Learning Theory Explanation For Attachment

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Learning Theory Explanations for Attachment States that all behaviour is learned as a result of experiences rather than inborn.

States were a blank slate and its interaction with environment that shapes person Behaviourist Approach States that learning takes place in two ways: o Classical conditioning o Operant conditioning

Classical conditioning Learning through association Pavlov did experiment with dogs and their salivation. Unconditioned stimulus produced unconditioned response When neutral stimulus +unconditioned stimulus (a few times) = conditioned stimulus In terms of attachment: Milk is unconditional stimulus which provides unconditional reflex response in baby of pleasure at relief of hunger

Operant conditioning Learning via reinforcement Positive reinforcement: Any behaviour that produces a reward will be repeated Negative reinforcement: Any behaviour that switches off something unpleasant will be repeated. Both positive & negative reinforcement strengthen behaviour Punishments weakens behaviour

In terms of attachment: New-born baby will cry in response to feelings of discomfort. Sound is uncomfortable to carer who will attempt to comfort baby by feeding/changing/holding them. Positive reinforcement for baby as its rewarding for baby whos likely to settle down Negative reinforcement for parent who is likely to repeat them actions when baby cries again in order to switch it off

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