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SE115 Assignment 4

Due 02/07/2014

1. In the region just downstream of a sluice gate, the water may develop a reverse flow region as indicated in the following figure. If the water depth at section (1) is 5 ft, find the average flow velocity there.

2. Water enters the horizontal, circular cross-sectional, sudden contraction mozzel in the following figure at section (1) with a uniformly distributed velocity of 25 ft/s and a pressure of 75 psi. The water exits from the nozzle into the atmosphere at section (2) where the uniformly distributed velocity is 100 ft/s. Determine the axial component of the anchoring force required to hold the contraction in place.

3. Determine the magnitude of the horizontal component of the anchoring force per unit width required to hold in place the sluice gate shown in the following figure. Assume that the flow downstream is uniform. The pressure distributions upstream and downstream all equal to hydrostatic pressure (hint: these pressure forces has to be accounted as external forces on the control volume).

4. Water flows from a two-dimensional open channel and is diverted by an inclined plate as shown in the following figure. When the velocity at section (1) is 10 ft/s, what horizontal force is required to hold the plate in position? At section (1) the

SE115 Assignment 4

Due 02/07/2014

pressure distribution is hydrostatic, and at section (2) the pressure equals the atmospheric pressure (hereby considered as zero).

5. Five liters per second of water enter the rotor shown in the following figure along the axis of rotation. The cross-sectional area of each of the three nozzle exits normal to the relative velocity is 18 mm2. How large is the resisting toque required to hold the rotor stationary (if = 0 0 )?

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