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Try to show the connection between plate boundaries and volcanoes.


New Land being born!

Many islands form by volcanic activity at the bottom of the ocean. Surtsey off the coast of Iceland was formed at a divergent plate boundary. Use the case studies website to get your examples of types of volcanoes.

Volcano Brochure Project 25pts

Earth Science
Use the links from the blog to complete this assignment.

Woodard Earth Science

You could also include descriptions of some of the most dangerous aspects of a volcanic eruption such as pyroclastic flows, lahars, ash clouds, etc.

You should also address how scientists try to predict volcanic eruptions.

Important Volcanic Terms

What you have to do
You should create a brochure using Word that describes each type of volcano and what you have learned this week about volcanic activity. Pick a brochure template and fill in information about each of the three types of volcanoes.

Convergent boundary Divergent boundary Viscosity Gas content Silica content Cinder Cone Shield Volcano Lava flow

Make sure to include some information about viscosity of magma and how it determines the type of eruption.

Each section should include

Image Description of how it formed Description of shape The type of eruption it will have The type of plate boundary it is on The type of magma it has 3 examples

When you finish our brochure you can email it to .

Lava tube
Hot spot

Hurray Volcanoes!

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