Bdo Virtual Card: Application Form

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You have to have an active, principal BDO MasterCard or BDO Visa Credit Card. Two ways to submit: Email: Input all information in a soft copy of this form, save as VCARD full name!, e.".# VCARD $oa%uin &oren'o, then email as attachment to virtualcard() Fax: *rint this form, fill out all fields then fa+ to (02) !"#$"!% & (02) !!#'2$$. ,ill out the Application ,orm )elo-. *lease complete all fields .placin" /0A if /ot Applica)le1.


A((li)atio* Fo+m BDO Credit Card /um)er

Ca+-2ol-,+3s 4am, C+,-it Limit .+,/,++,- BDO Vi+tual Ca+C+,-it Limit Ca+- Ex(i+y Dat, .mm0yy e.". 6<0:91 Dat, o/ Bi+t2 .ddMMMyy e.". :5@A*:4>41 Last 5)2ool Att,*-,Com(a*y 4am, Billi*6 A--+,ss O//i), .2o*, 4umb,+ 7om, .2o*, 4umb,+ 1obil, 4umb,+ Email A--+,ss
2he credit limit of your BDO MasterCard or BDO Visa Credit Card must meet the minimum credit limit re%uirement as sho-n )elo-. If credit limit re%uest is not -ithin your e+istin" credit limit, the default credit limit -ill )e assi"ned.

BDO C+,-it Ca+BDO Classic Card BDO Classic Card BDO ;old Card

.+i*)i(al C+,-it Ca+)+,-it limit *34,444 and )elo*96,666 and a)ove *56,666 and a)ove

D,/ault Vi+tual Ca+)+,-it limit0 567 of Credit &imit88 *:5,666 *96,666

1i*imu* Vi+tual Ca+)+,-it limit *3,666 *3,666 *3,666

8round up to the nearest thousand 88in increments of *:,666

*lease allo- us 3< hours from date of su)mission to process your application and 5=> -or?in" days .for Metro Manila1 or :6=:5 -or?in" days .for provincial areas1 to deliver your BDO Virtual Card.

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