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Playlist Voi siete Qui 2012-13 (prime 120 puntate) 1. Il bicchiere mezzo pieno 1. Transatlantique - Beirut 2.

All is love Karen O & the Ki s 2. !e passioni "orti e le passioni eboli 1. It#s a $in o" ma%ic &ueen 2. 'ance "or (ou 'irt( )ro*ectors +. ,oses an bones - Broa cast 2--+. !a mia prima volta 1. I *ust sit there .onn( Bono 2. /umpin# /ac$ 0lash ,ollin% .tones +. All I have are memories 1arper .imon 2. !a lettera mai spe ita 1. 0ollo3 the sun 4avier ,u 2. 5essa%e in a bottle The )olice 6. ,in%raziamenti 1. I 3ant to than$ (ou Otis ,e in% 2. 7ishes an .tars 1arper .imon 8. 9n ono #amore 1. I love m( o% :at .tevens 2. All those "rien l( people 0uneral .uits +. ;outh - 'au%hter <. !e quattro vite 1. Onl( !ove Ben 1o3ar 2. 7in an 7alls The Tallest 5an on =arth >. ospite !ella :osta 1. .a( ;es !an%horne .lim 2. 'on#t leave me ,e%ina .pe$tor ?. .toria i un balbuziente 1. A little lost - @at Bal 3in 2. )otere alla parola 0ran$ie 1i-@,A 5: +. )ieces Arasscut 1-. 9n pomeri%%io alla posta 1. 5(th Beach 1ouse 2. !i$e the 3heel The Tallest 5an on =arth +. .omethin% %oo - Alt-/ 11. Bio%raBa i un peluche 1. 5rs. :ol Kin%s o" :onvenience

2. :ome 3ith me :eo +. 5( 'iamon )on - AablC 12. .torie ell#altro mon o 1. 5arz /ohn Arant 2. .pace o it( 'avi Bo3ie +. !o$in% "or Astronauts The @ational 1+. corso #italiano per stranieri 1. 5on Oura%an 5oussu T e !ei /ovents 2. The .tran%ers .t. Dincent 12. .o%ni e provare a realizzarli 1. Boo$ o" /ames 7e Are Au%ustines 2. Aoshen Beirut 16. :he arrivi la notte presto 1. .o har to Bn Oba iah )ar$er 2. :ommon )eople )ulp +. This summer 1erman 'une 18. la noia E utile 1. The ;outh 5A5T 2.Time to )reten 5A5T +. .3in% !o 5a%ellan 'irt( )ro*ectors 1<. @on E l#ultima erbetta "resca a in%rassare il coni%lio 1. 7inter 3in s 5um"or & .ons 2. 'a( 0our Bloc )art( +. All m( a(s AleFi 5ur och 1>. Inci ente aereo 1. Bloo buzz Ohio /ulia .tone 2. 7hat is !i"e Aeor%e 1arrison +. A simple ans3er Arizzl( Bear 1?. &uan o i tuoi non sanno ove sei 1. ,e emption .on% /oe .trummer & The 5escaleros 2. The 'reamer The Tallest man on =arth 2-. :ontinua a nuotare 1. I 3ill 3ait 5um"or & .ons 2. Trouble - ,a( !a 5onta%ne +. Torna o #>< The ,ural Alberta A vanta%e 21. Il ta%liauovaso e 1. .ir is Alina Orlova 2. Aonna Buil a 5ountain Broa cast 2--+. The Turn 0re o Diola

22. 5atrimonio tra cu%ini 1. I call (our name The 5amas & The )apas 2. 7hen a prett( "ace A am Areen 2+. .torie i pu%ni 1. A 7ell respecte man The Kin$s 2. 7ar = 3in .tarr +. ,espect Aretha 0ran$lin 22. Inventarsi la vita e%li altri 1. An%els The 44 2. 5atil a Alt-/ +. Aun has no Tri%%er 'irt( )ro*ectors 26. uomini e onne 1. The 5a%ic /oan as a )olice 7oman 2. !ove 3ill tear us apart /osC Aonzales 28. .u%%erimenti non richiesti 1. 'o3n3in .ean ,o3e 2. )uutarhassa )e$$a .tren% +. The ol est o" sisters Balthazars 2<. ,inuncia al man ato 1. 5a ness 5use 2. The .a son% GTunn% ,emiFH 0re o Diola 2>. In bici in%arellato 1. !oser Bec$ 2. .ante ( Airar en%o Barnetti Bros Ban +. 1eroes 'avi Bo3ie 2?. Il pro". .entimentale 1. !ast Aoo b(e /e"" Buc$le( 2. @on ho piI vo%lia i imparare 'i5artino +. To *ust %ro3 a3a( The Tallest 5an on =arth +-. 'ire i @o 1. 7hispers in the 'ar$ 5um"or & .ons 2. .leepin% 9te Arizzl( Bear +. !a 'escente Ba en Ba en +1. !a mia 1aiti 1. !ea in% me no3 The Tallest 5an on =arth 2. 5imizan Beirut +. !ittle !ion#s 1eart The Tallest 5an On =arth +2. In ambulanza 1. I "oun (ou Alabama .ha$es 2. Ao $no3s I#m %oo 'avi Bo3ie

++. !a vita un via%%io in treno 1. .ummertime /anis /oplin 2. !ust "or !i"e I%%( )op +. 7il est moments /essie 7are +2. Il meto o !eonar o 1. The last livin% ,ose )/ 1arve( 2. Battleships I#m "rom Barcelona +. 'issolve me Alt-/ +6. :iao 'avi volevo solo au%urarti un buon 2--> 1. Bo(s on#t cr( - Arant !ee )hilips 2. .till be "rien s Billie The Dision & The 'ancers +. October - The 1elio .equence +8. I luo%hi comuni 1. ,evelation Blues The Tallest 5an On =arth 2. .tereot(pes Blur +. 7here is m( min )iFies +<. Il cliente non ha sempre ra%ione 1. .mall to3n moon ,e%ina .pe$tor 2. The .ocialites 'irt( )ro*ector +>. l#isola eserta in Italia 1. Tropical Islan A am Areen 2. The ,i e :aleFico +. opzionale se non c#E tele"onataJ Blue ,i %e 5ountains 0leet 0oFes +?. artista i stra a 1. 5on Oura%an 5oussu T e !ei /ovents 2.!a Dalse A sale temps 5anu :hao +. !e vent nous porterK @oir 'esir 2-. Inizio a remare 1. I am the Ocean .cisma 2. 7ho loves the sun Delvet 9n er%roun +. The ra%%e .ea AleFi 5ur och 21. le raccoman azioni 1. :riminals The Tallest 5an On =arth 2. )iccoli )eccati 'imartino +. I#m a Beliver ,obert 7(att 22. !o zio po$erista 1. Becomin% a /ac$al Dilla%ers 2. 7al$ A3a( Tom 7aits +. Toni%ht Toni%ht .mashin% )ump$ins

2+. !ontano a me 1. .haba$ 5usic 5oo$ = 2. !imonchi$i Amster am Klezmer Ban +. A ir alam Bal$an Beat BoF 22. Il momento in cui ci a ormentiamo 1. .leepin% in The )ostal .ervice 2. 7hile (ou 3ere sleepin% =lvis )er$ins +. @i%hts3immin% ,.=.5. 26. !#e ucazione 1. 'anceL 'anceL 'ance !($$e !i 2. Breezebloc$s Alt-/ +. 0rom to3ns an Bel s Arasscut 28. Divere all#estero 1. :artoline a Amster am 'imartino 2. Il 'isertore Ivano 0ossati +. The Areat =scape )atric$ 7atson 2<. !a %rotta 1. 7il est 5oments - /essie 7are 2. Across the 9niverse 0iona Apple 2>. !e vocazioni stroncate sul nascere 1. A real hero - :olle%e 2. 9nless it#s $ic$s O$$ervil ,iver 2?. !a tribI el 3in sur" 1. ,i e the 7il .ur" /an an 'ean 2. !et#s %o surBn% The 'rums +. 5( Aeneration The 7ho 6-. Bellbroo$L Ohio 1. )iazzaL @e3 ;or$ catcher Belle & .ebastian 2. 7est o" the 0iel s ,.=.5. +. :ape :anaveral :onor Oberst 61. Batta%lie perse 1. I#ll $eep it 3ith mine @ico 2. The 7inter "rom her leavin% 7illiam 0itzsimmons +. .uburban 7ar Arca e 0ire 62. Inci ente al Kebab 1. 'on#t loo$ bac$ into the sun The !ibertines 2. ,oc$ the :asbah The :lash 6+. =ssere chi sono 1. :ampus Dampire 7ee$en

2. 7ol" 0irst Ai Kit +. Animal li"e .hear3ater 62. 9no schia""o al pa re 1. Keep on movin% Kin% Tu"" 2. 1it ,un Kin% Tu"" 66. :re erci 1. :ambio i ea 'imartino 2. I#ll believe in An(thin% 7ol" )ara e +. 7e 3ere ever%reen =i%hteen 68. 'isattenzione 1. !ittle .urprise The 7ave )ictures 2. Den%a il tuo re%no 'imartino +. 5( con"essionar( 1(mn /oshua /ames 6<. Bi%iare 1. 1i%h .chool /erem( 0isher 2. Blister in the sun Diolent 0emmes 6>. lo zio #america 1. I on#t li$e the man I am )ete 5olinari 2. !ittle tal$s O" monsters an men +. Aro3in# up Bruce .prin%steen 6?. Aita italiana 1. G.ittin# OnH The 'oc$ o" the 'a( Otis ,e 2. .in%in in the rain 'oris 'a( +. !a mia ban a suona il roc$ Ivano 0ossati in%

8-. 5ani"estazione 1. .tra3berr( 0iel s "orever /im .tur%ess & /oe An erson 2. !ivin% in 0ame The :lash +. The Auns o" BriFton The :lash 81. Istupi imento #amore 1. .atellite :olapesce 2. I thin$ I nee a ne3 heart 5a%netic 0iel s 82. Il ma%lione %iallo con le "ra%ole 1. Areat 7hite Bear 'ear ,ea er 2. 5om an 'a 5i le Brother +. 1?-2 The Tallest 5an on =arth 8+. minatori 1. 5iniera Aian 5aria Testa 2. .traniero ,occo Aranata +. In 5aremma :oro ei minatori i .anta 0lora G"eat. Ainevra i 5arcoH 82. restare in panne 1. .he#s a ,ainbo3 The ,ollin% .tones

2. @othin% arrive - Dilla%ers 86. &uella el porce u 1. )atron .aint ,e%ina .pe$tor 2. 'are evil 0iona Apple +. T3o 3ee$s Arizzl( Bear 88. .pee atin% 1. I "eel it all 0eist G'iplo ,emiFH 2. .unn( 5arvin Aa(e G5ercur( = it IIH +. 7rite about love Belle & .ebastian 8<. Il 2 lu%lio sul Despucci 1. Kin% o" @e3 ;or$ 0un !ovin# :riminals 2. I#m so "ree !ou ,ee +. 1an some 5oll( 5ic$ /a%%er 8>. il potere el suono 1. 5a 7orl Aar( /ules 2. .ave me Aime 5ann +. All 3e are - B*or$ 8?. A ozione 1. I 3ant to hol (our han The Beatles 2. .3in% !o 5a%ellan 'irt( )ro*ectors +. The .tate I am in Belle & .ebastian <-. Doi .iete &ui speciale Brizzi 1. Kauntri 5uzi$ - /ohnnie .elBsh & the 3orrie men Ban 2. These a(s I am a Kloot +. @othin% to sin% about - /ohnnie .elBsh & the 3orrie men Ban <1. &uel pro"umo in imenticabile 1. .#Illumina - :olapesce 2. 5atil a Alt-/ +. Ali amanti nuovi /an% .enato <2. Anne%are in mezzo a una stra a 1. ;oun%sto3n Bruce .prin%steen 2. 0ree 'ar3in 'eez +. 9nion .quare Tom 7aits <+. @on ve ere la Bnale 1. !a Ola - 5au 5au 2. .anta 5ara ona 5ano @e%ra +. @o 1ope - The Daccines <2. 1. Animals :ase stu ies 2. !#animale 0ranco Battiato +. 5on$e(s upto3n Iron & 7ine

<6. To a( %oo a( 1. Accor eon pour les cons !es O%res e Barbac$ 2. 'ins la nuech e mon Astre 5oussu T = !ei /ovents +. A ieu 1< 1ippies <8. )i%iama e bacinella 1. Blin 'run$ The 7ave )ictures 2. All the 7ine The @ational <<. An%ola 1. !uan a 5#Bolo GThe Brea o" !uan aH !ill( Tchiumba 2. Aien a 'iK !uan a G@ostal%ia "or !uan aH !ill( Tchiumba +. 'octor /imm( The 7ho <>. :upi o 1. 5issisippi Isabel Kin% :harles 2. !ove is the cure Kin% :harles +. 5( $in o" 3oman - 5ac 'e5arco <?. Il mestiere piI vecchio el mon o 1. Bocca i ,osa Anu&uartet G"eat. !#AuraH 2. ,ollin% .tone The 7ee$n +. !ove The :ure >-. Abile mossa 1. .ML via%%iare !ucio Battisti 2. I nee a ollar Aloe Blacc +. Is the en o" the 3orl ,.=.5. >1. I miei rocamboleschi 1> anni 1. .oilL .oil Te%an an .ara 2. The :hristmas 7altz .he & 1im +. I#ll be home "or :hristmas .he & 1im >+. .pazier%an% 1. ,a%%e 7oo 0leet 0oFes 2. :hristmas =ve can $ill (ou 'a3n 5c:arth( & Bonnie )rince Bill( +. Onl( son o" the !a iesman 0ather /ohn 5ist( >2. @atale al Aol" 1. T3ee T3ee 'ee A am Areen 2. ,inse me o3n Bomba( Bic(cle :lub +. ,a io etector 'ar3in 'eez >6. la 62 settimana GDalan%aH 1. .parro3 an the 7ol" - /ames Dincent 5c5orro3 2. =nchanteC &anvier - 7oo pi%eon +. ,e bear - 7oo pi%eon >8. parto 1. Born to be alive - /ulie 'epar ieu & 5oto 2. The Obvlious chil )aul .imon

+. B(e b(e Bumble Bell( The 7ave )ictures ><. )untata speciale Il me%lio i Doi .iete &ui .econ a .ta%ione

>>. DolontariatoL preservativi e A"rica 1. 7elcome to 5ali Ama ou & 5ariam 2. :amions sauva%es Ama ou & 5ariam >?. 9n polpo in oma%%io 1. O marinariello ,oberto 5urolo 2. !ucia i !ammermoorL Atto TerzoL .cena )rimaJ .par%i '#amaro )ianto 5aria :allas ?-. =pi"ania 1. =leanor ,i%b( The Beatles 2. 1e( /u e The Beatles +. I "eel Bne The Beatles ?1. .alvare 1. 0isher o" 5en 5. 7ar 2. !et#s Ao .3immin% Allo 'arlin# +. A simple Ans3er Arizzl( Bear ?2. !ezione ella prima ora. 1. Once I 3as a .erene Teena%e :hil 0ri a 1(vonen 2. Bab( !ee Teena%e 0anclub +. 1ope There#s someone Anthon( & the /ohnsons ?+. Il %iorno in cui arrivN 5ara ona 1. 5ara ona era me%lio e )elC /avier Airotto & )eppe .ervillo 2. @o te mueras nunca Terminal Tan%o ?2. Tarocchi 1. ;ou re3 a line .in%in% A ams 2. :ape :o K3assa K3assa 1ot :hip & )eter Aabriel ?6. )rima non E me%lio i a esso 1. Tom#s 'iner - .uzanne De%a 2. Is this the )ictureO - 0iel 5usic +. @ostal%ia GThat#s 7hat ,oc$#nH :aetano Deloso ?8. A tanto cosM 1. !ust "or !i"e I%%( )op 2. ,u ie :an#t 0ail The :lash +. 'oran o :isco ?<. )untata speciale 5ar%herita 1ac$ 1. ,e emption son% /oe .trummer & the 5escaleros 2. Thin$ G0ree omH Aretha 0ran$lin +. @C ans la rue - Peb a

?>. I treni passano sempre ue volte 1. Ber$ele( Airl 1arper .imon 2. 1ea ache t3ist - /ohnn( .elBsh & the 3orrie men +. 'on#t 3ant (ou /ohnn( .elBsh & the 3orrie men ??. Dietnam 1?<2 1. ,un throu%h the *un%le :re ence :lear3ater ,evival 2. The house o" the risin% sun Animals +. Brea$ on throu%h The 'oors 1--. il rispetto che non ti aspetti 1. A 3ell respecte man The Kin$s 2. :ampus Dampire 7ee$en 1-1. Il bi%lietto a visita 1. .leep Alone T3o oor cinema club 2. !uc$( 5an The Derve +. ;ou %et so luc$( A am Areen 1-2. 0uori )ericolo 1. 7hen lost at sea- The 3oo en s$( 2. :ristina Teleman 1-+. 0ermata ne%li 9.A 1. =ver(thin% ever(thin% - 0eet "or 1an s 2. 5io cu%%ino =lio & le .torie Tese +. Brea$ers !ocal @atives 1-2. )roiezionista 1. 'entro al cinema Aianmaria Testa 2. 1o3 to sa( Aoo b(e 5a%netic 0iel s 1-6. &uella notte volevo solo ballare 1. 'ance 3ith me A am Areen 2. 'ance 3ith me @ouvelle Da%ue +. ,omance in the 'ar$ :(n i !auper 1-8. &uello che vorrei 1. The Times The( are A-:han%in# Bob '(lan 2. 7hat a 3on er"ul 3orl /oe( ,amone +. )eople have the po3er )atti .mith 1-<. 9na bici speciale 1. Bartali )aolo :onte 2. Iv( an Aol Bomba( bic(cle club 1->. :orrere come volare 1. The .tars o" trac$ an 0iel Belle & .ebastian 2. Born .lipp( G@uFFH - 9n er3orl +. I# rather 3al$ than run 1erman 'une

1-?. !a chiesa i /ohn :oltrane 1. A love .upremeL )art IL Ac$no3le %ement - /ohn :oltrane &uartet 2. The man in me Bob '(lan +. 'on#t b( Ivor(L an(more - Bo*an PulB$arpasic 2. A love .upremeL )art ID-)salm /ohn :oltrane &uartet 11-. Dolevo solo essere countr( chic 1. 0atterL .limmerL 0asterL .lo3er 5atthe3 1erbert 2. GI can#t %et noH .atis"action The ,ollin% .tones +. 'ar$ ar$ ar$ )ats( :line 111. !a mia prima paper mate 1. It#6Q - Architecture in 1elsin$i 2. .orr( )on( )on( ,un ,un +. Amu(en%u GIn Times to comeH An ( )alacio & the Aari"una :ollective 112. Amico cavallo 1. Time to ,un !or 1uron 2. A horse 3ith no name - America 2. Animals :ase .tu ies 11+. Talento e volontK 1. !a leva calcistica ella classe #8> 0rancesco 'e Are%ori 2. !oser Bec$ 112. :ontrollare le paure 1. !ine o" 0ire - /unip 2. :lic$ - :arnei%rK +. /ubilee .treet @ic$ :ave & the Ba .ee s 116. Amore passe%%ero 1. 1ere 3e %o :ristopher O3ens 2. !a morte Gnon esiste piIH Baustelle +. !et#s %o s3immin% 3il .3eet Baboo 118. Imboscarsi 1. :he colpa abbiamo noi I ,o$es 2. The 7all )in$ 0lo( +. 5ilitar( 7ives The 'ecemberists 11<. Au izione per )inocchio 1. The son% o" 5atthe3 An 5ar$ Am(canbe 2. Aonna Buil a 5ountain Broa cast2--11>. !#unico "rutto ell#amor 1. @on sei "elice 5ina 2. Il .ole Al Bano 11?. &uesto cielo non si pa%a 1. 0ri a( I#m in love The :ure 2. !ove 3ill tear us apart /o( 'ivision +. Bi%mouth stri$es a%ain The .miths

12-. Il terremoto E un colpo i tosse 1. 1i%h 1ope Alen 1ansar 2. ,estiamo in casa :olapesce +. )op son% Denus

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