Consumer Behavior MCQ

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The behavior that consumers use to search for, purchase, use, evaluate, and dispose of products is known as: Your Answer: social responsibility. Correct Answer: consumer behavior. Incorrect Incorrect


What type of consumer buys goods for his own use or for the use of his household? Your Answer: Organizational consumer Correct Answer: Personal consumer Incorrect Incorrect


Another term for a personal consumer is: Your Answer: end user. Correct


Which stage of consumer behavior stressed the selling of products that the manufacturing department wanted to produce? Your Answer: Production orientation Correct Answer: Sales orientation Incorrect Incorrect


When a market is divided into subsets by age groupings, what is this called: Your Answer: Market segmentation Correct


When a company attempts to create an "image" of its product in the mind of consumers relative to other similar competitive products, this is called: Your Answer: positioning. Correct


All of the following are examples of the marketing mix EXCEPT: Your Answer: promotion. Correct Answer: profit. Incorrect Incorrect


The features of a new car (e.g. air bags, CD player, surround sound, heated seats, automatic locks, etc.) are part of which aspect of the marketing mix? Your Answer: Place Correct Answer: Product Incorrect Incorrect


In terms of customer value, all of the following are examples of resources used to obtain benefits EXCEPT:

Your Answer: functional benefit. Correct


When a company can deliver customized messages to a small market segment on an ongoing basis, this process is called: Your Answer: broadcasting. Correct Answer: narrowcasting. Incorrect Incorrect


Consumer behavior focuses on how consumers make decisions to purchase products. Your Answer: True Correct


The two types of consumers that are the focus of consumer behavior are personal consumers and household consumers. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False Incorrect


A city government is an example of an organizational consumer. Your Answer: True Correct


End-use consumption involves every person in the U.S. Your Answer: True Correct


Mass marketing ideas are the basic assumptions in the marketing concept. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False Incorrect


The process of studying consumer behavior is called consumer research. Your Answer: True Correct


A good positioning strategy focuses on the features of the product instead of the benefits that the product will provide to the consumer. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False Incorrect


A sound marketing orientation is to consider the sale of a product as a transaction and not as a part of a customer relationship. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False Incorrect


Customer satisfaction is a function of the expectations of the customer

when she purchases the product. Your Answer: True Correct


Successful marketers treat all customers the same in terms of their potential profitability. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False Incorrect



All of the following are examples of quantitative research EXCEPT: Your Answer: experiments. Correct Answer: focus groups. Incorrect


The first step in the consumer research process is: Your Answer: designing the research study. Correct Answer: defining the objectives of the research project. Incorrect


The most difficult step in the consumer research process is: Your Answer: defining the objectives of the research. Correct


Another term for a depth interview is a(n): Your Answer: one-on-one interview. Correct


A discussion group led by a moderator in which 8 to 10 participants discuss an idea for a new product is called a(n): Your Answer: focus group. Correct


A step-by-step outline of the topics to be discussed in a focus group is called a(n): Your Answer: moderator key. Correct Answer: discussion guide. Incorrect


When a camera takes photographs of cars "running a red light" so that the owners can be mailed the photos along with an invoice for a fine of $100, this is an example of what type of research study? Your Answer: Experiment Correct Answer: Observational Incorrect


If an experimenter performs a test market in two cities and offers the product at two different prices to track the number of units sold at each price, price is the: Your Answer: the independent variable. Correct


A five-point scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree that measures customer satisfaction with front desk clerk service at a hotel is an example of what type of scale? Your Answer: Semantic differential scale Correct Answer: Likert scale Incorrect


When adult women who live in St. Louis are asked to place, from highest to lowest, six shopping centers located in St. Louis on "value for the money," what type of scale does this represent? Your Answer: Behavior intention scale Correct Answer: Rank-order scale Incorrect


Information that has already been collected for a research study of a different purpose than the current research study is called primary data. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False Incorrect


Secondary data cannot be obtained from sources internal to the organization. Your Answer: True

Correct Answer: False Incorrect


A depth interview is a good example of qualitative research. Your Answer: True Correct


In a depth interview, the interviewer should probe answers from the respondent that are vague. Your Answer: True Correct


Focus groups are typically held in conference rooms where they can be recorded. Your Answer: True Correct


The use of one form of expression to describe feelings about another is called a metaphor. Your Answer: True Correct


During the past decade, there has been a strong decrease in the popularity of online focus groups. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False



In a telephone survey, people who have unlisted phone numbers can be reached by random-digit dialing. Your Answer: True Correct


Customer satisfaction measures can be either qualitative or quantitative in nature. Your Answer: True Correct


Typically, it is much more costly for a company to retain existing customers than to acquire new customers. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False



The driving force within a manager that impels that manager to take some action is called: Your Answer: motivation. Correct


Needs such as physiological, food, water, air, clothing, and shelter are

what type of needs? Your Answer: Innate needs Correct


When a manager has a goal toward which her behavior is engaged trying to accomplish that goal, what type of object is involved? Your Answer: Avoidance object Correct Answer: Approach object Incorrect


What type of needs involve the need for food, the need for water, and the need to avoid cold? Your Answer: Defense needs Correct Answer: Physiological needs Incorrect


What type of goal is selected when the consumer decides on the brand based on objective criteria (e.g. price, weight, size) to select a purchase object? Your Answer: Rational Correct


Another term for "daydreaming" is: Your Answer: level of aspiration. Correct Answer: autistic thinking. Incorrect


A consumer who sees a 20-ounce bottle of Pepsi in a cooler at the checkout counter at a supermarket and who purchases this product is making a decision based on: Your Answer: stimulus-response theory. Correct


Which psychologist developed a detailed list of psychogenic needs? Your Answer: Henry Murray Correct


In Maslow's theory of motivation, which type of needs are the most basic of human needs? Your Answer: (blank)


What type of need is involved when a manager tries to have great control over every detail of his subordinates' work plans? Your Answer: Need for power Correct


The key to a company's profitability is its ability to satisfy the unfulfilled needs of consumers better than competitors. Your Answer: True Correct


Companies should define their business based on the products they produce instead of on the consumer needs they satisfy. Your Answer: (blank)


Physiological needs are innate needs. Your Answer: True Correct


Acquired needs are called secondary needs. Your Answer: True Correct


Goals are the intended accomplishments of motivated behavior. Your Answer: True Correct


Needs and goals are independent of one another and are not interdependent. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False Incorrect


Managers who achieve their goals typically set lower-level goals for their next goals. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False Incorrect


Frustration typically follows failure by a manager to achieve a goal. Your Answer: (blank)


Managers who have different needs can select the same goal. Your Answer: True Correct


A good positioning strategy attempts to identify an unsatisfied need of consumers that is not being satisfied by a competing brand. Your Answer: True Correct



An individual's inner psychological characteristics that determine how that person responds to his environment are known as: Your Answer: (blank)


All of the following are components of Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality EXCEPT: Your Answer: (blank)


All of the following are examples of Karen Horney's personality groups EXCEPT: Your Answer: compliant.

Correct Answer: superego. Incorrect


In Karen Horney's personality groups, which group focuses on people who desire to excel and to win admiration from others? Your Answer: Aggressive Correct


In Karen Horney's personality groups, all of the following are characteristics of the detached group EXCEPT: Your Answer: self-sufficiency. Correct Answer: the desire to be loved. Incorrect


In trait theory, the degree of receptiveness a consumer feels toward "new experiences" is called: Your Answer: consumer narrowness. Correct Answer: consumer innovativeness. Incorrect


Which personality-driven trait refers to a consumer's switching brands in order to experience a possible better alternative brand? Your Answer: Exploratory purchase behavior Correct


Which cognitive personality attribute refers to consumers who prefer

verbal information about new products to visual information? Your Answer: Visualizers Correct Answer: Verbalizers Incorrect


When marketers target consumers by stressing a theme such as: "Made in America," what type of consumer is being targeted? Your Answer: Inner-directed consumer Correct Answer: Erhnocentric consumer Incorrect


What type of a consumer's self-image refers to how consumers see themselves factually? Your Answer: Social self-image Correct Answer: Actual self-image Incorrect


The personality of a consumer tends to be "consistent." Your Answer: True Correct


Trait theory is primarily qualitative in nature. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False Incorrect


Consumer research has found a negative relationship between consumers who purchase goods online and their innovative use of the Internet. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False Incorrect


The degree of "rigidity" a consumer displays toward unfamiliar products is called consumer dogmatism. Your Answer: True Correct


Highly dogmatic consumers tend to be less receptive to TV ads for new products. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False Incorrect


Other-directed consumers tend to be more likely to be consumer innovators. Your Answer: True Correct Answer: False Incorrect


Variety-seeking behavior can be domain specific. Your Answer: True Correct


Consumer materialism varies from one country to another country. Your Answer: True Correct


Compulsive consumption is an example of addictive abnormal behavior. Your Answer: True Correct


Women are more likely than men to exhibit impulse buying tendencies. Your Answer: True Correct

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