Setting A Good Example

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Setting a Good Example

Setting a good example is not a put-on. It is simply working safety into your daily routine at home and on the job. When we all work safely, it means e eryone is less likely to get hurt on the job and our futures are more se!ure. "ew employees !ertainly benefit by seeing operations !ondu!ted the safe way. #s you all know from experien!e, people new on the job take a while to adjust and to dis!o er how they fit in the o erall set-up of the plant. "ew employees who ha e ne er held a job before or those who were employed by a firm that had a weak safety program probably will need !onsiderable safety instru!tion. We try to tell them how to do their job the safe way, but as with e erything else, a!tions speak mu!h louder than words. $he a!tions these new employees will hear - and ultimately !opy - are yours. %emember how it was for you the first day on your job. &ou wat!hed the old hands to see how they did things. &ou asked them 'uestions, and did what they told you. So I(d like to ask ea!h of you old hands to do your new !o-workers -- and yourself -- a fa or. $ea!h the new folks the safe way to work by setting a good example and working safely e ery day. )on(t take short!uts. )on(t by-pass guards and safety de i!es. )o the right thing. &ou may think I don(t ha e anybody new in my area. #nd that may be the !ase. *ut you ne er know when someone with less experien!e will be wat!hing -- and !opying -- what you do. "ew employees aren(t the only ones that need to ha e a good safety example. +ld hands get hurt, too. ,ow many times ha e you heard these !ommentsSafety e'uipment is for sissies. I don(t ha e time to do it the safe way. Saying these things - and a!ting this way -not only puts you at risk, but makes it harder for people who do want to work safely to do so. )on(t be responsible for someone getting hurt be!ause you talked him or her out of wearing the proper safety gear or doing a job the safe way. &ou also need to remember how your safe or unsafe a!tions make our plant look to the isitors we ha e from time to time. +ften these isitors are our !ustomers. It makes our plant look sloppy and poorly run if they see our people disregarding safety. We try to show our !ustomers that we are a good plant that makes a good produ!t.

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