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hi dudes any questions in RHEL?

Jul 8, 2010

Creating Bootable pen drive for Linux OS Installation

Creating Bootable pen drive for Linux OS Installation

Redhat Enterprise Linux Fedora Cent OS

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4 GB flash drive RHEL / Fedora / Cent OS Installation CD/DVD. Bios must be supported with the USB device bootable option

Mount the CD Drive #mount /dev/cdrom /mnt Create a FAT filesystem in pen drive #mkisofs /dev/sdb1 Mount the pen drive #mount /dev/sdb1 /misc Copy the required files from CD to the pen drive #cd /misc #cp /mnt/isolinux/* /misc #rm isolinux.bin trans.tbl #mv isolinux.cfg syslinux.cfg Make the USB Bootable #syslinux /dev/sdb1 Install grub on the usb pen drive #grub-install root-directory=/misc /dev/sdb Create grub.conf file in the pen drive #cd /misc #mkdir p boot/grub #vi boot/grub/grub.conf default=0 timeout=5 root (hd0,0) title Install RHEL kernel /vmlinuz initrd /initrd.img Create one directory and copy the OS CD iso files within that directory in pen drive #mkdir images #cd images Create the ISO files of the CD #mkisofs J r T o RHEL-disc1.iso /mnt Unmount the pen drive #umount /misc Now Restart and boot system through USB It boots like linux

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