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Out, Out- by Robert Frost Question: How did the poets use of language bring the events to life?

(10 mar s!

"n the poem #ut$ #ut% by Robert Frost$ the poets use of language brings the events of the poem to life in an effe&tive and vivid way' (he poet uses personifi&ation throughout the poem to des&ribe the saw as if it was a living &reature' (his use of personifi&ation ma es the events of the poem frightening and aggressive' Frost repetitively tells us that the saw snarled and rattled) in the yard as the boy wor ed' (his use of personifi&ation &reates a very tense atmosphere in the poem whi&h warns us that this saw is li e a dangerous$ aggressive &reature' Frost also uses onomatopoeia in the poem with the words *u++) and snarled and rattled)' (he ++ sound in bu++) helps us to imagine the sound of the saw' (he words snarled and rattled) add to the already tense atmosphere in the poem' Finally$ Frost uses language in the poem that appeals to our five senses' (his use of language and sensuous des&ription helps us to imagine the poem as if we are there and it ma es the entire poem &ome to life as we read it' ,e &an imagine smelling the freshly &ut wood$ we &an see the mountain ranges lit up by the sunset and we &an almost feel the young boys fading pulse when Frost tells us it was: -ittle%less%nothing) Frosts use of language undoubtedly helps to bring this poem and its horrifi& events to life'

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