrada, rpa-manohara, mohana-va-vihr (6) yaod-nandana, kasa-nisdana, nikuja-rsa-vils kadamba-knana, rsa-paryaa, vnd-vipina-nivs

(7) Happiness increaser, Loves only shelter, Archer of honey eyed arrows, Flooding the cowherd girls Minds with pleasure, Abode of all wondrous virtues! (8) Yamuns life and soul, Devout in love sports, Moon for *Cakora-like minds, With these pure nectar names, Sing about Kas fame, Keeping these words Within your mind! (7) nanda-vardhana, prema-niketana, phula-ara-yojaka kma gopgan-gaacitta-vinodana, samasta-gua-gaa-dhma (8) ymuna-jvana, keli-paryaa, mnasa-candra-cakora nma-sudh-rasa, go ka-yaa rkho vacana mana mora

Bandhu-Sage--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura*

Company of Friends

(1) With your friends and family always, Laughing and joking! If you keep this wish, If you keep this wish, Then you should accept my words And do not go Oh do not goClose to the sacred Kei Ghat in Mathur! (2) There Govindas form is standing, It is He the thief Hari! While His crooked glance is scorching, His face smiles sweetly! In His three fold bending pose, How His dark ym color glows, Tender as new leaves, His glamorous beautiful limbs show! (3) He with vamsi at His lips, Root holder of all mischief, Crowned with peacock feathers, brother, (sister) Have no faith in this! (4) Those whose eyes see this form, Will never return home, That home and worldly life will all become undone! (That's why my mind is so alarmed) At that Ghat is heavy danger, Dont go there oh earth enjoyersClose to the sacred Kei ghat in Mathur!

(1) bandhu-sage yadi tava raga parihsa, thke abhila (thke abhila) tabe mora kath rkha, jeyo nko jeyo nko, mathurya ke-trtha-ghera saka (2) govinda vigraha dhari, tathya chena hari, nayane vakima-di, mukhe manda-hsa kiv tri-bhagama hma, vara samujjvala yma, nava-kialaya obh r age praka (2) adhare va- tra, anarthera mldhra, ikhi-ckeo bhi koro n vivsa (4) se mrti nayane here, keha nhi ghare phire, sasr ghra je go hoya sarva-na (ti mora mane baa trsa) ghaibe vipada bhr, jeyo nko he sasri, mathurya ke-trtha-ghera saka

prarthana-29 -hari hari! kabe haba vndvana-vs----rla Narottama dsa hkura

Hari Hari, When in Vndvan will I reside?

(1) Hari Hari, When in Vrindavan will I reside? Beholding the Couple's beauty, With my very eyes! (2) Giving up the joy of sleeping, On a bed of comfort, When will all my limbs become grey, In the dust of Vraja? (3) Leaving the desire to taste, All six different flavors, When in Vraja will I go beg, Like bees gather nectar? (4) I will go on Parikram, From forest to forest, On the banks of Yamun, I shall go and take rest! ( 5) Burning I will seek shelter, Of the cooling Vamsi grove, Oh when in a kunj will I sit, Close to the Vaishnava? ( 6) Narottama dsa says, Leaving other things behind, Oh when will a day such as this, Truly become mine?

(1) hari hari! kabe haba vndvana-vs nirakhiba nayane yugala-rpa-ri (2) tyajiy ayana-sukha vicitra plaka kabe vrajera dhlya dhsara habe aga (3) a-rasa bhojana dre parihari kabe vraje mgiy khiba mdhukar (4) parikram kariy beba vane-vane virma koriba ji yamun-pline (5) tpa dra kariba tala va-vae (kabe) kuje baihaba hma vaiava-nikae (6) narottama dsa kahe kari parihra kabe v emana da haibe mra


-r rmad Bhaktivednta Nryaa Mahrja

Giving Joy!

Giving joy to peoples hearts in Braja, Rdhe ym ym ym! (1) With peacock crownAnd swinging fish shaped earrings, Round His neck five colored garland, Ankle bells jingling with sweet rasa, Rdhe ym ym ym! (2) His face so beautiful with lotus petal eyes, His bending form steals the mind, Playing His enchanting Va, Rdhe ym ym ym! (3) In Vndvan, He takes the cows grazing, And steals the Gops hearts away! r Govrdhan He is holding, Rdhe ym ym ym! (4) Rdh and Ka together as OneDescending in the form of Gaura Preaching the Kirtan dharma, Rdhe ym ym ym! (5) Except You I havent any otherBut in You're name-form You have come, Your lotus feet are full of wonderRdhe ym ym ym! They fill Nryana with wonder! Rdhe ym ym ym!

vraja-jana-mana-sukhakr rdhe sym sym sym (1) mor mukua makarkta-kuala, gala vaijayant-mla, caraana npura rasla rdhe sym sym sym (2) sundara vadana kamala-dala locana, bk cita-vana-hr, mohana-va-vihr rdhe sym sym sym (3 ) vndvana me dhenu carve, gop-jana manahr r govardhana-dhr rdhe sym sym sym (4) rdh-ka mili aba dou, gaura-rpa avatr krtana dharma pracr rdhe sym sym sym (5) tum vin mere aur na koi, nma-rpa avatr caraana m balihr, rdhe sym sym sym nryaa balihr, rdhe sym sym sym

128 The Glories of Following r Rpa

Prrthan- 17 r rpnugatya mhtmya- by rla Narottam Dsa hkura

(1) Ive heard from the lips of sadhus Telling all the people, By r Rpas mercy one meets, The feet of the Couple! (2) Oh dear prabhu, Santana, Oh Gauras companions, My wishes will become fulfilled, Upon meeting all them! (3) May the mercy of r Rpa Come upon me A great soul is one who takes, Shelter of his feet. (4) Oh when will my Lokanatha, Take me with him, To r Rpas lotus feet and, Offer me to them? (5) When such thing happens to me, All the Narma Sakhis, Will instruct Narottama who, Follows them completely!

(1) uniychi sdhu mukhe bale sarva-jana r-rpa-kpya mile yugala-caraa (2) h h prabhu! santana gaura paribra sabe mili vccha pra karaha mara (3) r-rpera kp jena mra prati haya se pada raya jra sei mahaya (4) prabhu lokantha kabe sage lai jbe r-rpera pda-padme more samarpibe (5) hena ki haibe mora narma-sakh-gaa anugata narottama karibe ane

129 Eight Prayers To The Divine Couple

(yugalakam) - rla Jva Goswmi

(1) Love of Krsna pervades Rdh, Love of Rdh pervades Hari, In life or in death, foreverRdh Ka are my shelter!

(1) krsna-prema-mayi radha. radha prema-mayo harih jivane nidhane nityam, radha-krsnau gatir mama

(2) Kas great treasure is Rdh, Rdhs great treasure is Hari, In life or in death, foreverRdh Ka are my shelter! (3) Kas living force is Radha, Rdh's living force is Hari, In life or in death, foreverRdh Ka are my shelter! (4) Melting with Ka is Rdh, Melting with Rdh is Hari, In life or in death, foreverRdh Ka are my shelter! (5) Fixed at Ka's form is Rdh, Fixed at Rdh's form is Hari, In life or in death, foreverRdh Ka are my shelter! (6) Fixed in Ka's heart is Rdh, Fixed in Rdh's heart is Hari, In life or in death, forever Rdh Ka are my shelter! (7) Bluish cloth is worn by Rdh, Yellow cloth is worn by Hari, In life or in death, foreverRdh Ka are my shelter! (8) Queen of Vrindavan is Rdh Ka is Vndvanas King, In life or in death foreverRdh Ka are my shelter!

(2) krsnasya dravinam radha, radhaya dravinam harih jivane nidhane nityam, radha-krsnau gatir mama (3) krsna-prana-mayi radha, radha-prana-mayo harih jivane nidhane nityam, radha-krsnau gatir mama (4) krsna-drava-mayi radha, radha-drava-mayo harih jivane nidhane nityam, radha-krsnau gatir mama (5) krsna-gehe sthita radha, radha-gehe sthito harih jivane nidhane nityam, radha-krsnau gatir mama (6) krsna-citta-sthita radha, radha-citta-sthito harih harih jivane nidhane nityam, radha-krsnau gatir mama (7) nilambara-dhara radha, pitambara-dharo hari jivane nidhane nityam, radha-krsnau gatir mama (8) vrndavanesvari radha, krsno vrndavanesvarah jivane nidhane nityam, radha-krsnau gatir mama



r a-Gosvmyaakam--rla rnivsa crya

Six Goswami Astakam

(1) Singing, dancing in Ka krtan so absorbed, In nectar oceans of Divine love. Cultured or uncultured people they endear, So dear to all, without envy. Bearing r Caitanyas mercy in this world, Relieving earths heavy burdens. Praise to Rpa, Santana, Raghu-yugau r Jva Goplakau (2) From pure scriptures they extract essence expertly, Establishing everlasting truth. Helping everyone here and praised in all three worlds, Most kind to those seeking shelter. Blissful worship of Radha Krsnas lotus feet, And maddened by Their sweet fragrance, Praise to Rpa, Santana, Raghu-yugau r Jva Goplakau (3) Filled with so much deep faith for Lord Sri Gauranga, While glorifying His qualities, Removing the sad miseries of sinful souls, With nectar songs of Govinda. Most expert at increasing great oceans of bliss, Saviors from spiritual emptiness. Praise to Rpa, Santana, Raghu-yugau, r Jva Goplakau (4) Quickly giving up wealth and prestige from the kings, And never thinking it valuable. With compassion and caring for the poor they wore, Small tattered pieces of clothing. Submerged deeply in gop moods they always bathe, In nectar wave after nectar wave! Praise to Rpa, Santana, Raghu-yugau, r Jva Goplakau

(1) kotkrtana-gna-nartana-parau premmtmbho-nidh dhrdhra-jana-priyau priya-karau nirmatsarau pjitau r-caitanya-kp-bharau bhuvi bhuvo bhrvahantrakau- vande rpasantanau raghu-yugau r-jva-goplakau (2) nn-stra-vicraaika-nipuau sad-dharma-sasthpakau lokn hita-kriau tri-bhuvane mnyau araykarau rdh-ka-padravinda-bhajan nandena mattlikau- vande rpasantanau raghu-yugau r-jva-goplakau (3) r-gaurga-gunuvaranavidhau raddh-samddhy-anvitau ppottpa-nikntanau tanu-bht govinda-gnmtai nandmbudhi-vardhanaika-nipuau kaivalya-nistrakauvande rpa-santanau raghu-yugau r-jva-goplakau (4) tyaktv tram aea-maala-patire sad tuccha-vat bhtv dna-gaeakau karuay kaupna-kanthritau gop-bhva-rasmtbdhi-laharkallola-magnau muhur-vande rpa-santanau raghu-yugau r-jva-goplakau

(5) Cooing cuckoos crowded with flocks of cranes and swans, And wonderful dancing peacocks. Trees with jewels covered round their roots so beautiful, The divine splendor of Vndvan! Serving eagerly Rdh Ka day and night, They grant our souls This with great delight! Praise to Rpa, Santana, Raghu-yugau, r Jva Goplakau (6) In their schedule they bowed and sang the Holy Names, Using their valuable time this way. Eating, sleeping, and playing were conquered by them, Yet they remained meek and humble. Rdh Kas sweet qualities- remembering, With joy- completely enchanted. Praise to Rpa, Santana, Raghu-yugau, r Jva Goplakau (7) On the banks of the Rdh-kud or Jamun, Or Vasi-vat they would stay. Always madly seized by endless ecstasy, Obsessed in madness of divine love. Often singing the wondrous glories of Hari, So love stricken with great delight. Praise to Rpa, Santana, Raghu-yugau, r Jva Goplakau (8) Hey Rdhe! Vrajas goddess and Lalite! Hey Nandaa son Oh where are You? At r Govrdhan under wish-fulfilling trees, Or on the banks of Jamun? Loudly calling and crying everywhere in Vraja, Burning in great separation. Praise to Rpa, Santana, Raghu-yugau, r Jva Goplakau!

(5) kjat-kokila-hasa-srasa-ga kre mayrkule nn-ratna-nibaddha-mla-viapar-yukta-vndvane rdh-kam ahar-nia prabhajatau jvrthadau yau mud --vande rpa-santanau raghu-yugau r-jva-goplakau (6) sakhy-prvaka-nma-gna-natibhi klvasn-ktau nidrhra-vihrakdi-vijitau ctyanta-dnau ca yau rdh-ka-gua-smter madhurimn andena sammohitau--vande rpa-santanau raghu-yugau r-jva-goplakau (7) rdh-kua-tae kalinda-tanaytre ca vavae premonmda-vad aea-daay grastau pramattau sad gyantau ca kad harer gua-vara bhvbhibhtau mud--vande rpa-santanau raghu-yugau r-jva-goplakau (8) he rdhe! vraja-devike! ca lalite! he nanda-sno! kuta r-govardhana-kalpa-pdapa-tale klind-vanye kuta ghoantv iti sarvato vraja-pure khedair mah-vihvalau--vande rpa-santanau raghu-yugau r-jva-goplakau


133 Oh When Will My Foolish Mind Quit ?

Kalya-kalpataru -43 rla Bhaktiviinoda hkura

(1) Oh when will my foolish mind quit, Other meditations.. And at the feet of r Ka, Get a place to rest on? (2) Oh when will I understand, Just how small I am, That I am the least among, Any other person! (3) Oh when will I show respect, To the outcast persons, Begging them for just a little, Devotion to Ka! (4) When will I have true compassion, For all living beings, Seeing their sad future ahead, I will fall down crying! (5) Weeping and weeping Ill go Off to Vndvana, In Vrajadhm Ill take shelter, Of a pure Vaiava! (6) To that resident of Vraja, I will fold my palms, And enquire most intently, Where were all the pastimes.

(1) kabe mora mudha mana chi anya dhyna r-ka-carae pbe virmera sthna (2) kabe mi jniba pane akicana mr apek kudra nhi anya jana ( 3) kabe mi candle kariba praati, ka-bhakti mgi lava kariy minati (4) sarva-jva day mora katadine habe jvera durgati dekhi lotake paibibe (5) kndite kndite mi jba vndvana, braja-dhme vaiavera laiba araa (6) brajavsi-sannidhne yui dui kar jijsibo ll-sthna haiy ktara

(7) Oh my dearest Vrajavsi, Kindly favor me, Show me where the pastime places, Were performed by Hari (8) Then that resident of Vraja, With a heart of kindness, Will go taking me along, Deep within the forest! (9) He will say Oh just see this, Forest of Kadamba, Here rsa ll took place by, Brajendra-Nandana! (10) Just look- here is Nanda grma, The abode of Nanda! And see -heres where Baladeva, Performed His rsll! (11) Look this is where Ka stole, All the gops clothing!, Here at this place Baksura, Met his final ending! (12) This body in Vndavan, With that Vrajavsi, Will behold the pastime places, With my eyes so thirsty! (13) Sometimes on Yamuns banks, Hearing a flute playing, So uncontrolled I will become, Absorbed in deep feeling!

(7) ohe brajavsi more anugraha kari dekho kothy ll korilena hari (8) tabe kona braja-jana sakpa-antare mre ybena laye bipina-bhitare (9) balibena, dekha ei kadamba-knana yath rsa-ll kaila brajendra-nandana (10) ai dekho nanda-grma nandera bsa, ai deka baladeva yath kaila rsa (11) ai dekho yath haila dukula-harana ai sthne baksura haila nidhna (12) ei-rpe braja-jana saha vndvane, dekhiba llra-sthna satna-nayane (13) kabhu v jamun tre uni vasidhvani abaa haiy lbha kariba dhara


(14) That merciful one from Vraja, Chanting Ka! Ka! Will fill up his palms with water, And then give me some! (15) By hearing the Holy names, Ill again be conscious, And continue wandering, With that one from Vraja. (16) When this most auspicious day, Will belong to meI will walk from door to door, Begging like a bee! (Doing madhukari) (17) Ill drink filling up my palms, With Yamun water, At night Ill fall fast asleep, Near a temple door! (18) Finally time will approach me, For this mortal body, All the fish and turtles will feast, In a great festivity! (19) At the sakhs feet Ill sit, In my own true form and kuj, For all time Ill live there and serve My great treasure Ka! (20) A most worthless sinner is, Offering this prayer, Oh r Jhnav give mercy, To this one just now! (14) kpmaya vraja-jana ka ka boli pna karibe jal puriy anjali (15) hari-nma une puna piy cetana braja-jana-saha mi kariba bhramana (16) kabe heno subhadina haibe mra madhukari kari beibo dvra dvra (17) jamun-salila piba njali bhariy deva-dvre rtri-kle rahiba uiy (18) yakhana sibe kla e bhautika pura jala-jantu-mahotsava haibe pracura (19) siddha dehe nija-kuje sakhira carae nitya-kla thkiy sevibo ka-dhane (20) ei se prrthan kare e- pmara chra r jhnav more day kara ei bra

Kalyna-kalpataru-- 59----rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

At Jamuns Riverbank

(1) Near river Jamun, In groves of Kadamba, What did I see today Saki? A dark boy holds a flute, Upon a throne of jewels, In pastimes as Rsa-King! (2) Krsna is playing in, Streams of moonbeams, (There are) Eight petals surroundingr Rdh, r Hari, As Their eight attendant sakhs! (3) Sweet songs and dancing, By all of the sakhs, Satisfies the precious Couple, Ka ll I see, In natures beauty, Spreading splendor in the forest! (4) I shall not return home, To that forest Ill go, Due to this sweet nectar ll, Giving up family shame, I will serve Vrajas kingThis is the prayer of Vinoda!

(1) yamun-puline, kadamba-knane, ki herinu sakhi! ja yma vadhr, mai-macopari, kare ll rasarja (2) ka-keli sudhprasravana aa-dalopari, r rdh r hari, aa-sakh parijana (3) sugta-nartane, saba sakh-gae, tuiche yugala-dhane ka-ll heri, prakti-sundar, vistriche obh vane (4) ghare n jiba, vane praveiba, o ll-rasera tare tyaji kula-lja, bhaja vraja-rja, vinoda minati kare


Hari Hari , Oh When Will this Become my Condition?

Prrthan- 27--rla Narottam dsa hkura

(1) Hari Hari , Oh when will this become my condition? Leaving aside all that I own, Going off to Vndvan (Dhm) When will this be my minds firm decision? (2) Wealth, followers, children and spouse, When will all these I renounce, Then alone Ill go off far away, Giving up all suffering, There in Vndvan residing, And to eat Ill beg just like a bee

(1) hari hari!, ra kabe plaibe da e saba kariy bme, jba vndvana-dhme ei mane kariychi (2) dhana jana ptra dvre e saba kariy dre eknta haiy kabe jba saba dukha parihari vndvane bsa kari madhukar mgiy khiba

(3) Yamuns pure waters are, The same as divine nectar, I will fill my belly up by drinking, When in Rdh-kuas water, Will I bathe with (such) great pleasure, Falling at yma-kua and remaining! (4) Traveling through all twelve forests, Where the Rasa dance took place, Rolling on that ground absorbed in prem, Inquiring from every person, Who resides there in Vndvan, I will hold their feet and to them pray! (5) The place where Krsna would eat, Oh when will my eyes perceive, And the many forests here and there, Among them is Vndvan, In the heart of Narottam, Where the Couples feet are my desire! (3) jamunra jala jena, amta samna hena kabe piba udara priy kabe rdha-kua jale snna kari kuthale yma-kue rahiba paiy (4) bhramiba dvdaa bane, rasa-keli je je sthne prembee gaagai diy sudhiba jane jane, vrajabs-gaa-sthne nivediba caraa dhariy (5) bhojanera sthna kabe, nayana-gocara habe ra jata che upabana tra madhye vndvana, naraottama dsera man kare jugala caraa

Gtval -30---rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Yaomats Darling Son

(1) Yaomats darling Son, Greatest love of Vndvan, Gokulas delighter- Kna, Wealth of the gops lives, Cupid-like thief of minds, Chastiser of snake Kliya! (2) These spotless holy names Are full of pleasure pastimes, Ruler of the garden groves, Fresh, most romantic hero, With flute at His lips (Hes) Dressed so fine! (3) Vraja peoples protector, Demon familys destroyer, Keeper of the cow-wealth of Nanda, Govinda Mdhava, Thief of the freshest butter, Nandas beautiful Gopala! (4) Yamuns bank stroller, Young gops garment stealer, Merciful relisher of rasa, Beautiful Rdhs lover, Vndvans expert dancer, Shelter of Bhakativinoda!

(1) yaomat-nandana, vraja-vara-ngara, gokula-rajana kna gop-para-dhana, madana-manohara, klya-damana-vidhna (2) amala harinma amiya-vils vipina-purandara, navna-ngara-vara, va-vadana, suvs (3) vraja-jana-plana, asura-kula-nana, nanda-godhana-rkhowl govinda, mdhava, navanta-taskara, sundara nanda-gopl (4) ymuna-taa-cara , gop-vasanahara, rsa-rasika kpmaya r rdh-vallabha, vndvana-naavara, bhakativinoda-raya

140 (Ka Deva)- I Now Offer this Prayer!

(Ka) Deva! Bhavanta Vande--rla Rpa Gosvm

(1) (Ka) Deva! I offer this prayer.. May my mind like a bee, Become offered at Your feet, Which- are lotuses of nectar! (2) Although in deep samadhi, Even Brahma cannot see, Your toe-tips shinning so brightly, Still I desire this, For Ive heard Oh cutya, Waves of Your wondrous mercy, (3) Although devotion rises, To you Oh Mdhava, Mine isnt even a small seeds worth, But because You are the, Supreme controller of all, You make impossible things possible! (4) Lord of eternity, Im firmly fixed this day, Tasting Your wonderful sweet rasa, It defeats heavens nectar, May my mind always stay there, Relishing the essence of Madhurya!

(1) (ka) deva! bhavanta vande man-mnasa-madhukaram arpaya nija-padapakaja-makarande (2) yadyapi samdhiu vidhir api payati na tava nakhgra-marcim idam icchmi niamya tavcyuta! tad api kpdbhuta-vcim (3) bhaktir udacati yadyapi mdhava! na tvayi mama tila-mtr paramevarat tad api tavdhikadurghaa-ghaana-vidhtr (4) ayam avilolata ydya santana! kalitdbhuta-rasa-bhram nivasatu nityam ihmta-nindini-vindan madhurima-sram

prrthan--26---Narottama Dsa hkura

Hari Hari, How Long?

(1) Hari Hari, How long will this stage take to achieve? Giving up earthly existence, Absorbed in the highest bliss, When will I go off to Vrajabhm! (2) When will I obtain the darana, Of most blissful Vndvana, When will I feel that dust on my body? With my voice choked up with pure love, Taking names of Rdh Ka, While I wander around loudly crying? (3) Going to a secret garden, Ill fall flat upon the ground, Calling Oh Rdhntha while I chant, When at the Yamun river, Will I go and touch the water, Drinking fully from the palm of my hand? (4) When will I attain the call, To enter r rsa maal, Oh when can I roll about this place? In the shade of Vasvaa, Ill become completely blissful, Falling in His shade there I shall stay!

(1) hari hari! ra ki emana dsa haba e bhava sasra tyaji, parama nande maji, ra kabe brajabhme jba (2) sukhamaya vndvana, kabe habe daraana, se dhli lgibe kabe gya preme gadagada hai, rdh-ka-nma laia, kdiy beiba ubhary (3) nibhta nikuja ji, age pranma hai, kiba h rdh ntha! bali kabe yamunra tre, paraa kariba nre, kabe piba kara-pue tuli (4) ara kabe emana haba, r-rsa-maale jba, kabe gaagai diba tya vasvaa-chy pi, parama nanda hai paiy rahiba tra chy


(5) When will my eyes become filled, When I see Govardhan hill, When can I reside in Rdh Kua? When Ive traveled in this way, Will my body will pass away, Says this lowly Narottama dsa!

(5) kabe govardhana giri, dekhiba nayana bhari, kabe habe rdh-kue vsa bhramite bhramite kabe, e deha patana habe, kahe dna narottama dsa


r Madhurakam--rmad Vallabhcrya

Original Lord of Sweetness

(1) Oh how sweet are His lips, and His face is so sweet, Oh how sweet are His eyes oh His smile is sweet, Oh His heart is so sweet -He is sweetly going, The original sweet Lord is completely sweet! (2) Oh how sweetly He speaks, and His nature is sweet, Oh how sweetly Hes dressed, He is sweetly bending, His movements are sweet so sweetly wandering, The original sweet Lord is completely sweet! (3) His flute is so sweet, His foot-dust is sweet, His hands are so sweet , oh how sweet are His feet, His Dancing is sweet, His friendship is sweet, The original sweet Lord is completely sweet! (4) How sweetly He sings, how sweetly He drinks, So sweetly He eats, and sweetly He sleeps, His form is so sweet and His tilak is sweet, The original sweet Lord is completely sweet! (5) Oh how sweet are His deeds and His saving is sweet, Oh how sweetly He theives - sweetly Hes romancing, Oh how sweetly He yawns, sweetly Hes chastising, The original sweet Lord is completely sweet! (6) His Guja is sweet His garlands are sweet, His Jamuna river and Her waves are sweet, He sports very sweetly in lotuses so sweet, The original sweet Lord is completely sweet!

(1) adhara madhura vadana madhura nayana madhura hasita madhuram hdaya madhura gamana madhura madhurdhi-pater akhila madhuram (2) vacana madhura carita madhura vasana madhura valita madhuram calita madhura bhramita madhura madhurdhi-pater akhila madhuram (3) veur madhuro reur madhura pir madhura pdo madhura ntya madhura sakhya madhura madhurdhi-pater akhila madhuram (4) gta madhura pta madhura bhukta madhura supta madhuram rpa madhura tilaka madhura madhurdhi-pater akhila madhuram (5) karaa madhura taraa madhura haraa madhura ramaa madhuram vamita madhura amita madhura madhurdhi-pater akhila madhuram (6) guj madhur ml madhur yamun madhur vc madhur salila madhura kamala madhura madhurdhi-pater akhila madhuram

(7) His Gopis are sweetTheir pastimes are sweet, Their decorations and preparations are sweet, His delight is sweet by embraces so sweet, The original sweet Lord is completely sweet! (8) His cowherd friends, and His cows are sweet, His staff is sweet, His world is sweet, His demon killing and fruit giving are sweet, The original sweet Lord is completely sweet! (7) gop madhur ll madhur yukta madhura bhukta madhuram ha madhura ilia madhura madhurdhi-pater akhila madhuram (8) gop madhur gvo madhur yair madhur sir madhur daita madhura phalita madhura madhurdhi-pater akhila madhuram

another version with a different meter

(5) (1) His deeds and His acts of deliverance are sweet, Sweet are His lips and His face is sweet, His stealing is sweet and His loves ports are sweet, Sweet are His eyes and His smile so sweet. His yawning is sweet and His chastising is sweet, Sweet is His heart, sweet is His walk, Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness! Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness! (6) (2) His guja bead necklace and garlands are sweet, Sweet is His voice and His character, His Jamun river and Her waves are sweet, Sweet is His speech and His attire, That water is sweet and its lotuses are sweet, Sweetly He moves and wanders around, Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness! Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness! (7) (3) His gops are sweet and their pastimes are sweet, Sweet is His flute and His foot-dust is sweet, Their decorations and preparations are sweet, Sweet are His hands and sweet are His feet. In their sweet embrace, His delight is sweet, His dancing is sweet and His friendship is sweet, Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness! Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness! (8) (4) His cowherd friends and cows are sweet, Sweetly He sings, sweetly He drinks, His staff is sweet, His world is sweet, Sweetly He eats and sweetly He sleeps, His demon killing and fruit giving are sweet, His beauty is sweet and His tilak is sweet, Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness. Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness!

Gtval--52---rla Bhaktivinoda hkura--Rama-iromai

Oh Beautiful Crown Jewel

(1) Oh beautiful crown jewel, Vsabhnus darling girl, Veiled with a cloth of bluish color, But when Your complexion shows, It defeats freshly cut gold, Your braid is entwined with Haris soul! (2) Artfully adorned with jewels Scholar of Hari-mellows, On Your lovely forehead tilok shines, Covered by a bright bodice, Gems sparkling round Your neck, Black kjl upon Your love-filled eyes! (3) Giving up everything, For r Rdhs lotus feet, Becoming Her maidservant, Worship Her most carefully! (4) Seeing Her divine beauty, Beaming out effulgent rays, Rati, Gauri, and Ll, Threw their pride away! (5) ac, Lakm, and Saty, Proclaimed their own victory, Had become defeated, Simply by Her feet!

(1) rama-iromai, vabhnu-nandin, nla-vasana-paridhna chinna-puraa jini, vara-vikin, baddha-kavar hari-pr (2) bharaa-mait, hari-rasa-pait, tilaka-suobhita-bhl kaculikcchdit, stana-mamait, kajjala-nayan rasl (3) sakala tyajiy se rdh-carae, ds haye bhaja parama-yatane (4) saundarya-kiraa dekhiy jhra, rati-gaur-ll garva-parihra (5) ac-lakm-saty saubhgya balane, parjita haya jhra carae

(6) Those who control r Ka, Led by Candrvali, Surely must accept defeat, In a quarreling party! (7) To Haris darling Radha, Endeavoring for her feet, Is Bhaktivinoda, At Sri Godrum living! (6) ka-vakre candrval-di, parjaya mne haiy vivd (7) hari-dayita-rdhcaraa-prays, bhakativinoda r-godruma-vs

147 Oh my Lord, Now at this time..!

-Prarthan --51--rla Narotama dsa hkur

(1) Oh my Lord, at this time, Please bestow Your mercy, Seeing the feet of the Couple, My eyes will become successful, This is how my, heart is always longing! (2) Give me service to Your own feet, In this way please dont ignore me, Both my Lords are, oceans of compassion! I dont know anyone but Them, I think this is my great fortune, Though Im sinful, and completely fallen. (3) By the order of Lalit, I will go to Their feet and serve, With dear sakhs, who I have in mind, That Couple of Crown-jewels both know, That I am the poorest of souls, Theyll let me stay, at Their feet nearby! (4) When I get Rdh Kas feet, My heartache will become relieved, All my obstacles, will go far awayNarottama dsa says, If I can attain this wish, What a success, my life will be!

(1) prabhu he! ei bra karaha karu jugala-caraa dekhi, saphala kariba khi ei mora manera kman (2) nija-pada-sev diy, nhi more upekib duhu pahu karu-sgara duhu binu nhi jno ei baa bhgya mno mui baa patita pmara (3) lalit dea p, caraa seviba j priya-sakh sage haya mane duhu dt-iromai, ati dna more jni nikae caraa dibe dne (3) pba rdh ka-p, ghucibe manera gh dre jbe e-saba vikala narottama dse kaya, ei vcch siddhi haya deha pra saphala sakala


Gtaml 63- -rla Bhaktivinoda hkura


(1) Cintmai pervades, Rdh Kua's banks, Of a hundred thousand kujas, Lovely trees of coral, climbing ruby vines, Bending pearl- fruit laden branches! (2) Svnanda Sukhada, an enchanted garden, With a very lovely cottage, When will I sit here, singing Kas names, With a longing to serve Ka! (3) Then at such a time, a divine flute song, Comes within this maidens hearing, Madly feeling bliss, forgetting all else, Only r Kas flute playing! (4) Chanting Rdhe Rdhe, calls out that Mural, The name of my goddess Queen, Startled by such sound, this maiden jumps up, How will I continue living?

(1) cintmai-maya, rdh-kua-taa, the kuja ata ata, prabla vidruma -maya taru-lat, mukta-phale abanata (2) svnanda-sukhada kuja manohara, thte kuira obhe bsiy tathy, gba ka-nma, kabe ka-dsya lobhe (3) emona samoya muralra gna, pasibe e ds-kne nande mtiba, sakala bhuliba, r-ka-vasra gae (4) rdhe rdhe boli, mural kibe, mady var nma uniy camaki, uhibe e dsi, kemone dharibe pra

gtavali--5---r Yugala rati--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Rdh Ka rati

(1) Jaya Jaya Rdh Ka The Couple are meeting! Lalit begins the rati With the group of sakhs. (2) His enchanting cupid form of Three-fold bending beauty, (wirh) Yellow cloth and peacock crown, Steals the heart completely! (3) Left of charming Mdhava Is Vabhnus daughter, With bluish cloth, golden form, And precious character! (4) Decked with dazzling ornaments That sparkle and shine, Upon Her face so radiant, Enchanting Haris mind! (5) All the sakhs singing many Tunes with Vikh, Other priya narma sakhs Fan with the chamara! (6) r Rdh Mdhavas feetHoping to attain this, At the sakhs feet Bhaktivinoda floats in bliss!

(1) jaya jaya rdh-ka yugala-milana rati karaye lalitdi sakh-gaa (1) madana-mohana-rpa tri-bhaga-sundara ptmbara ikhi-pucchacu manohara (2) lalita-mdhava-vme vabhnu-kany nla-vasan gaur rpe gue dhany (3) nn-vidha alakra kare jhalamala hari-mano-vimohana vadana ujjvala (4) vikhdi sakh-gaa nn rge gya priya-narma-sakh jata cmara hulya (5) r rdh-mdhavapada-sarasija-e bhakativinoda sakhpade sukhe bhse

r Tulas Krtana
r Ka Dsa


(1) I bow to You Tulas, Kas dearest, To have Rdh Kas service, This is my wish! (2) One who takes shelter of you, Has their wishes all come true, Giving mercy, you make one, Vndvanas resident! (3) This is my aspirationTo reside in the pleasure gardens, My eyes always beholding, The Couples loveliness! (4) Please take this prayer from meTo faithfully follow the sakhs, Give the privilege of Your service, Making me your maidservant! (5) This lowly Ka-Dsa prays, This will be mine some dayr Rdh Govindas pure love, Always submerged in this !

(1) namo nama tulas ka-preyas rdh-ka-sev pba ei abhil (2) je tomra araa laya, tra vch pra haya kp kari kara tre vndvana-vs (3) mora ei abhila, vilsa-kuje dio vsa nayane heriba sad yugala-rpa-ri (4) ei nivedana dhara, sakhra anugata koro sev-adhikra diy kara nija ds (5) dna ka-dse kaya, ei jena mora haya r-rdh-govinda-preme sad jena bhsi

r Nanda-Nandanakam--An ancient prayer by Vaiava

I Bow My Head To Nandas Son!

(1) To one whose face is delightful, Upon whose ears hang lovely jewels, Covered in paste of sandalwood, I bow my head to Nandas Son! (2) His eyes like blooming lotus flowers, And head bedecked with peacock feathers, Millions of cupids He enchants, I bow my head to Nandas Son! (3) From His nose hangs an elephant pearl, His teeth so bright light up the world, Complexion dark like clouds of rain, I bow my head to Nandas Son! (4 His lotus-like hands hold a flute, He strolls with the gait of an elephant bull, A bright cloth graces His dark limbs, I bow my head to Nandas Son! (5) His beautiful form is curved three ways, His toenails shame the lovely moon, Covered with ornaments and jewels , I bow my head to Nandas Son! (6) His body pours forth sweet fragrance, Kausthubha gem gracefully rests, With rvatsa on His broad chest, I bow my head to Nandas Son!

(1) sucru-vaktra-maala sukara-ratna-kualam sucarcitga-candana nammi nanda-nandanam (2) sudrgha-netra-pakaja ikhi-ikhaa-mrdhajam anaga-koi-mohana nammi nanda-nandanam (3) sunsikgra-mauktika svacchanda-danta-paktikam navmbudga-cikkaa nammi nanda-nandanam (4) karea veu-rajita gati-karndra-gajitam dukla-pta-obhana nammi nanda-nandanam (5) tri-bhaga-deha-sundara nakha-dyuti-sudhkaram amlya-ratna-bhaa nammi nanda-nandanam (5) sugandha-aga-saurabham uro-virji-kaustubham sphurac-chrvatsa-lchana nammi nanda-nandanam

(7) His Vndvan love pastimes are best, In magnificent pastime clothes Hes dressed The pride of the king of heaven smashed, I bow my head to Nandas Son! (8) The leader of Vraja Gopis, Gives joy to them perpetually, Alluring the hearts of all living beings, I bow my head to Nandas Son! (9 Reciting this prayer faithfully, One crosses this world easily, Reaching the realm of the Lords feet, The beautiful son of Nanda! (7) vndvana-sungara vilsnuga-vsasam surendra-garva-mocana nammi nanda-nandanam (8) vrajgan-sunyaka sad sukha-pradyakam jagan-mana pralobhana nammi nanda-nandanam (9) r-nanda -nandanaka pahed ya raddhaynvita tared bhavbdhi dustara labhet tad-aghri-yugmakam


Gtaml-64--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Alone in my cottage

(1) Alone in my cottage, absorbed in remembrance, Of r Rdhs lotus feet, r Rpa Majar, very softly stepping, Comes to say something to me! (2) She says Oh dear saki, why do you sit down here? Look outside and see whos coming! The Couple are meeting, in Their splendorous beauty, You can be a maid at Their feet! (3) Their perfected moods are, Vraja gops fortune, Restless with chaste pure devotion, Meditating yogis, knowing the formless, Cannot reach this high position! (4) Beholding this vision, of the mid-day pastimes, Wishing to serve Rdhs feet, I shall serve with great care, and complete attention, r Rdhs lotus foot treasury!

(1) nirjana kure, r rdh-caraa, smarae thkibo rata r rpa majar, dhire dhire si, kohibe mya kata (2) bolibe o sakh! ki kara basiy, dekhaha bhire si, yugala milana, obh nirupama, hoibe caraa dsi (3) svrasik siddhi, vraja-gop dhana, parama-cacal sat yogra dheyna, nirviea jna, n pya ekhne sthiti (4) skta darana, madhyhna llya, rdh-pada-sevrthin yakhana ye sev, karaha yatane, r rdh-carae dhani


Prrthan--33-- By rila Narottam Ds hkur

Spring Pastimes

(1) Oh Vndvan- place of beauty, Abode made of Cintmai, Enchanted temples all covered in jewels! Surrounded by the Kalindi, Where majestic swans are sporting, Around a lotus radiant as gold! (2) A gold seat is in the middle, Surrounded by eight bright petals, These eight petals are, the chief Nayiks, In their midst upon a jeweled throne, Are seated two divine people, yma with (the) beautiful Rdhik! (3) Oh Their sweet and lovely forms, Emanating waves of nectar, Laughing as they greet with mockery , Narottama Dsa prays These eternal pastimes of joy, Appear in my heart continuously!

(1) vndvana ramya-sthna divya-citmai-dhma ratana-mandira manohara abta klind-nre rja hasa keli kare the obhe kanaka-kamala (2) tra madhye hema-pha aa dale beita aa-dale pradhna nyik tra madhye ratnsane basi chen dui-jane yma-sage sundar rdhik (3) o-rpa-lbhaya-ri amiya pariche khasi hsya-parihsa-sambhae narottama-dsa kaya nitya-ll sukha-maya sadi sphurka mora mane

Prrthan--34--rla Narottam ds hkur

Branches of Kadamba Trees

(1) Branches of Kadamba trees, To the ground are bending, Showers of bright flowers are blooming, Sweet fragrance spreads everywhere, Through Vndvans atmosphere, Boy and girl bumblebees are sporting! (2) Ri and Knus playful affair! What charming and graceful beauty, They own mines of clever joking, Brightly bedecked with precious jewelry! (3) The right hand of Rdhrani, Held by her dear Giridhri, Sweetly so very sweetly stepping, To Their front and back are sakhi, Flowers from their hands are pouring, While the others swing chamaras gently! (4) Fragrant flowers fill that place, The moon beams its cooling rays, Upon a jeweled platform thats sparkling, Ri and Knu holding hands, Dancing all around and round, How Their bodies shiver upon touching!

(1) kadamba tarura la, nmiyche bhme bhla, phuiyche phula sri sri parimale bharala, sakala vndvana, keli kare bhramar bhramar (2) ri knu bilsai rage kib rpa lba, baidagadha-khani dhani, manimaya bharaa age (3) rdhra dakia kare, dhari priya giridhara, madhura madhura cali jya, ge pche sakh-gaa, kare phula bariana, kona sakh cmara hulya (4) parge dhsara sthala, candra-kare su-itala, maimaya bedra upre ri knu kara joi, ntya kare phir phir, parae pulake tanu bhre


(5) Musk and fragrant sandal-paste, In the hands of many sakhs, Soft gardenia flowers are raining, Drops and drops of water glides, Down moon-faces lotus eyes, On His lips sweet flute sounds are playing! (6) Smiling and enjoying nectar, Conversing so sweet and pure, Fulfills the hearts wish of Narottama, Theyve both dressed so wonderfully, Flowers deck Their hair so nicely, By Their pastimes my eyes are enchanted! (5) mgamada-candana kare kari sakh-gaa, barikhaye phula gandha-rje rama-jala bindu bindu obha kare mukha-indu, adhare mural kiv bje (6) hsya-bilsa-rasa, sarala madhura bha, narottama-manoratha bhar, duhuka vicitra vea, kusume racita kea, locana-mohana ll kar

157 Sri Rdhs Glance Of Mercy

- r Rdh-Kp-Kaka-Stava-Rja Sung by Lord iva to Gaur in the Urdhvmnya-tantra

(1) Your feet praised by the host of sages, Remove grief in all three worlds, Your lotus face blooms with joy, Playing in secret gardens. Oh daughter of Vabhnu, Together with Vrajendras son. Oh when will You bestow upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy? (2) On a flower throne You sit under vines, Which Climb upon Aoka trees, Your feet are a lustrous coral red, And soft as tender sprouted leaves. Eager to give are your hands Which take away fearOh treasure pouring spring, Oh when will You bestow upon me, Your sidelong Glance of mercy? (3 Upon a festive colorful stage, Your arched brows perform cupids play, And rolling Your eyes looking sidewaysShoot showers of arrow like glances. Forever holding Nandas son A willing captive in Your sweet bond,

(1) munndra-vnda-vandite tri-loka-oka-hri rasanna-vaktra-pakaje nikuja-bh-vilsini rajendra-bhnu-nandini vrajendra-snu-sagate kad kariya sha m kp-kaka-bhjanam? (2) aoka-vka-vallar vitna-maapa-sthite ravla-vla-pallava -prabhrughri-komale arbhaya-sphurat-kare prabhta-sampadlaye kad kariyasha m kp-kaka-bhjanam? (3) anaga-raga-magala -prasaga-bhagura-bhruv avibhrama sasambhrama dganta-ba-ptanai irantara va-kta -pratti-nanda-nandane


Oh when will You bestow upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy? (4) The glowing complexion of your fair form Is like lightening gold and campaka flowers. A million orbiting full autumn moons Are defeated by Your luminous face. Your restless eyes like cakora birds, Look here and there curiously, Oh when will You bestow upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy? (5) Mad with youthful infatuation, And pleased to be decked in Your sulking mood, Drenched in Your dear loves affection, And brilliant in unique games of love And within the sacred and glorious groves, You are most expert in the art of love, Oh when will You bestow upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy? (6) Your moods of love are steady and deep, And shine like the diamond necklace you wear, Your pure gold water jug-like breasts, Are auspicious like globes on the elephant head. Your winning soothing mild smileA full ocean of merriment, Oh when will You bestow upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy?

kad kariyasha m kp-kaka-bhjanam? (4) tait-suvara-campaka -pradpta-gaura-vigraheukhaprabh-par-radendumaaleicitra-citra-sacarac -cakora-va-locane kad kariyasha m kp-kaka-bhjanam? (5) madonmadti-yauvane pramoda-mna-maite riynurga-rajite kal-vilsa-paite nanya-dhanya-kuja-rjya -kma-keli-kovide kad kariyasha m kp-kaka-bhjanam? (6) aea-hva-bhva-dhrahra-hra-bhite rabhta-ta-kumbha-kumbhakumbhi kumbha-sustani raasta-manda-hsya-crapra-saukhya-sgare kad kariyasha m kp-kaka-bhjanam?

(7) Like lotus stems in waves that dance, Are Your arms like vine-tops swaying, Your bluish eyes move in a playful glance To call a secret meeting. After charming the great enchanter Himself, You give that spellbound one shelter, Oh when will You bestow upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy? (8) A golden necklace gracefully hangs, Around your three lined conch-like neck, Sparkling jewels of three colors swing, From three auspicious cords you wear. Your long black hair like flowing waves, Is woven with clusters of fragrant flowers, Oh when will You bestow upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy? (9) A flower wreath of purity, is girdled about your round full hips, Upon a string tied round your waist, hangs bright melodious bell-like gems. Your beautiful thighs, taper like The sloping trunk of an elephant king, Oh when will You bestow upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy? (10) The vedic mantras sweetly resounding, from your golden ankle bells, resemble the chirping, singing songs of a flock of eloquent royal swans. (7) mla-vla-vallar taraga-raga-dor-late atgra-lsya-lola-nla -locanvalokane alal-lulan-milan-manoja mugdha-mohanrite kad kariyasha m kp-kaka-bhjanam? (8) suvara-mlikcitatri-rekha-kambu-kahage ri-stra-magal-guatri-ratna-dpti-ddhiti alola-nla-kuntalaprasna-guccha-gumphite kad kariyasha m kp-kaka-bhjanam? (9) nitamba-bimba-lambamnapupa-mekhal-gue raasta-ratna-kikikalpa-madhya-majule arndra-ua-daikvaroha-saubhagoruke kad kariyasha m kp-kaka-bhjanam? (10) aneka-mantra-nda-majunpur-rava-skhalat amja-rja-hasa-vaanikvati-gaurave

And as you smoothly walk along, Your golden vine like limbs move in rhythm, O when will You bestow upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy? (11) In a million endless Vishnu worlds, The lotus born goddesses bow to You, Sat, ac and Sarasvat, All pray for Your benedictions. Just the nail of Your toe forever grants Unlimited perfect blessings, Oh when will You bestow upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy? (12) Goddess of sacrifice, Goddess of rites, Goddess of offerings, Goddess of Gods, Goddess of Vedic mantras and chanters, Goddess of fortune, forgiveness and truth, Forest Goddess of Knas delight, Sovereign Queen of Vndvan, Oh rmat Rdhik, I humbly bow before You. (13) Hey Vabhnu Nandin, Hearing this prayer please glance on me, And by Your grace my karma shall end, And Ill realize my true identity. Oh let it be by Your mercy, I become your own maidservent, To join Your circle of pastimes with, The son of the king of Vraja. ilola-hema-vallarviambi-cru-cakrame kad kariyasha m kp-kaka-bhjanam? (11) ananta-koi-viu-lokanamra-padmajrcite imdrij-pulomajviricaj-vara-prade pra-siddhi-ddhi-digdha -sat-padgul-nakhe kad kariyasha m kp-kaka-bhjanam? (12) makhevari! kriyevari svadhevari surevari riveda-bhratvari prama-sanevari amevari! kamevari pramoda-knanevari rajevari vrajdhipe r rdhike namo stu te (13) itmam adbhuta-stava niamya bhnu-nandin arotu santata jana kp-kaka-bhjanam havet tadaiva sacita -tri-rpa-karma-nana havet tad vrajendra-snumaala-praveanam

Prrthan--7--rla Narottama Ds hkur

Hari Hari Only Great Pain!

(1) Hari Hari! Only great pain In my heart remains! Getting a rare human form, Without worshipping r Ka, My birth has only been in vain! (2) Vrajendras son Lord Hari, Descended to Navadvp, Filling the whole world, with gifts of Prem! But due to my sinful heart, Especially very hard, He could not give His mercy to me. (3) Svarpa , Santana, Rpa, Raghuntha Bhaa yuga, Attention to them I never give! That spiritual touchstone Dhm, A place known as Vndvan, In that abode, I have never lived! (4) Keen attention to enjoyment, For Vaiavas- no attachment, Non-ending regrets rise in my heart. Narottama ds is saying, Theres no good for living beings, Without serving r Guru-Vaiavas!

(1) hari hari! baa ela marame rahila piy durlabha tanu, r-ka-bhajana vin, janma mora biphala haila (2) vrajendranandana hari navadvpe avatari, jagata bhariy prema dila mui se pmara-mati, viee kahina ati, tehi more karu nahila (3) svarpa santana rpa, raghuntha bhaa-yuga, thte n haila mora mati divya cintmai dhma, vndvana hena sthna, sei dhme n kain vasati (4) viea viaye mati, nahila vaiave rati, nirantara kheda uhe mane narottama dsa kahe, jvera ucita nahe, r-guru-vaiava-sev vine

162 Hari Hari, When Will Such a Day Belong to Me?

Prrthan--9-- rla Narottama dsa hkur

(1) Hari Hari, When will such a day belong to me? The limbs of You both I shall touch, The limbs of You both I shall see, And Ill serve the two of You together! (2) With Lalit and Viakh, I shall serve with (such) great pleasure, Sewing garlands made from different flowers, Filled within a golden box, Camphor scented betel nuts, That I reach to both lips of the Couple! (3) Rdh Kas beautiful feet, They are my heart's treasury, They are the sustainers of my life, Jai! Oh Saviors of the fallen, Give to me this great fortune, Without You there's no other I like! (4) r Guru ocean of kindness, Friend of those in great distress, Lokantha -life of all the world Oh dear master have mercy, Give to me the shade of your feet, Narottama there is taking shelter!

(1) hari hari! hena dina haibe mra duhu aga paraiba, duhu aga nirakhiba sevana kariba dohkra (2) lalit viakh sage, sevana kariba rage ml gathi diba nn phle kanaka-sampa kari, karpra tmbla bhari yogaiba adhara-jugale (3) rdh-ka r-caraa, sei mora pra-dhana sei mora jvana-upya jaya patita-pvana, deha more ei dhana, ty-vine anya nhi bhya (4) r guru karu sindhu, adhama-janra bandhu, lokantha lokera jvana h h prabhu! kara day, deha more pada-chy, narottama laila araa

gtval 55--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura--Varaja-Vipine

In Vndvan Forest

(1) In Vndvan forest, near Jamun river, Are enchanting platforms, bedecked with flowers. (2) Trees with climbing vines, pleasing to behold, Perched upon their branches are, many chirping birds. (3) Sandal forest breezes, blowing very gently, Bees wander around, searching for honey. (4) It is the spring season, the moon shines so full, Always giving out love with moon beams so cool. (5) At that time the expert, relisher of moods, Begins circle dancing, holding His flute. (6) Hundred million gops, surround r Hari, He and Radha within, blissfully dancing! (7) Mdhavas enchantress, sweetly sings a song, Capturing the hearts, of everyone! (8) She bewilders moving, and non-moving beings, Her chastity defeats the pride of Candrval! (9) Having stirred the heart of, that Youth of Vraja, All of the sudden, Rdh departed! (10) Bhaktivinoda, foresees a problemThe dance is over (now), without r Rdh!

(1) varaja-vipine yamun-kule, maca manohara obhita phule (2) vanaspati-lat tuaye khi, tad upari kata kaye pkh (3) malaya anila vahaye dhre, ali-kula madhu-lobhete phire (4) vsantra rk uupa tad, kaumud bitare dare sad (5) emata samaye rasika-vara, rambhila rsa mraldhara (6) ata-ko gop mjhete hari, rdh-saha nce nanda kari (7) mdhava-mohin giy gta harila sakala jagata-cita (8) sthvara-jagama mohil sat, hrola candrvalra mati (9) mathiy varaja-kiora-mana, antarita haya rdh takhana (10) bhakativinoda paramda gae, rsa bhgala (ji) rdh vihane

164 Hundred Million Gops

gtval--56--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura--ata-Koi Gop

(1) Hundred million gops, tried their best to please, The mind of Mdhava, but could not succeed! (2) Venu flute song calls out, names of Rdhik Come come oh Rdhe calling is yma! (3) Having broke r Rsa, circle dance of love, Quickly He departs and, searches for Rdh! (4) Oh give Me Your daran- Rdh save My life! Calling in the forest, Kna is crying! (5) In a lonely forest, He catches RdheMeeting His life again, is revived Hari! (6) He says, Oh without You, Who is having rsa? Only because of You, My home is Vraja! (7) To this same Rdhik, at Her lotus feet, Bhakativinoda, speaks this while crying. (8) Counting me among, Your associates, Please keep me personally, as Your maidservant!

(1) ata-koi gop mdhava-mana, rkhite nrila kari yatana (2) veu-gte ke rdhik-nma, eso eso rdhe! akaye yma (3) bhgiy r-rsa-maala tabe, rdh-anveae calaye jabe (4) dekh diy rdhe! rkhaha pra! baliya kdaye knane kna (5) nirjana knane, rdhre dhari, miliy para juya hari (6) bale, tuhu vin khra rsa? tuhu lgi mora varaja-vsa (7) e hena rdhik-caraa-tale, bhakativinoda kdiy bale (8) tuw gaa-mjhe mre gai, kinkar kariy rakha pani


Kalyna-kalpataru--55--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Birth is Fruitful

(1) Birth is fruitful for the one, Who obtains r Kas daran, That one moment- brings the greatest fortune, The eyes of our heart will blossom, Upon getting Kas vision, And the soul gives up the minds delusions! (2) Vndvanas expert lover decked in forest flowers! With His threefold bending figure, Most amazing Vasi player Wealth of charming qualities and features!! (3) Like a fresh rain cloud Hes colored, On his head a peacock feather, Sandal tilak adorns Him so lovely, Cloaked in a bright yellow shawl, On his face the sweetest smile, Such a form makes all the world go crazy! (4) Sapphire defeating is Krishna's mine of beauty, Seeing Him under Kadamba, My heart longs anxiously, But my feet arent moving, This mundane world I've forgotten! (5) Oh dear friend, Full of nectar- that form sweet as honey, As my eyes are gazing, I fall unconsciously, Tears of divine love are flowing!

(1) janama saphala tra, ka-daraana jra, bhgye haiyche eka-bra vikaiy hn-nayana, kari ka-daraana, che jva cittera vikra (2) vndvana-keli-catura vana-ml tri-bhaga-bhagima rpa, va-dhr aparpa, rasamaya-nidhi, gua-l (3) vara-nava-jaladhara, ire ikhi-piccha vara, alak tilaka obh pya, paridhne pta-vsa , vadane madhura hsa, hena rpa jagata mtya (4) indranla jini, ka-rpakhni, heriy kadamba-mle, mana ucana, n cale caraa, sasra gelma bhule (5) sakhi he sudhmaya, se rpa-mdhur, dekhile nayana, haya acetana, jhare premamaya vri

(6) What a nice head crown! What a nice flute sound! What a nice three-bending posture! His feet are sprinkling, Sounds that are jingling, From His nice ankle bell clusters! (7) I've always longed to be, Just like a bumblebee, There at His lotus feet staying, Ill get this easily, Singing Kas glories. No other am I adoring! (6) kiv c ire, kiv va kare, kiv se tri-bhaga hma, caraa-kamale, amiy uchale, thte npura-dma (7) sad kari, bhga-rpa dhari, caraa-kamale sthna anyse pi, ka-gua gi, ra n bhajiba na


kalyna-kalpa-taru 52-- r Rdh-Ke Vijapti--rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

r Rdh Kas Lotus Feet!

(1) r Rdh Kas lotus-feet within my heart, Oh how will I obtain this ultimate shelter? (2) For such a long time of wanting Their lotus feet, This fallen servant has been simply waiting! (3) He Rdhe, He Kacandra life of Your devotees, Please gift this sinner with Your conjugal bhakti! (4) Though devoid of Bhakti I say dont neglect me, Give this fool knowledge by proper training! (5) This servants afflicted with thirst for enjoyment, Make me qualified for Your loving engagements! (6) How flickering life is flowing in the currents, Within this great ocean of time! So many days have gone and they will not return, Now Ka, how will You I find? (7) You are the friend of the fallen person, I know this about You Oh LordTruly Youre an ocean of compassion! (8) Im bereft of fortune very inexperienced, I dont know one tinge of Bhakti! By Your own virtues Lord, Make my soul only Yours, Destroy my worldly miseries!

(1) r rdh-ka pada-kamale mana kemane labhibe carama araa (2) cira-dina kariy o-caraa-a che he basiy e adhama dsa (3) he rdhe! he kacandra! bhakta pra pmare yugala-bhakti kara dna (4) bhakti-hna bali n kara upek mrkha-jane deha jna-suik (5) viaya-pips-prapita-dse deha adhikra yugala-vilse (6) cacala-jvana-srota pravhiy, klera sgare dhya gela je divasa, n sibe ra, ebe ka ki upya (7) tumi patita-janera bandhu jni he tomre ntha, tumi ta karu-jala-sindhu (9) mi bhgya-hna, ati arvcna, n jni bhakati-lea nija-gue ntha, kara tmast, ghuciy bhava-klea

(9) Give my perfected form within Vrindavan, Bestow service-nectar to me, Drinking your divine Love I will become maddened, Just hear me sing Your qualities! (10) Serving the couple in r rsa maala, Give this engagement unto me! Oh Lalita saki this unfit assistantVinoda, holds your lotus feet! (9) siddha-deha diy, vndvana mjhe, sevmta kara dna piyiy prema, matta kari more, una nija gua-gna (10) yugala sevya, r rsa-maale, niyukta kara mya lalit sakhra, ayogy kikar, vinoda dhariche pya

169 Jaya Jaya Beautiful Nanda Kumr!

rla Rpa Gosvm

(1) Jaya jaya beautiful Nanda Kumr! When fragrant flowers bloom, In the land of Vndvana, You perform playful spring pastimes! (2) A unique crown of leaves, Clustered in radiance, Upon Your curly hair is set, Your dearly beloved ones, Praying for a benediction, Throw powder on the best of Clouds! (3) You flash an impatient glance, Causing new and restless moods, Rdh now strangely longs for You! You fascinate the world, With Your smooth dancing, About Your neck a neck Gem moves! (4) Your lips so conspicuous, Adorned with a blooming smile, She sees these as Her very own, Your own beloved people, Are my eternal kin, To play in their hearts- You descend!

(1) jaya jaya sundara-nanda kumra saurabha-sakaavndvana-taavihita-vasanta-vihra (2) abhinava-kumalaguccha-samujjvalakucita-kuntala-bhra praayi janeritavandana-sahaktacrita-vara-ghana-sra (3) caula-dg-acala -racita-rasocchalardh-madana-vikra bhuvana-vimohanamajula-nartanagati valgita-mai-hra (4) adhara-virjitamandatara-smitalocita-nija-parivra nija-vallabha-janasuht-santanacitta-viharadavatra

r r Rdhik Pda-Padme Vijapti--rla Rpa Gosvm

Radhes Victory !

(1) Rdhe-Jaya Jaya - (Victory! Oh ) Mdhavas darling! rdhe! jaya jaya mdhava-dayite! Of all Gokulas maidens You are the prized Lady! gokula-taru-maala-mahite (2) (2) Dmodaras love is growing, By Your artistic clothing, dmodara-ratI vardhana-vee! In Haris pleasure garden Vndvans forest queen! hari-nikua-vndvipinee! (3) (3) Vabhnus milk sea brings, a new Moon goddess rising, vabhndadhi-nava-ai-lekhe! Lalit, Vikhs friend filled with pleasing qualities! lalit-sakhi! gua-ramita-vikhe! (4) (4) Merciful Karumayi, have pity on me, karu kuru mayi karu-bharite! Sanaka, Santana describe Your qualities! sanaka-santana-varita-carite!


171 r Rdhs worship!

Gtval- 57-- r Rdh-Bhajana Mahim---rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

(1) (1) If Radha's worship, Has not dawned upon me yet, rdh-bhajane yadi mati nhi bhel Then my worship of Krsna, has become wasted! ka-bhajana taba akraa gel (2) (2) Without its brilliant rays, we would not know the sun, tapa-rahita sraya nhi jni And without Radha, we dont accept Madhava! rdh-virahita mdhava nhi mni (3) (3) That ignorant worshiper, Of Madhava all alone, kevala mdhava pjaye, so ajn Not adoring Radha, has prideful ego! rdh-andara karai abhimn (4) (4) Dont ever associate, with persons like this, kabah nhi karabi tkara saga If your heart longs to play, in Vrajas sweetness! citte icchasi yadi vraja-rasa-raga (5) (5) If you are proud to become, the maid of Radhika, rdhik-ds yadi haya abhimna Then very quickly youll meet, Gokula Kana! grai milai taba gokula-kna (6) (6) Brahma, Shiva, Narada, Sruti, Narayani, brahm, iva, nrada, ruti, nrya Worship and accept the pollen, of Radhikas lotus feet! rdhik-pada-raja pjaye mni (7) (7) Uma, Rama, Satya, Sachi, Chandra, Rukamini, um, ram, saty, ac, candr, rukmi All are Radhas Avataras, the scriptures are stating! rdh avatra sabe mnya-v (8) (8) One whose greatest treasure is, their service to Radha hena rdh-paricary jkara dhana Begging at their feet is this, Bhakativinoda! bhakativinoda tra mgaye caraa


Prrthan--52--rla Narottama Ds hkur

Rain of Love!

(1) Last night came down sweet rasa rainAll Vndvanas residents Were flooded with prem! (2) Dark yma cloud poured down thick prem, And nectar started flowing! Bright flashes of lightening came, From Rdhs playful sporting! (3) Prem made a slippery path, So they stepped crookedly! Musk and sandal paste with ku ku, Were all mixed and muddy! (4) No boundaries are there, In this ocean of pure love. Narottam submerges, Not knowing to swim above!

(1) aji rase badara nisi preme bhasala saba vrndavana-vasi (2) syama-ghana barikhaye prema-sudha-dhara kore rangini radha bijuri-sancara (3) preme pichala patha gaman bhela banka mrgamada-candanakunkume bhela panka (4) di vidig nahi premera pathara dubila narottama na jane santara


Gtaml 67 Vabhnu-Sut -rla Bhaktivinoda hkura

Vrishabhanus Daughter!

(1) For serving the feet of, Vrishabhanus daughter, I will be a sheltered dasi, Ill always endeavor, for Sri Radhas pleasure, Only for this I am trying! (2) The joy of Sri Radha is the joy of Krsna, This is what my heart is knowing. Leaving Radhas feet for Krsnas company, I will never have such longing! (3) My group of sakhis are, the supreme well wishers, They are conjugal-love gurus, Following behind them, I will serve Sri Radha, She whose feet are Kalpataru! (4) This person or that one, leaving Radhas camp, Can keep one mood or another, But since I am always, partial to Radhika, I wont ever see those others!

(1) vabhnu-sut-caraa-sevane, haiba je plya-ds r rdhra sukha, satata sdhane, rahiba mi prays (2) r rdhra sukhe, kera je sukha, jniba manete mi rdh-pada chi, r-ka-sagame, kabhu n haiba km (3) sakh-gaa mama, parama-suht, yugala-premera guru tad-anug haye, seviba rdhra, caraa-kalapa-taru (4) rdh-paka chi, je-jana se-jana, je-bhve se-bhve thke mi ta rdhik-paka-pt sad, kabhu nhi heri tke

174 Rdh Ka This is a Prayer I humbly offer !

Prrthan--2--Narottama Ds hkur

(1) Rdh Krsna! This is a prayer I humbly offer! You Both are so delightful, With such soft and gracious hearts, Please glance upon me Oh my Lords! (2) Oh Ka the moon of Gokul, Oh the Gops life and soul, Oh Krishnas most darling crown Jewel, The singing of ym and GauriTouches one whose listening, Their qualities heard, relieve the soul! (3) This wretched and fallen person, Considered Your pure compassion, For which You are famed in all three worlds, Hearing from the lips of sdhus, Ive joyfully taken refuge, If You ignore me, Ive no place to go! (4) Jaya Rdhe Jaya Ka, Jaya Jaya Rdhe Ka, Ka Ka Jaya Jaya Rdhe! At my head I fold my palms, Narottama falls to the ground, Begging You BothTo grant my hearts longing!

(1) rdh-ka! nivedana ei jana kare doha ati rasamaya, sa karua-hdaya avadhna kara ntha more (2) he ka gokulacandra, he gop pra-vallabha he ka-priy-iromai hema-gauri yma-gaya, ravae paraa pya gua suni juya par (3) adhama-durgati-jane, kevala karu mane tribhuvana e jaa-kheyti uniya sdhura mukhe araa lain sukhe upekile nhi mora gati (4) jaya rdhe jaya ka, jaya jaya rdhe ka ka ka jaya jaya rdhe ajali mastake dhari, narottama bhme pai kahe dohe puro mana sdhe

175 If Just At This Moment I see...

Prrthan--32--rla Narottama ds hkura

(1) If just at this moment I see, His two lotus feet, I would keep them within my heart, And become relieved! (2) Without seeing Him my mind has, Become so aggrieved, Should I burn away in this fireOr jump in the sea? (3) Offering Him betel nuts, Wiping droplets from His face, I will gently fan His body, And make fragrant sandal paste. (4) I will sew a flower garland, From flowers in Vndvan, In His curly hair Ill braid them, Making Him a crown! (5) Putting tilaka on His forehead, And a crescent sandalwood moon, Narottama ds sings about, His ties of affection!

(1) ei-bra pile dekh caraa dukhni hiyra mjhre rkhi juba par (2) tre n dekhiy mora mane baa tpa, anale paiba kiva jale diba jhpa (3) mukhera muchaba ghma khoyba pna guy, ghmete btsa diba candandi cuy (4) vndvanera phulera gthiya diba hra biniy bndhiva c kuntalera bhra (5) kaple tilaka diba candanera cda narottama dsa kahe pirtera phda

Prrthan-54- rla Narrottama dsa hkura

Oh my Dear Lord Madanagopl!

(1) Oh by dear Lord Madanagopl, r Govinda Gopntha, Youre the Lord of those with no one, Kindly give this fallen one Your mercy! Absorbed in this mundane ocean, I fell in a dark prison, With ropes of Your mercy -bind and lift me! (2) Im a low-class cala, And you are the Mercy hkura! I have heard this from lips of Vaiavas, This gives such hope to my mind, Take and place me in Vndvan, There in great joy Ill see Vavaa! (3) Have mercy take charge of me, Pulling my hair You can lift me, Give Your foot-shade, nearby r Yamun, This has been my wish so long, Please dont disappoint me Oh Lord, Give Your mercy not just an illusion! (4) Though my body wont last long, I think this is me and my own, Fear of death is always just behind me, Narottam says all my life, Ive been crying day and night, That I might not attain Vrajabhm!

(1) mora prabhu madana gopla, r govinda gopintha, tumi anthera ntha, day kara mui adhamera sasra sgara ghore paiychi krgare, kp ore bndhi laha more (2) adhama cala mi, dayra hkura tumi, uniychi vaiavera mukhe e baa bharas mane, laye phela vndvane, vavaa jena dekhi sukhe (3) kp kara gu guri, laha more kee dhari, r yamun deha pada-chy aneka dinera , nahe jena naira, day kara n kariha my (4) anitya arra dhari pana pana kari pche pche amanera bhaya narottama dse bhane, pra knde rtri dine, pche vraja prpti nhi haya

177 Hari Hari Uselessly, My Life Passes By

- prrthan-34 -rla Narottama dsa hkura

(1) Hari hari! Uselessly, my life passes by! Having obtained human birth, Rdh Ka Ive not served, Although I was warned, still I drank poison! (2) From Golokas treasure of Love, Comes Harinm Sakrtana Why didnt attachment to this arise? In the poison-fire of life, My heart burning day and night, To extinguish this- Ive never tried! (3) The King of Vrajas son, Has become acs son, Balarma has become Niti! All the low and wretched became, Delivered by Haris name. As witnessed by- Jagi Mdhi! (4) Oh my Lord - the son of Nanda, Oh Vabhnus daughter, Please give me Your mercy this time, Narottama dsa says please, Dont brush me away from You feet, Other than You, who else is mine?

(1) hari hari! viphale janama goinu manuya janama piy, rdh-ka n bhajiy, jniy uniy via khinu (2) golokera prema-dhana, harinma sakrtana, rati n janmila kene tya sasra-vinale, div-nii hiy jvale, juite n kainu upya (3) vrajendra-nandana jei, ac-suta haila sei, balarma haila niti dna-hna jata chila, hari-nme uddhrila, tra k jagi mdhi (4) h h prabhu nanda-suta, vabhnu-sut-yuta, karu karaho ei-bra narottama-dsa kaya, n heliha rg pya tom vine ke che mra


Sukhera Lgiy r Cadsa -

Only For Happiness!

(1) Only for happiness, I worked to make a house, But fire burned it all down! I swam around in an ocean of nectar, But nectar turned into poison! (2) Dear friend! How unfortunate can I be? I needed soothing and prayed to the moon, But see how moonbeams have scorched me! (3) I climbed so very high, up a strong mountain, Only to fall in the ocean! I wanted treasure but, poverty surrounds me, Out of my hands slipped a fortune! (4) I built a great castle, at the sandy seashore, Hoping to find out that gem stone, But the ocean hid its, treasure away from me, What ill-fated misfortune! (5) When I was thirsty, I prayed to the rain cloud, Thunderbolts struck down upon me! Canddsa says this, affection for yma Pierces the heart so deeply!

(1) sukhera lgiy, ei ghara bdhinu, gune puiy gela amiy sgare, sinna karite, sakali garala bhela (1) sakhi! ki mora kaple lekhi tala baliy, cda sevinu, bhnura kiraa dekhi (3) ucala baliy, acale cainu, painu agdha-jale lacham chite, dridrya behala, mika hrnu hele (4) nagara baslma, sgara bdhilma, mika pbra e sgara ukla, mika lukla, abhg-karama-doe (5) piysa lgiy, jalada sevinu, vajara paiy gela kahe cadsa, ymera pirti, marame rahala ela

179 Ill carry a water-pot!

Prrthan -28 --rla Narottama dsa hkura

(1) Ill carry a water pot, For my body a torn cloth, All the sensual objects I will give up, With affection for Ka, In the divine groves of Vraja, When will I go there and build a hut? (2) Hari hari ! When will this most fortunate day come? Fruits and roots in Vndvan, Ill take when the day is done, And Ill wander carefree round the Dhm! (3) In the cool Yamun waters, I will bathe with great pleasure, Deep ecstatic love I will be feeling! Rising up high my two arms, On the roads of Vndvan, Calling Ka while I wander crying! (4) Seeing Saket place where They meet, My hard life will get relief, Rolling on that sacred ground in prem! Where is Rdh Prevari? Where is Giribaradhri? Where are my Lords -loudly I am calling!

(1) karaga kaupna lai, cheda kth gya diy teygiba sakala biay ke anurga habe, brajera nikuje kabe jiy kariba nijlaya (2) hari hari! kabe mora haibe su-dina! phalamla vndvane, kh dib-abasne bhramiva haiy udsna (3) tala yamun jale, snna kari kthale prembee nandita hai bhura upara bhu tuli, vndvane kuli kuli ka bali beba kdiy (4) dekhiba saketa-sthna, jube tpita pra prembee gaagai dib kh rdh! prevari! kh giribara dhri! kh ntha! baliy dkiba

(5) In a grove of Mdhav, Pairs of parrots live cheerfully, Singing songs of Rdh Ka playing, Sitting at the root of that tree, Hearing them will pacify me, When shall I spend all my days so happy ? (6) r Govinda Gopintha, With rmat Rdhik, I will see Them on a bright jeweled throne! This poor Narottama ds, Has the very rarest wish, And I wonder when this day will come! (5) mdhav-kujera pari, sukhe bas uka-r gibeka rdh-ka-rasa taru-mle basi th, uni juiba hiy kabe sukhe goba dibasa (6) r-govinda gopintha, rimati-rdhik stha dekhiba ratana-sihsane dna narottama dsa, karaye durlabha e-mati haibe kata dine

181 When I receive precious Ka!

Prrthan--31-- rla Narottama Dsa hkura

(1) When I receive precious Ka, I will hold Him within my heart, Soothing me from this life of burning, I shall decorate His form, Sitting down my beloved Lord, As I gaze upon His moon face beaming! (2) Oh my dear friend, When will this most blessed day come? With the Lord of my life and soul, When will I so playfully roam, On the blissful banks of the Yamun? (3) With Lalit and Vikh, To a meeting place we shall go, Decorating many gifts so fine, If merciful providence, Arranges this wealth of goodness, Such fortune, will then become mine! (4) But the stringent laws from above, Has scattered this storehouse of Love, Not saving a tiny speck at all! Narottama dsa says, What hope of surviving is left? Gone away is Vrajendra Kumr!

(1) kabe ka dhana-pbo, hiyra mjhre thoba, juiba tpita-para sjiy dibo hiy, vasiba pra-priy, nirakhibo se candra-bayn (2) he sajani! kabe mor hoibe su-din se pra-nthera sage, kabe v phiriba rage, sukhamaya yamun-pulina (3) lalit-vikh la, thre bheiba giy, sjiy nn upahr sadaya haiy vidhi, milibe gua-nidhi, hena bhgya haibe mra (4) drua vidhiro na, bhgila premera ha, tila-mtra n rkhila tra kahe narottama-ds, ki mora jvane a, chi gelo vrajendra kumra

Prrthan--16--r Rpa-Majar-Pada--rla Narottama dsa hkura

r Rpa-Majars Feet

(1) r Rpa-Majars feet, They are my great treasures, They are my worship and offerings, They are the wealth of my heart, Theyre my decorations, Theyre the very life of my whole being! (2) They are rasa reservoirs, They're my perfected desires. My Vedic religiosity, Theyre my vows, austerities, My mantras and my chanting, They are all my righteous and good deeds! (3) When time will be favorable, Ill attain those feet- my goal, And then I shall see with these two eyes, That sweet form so beautiful, Shine moonbeams on my lotus-soul, Causing it to blossom, day and night! (4) Your absence is like a snake, Venom wastes my body away, Burning up my life with constant fever! Oh my prabhu have mercy, Give to me the shade of your feet. There Narottama has taken shelter!

(1) r rpa-majar-pada, sei mora sampada, sei mora bhajana-pjana sei mora pra-dhana, sei mora bharaa, sei mora jvanera jvana (2) sei mora rasa-nidhi, sei mora vch-siddhi, sei mora vedera dharama sei vrata, sei tapa, sei mora mantra japa, sei mora dharama karama (3) anukla habe vidhi, se-pade haibe siddhi, nirakhiba e dui nayane se rpa-mdhur-ri, pra-kuvalaya-a, praphullita habe nii-dine (4) tuw adarana-ahi, garale jrala deh, cira-dina tpita jvana h h prabhu! kara day, deha more pada-chy, narottama laila araa

Prrthan--25--Hari Hari, Kabe Mora Haibe Sudina--rla Narottama dsa hkura

Hari Hari, When Will Such a Bright Day become Mine?

(1) Hari Hari When will such a bright day become mine? Worshiping r Rdh Ka, With love and affection! (2) Blending instruments and singing, In the sweetest melodies, Joyously I sing songs of Their, Qualities and beauty! (3) Calling Rdhik Govinda, Out loud I shall cry, My whole body will become soaked, With the tears from my eyes! (4) At this time, be merciful, Rpa Santana! My own Raghuntha dsa, My dear life r Jva! (5) Please be merciful this time, Lalit Vikh! Oh dear rdm and Subal, And the other Sakhs! (6) Together please give Your mercy, And fulfill my wish, Constantly Narottama Ds Is praying for this!

(1) hari hari, kabe mora haibe sudina bhajiba r rdh-ka haiy premdhna (2) suyantre miiy gba sumadhura tna nande koriba donhra rpa-gua-gna (3) rdhik-govinda bali kndibo uccai-svare bhijibe sakala aga nayanera nre (4) ei-bra karu kara rpa-santana raghuntha dsa mora r jva-jvana (5) ei-bra karu kara lalit vikh sakhya-bhve rdmasubala-di sakh (6) sabe mili kara day puruka mora a prrthan karaye sad narottama dsa

184 Firm Faith In Sri Radha

r rdh nih -ril narottam dsa thkura

(1) One who decorates their body, With the dust of Radhikas feet, Will easily attain Giridhari, Talking Radhikas foot shelter, This person is such a great soul, Such a person Im congratulating! (2) Glory to the name of Radha, Whoes abode is Vrindavana, Krsnas treasury of pastime pleasures, If my ears are never hearing, This very Radhas glories, Then my fate has only been a cheater! (3) Always with Bhaktas who speak of, Rasa Lilas divine love, One achieves the Dark-cloud- GhyanaShyama, One adverse to these discussions, Can never attain perfection, Ill not hear the name of such a person! (4) Oh brother by Krsnas name, Radhikas feet are attained, By Radhas name one gets Moon-like Krishna, I have told this truth in brief, So your heart may find relief, Talks opposing this bring sad confusion!

(1) rdhik-caraa-renu, bhaa kariy tanu, anyse pbe giridhr rdhik cararya, je kare se mahaya, tre mui jo balihri. (2) jaya jaya rdh nma, vndvana jra dhma, ka-sukha-vilsera nidhi hena rdh gua gna, n unila mora kna, vacita karila more vidhi (3) tra bhakta-sage sad, rasa-ll prema kath, je kare se pya ghanayma ihte vimukha jei, tra kabhu siddhi ni, nhi jena uni tra nma (4) ka-nma gne bhi, rdhik-caraa pi, rdh nma gne kacandra, sakepe kahinu kath, ghuco manera vyath, dukhamaya anya kath-dvandva

185 Hari Hari- Oh when Will my Day of Fortune Come?

Prrthan--10--kabe mora haibe sudine -rla Narottama dsa hkura

(1) Hari Hari, Oh when will my day of fortune come, In Their Joking amorous play, Ill serve the Divine Ones! (2) Lalit, Vikh will be, There with different groups of sakhs, Surrounding the pair so beautifully, Ri and Knu holding hands, Dancing all around and around, Speechless I observe so eagerly! (3) So tired they rest upon, The great hill of Govardhan, Ri and Knu fall asleep together, Narottama dsa prays, This to surely come my way, And Ill serve Their lotus feet forever!

(1) hari hari! kabe mora haibe sudine keli-kautka-rage kariba sevane (2) lalit-vikh sane, jateka sakhra gae maali kariba doh mele ri knu kare dhari, ntya kare phir phir nirakakki goba kuthal (3) alasa-virma-ghare, govardhana giri-bara ri knu karibe ayane narottama dsa kaya, ei jena mora haya anukaa caraa sevane

Sakhi-Vrinde Vijnapti--- a prayer to the sakhis! prrthan-48- rla Narottama dsa hkura

Rdh Ka- My Life and Soul!

(1) Rdh Ka, my life and soul, Divine youthful couple! In living or dying I have, No other goal. (2) On Kalindis banks playing, In groves of Kadamba, On a sparkling throne of jewels, I shall seat two People! (3) On their dark and golden limbs, (fragrant) Sandalwood-pulp I place, I will fan Them with cmara, Gazing on each moon-like face! (4) After stringing jasmine garlands, I place gently round Their necks, Offering betal nuts with camphor, Lifting to Their lotus lips! (5) First Lalit and Vikh, And the group of sakhs, Will order me to do service, At Their lotus feet. (6) Lord r Ka Caitanya, (this) Servent of Your servents, Praying for this divine service, Is Narottam Dsa!

(1) rdh-ka pra mora yugala-kiora jvane marae gati ra nhi mora (2) klindra kle keli kadambera vana ratana-vedra upara basba dujana (3) yma-gaur age diba (cuw) candanera gandha cmara hulba kabe heriba mukha-candra (4) gthiy mlatra ml diba dhra gale adhare tuliy diba karpra tmble (5) lalit vikh di jata sakh-vnda jya kariba sev cararavinda (6) r ka-caitanya-prabhura dsera anudsa sev abhila kare narottama-dsa

rla Gaura-Kiora dsa Bbji Mahrja

Where is She?

(1) Where is she so full of Love-(prem) Rdhe Rdhe, Rdhe Rdhe Go, Jaya Rdhe Rdhe! (2) Give me sight, save my life Rdhe Rdhe, Your beggar is calling for You- Rdhe Rdhe! (3) Rdhe- in Vndvan- sporting, Rdhe Rdhe, Rdhe- Knu's mind-enchanting, Rdhe Rdhe! (4) Rdhe- eight sakhis crown jewel, Rdhe Rdhe, Rdhe- Vabhnu's daughter, Rdhe Rdhe! (5) Gosi is always loudly calling, Rdhe Rdhe! (6) One time (Gosai's ) calling at Kei gata, Again calling at Va-vata! Rdhe Rdhe! (7) One time (Gosai's) calling at Nidhuvana, Again calling at Kujavana, Rdhe Rdhe! (8) One time (Gosai's) calling at Rdh kua, Again calling at yma kua, Rdhe Rdhe! (9) One time (Gosai's) calling at Kusumavana, Again calling at Goverdhana, Rdhe Rdhe! (10) One time (Gosai's) calling at Tlavana, Again calling at Tamlavana, Rdhe Rdhe!

(1) kothya go premamayi rdhe rdhe rdhe rdhe go, jaya rdhe rdhe (1) (2) dekh diye pra rkha, rdhe rdhe tomra kgla tomya ke, rdhe rdhe (3) rdhe vndvana-vilsini, rdhe rdhe rdhe knu-mana-mohini, rdhe rdhe (4) rdhe aa-sakhra iromai, rdhe rdhe rdhe vabhnu-nandini, rdhe rdhe (5) (gosi) niyama kare sadi ke, rdhe rdhe (6) (gosi) eka-bra ke ke-ghe, bra ke va-vae, rdhe rdhe (7) (gosi) eka-bra ke nidhu-vane, bra ke kuja-vane, rdhe rdhe (8) (gosi) eka-bra ke rdh-kue, bra ke yma-kue, rdhe rdhe (9) (gosi) eka-bra ke kusuma-vane, bra ke govardhane, rdhe rdhe (10) (gosi) eka-bra ke tla-vane, bra ke tamla-vane, rdhe rdhe

(11) (Gosai is) Wearing a cloth which appears dirty, Rolling in Vraja dust-heaps callingJaya Rdhe Rdhe! (12) Rdh Rdh (always) his lips say, And from his eyes tears are flooding, Rdhe Rdhe! 13) (Gosai) In Vndvana's lanes and alleys, Calling Rdh while he's roaming, Rdhe Rdhe! (14) (Gosai) At all hours both night and day, Knowing Rdh Govinda only, Rdhe Rdhe! (15) (For) One or two hours Gosai sleeps, In dreams Rdh Govinda he sees! Rdhe Rdhe! (11) (gosi) malina vasana diye gya, vrajera dhlya gagai jaya, rdhe rdhe ( 12) (gosi) mukhe rdh rdh bale, bhse nayanera jale, rdhe rdhe (13) (gosi) vndvane kuli kulikede beya rdh bali, rdhe rdhe (14) (gosi) chpnna daa rtri-dine jne n rdh-govinda vine, rdhe rdhe (15 ) (tra para) cri daa uti thke svapne rdh-govinda dekhe, rdhe rdhe

189 The Nectarean Glories of Vraja-Dhma

Vraja-Dhma-Mahimmta - Sri Krishna das
inspired by a rendition of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj-published April 20, 1960 -

1 Glory unto Radha Krishna, and to Vrindabana, Sri Govinda, Gopinath and Madana-mohana! 2 Shyama-kunda Radha-kunda, hilly Goverdhana, Kalindi, Jamuna river, and forest Mahabana! 3 Keshi-ghata, Bansibata, and the dozen gardens, To all of the pastimes places, of Nanda's divine son! 4 Glory to Nanda Yasoda, and the cowherd men, To Sridama, friends and cows, who follow behind Him! 5 Glory to Vrisabhanu and his wife so beautiful, Glory to the full moon upon on the town of the bulls! 6 All Glories to Gopiswara, whose fixed at Vrindaban, Glory to the funny Brahmin, Krishnas dear friend! 7 All Glories to Ramaghata, and Rohini's son, All glories to all the residents of Vrindabana! 8 Glory to the wives of the Brahmans, glory to the mermaids, Who by their devotion Govindas feet were attained! 9 Glory to the dance arena, of Radha Shyama, Glory to Their circle dancing, most pleasing of all! 10 All glories unto the zest of, most excellent mellows, The paramour feelings of love, the highest in Braja! 11 It is Krishnadas the poet, now chanting this prayer, The lotus feet of Jahnava- he begs to remember!

6 jaya jaya gopivara vndvana-mjha jaya jaya ksna-sakh batu dvija-rja 7 jaya rma-ghta, jaya rohini-nandana jaya jaya vndvana-vsi jata jana 8 jaya dvija-patni jaya nga-kany-gana bhaktite jhr pila govinda-cararna 9 ri rsa-manala jaya, jaya rdh-yma jaya jaya rsa-lil sarva-manorama 10 jaya jayojjvala-rasa sarva-rasa-sra parak...y-bhve jh vrajete pracra 11 ri jhnav-pda-padma kariy smarana dina ksna-dsa kahe nma-sankirtana 1 jaya rdhe, jaya ksna, jaya vndvana, ri govinda, gopntha, madana-mohana 2 yma-kuna, rdh-kuna, giri-govardhana klindi yamun jaya, jaya mahvana 3 kei-ghta, vami-vata, dvdaa-knana jh saba lil kaila ri nanda-nandana 4 ri nanda-yaod jaya, jaya gopa-gana ridmdi jaya, jaya dhenu-vatsa-gana 5 jaya vsabhnu, jaya kttik sundari jaya jaya paurnamsi bhira-ngari



GUIDE TO PRONUNCIATION (of Sanskrit, Bangala,etc.) a - like u in button. - like a in father. i - like i in pin. - like ea in peak. u - like u in push. - like u in rule. - like ri in ring. - like llri in bellringer. e - like ay in pay. ai - like i in rise. o - like o in show. au - like ow in bow. - a simple nasal stop, like ng in sing. - like h in aha! it echoes the preceding vowel at the end of a line. Before hard consonants like k and p it becomes a simple stoppage of breath. Consonants k - like k in look. kh - like kh in look-hard. g - like g in log. gh - like gh in dog-house. - like n in sing. c - like ch in reach. ch - like ch-h in beach-house. j - like dge in ridge. jh - like dge-h in dodge-hard. - like n in punch. - like t in bat. Pronounced with the tongue against the front gum ridge behind the upper row of teeth. h - like t-h in boat-house. - like d in bad. h - like d-h in road-house. - like n in horn. Like , pronounced with the tongue against the alveolar ridge. t, th, d, dh, n - like their English equivalents, but with the tongue against the back of the upper front teeth. p - like p in keep. ph - like p-h in stop-hard. b - like b in rub. bh - like bh in rub-hard. m - like m in mother. y - like y in young. r - like r in very as in Britishl - like l in lock. v - like v in victory. When following t or v, like w in twain. - halfway between sh in shy and s in sigh. - like sh in shy. s - like s in song. h - like h in hard.

crya hkura.. Sri Adwaita in the song Separation nanda-................ Bliss Ananta.................. Expansion of Baladev-Who holds all cosmos upon His unlimited hoods! rati-...................... A ceremony for the Lords worship with ghee lamp, incense, flowers, fan avadhta-............. One who is indifferent and transcendental to all external considerations Avatara ................. Incarnation of the Lord Who descends to earth Baladeva............... First expansion of Ka and His constant companion and brother Bhakti ................. Devotion to r Ka bhajan .................. 1-devotional worship or service with realization of ones true position. 2- Spiritual practices, such as hearing, chanting, meditating upon the holy name form, qualities and pastimes of Ka. Bhoga.................... 1-Mundane enjoyment and experiencing, 2-to cheat, hoax Bimba.................... A reddish fruit Brahma............... The first Demigod- creator of the universe Braman................. Impersonal aspect of the Lords energy like the rays of the sun brman................. Highest of the four castes- this is a person who is situated in goodness, controls the mind, truthfulness, purity, compassion, devotion to God (sometimes one is considered a bramana by caste or family but this is correct only so long one has the qualities of a bramana) brahma-jna...... A study and introspective cultivation of knowledge of the unlimited impersonal energies of existence cakora.................... A bird that cant live without moonlight Cmara-................ Yak-tail fan Candrvli............. Chief of the right-wing gopis in Vrindavan Cintmai,............. A spiritual wish fulfilling gem! Cit......................... All-knowing feature Deva...................... 1-God 2-demigod daran................... Vision, audience! Dhm.................... Transcendental abode of the Lord! Dhmvsis .......... Residents of the divine abode of the Lord Gag................... The holy river Ganges comming from the spiritual causal ocean


Gaua-.............. The providence of Bengal where Mahaprabhu performs pastimes Garua ............. The eagle carrier of Lord Vishnu Gauri................. 1-one of golden complexion- Srimati Radhika-2- the wife of Lord Shiva Ghat................... A landing stair at the bank of a river, tank etc. Girihr............. Name of Krishna -Lifter of Goverdhan Go....................... Short for ogo- used in affectionate or respectful addressing - a form of address applied to God or a deity. Godruma........... One of the nine holy islands of Lord Caitanyas dham in Bengal- where many divine pastimes took place! Surabi , a cow (go) of divine origin worshiped Mahaprabhu at this spot under the Banyan tree-(druma)--this island represents the process of kirtan and was also the sacred abode of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur himself gop.................... Milk-maids of Vrindavan -there are elder motherly gopies and the young gopi maidens gopya................. Cowherd (cowherd lady in I bow to the Lord) Gosi................. Short for Goswami one who is master of the senses (and in the song Where is She -this is referring to Srila Raghunatha das Goswami Govardhan........ The divine hill Ka lifted to protect the cows and devotees from Indras torrential rainstorm. Guja................ A sacred bead which is usually red with a black dot Harinm........... The holy names of Krsna, literally Haris names. Jagi Mdhi... Jagatananda and Madhavananda- the two rebels and drunks that Nitai-Gaur delivered and became Vaishnavas Jhnav devi.... the wife of Lord Nityananda and great spiritual master of many exalted Vaishnavas Jamun............. The most holy of rivers and which flows in Vrindavan Japa.................. Chanting Hare Krishna mantra on beads. Kadamba......... A beautiful golden flower tree in Vrindavan Kalindi............ The sacred Jamuna river in Vrindavan Kliya.............. The serpent chastised and purified by Lord Krishna kalpataru........ Spiritual wish fulfilling tree kalyna............ Beautiful, agreeable, illustrious, noble, generous, excellent, virtuous, good, beneficial , salutary , auspicious, happy, prosperous, fortunate, lucky


Kasa...................... The evil king born of Oueen Padmavati and a demon named Gobika and later was delivered by Sri Krishna Knu......................... A name of youthful Ka in Vraja karma....................... 1-Actions both good and bad 2- The results of those actions kami..............,,.......... One who engages in mundane fruitive work Karumayi............ She who is full of mercy-a name of Srimati Radhika Kausthubha............. A divine gem worn by the Lord Kei ghat-................. The river bank where the Lord killed Kesi demon and many other pastimes kirtan........................ Singing for the pleasure of the Lord-His names and glories kuja......................... A decorated and secluded garden grove-thick with trees and flowers Lakm-.................... Goddess of Fortune and the wife of Lord Vishnu, expansion of Radha Lalit-....................... Dear most friend of Srimati Radhika Ll- .......................... 1-pastimes of the Lord 2-wife of a certain demigod so named Lokanth-................ Lokanath Goswami -the exalted Guru of Srila Narottham das Thakur Mdhavendra pur.. The spiritual master of r vara pur, who is the spiritual master of Caitanya Mahprabhu. He exemplified how devotees should always shun away from fame. Among numerous pastimes, once after the Gopinth deity personally hid sweet rice for Mdhavendra Pur, he left immediately, so that no one would recognize his exalted position. Madhumagala...... A very funny and dear bramana friend of Krishna Madhurya ............... 1-very sweet 2- sweet conjugal pastimes maala................... Arena, circle, or globe Mdhava................... The Lord who killed the Madhu demon 2--Lord Krishna-Who delights in honey sweet pastimes mahjan................... Great soul Malayan chandan... Sandalwood from the Malayan forest Mandir..................... Temple Mathur................... The holy places of the Lords pastimes and birth-also known as Mathura Mandala which is the entire abode of Vraja Mandala my ........................ Illusion, that which is not --the Lords external (material) energy that veils one from God

myvda..............A one sided impersonal conception of God and the living beings which views the world as false, and the impersonal Brahman as the only reality. It is considered to be dry atheism since it limits God (Brahman) to a non-dual void energy lacking personality or transendental form, a concept that actually offends God myvdi...............A person who accepts the doctrine of mayavad Mural....................Krsnas flute The form of the Lord (or his pure devotee) which appears to be made from matemrti....................... rial elements like wood, clay, stone etc. allowing the devotee service and worship by offering prayers, flowers, food, seeing, bowing down, circumambulating etc. with devotion! This worship of the form of the Lord is highly auspicious and purifies the home or temple for miles around Naarja............... The great dancer Nayik.................. Amorous heroine Nanda ................. The beloved father of r Ka The guru of many great personalities throughout the entire universe Nrada Muni......... Parikram........... .Circumambulating a holy place i.e. Pilgrimage The Lords mercy in the form of food which has been prepared and offered to Him prasdam................ with love pratiha................Name and fame, prestige, position or the desire for this *pravacana.......... Deception or cheating (many persons bathe in the holy rivers only to be relieved of sins--which is not a favorable mood for Bhakti but a type of cheating -pravancanafrom the song The Feet of Vaishnava Thakur *pravacana........... A popular or often quoted saying; an adage, a proverb Prem...................... Divine Love for the Supreme Lord Rdh Kua....... A divine pond made by Srimati Radharani and her friends Rghava ............... Lord Ramacandra, born in the dynasty of Raghu, the dynasty of the sun. Ri .........................A nickname for Srimati Radharani rasa-....................... -A liquid like flowing, sweet flavor, taste, mood or emotion in an exchanging relationship with the Lord rsa........................ As in rasa dance--the divine group dance of the Lord Rati-...................... 1-attachment and love 2- the wife of the demigod Cupid Rva ....................An ancient demon who was slain by Lord Ramachandra Rpa-Majar...... Srila Rupa Goswamis eternal manjari identiy

ac-........................... 1-Lord Caitanyas mother 2 Wife of King Indra sdhu-....................... .Saint sakhs........................ Girlfriends of Radhika akti........................... Divine energy or power samprdaya ............. Line of disciplic succession that goes back to the beginning of creation to Lord Krsna Himself Santana................... 1..Eternal 2. Santana Goswami- brother of Srila Rupa Goswami. Sakrtana.............. Congregational singing of Gods names and glories sannyas..................... Renounced order or monk life (there are two types of sannyas-bhakti sannyas which is favorable for bhakti and karma sannyas which is unfavorable for bhakti r Dayita ds.......... A name of rla Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupda, meaning the dearly beloved of Srimati Radharani. Sak............................. .Spinach or greens preparation Sat.............................. Ever existing Saty-......................... 1-real , truth 2- the wife of a certain demigod so-named iva-.......................... Auspicious one--the best of Vaishnavas--Gopisvar Srila Prabhupada.... (Lit.) 1-One who sits at the feet of his master 2- One at whose feet sit many masters rvatsa-...............,.... A blond hair on the chest of the Lord where Laxmi resides Svnanda Sukhada.. A Most Holy abode in Godrum yma-kua-.......... A divine pond created by r Ka hkur....................... 1) a spiritual guide deserving respect or reverence 2) God or Diety Tilk -........................ Auspicious markings on the body with sacred clay Tulas ........................ Krsnas extremely beloved devotee-Vrinda in a transcendental plant form -holy basil -Tulasi Vaikunha dhma.... The land without fear - abode of God Vaiava-................... Generally this refers to a pure devotee of the Supreme Lord Vasi......................... Krishnas flute Vina............................ A stringed instrument

Vikh-.................... Srimati Radharanis other dear most friend Vishvodhari.............. Universal Mother/holder Vraja dhma.............. The tract of land where r Ka lives and performs His pastimes, i.e., the holy abode of Vrindavan Vrajavsi.................... A resident of Vraja Vndvan Dhm-..... The divine and topmost abode of the Lord Vabhnu................ Srimati Radharani's father Yadus-........................ The family members of Ka in Dwarka Yagyas...................... Fire sacrifices for different kinds of benefits, Yama ......................... The demigod in charge of punishment Yaod....................... Krishna's mother Yaomat................... Mother Yasoda-Yoga maya- ............... The Lords internal (spiritual) energy that makes all favorable arrangements for the Lords pastimes and veils His Supreme Godhead aspect yukta vairgya.......... yukta--joined / vairagya-renunciation---ie. Engaging material elements in the service of the Lord

footnote from the preface I did not want to accept this sannyasa order, but this Godbrother forced me. He said, You must. He forcefully made me drink this medicine. Krpambudhi. He did this favor to me because he was an ocean of mercy. So we offer our obeisances to the Vaisnavas, the representatives of the Lord, they are so kind. They bring the ocean of mercy for distribution to the suffering humanity. So I am offering my respectful obeisances unto His Holiness Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaja. (Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on the disappearance of Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaja, 1968)]


Singing the songs...

There are many tunes and ways to sings these Vaishnava songs. The traditional tunes create very favorable moods but other tunes can be used and might be as nice. Sri Guru-astakam is the most well known song for the morning tune--nearly all the songs can be sung in the morning tune. The Night is Over (vibavari sesha), Mangal aroti, and any song you sing in the morning hours should be sung in a morning tune. (The morning tune is not recommended to be sung in the evening hours.) Some songs are easier than others so you can try different ways until the words fit and the song flows easily. There are some words which are in parenthesis. They can be used (or not ) depending on the tune If you know just a few of these songs you can check out the meter or rhythm of the songs. Try counting the syllables and see how they match up with a song you dont know. For example: ---Wicked Mind is a similar meter as When Oh tell me When ---Sri Sachi tanayam is the similar meter as Sri Damodar Askakam and Original Lord of Sweetness ---Sri RadhaKrsnas Lotus Feet is the similar meter of Nanda Kishora , As I surrender my soul, Radha kunda tata etc. -- Radha Krsna Aroti, Jaya Jaya Sri Krishna Caitanya Nityananda, Jaya Jaya to the Son of Jagganatha and Sachi -Nam Sankirtan, When While chanting Gauranga, are similar meters. --Jaya Jaya Harinam, Oh Vrindavan place of Beauty, Hari Hari When will this become my condition, Nitai divine Lotus feet, are similar meters --Gurudev Give one drop of mercy, Oh Hare To Give and receive gifts, Best of Avatars The Supreme Compassion, are similar meters.

Please check for songbooks, and cds of these songs!

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bengali, sanskrit, hindi adharam madhuram......................................................................143 aji rase badara nisi........................................................................172 akrodha paramananda nityananda................................................42 amara emana bhagya......................................................................23 amara jivana sada pape rata........................................................87 amara samana hina.......................................................................97 anadi karama phale.........................................................................88 ara kena maya jale........................................................................86 atma nivedana................................................................................. 91 atma samarpane............................................................................101 avatar sara.......................................................................................52 bandhu sange.................................................................................125 bhaja bhakata vatsala sri gaurahari............................................105 bhajahu re mana...........................................................................109 bhavarnave pade..............................................................................91 bhuliya tomare.................................................................................89 boro krpa kaile krsna....................................................................29 cintamani maya.......................................................................... 148 dhana mora nityananda................................................................46 diksa guru krpa kari.........................................................................4 dusta mana......................................................................................33 ei bara karuna kara.........................................................................14 ei bara paile dekha.......................................................................175 gauranga balite habe......................................................................56 gauranga karuna kara....................................................................55 gauranga tumi more.......................................................................54 gaurangera duti pada.....................................................................75 gaya gora madhura svare.............................................................60 gopinath mama nivedana.............................................................99 gora pahun......................................................................................53 gurudeva bada krpa kari................................................................10 gurudeva kabe mora sei dina habe..................................................19


gurudeva krpa bindu diya..............................................................11 ha ha kabe gaura nitai....................................................................74 ha ha mora gaura kisora................................................................76 hare he tomare bhuliya...................................................................62 hari haraye namah krsna...............................................................37 hari hari ara kabe palatiba dasa................................................ 137 hari hari ara ki emana dasa haba ...............................................141 hari hari bada sela marame rahila.............................................161 hari hari hena dina haibe amara..................................................162 hari hari kabe haba vrndavana vasi............................................152 hari hari kabe mora habe hena dina..............................................12 hari hari kabe mora haibe sudina ...............................................183 hari hari kabe mora haibe sudine...............................................211 hari hari krpa kari rakha nija pade.............................................102 hari hari viphale janama goainu...................................................177 hari he bhajane utsaha..................................................................20 hari he dana pratigraha...................................................................22 harinama tuwa aneka svarupa...................................................... 67 janama saphala tara......................................................................165 jaya jaya gauracandera.................................................................. 51 jaya jaya harinama........................................................................ 61 jaya jaya jagannatha sacira nandana........................................50 jaya jaya radha krsna yugala milan............................................149 jaya jaya sri caitanya patita pavana...............................................xxi jaya jaya sri krsna caitanya nityananda.......................................47 jaya jaya sundara nanda kumara ............................................169 je anila prema dhana karuna pracura............................................. 36 jiva jago jiva jago............................................................................. 64 kabe aha gauranga baliya................................................................ 71 kabe aha gauranga baliya................................................................ 97 kabe gaura vane............................................................................... 73 kabe habe bolo se dina amara.......................................................... 57 kabe habe vrndavana vasi............................................................. 126 kabe krsna dhana pabo.................................................................. 181 kabe mora mudha mana............................................................. 133


kabe mui vaisnava ciniba hari hari............................................ 25 kabe sri caitanya more karibena daya........................................15 kadamba tarura dala................................................................... 155 karanga kaupina laina............................................................... 179 ke jabi ke jabi bhai......................................................................... 49 keno hari krsna nama...................................................................68 ki rupe paiba seva...................................................................... 18 kothaya go prema mayi............................................................... 187 krpa kara vaisnava thakura.................................................... 21 krsna bhakti vina kabhu................................................................ 90 krsna deva bhavantam vande.................................................. 140 krsna prema maui radha............................................................. 129 krsna tava punya habe bhai........................................................ 113 krsnotkirtana gana nartana........................................................ 131 mama mana mandire.................................................................... 116 mana kekena miche bhajicha....................................................... 120 mana re dhana mada..................................................................... 81 mana re kena ara varna abhimana........................................... 84 mana re tumi bada dandigdha antara........................................ 79 manasa deha geha......................................................................... 94 mana tava kena e samsaya........................................................... 77 mana tore boli e varata................................................................. 85 mana tumi badai cancala............................................................. 28 mana tumi badai pamara..............................................................78 mana tumi bhalabasa.................................................................... 119 mana tumi padile ki chara......................................................... 81 mangala sri guru gaura......................................................... 121 mora prabhu madana gopala..................................................... 176 munindra vrnda vandite............................................................ 157 namamisvaram sac cid ananda rupam.................................... 111 namo namah tulasi krsna preyasi........................................... 150 narada muni bajaya vina.............................................................72 nirjana kutire............................................................................. 153 nitai guna mani amara................................................................ 40

nitai pada kamala......................................................................... 39 ohe vaisnava thakura dayara sagara.............................................13 parama karuna pahu dui jana.................................................. 48 prabhu he ei bara karaha karuna................................................147 prabhu he emana durmati..............................................................92 prabhu tava pada yuge................................................................96 radha bhajane jadi mati nahi........................................................171 radhika carana renu.....................................................................184 ramani siromani............................................................................145 rupera garava kena bhai..............................................................82 sadhu sanga na haila haya..........................................................27 samsara dava nala lidha loka.........................................................5 sarac candra bhrantim sphurad amala...........................................41 sata koti gopi.................................................................................164 sri rupa manjari pada....................................................................182 srita kamala kuca mandala..........................................................117 sucaru vaktra mandalam..............................................................151 suddha bhakata..............................................................................107 sukhera lagiya...............................................................................178 suniyachi sadhu mukhe...............................................................128 thakura vaisnava gana...................................................................17 thakura vaisnava pada....................................................................14 tumi sarvesvaresvara......................................................................95 udila aruna purabo bhage..............................................................63 uvjala varana gaura vara deham.................................................65 varaja vipine..................................................................................163 vibhavari sesa aloka pravesa........................................................123 vraja jana mana sukhakari..........................................................127 vrndavana ramya sthana.............................................................154 vrndavana vasi jata.......................................................................7 vrsabhanu suta..............................................................................173 yadi gauranga nahita....................................................................70 yamuna punile................................................................................36 yasomati nandana...........................................................................39

We should always remember the danger of mayas influence and endeavor to save ourselves from her great power. We must therefore always merge in the transcendental mellow of kirtana-rasa, for kirtana-rasa is the safest situation within this material world. Hare Krsna. Srila A.C. Bhaktivendanta Swami Prabhupada

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