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Darren Palmer English 11B Mr. Willet 13 December 2013 Are GM crops unhealthy? Genetically modified crops are being grown all around the world including Palmer farms which is my own family farm, but people question if GM crops are healthy for human consumption. According to food dialogs GM foods have the same nutritional value as non GM crops. Sixty to seventy percent of all foods are made with GM crops. According to (WebMD) GM crops are safe for humans to eat and could possibly supply the needed food to feed the starving nations (GMO). Do genetically modified crops have the same nutritional value as non-genetically modified crops? Genetically modified foods have the same nutrition value as non GM foods. For example GM corn has the same nutritional value as non GM corn. Both types of corn have the same amount of amino acids, protein, fiber, and minerals and vitamins. The crops have been tested to confirm that they hold the same nutritional value by the FDA, USDA, and the EPA (Feature) According to a test done by De Dell corn; Canadas only non GM corn company GM crops have a lower nutritional value. According to this source GM Corn has fourteen parts per million (ppm) of Calcium and non GM corn has 6130 ppm. Four hundred thirty times more. It also showed that GM corn has two ppm of Magnesium and non GM corn has one hundred

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thirteen ppm. Fifty six times more. And last but not least this GM corn has two ppm of Manganese and non GM corn has fourteen ppm seven times more (stunning corn comparison). Many people in America dont know that sixty to seventy percent of all their foods have been produced with GM crops. A list of these foods includes anything from infant formula to alcohol for more information refer to appendix A (institute). Most of you have eaten GM food already today because some of your favorite breakfast cereals are made with GM foods. A few of these includes general mills cereals and Kelloggs cereals for more information refer to appendix B (top breakfast cereals). Some other foods that are produced with GM foods include high fructose corn syrup, snack foods, pop, and food made with soybeans (institute). GM foods are safe to eat and can create the much needed food for starving nations. According to our U.S government GM foods are safer to eat because they resist disease better that non GM foods. GM foods are being modified to get larger yields than the non GM crops which will make more food that can be shipped to starving nations. For example right now U.S farmers are lucky to get 150 bushels to the acre and now GM crops are being made to get 200 plus bushels to the acre 50 bushels to the acre on a 40 acre field is a big deal (GMO). So are GM foods safe for human consumption. Most of the sources I used for this paper say yes they are safe for human consumption but they didnt show any of their results. The source that did show the results of their tests showed that GM foods have a significantly lower nutritional value than non GM foods. So do they hold the same nutrition value as non GM foods that is what you have to decide but with the evidence that I have found I would have to say no. If most of the foods we have been eating were produced with GM foods then we have been eating GM foods for years. GM foods are being bred to produce higher yields than non GM foods

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which could provide the much needed food for starving nations. So are GM foods healthy for human consumption? That is for you to decide.

Appendix A Infant formula Bread Hamburgers and hotdogs Mayonnaise Cookies Candy Chips Meat substitutes Frozen yogurt Tamari and Soy sauce Tomato sauce Baking powder Confectioner's glaze Salad dressing Cereal Margarine Crackers Chocolate Fried food Veggie burgers Ice cream Tofu Soy cheese Protein powder Any sugar not 100% Cane Alcohol Peanut butter

Vanilla (may contain corn syrup)

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Appendix B 1.Barbaras Bakery Puffins Peanut Butter 3.Kelloggs Corn Pops 5.Kashi Heart to Heart 7.General Mills Kix 9.Quaker Honey Graham Ohs 2.General Mills Cocoa Puffs 4.Kelloggs Frosted Flakes 6.Kelloggs Corn Flakes 8.General Mills Corn Chex 10.General Mills Honey Nut Chex

Works cited
Feature, WebMD. "Genetically Modified Foods (Biotech Foods) Pros and Cons." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2013. "GMO." Food Dialogues: Farmers & Ranchers Committed to Continuous Improvement of How We Grow & Raise Food. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2013.

"Stunning Corn Comparison: GMO versus NON GMO." Moms Across America. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2013. "Institute for Responsible Technology." - GMOs in Food. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2013 "Top Breakfast Cereals That Contain Monsanto's GMO Corn." Top Breakfast Cereals That Contain Monsanto's GMO Corn. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.

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